Пример #1
    def _parseFunctionConstituents(self, function, parse_consts=True, data_scheme=None):
        _parseFunctionConstituents() [protected]
        Purpose:    Take a function string and parse out the variables and constants that the function needs for computations.  If the data_scheme 
                        variable is given, convert the list to a file-based variable names.
        Parameters: function [ type=str ]
                        String containing the function.
                    parse_consts [ type=bool ] [ optional ]
                        Boolean value specifying whether or not to parse out the constants in the file name.  Default is True.
                    data_scheme [ type=dict ] [ optional ]
                        A dictionary containing the mapping of internal variables names to the variable names in the data file.
        Returns:    A list of internal constant names and/or a list of internal variable names or file variable names, depending on whether or not 
                        parse_consts was set and data_scheme was given.
        # Put the variable list into a regexp-like format
        nc_variable_list = "(?:^|(?<=[\\W]))(?:" + "|".join(self._var_map.keys()) + ")(?:(?=[\\W])|$)"

        # Find all NetCDF variables in the function, removing duplicates
        var_list = uniquify(re.findall(nc_variable_list, function))

        if parse_consts:
            hp_const_list = "|".join([ const for const in dir(derived) if const[0] != "_" ])

            # Find all the constants in the function, removing duplicates
            const_list = uniquify(re.findall(hp_const_list, function))

        if data_scheme is not None:
            var_list = [ data_scheme[self._var_map[v]] for v in var_list ]

        if parse_consts:
            return var_list, const_list
            return var_list
Пример #2
    def _finalizeProduct(self, plot_time, is_forecast, plot_names=[]):
        _finalizeProduct() [protected]
        Purpose:    Add final things to the product, such as the title, valid time, and border, and then save.
        Parameters: forecast_hour [type=int]
                        Forecast hour for model products (pass in None for an observed product).
        Returns:    [nothing]

        plot_names = uniquify(plot_names)

        # Modify the last plot name for joining for the title string
        if len(plot_names) > 1:
            plot_names[-1] = "and " + plot_names[-1]

        # Create the forecast hour string according to whether or not we're passed a forecast hour.
        plot_time_delta = plot_time - self._valid_time
        hour = Units.convert(plot_time_delta.microseconds, 'us', 'hr') + Units.convert(plot_time_delta.seconds, 's', 'hr') + Units.convert(plot_time_delta.days, 'dy', 'hr')
        file_name = self._image_file_name % { 'plot_time':hour }

        if is_forecast:
            fh_string = " (F%03d)" % hour
            fh_string = ""

        if self._vertical_level in ['surface', 'sfc', "None"]:
            vert_level_str = ""
            vert_level_str = " %s" % self._vertical_level

        # Create the valid time string and assemble the title string
        valid_time_string = plot_time.strftime(self._product_time_format)
        title_string = "%s%s %s Valid: %s%s" % (self._product_title, vert_level_str, ", ".join(plot_names), valid_time_string, fh_string)

        # Put the title on the image
        pylab.title(title_string, weight="bold", size="x-small", bbox=dict(facecolor="#ffffff", alpha=0.7),x=0.5,y=0.95)

        # Save the figure
        except IOError:
            fatalError("Couldn't save image to %s" % file_name)

        print "Saved product '%s', valid at %s%s, to file %s" % (self._product_title, 
            valid_time_string, fh_string, file_name)
