def bike_request(request): data = request.POST student = Student.objects.get(penncard=data.get("penncard")) approx_height = data.get("approx_height") bike_type = data.get("bike_type") available_time = data.get("available_time") current_payment = student.current_payment plan_info = "" if (current_payment): plan_info = "{}, expiring on {}".format(, current_payment.end_date.strftime("%m/%d/%y")) else: plan_info = "You currently don't have a plan. Please purchase a plan when you collect your bike." plan_info += """ Dear {}, New PennCycle Bike request with the following info: Approximate height: {} Bike type: {} Available times to collect bike from Quaker Corner: {} Current Plan: {} """.format(, approx_height, bike_type, available_time, plan_info) email_managers("New PennCycle Bike request", plan_info) request_bike_email(bike_type, approx_height, available_time, student) return HttpResponse('success')
def handle_noargs(self, **options): today = one_month_from_now = today + timezone.timedelta(days=30) payments = Payment.objects.filter(end_date=today, renew=True) message = "The following have had their plans renewed, but have not been charged: \n" for payment in payments: old_end_date = payment.end_date payment.end_date = one_month_from_now renewed_email(payment, old_end_date) message += "{student} with last two {last_two}: {plan}\n".format( student=payment.student, last_two=payment.student.last_two, plan=payment.plan ) if payments: email_managers( "{} renewals: {} total".format(today, len(payments)), message )
def group_ride_request(request): data = request.POST student_name = data.get("student_name") organization = data.get("organization") position_in_organization = data.get("position_in_organization") email = data.get("email") destination_of_ride = data.get("destination_of_ride") approximate_duration = data.get("approximate_duration") total_bikes = data.get("total_bikes") require_pc_representative = data.get("require_pc_representative") subject = "Group Ride Request" # message to bike manager body = """ New Group Ride Request with the following information: Student Name: {} Organization: {} Position in Organization: {} Email: {} Destination of Ride: {} Approximate Duration: {} Total number of Bikes: {} Does the group require a PennCycle represntative? {} """.format(student_name, organization, position_in_organization, email, destination_of_ride, approximate_duration, total_bikes, require_pc_representative) email_managers(subject, body) # message to user body = """ Your group ride request to {} for {} bikes is under process. PennCycle will get back to you at the earliest. Thanks for using PennCycle. Have a question, concern, or suggestion? Email us at [email protected]. Happy Cycling! The PennCycle Team. """.format(destination_of_ride, total_bikes) email_user(subject, body, email) return HttpResponse("success")
def form_valid(self, form): student = location = student.living_location if location in ["Ware", "Fisher"]: basic_plan = Plan.objects.get(name="Basic Plan") free_payment = Payment( student=student, amount=0, plan=basic_plan,, end_date=timezone.datetime(year=2014, month=5, day=2), satisfied=True, payment_type="free", ) extra_info = ("Since you are a resident of {}, " "you automatically get a free basic plan which lasts " "until the end of the school year.").format(location), extra_info), "Your pin is {}. " "You will need it to log on in the future.".format( # plan = Plan.objects.get(student) body = """ {} has signed up for a PennCycle plan. You can reach him at {}. """.format(, email_managers("New Signup", body) welcome_email(student) self.request.session['penncard'] = student.penncard return HttpResponseRedirect('/safety-overview/')