def __init__(self): self.config = read_config() self.task = None self.file_obj= None self.file_obj_list = [] # {name:文件名,size:文件大小,type:'local' or 'oss' or 'qinu'} self.oss_conf = self.config.oss if self.oss_conf: self.oss = OssHelper(self.oss_conf.accessKey, self.oss_conf.secretKey, self.oss_conf.url, self.oss_conf.bucket) else: self.oss = None self.db_helper = None
def remote_save(localFilePath, config, taskName): ossConf = config.oss if ossConf: oss = OssHelper(ossConf.accessKey, ossConf.secretKey, ossConf.url, ossConf.bucket) ossPath = ossConf.prefix + taskName + \ "/" + os.path.basename(localFilePath) starttime ='start upload file to oss:{ossPath}') oss.upload(ossPath, localFilePath) endtime = f'end upload file to oss, takes {endtime - starttime}seconds')
def clear_old_backup(config, db_file, task_name): if 'oss' in config: # 清除oss旧文件 ossConf = config.oss oss = OssHelper(ossConf.accessKey, ossConf.secretKey, ossConf.url, ossConf.bucket) file_list = oss.get_file_list(os.path.join(ossConf.prefix, task_name)) file_dict = dict( zip( map(lambda x: os.path.basename(x['name']).split(".")[0], file_list), file_list)) ret_file_dict = clean_rule(file_dict, config.oss) for key, value in ret_file_dict.items(): if value: continue delete_file = ossConf.prefix + task_name + "/" + file_dict[key][ 'name']'delete remote file {delete_file}') oss.delete(delete_file) if 'local' in config: local_path = os.path.dirname(db_file) zip_files = os.listdir(local_path) file_dict = dict( zip(map(lambda x: x.split(".")[0], zip_files), zip_files)) ret_file_dict = clean_rule(file_dict, config.local) for key, value in ret_file_dict.items(): if value: continue delete_file = os.path.join(local_path, file_dict[key])'delete local file {delete_file}') os.remove(delete_file) # 删除value为空的文件 # else: # #清除本地文件, 默认保留时间是365天 # expireDays = config.expireDays if config.expireDays else 365 # for zip_file in zip_files: # # 文件创建时间 # create_time = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(os.path.getctime(zip_file)) # # 计算文件现在的差值 # diff_days = ( - create_time).days # if diff_days > expireDays: # os.remove(zip_file) else: # 没有配置local,表示不进行本地存档 os.remove(db_file)
def clear_old_backup(): if 'ftp' in REMOTE_SAVE_TYPE: #清除远程FTP上旧备份文件 for option in FTP_OPTIONS: ftp = FtpHelper(option['host'], option['username'], option['password'], option['port'], option['pasv']) for filename in ftp.get_files(option['site_save_path']): if is_oldfile(filename): ftp.delete_file(option['site_save_path'], filename) for filename in ftp.get_files(option['db_save_path']): if is_oldfile(filename): ftp.delete_file(option['db_save_path'], filename) ftp.quit() #清除本地网站旧文件 for root, dirs, files in os.walk(LOCAL_SAVE_PATH['sites']): for filename in files: if is_oldfile(filename): FileHelper.delete(os.path.join(root, filename)) #清除本地数据库旧文件 for root, dirs, files in os.walk(LOCAL_SAVE_PATH['databases']): for filename in files: if is_oldfile(filename): FileHelper.delete(os.path.join(root, filename)) if 'oss' in REMOTE_SAVE_TYPE: #清除oss旧文件 for option in OSS_OPTIONS: oss = OssHelper(option['accesskeyid'], option['accesskeysecret'], option['url'], option['bucket']) for file in oss.get_file_list( option['sitedir'].rstrip('/') + '/') + oss.get_file_list( option['databasedir'].rstrip('/') + '/'): if is_oldfile(os.path.basename(file)): oss.delete(file) if 'css' in REMOTE_SAVE_TYPE: #清除cos旧文件 for option in COS_OPTIONS: cos = CosHelper(option['accesskeyid'], option['accesskeysecret'], option['region'], option['bucket']) for file in cos.get_file_list( option['sitedir'].rstrip('/') + '/') + cos.get_file_list( option['databasedir'].rstrip('/') + '/'): if is_oldfile(os.path.basename(file)): cos.delete(file) if 'onedrive' in REMOTE_SAVE_TYPE: #清除onedrive旧文件 for option in ONE_DRIVE_OPTION: od = OneDriveHelper(option['name']) for file in od.get_file_list(option['sitedir'].rstrip('/') + '/'): if is_oldfile(os.path.basename(file['name'])): od.delete(os.path.join(option['sitedir'], file['name'])) for file in od.get_file_list(option['databasedir'].rstrip('/') + '/'): if is_oldfile(os.path.basename(file['name'])): od.delete(os.path.join(option['databasedir'], file['name'])) log('清除旧备份文件 完成')
def remote_save_oss(site_files, db_files): log('开始上传到oss') for option in OSS_OPTIONS: oss = OssHelper(option['accesskeyid'], option['accesskeysecret'], option['url'], option['bucket']) for file in site_files: if not file: continue filename = os.path.basename(file) oss.upload(option['sitedir'].rstrip('/') + '/' + filename, file) for file in db_files: if not file: continue filename = os.path.basename(file) oss.upload(option['databasedir'].rstrip('/') + '/' + filename, file) log('远程保存到oss 完成')
class RestoreHelper(object): def __init__(self): self.config = read_config() self.task = None self.file_obj= None self.file_obj_list = [] # {name:文件名,size:文件大小,type:'local' or 'oss' or 'qinu'} self.oss_conf = self.config.oss if self.oss_conf: self.oss = OssHelper(self.oss_conf.accessKey, self.oss_conf.secretKey, self.oss_conf.url, self.oss_conf.bucket) else: self.oss = None self.db_helper = None def start(self): print('******************* welcome to use database restore program ****************') return 'choice_task' def choice_task(self): print('please choice the task to restore') for i, task in enumerate(self.config.tasks): print(f'{i}) {}') print('-1) return last step') task_idx = input('(choice task)->').strip() task_idx = int(task_idx) if task_idx < 0: return 'wait_uri' elif task_idx >= len(self.config.tasks): print('the index no exist,please input the number again!') return 'choice_task' else: self.task = self.config.tasks[task_idx] db_type = self.task['type'] if db_type == 'mongodb': self.db_helper = MongodbHelper() elif db_type == 'mysql': self.db_helper = MysqlHelper() else: raise Exception(f"unsupported db_type [{db_type}]") return 'get_file_list' def get_file_list(self): # 先获取本地文件列表 archivePath = pydash.get(self.config, 'archivePath') if not archivePath: raise Exception("配置缺少archivePath") local_dir = archivePath + "/" + if os.path.exists(local_dir): for _dir in os.listdir(local_dir): self.file_obj_list.append(AttrDict({ "name":_dir, "size":os.path.getsize(os.path.join(local_dir, _dir)), "type":"local", "path":os.path.join(local_dir, _dir) })) if self.oss: fileList = self.oss.get_file_list(os.path.join(self.config.oss.prefix, self.file_obj_list.extend(fileList) print('please choice the following file to restore') if not len(self.file_obj_list): print(f'task:{} has no data to restore, please re-select the task again') return 'choice_task' self.file_obj_list = sorted(self.file_obj_list,key=lambda x:x['name']) for i, file_obj in enumerate(self.file_obj_list): # print( # f' {i}) {file_obj["name"]} {int(file_obj["size"]/1024/1024)}MB ({_local_or_remote})') print( f' {i}) {file_obj["name"]} {FileHelper.get_size(file_obj["size"])} ({file_obj["type"]})') print('-1) return last step') return 'choice_file' def choice_file(self): file_idx = input('(choice task)->').strip() file_idx = int(file_idx) if file_idx < 0: return 'choice_task' elif file_idx >= len(self.file_obj_list): print('the index no exist,print input again!') return 'choice_file' else: self.file_obj= self.file_obj_list[file_idx] return 'wait_uri' def wait_uri(self): # uri format [Uniform Resource Identifier (URI): Generic Syntax]( print('please input the destination db uri,format is [scheme://][user[:[password]]@]host[:port][/schema][?attribute1=value1&attribute2=value2]') print(f'(such as {self.db_helper.sample()})') self.uri = input('(uri)->').strip() if len(self.uri) == 0: return 'wait_uri' return 'check_uri' def check_uri(self): # 检查数据库的联通性和权限问题 print("now is check uri ....") u = urlparse(self.uri) if u.scheme and u.hostname and u.path: return 'download_unzip' else: print('the uri format invalid ,please input again!') return 'wait_uri' def download_unzip(self): # 创建临时目录,执行完毕后再删除 _temp_dir = ''.join(random.sample( string.ascii_letters + string.digits, 8)) db_filepath = os.path.join(self.config.tmpPath.replace('./', ''), _temp_dir) if self.file_obj['type'] == "local": zip_file = self.file_obj.path else: # 从oss下载 oss_path = f"{self.oss_conf.prefix}{}/{self.file_obj['name']}" zip_file = os.path.join(db_filepath.replace('./', ''), self.file_obj['name']) print(f'download file from oss:{oss_path}'), zip_file) print(f'unzip file:{zip_file}') self.db_file = self.db_helper.extract(zip_file,db_filepath) return 'exec_restore' def exec_restore(self): self.db_helper.restore(self.db_file,self.uri) # 删除原始目录 shutil.rmtree(os.path.dirname(self.db_file)) return 'exit' def exit(self): print('exited success!') exit() def _get_local_file(self,_path): print(_path) _local_files = [f for f in os.listdir(_path) if f.endswith('.zip')] ret = [] for f in _local_files: file_path = os.path.join(_path,f) ret.append(AttrDict({"name":f, "size":FileHelper.sizeof_fmt(os.path.getsize(file_path)), "type":'local', "path":file_path })) return ret