Пример #1
def hpc(args, cism_driver, data_dir, test_dict):
    Run commands for high performance computers (HPCs).

    # ----------------------
    # Setup all run commands
    # ----------------------
    platform_key = args.platform.split("-")[0]
    platform_dict = dicts.hpc_dict[platform_key]

    if 'RUN_CMD' in platform_dict:
        run_cmd = platform_dict['RUN_CMD']
        run_cmd = ''

    perf_large_dict = dicts.perf_dict

    jobs_dir = os.path.join(data_dir, 'all_jobs')

    # get file name modifier
    mod_list = paths.file_modifier_list(args)
    mod_arg = ""
    if mod_list:
        mod_arg = " -m " + str.join("-", mod_list)

    timing_exports = set()
    timing_commands = []

    for case in test_dict:
        case_split = str.split(case, " ")
        case_dir = os.path.join(data_dir,
                                str.split(case_split[0], "/")[-1],
        cism_test_dir = os.path.join(args.cism_dir, 'tests', case_split[0])
        run_script, mod_dict = test_dict[case]

        run_args, ignore_args = paths.run_parser.parse_known_args(
            str.split(run_script, " ") + ['--scale', '0', '-n', '1'])
        case_run_dir = paths.case_run_directory(case_dir, run_args)

        print("   Setting up " + case + " tests")
        test_commands = [
            "cd " + cism_test_dir,
            "export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:" + cism_test_dir,
            "./" + run_script + " -q -e " + cism_driver + " -o " +
            case_run_dir + mod_arg + " -s -n 1 --hpc " + run_cmd, "exit"

        subprocess.check_call(str.join(" ; ", test_commands),

        # run performance tests (always do this for hpc systems)
        if mod_dict:
            for mod in mod_dict:
                run_args, ignore_args = paths.run_parser.parse_known_args(
                    str.split(run_script, " ") + mod_dict[mod].split())
                case_run_dir = paths.case_run_directory(case_dir, run_args)

                test_commands = [
                    "cd " + cism_test_dir,
                    "export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:" + cism_test_dir,
                    "./" + run_script + " -q -e " + cism_driver + " -o " +
                    case_run_dir + mod_arg + " " + mod_dict[mod] +
                    " -s --hpc " + run_cmd, "exit"

                subprocess.check_call(str.join(" ; ", test_commands),

        # get info to setup timing runs.
        if args.timing and mod_dict:
            for rnd in range(10):
                print("   Setting up " + case + " small timing test " +
                if mod_arg:
                    timing_mod = mod_arg + '-t' + str(rnd)
                    timing_mod = " -m t" + str(rnd)

                run_args, ignore_args = paths.run_parser.parse_known_args(
                    str.split(run_script, " ") + ['--scale', '0', '-n', '1'])
                case_run_dir = paths.case_run_directory(case_dir, run_args)

                timing_exports.add("export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:" +
                    "cd " + cism_test_dir,
                    "./" + run_script + " -q -e " + cism_driver + " -o " +
                    case_run_dir + timing_mod + " -s -n 1 --hpc " + run_cmd

                for mod in mod_dict:
                    run_args, ignore_args = paths.run_parser.parse_known_args(
                        str.split(run_script, " ") + mod_dict[mod].split())
                    case_run_dir = paths.case_run_directory(case_dir, run_args)

                        "cd " + cism_test_dir, "./" + run_script + " -q -e " +
                        cism_driver + " -o " + case_run_dir + timing_mod +
                        " " + mod_dict[mod] + " -s --hpc " + run_cmd

    # -------------------------
    # Setup the small batch job
    # -------------------------
    # Get the default and small perf run files
    small_run_files = paths.recursive_glob(data_dir, "*.run")

    # get the default and small perf run commands
    small_run_commands = []
    for rf in small_run_files:
        with open(rf, 'r') as rfo:
            rfo.next()  # skip shebang
            for command in rfo:

    ## set all aprun commands to background
    #small_run_commands = [command.replace('\n',' & \n') if 'aprun' in command else command for command in small_run_commands ]

    # create the default and small perf job script.
    platform_dict['PBS_N'] = 'small'

    small_job_name = os.path.join(jobs_dir, platform_key + '_job.small')
    create_job(args, small_job_name, platform_dict, small_run_commands)

    # ----------------------------------------
    # setup the large performance run commands
    # ----------------------------------------
    large_timing_commands = []

    for case in perf_large_dict:
        case_split = str.split(case, " ")
        case_dir = os.path.join(data_dir,
                                str.split(case_split[0], "/")[-1],
        cism_test_dir = os.path.join(args.cism_dir, 'tests', case_split[0])
        run_script, mod_dict = perf_large_dict[case]

        if mod_dict:
            for mod in mod_dict:
                run_args, ignore_args = paths.run_parser.parse_known_args(
                    str.split(run_script, " ") + mod_dict[mod].split())
                case_run_dir = paths.case_run_directory(case_dir, run_args)

                test_commands = [
                    "cd " + cism_test_dir,
                    "export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:" + cism_test_dir,
                    "./" + run_script + " -q -e " + cism_driver + " -o " +
                    case_run_dir + mod_arg + " " + mod_dict[mod] +
                    " -s --hpc " + run_cmd, "exit"

                subprocess.check_call(str.join(" ; ", test_commands),

        # get info to setup timing runs.
        if args.timing and mod_dict:
            for rnd in range(10):
                print("   Setting up " + case + " large timing test " +
                if mod_arg:
                    timing_mod = mod_arg + '-t' + str(rnd)
                    timing_mod = " -m t" + str(rnd)

                run_args, ignore_args = paths.run_parser.parse_known_args(
                    str.split(run_script, " ") + ['--scale', '0', '-n', '1'])
                case_run_dir = paths.case_run_directory(case_dir, run_args)

                timing_exports.add("export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:" +
                    "cd " + cism_test_dir,
                    "./" + run_script + " -q -e " + cism_driver + " -o " +
                    case_run_dir + timing_mod + " -s -n 1 --hpc " + run_cmd

                for mod in mod_dict:
                    run_args, ignore_args = paths.run_parser.parse_known_args(
                        str.split(run_script, " ") + mod_dict[mod].split())
                    case_run_dir = paths.case_run_directory(case_dir, run_args)

                        "cd " + cism_test_dir, "./" + run_script + " -q -e " +
                        cism_driver + " -o " + case_run_dir + timing_mod +
                        " " + mod_dict[mod] + " -s --hpc " + run_cmd

    # -------------------------
    # Setup the large batch job
    # -------------------------

    # Get large perf run files
    all_run_files = paths.recursive_glob(data_dir, "*.run")
    large_run_files = list(set(small_run_files)
                           ^ set(all_run_files))  # get the new run files

    # get the  large perf run commands
    large_run_commands = []
    for rf in large_run_files:
        with open(rf, 'r') as rfo:
            rfo.next()  # skip shebang
            for command in rfo:

    # set all aprun commands to background
    #large_run_commands = [command.replace('\n',' & \n') if 'aprun' in command else command for command in large_run_commands ]

    # create the default job script.
    platform_dict['PBS_N'] = 'large'
    platform_dict['PBS_walltime'] = '01:00:00'
    if platform_key.lower() == 'hopper':
        platform_dict['RES_NUM'] = str(11 * 24)
        platform_dict['RES_NUM'] = '16'

    large_job_name = os.path.join(jobs_dir, platform_key + '_job.large')
    create_job(args, large_job_name, platform_dict, large_run_commands)

    if args.timing:
        # ----------------------
        # setup small timing job
        # ----------------------
        timing_exports_all = ['# Setup the environment variables \n']

        subprocess.check_call(str.join(" ; ", timing_commands),

        all_run_files = paths.recursive_glob(data_dir, "*.run")
        small_timing_run_files = list(
            set(small_run_files + large_run_files)
            ^ set(all_run_files))  # get the new run files

        small_timing_jobs = set()
        for rnd in range(10):
            subset_run_files = [
                f for f in small_timing_run_files if '-t' + str(rnd) in f

            # get the small timing run commands
            small_timing_run_commands = []
            for rf in subset_run_files:
                with open(rf, 'r') as rfo:
                    rfo.next()  # skip shebang
                    for command in rfo:

            # set all aprun commands to background
            #small_timing_run_commands = [command.replace('\n',' & \n') if 'aprun' in command else command for command in small_timing_run_commands ]

            # create the default job script.
            platform_dict['PBS_N'] = 'small_timing_' + str(rnd)
            platform_dict['PBS_walltime'] = '1:00:00'
            if platform_key.lower() == 'hopper':
                platform_dict['RES_NUM'] = str(1 * 24)
                platform_dict['RES_NUM'] = '1'

            small_timing_job_name = os.path.join(
                jobs_dir, platform_key + '_job.small_timing_' + str(rnd))
            create_job(args, small_timing_job_name, platform_dict,

        # ----------------------
        # setup large timing job
        # ----------------------
        subprocess.check_call(str.join(" ; ", large_timing_commands),

        all_run_files = paths.recursive_glob(data_dir, "*.run")
        large_timing_run_files = list(
            set(small_run_files + large_run_files + small_timing_run_files)
            ^ set(all_run_files))  # get the new run files

        large_timing_jobs = set()
        for rnd in range(10):
            subset_run_files = [
                f for f in large_timing_run_files if '-t' + str(rnd) in f

            # get the large timing run commands
            large_timing_run_commands = []
            for rf in subset_run_files:
                with open(rf, 'r') as rfo:
                    rfo.next()  # skip shebang
                    for command in rfo:

            # set all aprun commands to background
            #large_timing_run_commands = [command.replace('\n',' & \n') if 'aprun' in command else command for command in large_timing_run_commands ]

            # create the default job script.
            platform_dict['PBS_N'] = 'large_timing_' + str(rnd)
            if platform_key.lower() == 'hopper':
                platform_dict['PBS_walltime'] = '20:00'
                platform_dict['RES_NUM'] = str(11 * 24)
                platform_dict['PBS_walltime'] = '00:20:00'
                platform_dict['RES_NUM'] = '16'

            large_timing_job_name = os.path.join(
                jobs_dir, platform_key + '_job.large_timing_' + str(rnd))
            create_job(args, large_timing_job_name, platform_dict,

    # create a script to submit all batch jobs
    sub_script_script = os.path.join(data_dir, "submit_all_jobs.bash")
    with open(sub_script_script, 'w') as sub_script_file:
        sub_script_file.write('#!/usr/bin/env bash \n \n')
        sub_script_file.write('qsub ' + small_job_name + '\n \n')
        sub_script_file.write('qsub ' + large_job_name + '\n \n')
        if args.timing:
            for sm_jb in small_timing_jobs:
                sub_script_file.write('qsub ' + sm_jb + '\n \n')
            for lg_jb in large_timing_jobs:
                sub_script_file.write('qsub ' + lg_jb + '\n \n')

    os.chmod(sub_script_script, 0o755)  # uses an octal number!

    if args.timing:
        # create a script to clean out the timing directory.
        clean_script = os.path.join(data_dir, "clean_timing.bash")
        with open(clean_script, 'w') as clean_file:
            clean_file.write('#!/usr/bin/env bash \n \n')
            clean_file.write("cd " + data_dir + " \n")
                'find ./ -iname "*-t[0-9]*" -not -iname "*.cism_timing*" -type f -exec rm -f {} \\; \n'
            clean_file.write(" \n")

        os.chmod(clean_script, 0o755)  # uses an octal number!

    # -----
    # DONE!
    # -----
    print("\n   Created batch job scripts:")
    print("      " + small_job_name)
    if args.timing:
        for sm_jb in small_timing_jobs:
            print("      " + sm_jb)

    print("\n      " + large_job_name)
    if args.timing:
        for lg_jb in large_timing_jobs:
            print("      " + lg_jb)

    print("\n   Submit all jobs with this script:")
    print("      " + sub_script_script)

    if args.timing:
        print("\n   Created script to clean out timing directory:")
        print("      " + clean_script)
            "\n      Run this script after ALL jobs finish to remove every unneeded file in the timing directories."
Пример #2
def personal(args, cism_driver, data_dir, test_dict):
    Run commands for personal computers (PCs)

    test_run = {}
    for case in test_dict:
        case_dir = str.split(case, " ")[0]
        case_data_dir = os.path.normpath(data_dir + os.sep + case_dir)
        run_script, mod_dict = test_dict[case]

        mod_list = paths.file_modifier_list(args)
        mod_arg = ""
        if mod_list:
            mod_arg = " -m " + str.join("-", mod_list)

        if args.tmod and mod_dict:
            # run the default case that also have performance runs for timing
            case_data_dir += os.sep + "timing"

        # run default test
        test_commands = [
            "cd " + os.path.normpath(args.cism_dir + os.sep + "tests" + os.sep + case_dir),
            "./" + run_script + " -q -e " + cism_driver + " -o " + case_data_dir + mod_arg + " -n 1",

        if args.tmod:
                    "cd " + os.path.normpath(case_data_dir),
                    'find ./ -not -iname "*.results" -not -iname "*.cism_timing*" -type f -exec rm -f {} \\;',

        # print(str.join(" ; ",test_commands))
        if not args.tmod or (args.tmod and mod_dict):
            print("   Spawning " + case + " test default...")
            test_run[case] = subprocess.Popen(str.join(" ; ", test_commands), executable="/bin/bash", shell=True)

        # run performance test if specified
        if args.performance and mod_dict:
            for mod in mod_dict:
                print("   Spawning " + case + " test " + mod + "...")

                test_commands = [
                    "cd " + os.path.normpath(args.cism_dir + os.sep + "tests" + os.sep + case_dir) + " ",
                    + run_script
                    + " -q -e "
                    + cism_driver
                    + " -o "
                    + case_data_dir
                    + mod_arg
                    + " "
                    + mod_dict[mod],

                if args.tmod:
                            "cd " + os.path.normpath(case_data_dir),
                            'find ./ -not -iname "*.results" -not -iname "*.cism_timing*" -type f -exec rm -f {} \\;',

                # print(str.join(" ; ",test_commands))
                test_run[case + " " + mod] = subprocess.Popen(
                    str.join(" ; ", test_commands), executable="/bin/bash", shell=True

    print("\n   All tests spawned.\n")

    print("   Waiting for processes to finish.\n")
    waiting = True
    waited = 0
    while waiting:
        waited += args.sleep

        print("\n   Total wait time: " + str(waited) + " seconds.")
        print("   Checking processes:")
        running = 0
        for pros in test_run:
            if test_run[pros].poll() is None:
                print("      Still waiting on " + pros)
                running += 1

        if running == 0:
            waiting = False
            print("      Processes finished.\n")
            print("      Will check again in " + str(args.sleep) + " seconds...")
Пример #3
def main():
    global args
    # used to modify timing file names
    args.tmod = None

    # setup the needed paths
    args = paths.make_absolute(args)
    cism_driver = os.path.join(args.build_dir, 'cism_driver', 'cism_driver')

    # always run performance tests on HPC systems.
    if args.platform.lower().split("-")[0] in dicts.hpc_dict.keys():
        isHPC = True
        args.performance = True
        isHPC = False

    # always run performance tests if timing runs selected.
    if args.timing == True:
        args.performance = True

    if not args.skip_build:
        args = paths.cmake(args)
        print("\nPreparing to build CISM")

        print("Build options:")
        print("   Platform: " + args.platform)
        print("cmake directory: " + args.cmake_dir)
        print("cmake file: " + args.cmake_file)

        print("\nBuilding CISM")

        #TODO: turn on args.library option.
        #if args.library and args.library.lower() == 'trilinos':
        #    trilinos_string = "CISM_USE_TRILINOS=ON"
        #    trilinos_string = "CISM_USE_TRILINOS=OFF"

        prep_commands = [
            "cd " + args.build_dir,
            #TODO: turn on args.library option.
            #"export "+trilinos_string,
            "source " + os.path.join(args.cmake_dir, args.cmake_file) + " " +
            "make -j " + str(args.j),

        #print(str.join("; ",prep_commands))
        process = subprocess.check_call(str.join("; ", prep_commands),

        print("\nCISM built!")

    print("\nSetting up regression tests directory")
    data_dir = paths.mkdir_test(args, test_dict)

    print("   Copying CMake cache into regression test directory.")

    cache_name = "CMakeCache.txt"
    cache_file = os.path.join(args.build_dir, cache_name)
    cache_new = os.path.join(data_dir, cache_name)

    subprocess.check_call("cp " + cache_file + " " + cache_new, shell=True)

    # check for GPTL if timing or performance is on
    args.GPTLflag = None
    if args.performance:
        with open(cache_new, 'r') as cf:
            for line in cf:
                if 'CISM_USE_GPTL_INSTRUMENTATION' in line:
                    args.GPTLflag = line.strip().split('=')[-1]

        if args.GPTLflag == "OFF":
            print("WARNING: CISM was not build with GPTL\n")
            print("Performance runs cannot be analyzed without GPTL. ")
                "Either rebuild CISM with GPTL or rerun BATS without the performance or timing option."
        elif args.GPTLflag != "ON":
            print("WARNING: Could not determine if CISM")
            print("was build with GPTL or not.\n")
                "Performance runs cannot be analyzed via LIVVkit without GPTL. "
                "Either rebuild CISM with GPTL or rerun BATS without the performance or timing option."

    if isHPC:
        print("\nPreparing HPC batch jobs")

        runnit.hpc(args, cism_driver, data_dir, test_dict)

        print("\nDone! You can now submit the job scripts.")

        print("\nRunning regression tests")

        runnit.personal(args, cism_driver, data_dir, test_dict)

        if args.timing:
            print("\nRe-running regression tests for timing data.")
            print("This is going to take a while. A long while.")

            for rnd in range(10):
                print("\nTiming round: " + str(rnd + 1) + " of 10")
                args.tmod = 't' + str(rnd)
                runnit.personal(args, cism_driver, data_dir, test_dict)

            # turn timing modifier off now that we're done.
            args.tmod = None
            # clean unecessary timing files
                'cd ' + data_dir +
                ' ; find ./ -iname "*-t[0-9]*" -not -iname "*.results" -not -iname "*.cism_timing*" -type f -exec rm -f {} \\; \n',

        print("\nAll regression tests finished.")
Пример #4
def hpc(args, cism_driver, data_dir, test_dict):
    Run commands for high performance computers (HPCs).

    # ----------------------
    # Setup all run commands
    # ----------------------
    platform_dict = dicts.hpc_dict[args.platform]
    perf_large_dict = dicts.perf_dict

    jobs_dir = data_dir + os.sep + "jobs"

    # get file name modifier
    mod_list = paths.file_modifier_list(args)
    mod_arg = ""
    if mod_list:
        mod_arg = " -m " + str.join("-", mod_list)

    timing_exports = set()
    timing_dirs = set()
    timing_commands = []

    for case in test_dict:
        case_dir = str.split(case, " ")[0]
        case_data_dir = os.path.normpath(data_dir + os.sep + case_dir)
        cism_test_dir = os.path.normpath(args.cism_dir + os.sep + "tests" + os.sep + case_dir)
        run_script, mod_dict = test_dict[case]

        print("   Setting up " + case + " tests")
        test_commands = [
            "cd " + cism_test_dir,
            "export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:" + cism_test_dir,
            "./" + run_script + " -q -e " + cism_driver + " -o " + case_data_dir + mod_arg + " -s -n 1 --hpc",

        subprocess.check_call(str.join(" ; ", test_commands), executable="/bin/bash", shell=True)

        # run performance tests (always do this for hpc systems)
        if mod_dict:
            for mod in mod_dict:

                test_commands = [
                    "cd " + cism_test_dir,
                    "export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:" + cism_test_dir,
                    + run_script
                    + " -q -e "
                    + cism_driver
                    + " -o "
                    + case_data_dir
                    + mod_arg
                    + " "
                    + mod_dict[mod]
                    + " -s --hpc",

                subprocess.check_call(str.join(" ; ", test_commands), executable="/bin/bash", shell=True)

        # get info to setup timing runs.
        if args.timing and mod_dict:
            timing_dir = case_data_dir + os.sep + "timing"
            for rnd in range(10):
                print("   Setting up " + case + " small timing test " + str(rnd))
                if mod_arg:
                    timing_mod = mod_arg + "-t" + str(rnd)
                    timing_mod = " -m t" + str(rnd)

                timing_exports.add("export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:" + cism_test_dir)
                        "cd " + cism_test_dir,
                        + run_script
                        + " -q -e "
                        + cism_driver
                        + " -o "
                        + timing_dir
                        + timing_mod
                        + " -s -n 1 --hpc",

                for mod in mod_dict:
                            "cd " + cism_test_dir,
                            + run_script
                            + " -q -e "
                            + cism_driver
                            + " -o "
                            + timing_dir
                            + timing_mod
                            + " "
                            + mod_dict[mod]
                            + " -s --hpc",

    # -------------------------
    # Setup the small batch job
    # -------------------------
    # Get the default and small perf run files
    small_run_files = paths.recursive_glob(data_dir, "*.run")

    # get the default and small perf run commands
    small_run_commands = []
    for rf in small_run_files:
        rfo = open(rf, "r")
        rfo.next()  # skip shebang
        for command in rfo:

    ## set all aprun commands to background
    # small_run_commands = [command.replace('\n',' & \n') if 'aprun' in command else command for command in small_run_commands ]

    # create the default and small perf job script.
    platform_dict["PBS_N"] = "small"

    small_job_name = jobs_dir + os.sep + args.platform + "_job.small"
    create_job(args, small_job_name, platform_dict, small_run_commands)

    # ----------------------------------------
    # setup the large performance run commands
    # ----------------------------------------
    large_timing_commands = []

    for case in perf_large_dict:
        case_dir = str.split(case, " ")[0]
        case_data_dir = os.path.normpath(data_dir + os.sep + case_dir)
        cism_test_dir = os.path.normpath(args.cism_dir + os.sep + "tests" + os.sep + case_dir)
        run_script, mod_dict = perf_large_dict[case]

        if mod_dict:
            for mod in mod_dict:

                test_commands = [
                    "cd " + cism_test_dir,
                    "export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:" + cism_test_dir,
                    + run_script
                    + " -q -e "
                    + cism_driver
                    + " -o "
                    + case_data_dir
                    + mod_arg
                    + " "
                    + mod_dict[mod]
                    + " -s --hpc",

                subprocess.check_call(str.join(" ; ", test_commands), executable="/bin/bash", shell=True)

        # get info to setup timing runs.
        if args.timing and mod_dict:
            timing_dir = case_data_dir + os.sep + "timing"
            for rnd in range(10):
                print("   Setting up " + case + " large timing test " + str(rnd))
                if mod_arg:
                    timing_mod = mod_arg + "-t" + str(rnd)
                    timing_mod = " -m t" + str(rnd)

                timing_exports.add("export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:" + cism_test_dir)
                        "cd " + cism_test_dir,
                        + run_script
                        + " -q -e "
                        + cism_driver
                        + " -o "
                        + timing_dir
                        + timing_mod
                        + " -s -n 1 --hpc",

                for mod in mod_dict:
                            "cd " + cism_test_dir,
                            + run_script
                            + " -q -e "
                            + cism_driver
                            + " -o "
                            + timing_dir
                            + timing_mod
                            + " "
                            + mod_dict[mod]
                            + " -s --hpc",

    # -------------------------
    # Setup the large batch job
    # -------------------------

    # Get large perf run files
    all_run_files = paths.recursive_glob(data_dir, "*.run")
    large_run_files = list(set(small_run_files) ^ set(all_run_files))  # get the new run files

    # get the  large perf run commands
    large_run_commands = []
    for rf in large_run_files:
        rfo = open(rf, "r")
        rfo.next()  # skip shebang
        for command in rfo:

    # set all aprun commands to background
    # large_run_commands = [command.replace('\n',' & \n') if 'aprun' in command else command for command in large_run_commands ]

    # create the default job script.
    platform_dict["PBS_N"] = "large"
    platform_dict["PBS_walltime"] = "01:00:00"
    if args.platform.lower() == "hopper":
        platform_dict["RES_NUM"] = str(11 * 24)
        platform_dict["RES_NUM"] = "16"

    large_job_name = jobs_dir + os.sep + args.platform + "_job.large"
    create_job(args, large_job_name, platform_dict, large_run_commands)

    if args.timing:
        # ----------------------
        # setup small timing job
        # ----------------------
        timing_exports_all = ["# Setup the environment variables \n"]

        subprocess.check_call(str.join(" ; ", timing_commands), executable="/bin/bash", shell=True)

        all_run_files = paths.recursive_glob(data_dir, "*.run")
        small_timing_run_files = list(
            set(small_run_files + large_run_files) ^ set(all_run_files)
        )  # get the new run files

        small_timing_jobs = set()
        for rnd in range(10):
            subset_run_files = [f for f in small_timing_run_files if "-t" + str(rnd) in f]

            # get the small timing run commands
            small_timing_run_commands = []
            for rf in subset_run_files:
                rfo = open(rf, "r")
                rfo.next()  # skip shebang
                for command in rfo:

            # set all aprun commands to background
            # small_timing_run_commands = [command.replace('\n',' & \n') if 'aprun' in command else command for command in small_timing_run_commands ]

            # create the default job script.
            platform_dict["PBS_N"] = "small_timing_" + str(rnd)
            platform_dict["PBS_walltime"] = "1:00:00"
            if args.platform.lower() == "hopper":
                platform_dict["RES_NUM"] = str(1 * 24)
                platform_dict["RES_NUM"] = "1"

            small_timing_job_name = jobs_dir + os.sep + args.platform + "_job.small_timing_" + str(rnd)
            create_job(args, small_timing_job_name, platform_dict, small_timing_run_commands)

        # ----------------------
        # setup large timing job
        # ----------------------
        subprocess.check_call(str.join(" ; ", large_timing_commands), executable="/bin/bash", shell=True)

        all_run_files = paths.recursive_glob(data_dir, "*.run")
        large_timing_run_files = list(
            set(small_run_files + large_run_files + small_timing_run_files) ^ set(all_run_files)
        )  # get the new run files

        large_timing_jobs = set()
        for rnd in range(10):
            subset_run_files = [f for f in large_timing_run_files if "-t" + str(rnd) in f]

            # get the large timing run commands
            large_timing_run_commands = []
            for rf in subset_run_files:
                rfo = open(rf, "r")
                rfo.next()  # skip shebang
                for command in rfo:

            # set all aprun commands to background
            # large_timing_run_commands = [command.replace('\n',' & \n') if 'aprun' in command else command for command in large_timing_run_commands ]

            # create the default job script.
            platform_dict["PBS_N"] = "large_timing_" + str(rnd)
            if args.platform.lower() == "hopper":
                platform_dict["PBS_walltime"] = "20:00"
                platform_dict["RES_NUM"] = str(11 * 24)
                platform_dict["PBS_walltime"] = "00:20:00"
                platform_dict["RES_NUM"] = "16"

            large_timing_job_name = jobs_dir + os.sep + args.platform + "_job.large_timing_" + str(rnd)
            create_job(args, large_timing_job_name, platform_dict, large_timing_run_commands)

        # create a script to submit all batch jobs
        sub_script_script = data_dir + os.sep + "submit_all_jobs.bash"
        sub_script_file = open(sub_script_script, "w")

        sub_script_file.write("#!/bin/bash \n \n")
        sub_script_file.write("qsub " + small_job_name + "\n \n")
        sub_script_file.write("qsub " + large_job_name + "\n \n")
        if args.timing:
            for sm_jb in small_timing_jobs:
                sub_script_file.write("qsub " + sm_jb + "\n \n")
            for lg_jb in large_timing_jobs:
                sub_script_file.write("qsub " + lg_jb + "\n \n")

        os.chmod(sub_script_script, 0o755)  # uses an octal number!

        # create a script to clean out the timing directory.
        clean_script = data_dir + os.sep + "clean_timing.bash"
        clean_file = open(clean_script, "w")

        clean_file.write("#!/bin/bash \n")
        for dr in timing_dirs:
            clean_file.write("cd " + dr + " \n")
                'find ./ -not -iname "*.results" -not -iname "*.cism_timing*" -type f -exec rm -f {} \\; \n'
            clean_file.write(" \n")

        os.chmod(clean_script, 0o755)  # uses an octal number!

    # -----
    # DONE!
    # -----
    print("\n   Created batch job scripts:")
    print("      " + small_job_name)
    if args.timing:
        for sm_jb in small_timing_jobs:
            print("      " + sm_jb)

    print("\n      " + large_job_name)
    if args.timing:
        for lg_jb in large_timing_jobs:
            print("      " + lg_jb)
        print("\n   Submit all jobs with this script:")
        print("      " + sub_script_script)
        print("\n   Created script to clean out timing directory:")
        print("      " + clean_script)
        print("\n      Run this script after ALL jobs finish to remove every unneeded file in the timing directories.")
Пример #5
def main():
    global args
    # used to modify timing file names
    args.tmod = None 

    # setup the needed paths
    args = paths.make_absolute(args)
    cmake_dir, cmake_file = paths.cmake(args)
    cism_driver = args.build_dir+os.sep+'cism_driver'+os.sep+'cism_driver'

    # always run performance tests on HPC systems.
    if args.platform.lower() in dicts.hpc_dict.keys():
        isHPC = True
        args.performance = True
        isHPC = False

    # always run performance tests if timing runs selected.
    if args.timing == True:
        args.performance = True

    if not args.skip_build:
        print("\nPreparing to build CISM")
        print(  "=======================")
        print("Build options:")
        print("   Platform: "+args.platform)
        print("   Compiler: "+args.compiler)
        print("cmake directory: "+cmake_dir)
        print("cmake file: "+cmake_file)
        print("\nBuilding CISM")
        print(  "=============\n")

        #TODO: turn on args.library option.
        #if args.library and args.library.lower() == 'trilinos':
        #    trilinos_string = "CISM_USE_TRILINOS=ON"
        #    trilinos_string = "CISM_USE_TRILINOS=OFF"

        prep_commands = ["cd "+args.build_dir,
                         #TODO: turn on args.library option.
                         #"export "+trilinos_string,
                         "source "+cmake_dir+os.sep+cmake_file+" "+args.cism_dir,
                         "make -j "+str(args.j),

        #print(str.join("; ",prep_commands))
        process = subprocess.check_call(str.join("; ",prep_commands),executable='/bin/bash',shell=True)

        print("\nCISM built!")
    print("\nSetting up regression tests directory")
    print(  "=====================================\n")
    data_dir = paths.mkdir_test(args, test_dict)
    print(  "   Copying CMake cache into regression test directory.")
    mod_list = paths.file_modifier_list(args)

    cache_mod = ""
    if mod_list:
        cache_mod = "-"+str.join("-", mod_list)
    cache_root = "CMakeCache"
    cache_ext = ".txt"
    cache_file = args.build_dir+os.sep+cache_root+cache_ext
    cache_new = data_dir+os.sep+cache_root+cache_mod+cache_ext
    subprocess.check_call("cp "+cache_file+" "+cache_new, shell=True)

    if isHPC:
        print("\nPreparing HPC batch jobs")
        print(  "========================\n")
        runnit.hpc(args, cism_driver, data_dir, test_dict)
        print("\nDone! You can now submit the job scripts.")
        print(  "=========================================")
        print("\nRunning regression tests")
        print(  "========================\n")
        runnit.personal(args, cism_driver, data_dir, test_dict)

        if args.timing:
            print("\nRe-running regression tests for timing data.")
            print(  "This is going to take a while. A long while.")
            print(  "============================================\n")
            for rnd in range(10):
                print("\nTiming round: "+str(rnd+1)+" of 10")
                args.tmod = 't'+str(rnd)
                runnit.personal(args, cism_driver, data_dir, test_dict)

            # turn timing modifier off now that we're done.
            args.tmod = None
        print("\nAll regression tests finished.")
        print(  "==============================")