def path_to_docid05(earmark_path): """ Input: list of lists of extracted earmark info \ Ouput: list of lists containing relevant document id \ """ bill_path = pt.BillPathUtils() report_path = pt.ReportPathUtils() congress = earmark_path[0] bill_report = earmark_path[1] chamber = earmark_path[2] number = earmark_path[3] if bill_report == 'bill': if chamber == 'senate': path = os.path.join(configuration.get_path_to_bills(), str(congress), '/bills/s/', str(number)) else: path = os.path.join(configuration.get_path_to_bills(), str(congress), '/bills/hr/', str(number)) all_versions = bill_path.get_all_versions(path) best_date = date(1900, 1, 1) for version in all_versions: npth = path + '/text-versions/' + version bill_date = pt.BillPathUtils(npth).bill_date() bill_date = datetime.strptime(bill_date, "%Y-%m-%d").date() if bill_date > best_date: best_date = bill_date best_version = version PATH_BILL = bill_path.get_bill_path(congress, number, best_version) doc_id = pt.BillPathUtils(PATH_BILL).get_db_document_id() else: if chamber == "senate": path = os.path.join(configuration.get_path_to_reports(), str(congress), "/senate/", str(number)) else: path = os.path.join(configuration.get_path_to_reports(), str(congress), "/house/", str(number)) all_versions = report_path.get_all_versions(path) rep_path = report_path.get_report_path(int(congress), chamber, int(number), all_versions[0]) doc_id = pt.ReportPathUtils(rep_path).get_db_document_id() return doc_id
def import_bill(path): """ import a certain bill. path: absolute path to the bill directory example: /mnt/data/sunlight/bills/111/bills/s/s100/ """ bill_path_obj = path_tools.BillPathUtils(path) db_bill_id = import_bill_info( True, "%s-%d" % (bill_path_obj.bill_number(), bill_path_obj.congress()), bill_path_obj.congress(), bill_path_obj.bill_number(), bill_path_obj.chamber() == 'senate') #print db_bill_id versions = bill_path_obj.get_all_versions(path) for version_name in versions: v = path_tools.BillPathUtils( os.path.join(os.path.join(path, 'text-versions'), version_name)) parts = [int(p) for p in v.bill_date().split('-')] import_version(v.version(), db_bill_id,[0], parts[1], parts[2]))
def insert_entities_to_db(entities, document_path, doc_type): conn = psycopg2.connect(CONN_STRING) cmd = "insert into entities (entity_text, entity_type, entity_offset, \ entity_length, entity_inferred_name, source, document_id, entity_url) values (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s,'calais',%s, %s)" if doc_type == 'bill': obj = path_tools.BillPathUtils(document_path) else: obj = path_tools.ReportPathUtils(document_path) doc_id = obj.get_db_document_id() params = [(e.text, e.type, e.offset, e.length,, doc_id, e.url) for e in entities] cur = conn.cursor() cur.executemany(cmd, params) conn.commit() conn.close()
def label_all(t): directory = t[0] earmark_detector = t[1] earmark_detector.conn = psycopg2.connect(CONN_STRING) for root, directories, files in os.walk(directory): for filename in files: if filename == "document.txt" or "." not in filename: doc_path = os.path.join(root, filename) if "congress" in doc_path: path_util = path_tools.ReportPathUtils(path=doc_path) document_type = 'report' number = path_util.report_number() else: path_util = path_tools.BillPathUtils(path=doc_path) document_type = 'bill' path_util.bill_number() number = path_util.bill_number() earmark_detector.label_doc(doc_path, path_util.congress(), path_util.chamber(), document_type, number) earmark_detector.conn.close()
def path_to_docid08(earmarks): """ Input: list of lists of extracted earmark info Ouput: list of lists containing relevant document id """ bill_path = pt.BillPathUtils() report_path = pt.ReportPathUtils() database = [] for earmark in earmarks: earmark_id = earmark[0] page = earmark[2] excerpt = earmark[3] earmark_info = earmark[1] congress = int(earmark_info[0]) bill = earmark_info[1] chamber = earmark_info[2] number = earmark_info[3] if bill == 'bill': if isinstance(number, tuple): doc_ref = number[0] document_name = number[1] all_versions = bill_path.get_all_versions( os.path.join(configuration.get_path_to_bills(), '110/bills/hr/hr2764/')) if'\Division\s\w', document_name): doc_string = re.findall('\Division\s\w', document_name)[0].replace(" ", "") version_index = [ div_type for div_type in all_versions if doc_string in i ] version = version_index[0] pth = bill_path.get_bill_path(congress, doc_ref, version) doc_id = pt.BillPathUtils(pth).get_db_document_id() database.append([earmark_id, 22552, page, excerpt]) database.append([earmark_id, 22553, page, excerpt]) database.append([earmark_id, 74460, page, excerpt]) database.append([earmark_id, 74678, page, excerpt]) else: if chamber == 'senate': pth = os.path.join(configuration.get_path_to_bills(), str(congress), '/bills/s/', str(number)) else: pth = os.path.join(configuration.get_path_to_bills(), str(congress), '/bills/hr/', str(number)) all_versions = bill_path.get_all_versions(pth) best_date = date(1900, 1, 1) for version in all_versions: npth = pth + '/text-versions/' + version bill_date = pt.BillPathUtils(npth).bill_date() bill_date = datetime.strptime(bill_date, "%Y-%m-%d").date() if bill_date > best_date: best_date = bill_date best_version = version PATH_BILL = bill_path.get_bill_path(congress, number, best_version) doc_id = pt.BillPathUtils(PATH_BILL).get_db_document_id() if number == 'hr3222': database.append([earmark_id, 74360, page, excerpt]) elif bill == 'report': if chamber == "senate": pth = os.path.join(configuration.get_path_to_reports(), str(congress), "/senate/", str(number)) else: pth = os.path.join(configuration.get_path_to_reports(), str(congress), "/house/", str(number)) all_versions = report_path.get_all_versions(pth) rep_path = report_path.get_report_path(int(congress), chamber, int(number), all_versions[0]) doc_id = pt.ReportPathUtils(rep_path).get_db_document_id() database.append([earmark_id, doc_id, page, excerpt]) database_dict = {} for ids in database: key = (ids[0], ids[1]) value = [ids[2], ids[3]] if not key in database_dict.keys(): database_dict[key] = [value] else: database_dict[key].append(value) new_database = [] for key in database_dict.keys(): item = list(key) + database_dict[key][0] new_database.append(item) return new_database