def get_neighbours(point_map, p, shape): i = util.R(p.x) j = util.R(p.y) if i < 0 or j < 0 or i >= shape[0] or j >= shape[1]: return [] neighbours = [] neighbours.extend(point_map[(i, j)]) if j != shape[1] - 1: neighbours.extend(point_map[(i, j + 1)]) if j != 0: neighbours.extend(point_map[(i, j - 1)]) if i != shape[0] - 1: neighbours.extend(point_map[(i + 1, j)]) if i != shape[0] - 1 and j != shape[1] - 1: neighbours.extend(point_map[(i + 1, j + 1)]) if i != shape[0] - 1 and j != 0: neighbours.extend(point_map[(i + 1, j - 1)]) if i != 0: neighbours.extend(point_map[(i - 1, j)]) if i != 0 and j != shape[1] - 1: neighbours.extend(point_map[(i - 1, j + 1)]) if i != 0 and j != 0: neighbours.extend(point_map[(i - 1, j - 1)]) return neighbours
def get_cluster_points(f, img, shape, img_name, artist, dir="pixelClustering"): print("IMAGE SHAPE: (%s, %s)" % (shape[0], shape[1])) f.write("Speed factor: %f\n" % SPEED_FACTOR) f.write("Stopping Point: %f\n" % STOPPING_POINT) f.write("Min Speed: %f\n" % MIN_SPEED) f.write("Min Neighbours: %f\n" % MIN_NEIGHBOURS) f.write("Neighbourhood Radius: %f\n\n" % NBHD_RADIUS) blur = cv2.GaussianBlur(img, (7, 7), 1) util.display_img(blur, "Blurred", DISPLAY_IMG) sobelx = cv2.Sobel(blur, cv2.CV_64F, 1, 0, ksize=5) sobely = cv2.Sobel(blur, cv2.CV_64F, 0, 1, ksize=5) scaled_x = cv2.convertScaleAbs(sobelx) scaled_y = cv2.convertScaleAbs(sobely) cv2.imwrite('%s/%s/%s/%s_sobelx.png' % (dir, artist, img_name, img_name), scaled_x) cv2.imwrite('%s/%s/%s/%s_sobely.png' % (dir, artist, img_name, img_name), scaled_y) moving_points, point_map = get_moving_pixels(f, img, sobelx, sobely) print("Number of moving points: %s" % len(moving_points)) f.write("Initial number of moving points: %d\n" % len(moving_points)) newImg = util.mapToImage(moving_points, img.shape) cv2.imwrite( '%s/%s/%s/%s_COLOR_%d.png' % (dir, artist, img_name, img_name, 1), newImg) #util.display_img(newImg, "Mapped from Point Set!", DISPLAY_IMG) # MOVEMENT PHASE start_time = time.time() movement_phase = True counter = 0 while movement_phase: counter += 1 bad_pix = [] # movement phase for i in xrange(len(moving_points)): idx = (util.R(moving_points[i].x), util.R(moving_points[i].y)) x_speed = getMinSpeed(SPEED_FACTOR * moving_points[i].gradx) y_speed = getMinSpeed(SPEED_FACTOR * moving_points[i].grady) if moving_points[i].stopped: continue moving_points[i].x = moving_points[i].x - x_speed moving_points[i].y = moving_points[i].y - y_speed idx2 = (util.R(moving_points[i].x), util.R(moving_points[i].y)) # update space in bin if idx != idx2: point_map[idx].remove(moving_points[i]) if idx2 in point_map: point_map[idx2].append(moving_points[i]) else: print("BAD POINT FOUND: (%.3f, %.3f)" % (moving_points[i].x, moving_points[i].y)) bad_pix.append(moving_points[i]) for p in bad_pix: moving_points.remove(p) # evaluation phase for p in moving_points: stop = stop_pixel(point_map, p, shape) if stop: p.stopped = stop print("PHASE COMPLETE.") newImg2 = util.mapToImage_moving(moving_points, img.shape) cv2.imwrite( '%s/%s/%s/%s_COLOR_%d.png' % (dir, artist, img_name, img_name, (counter + 1)), newImg2) #util.display_img(newImg2, "Mapped from Point Set %s!" % (counter+1), DISPLAY_IMG # Determine whether to break the loop stp = get_percent_stopped_pixels(moving_points) print("Percentage stopped: %f" % stp) f.write("Rep %d. Percentage stopped: %f\n" % (counter, stp)) if stp > STOPPING_POINT: print("STOPPING THE LOOP") movement_phase = False end_time = time.time() moving_points = clean_up(moving_points) f.write("\nTOTAL Number of iterations: %d\n" % counter) f.write("Time taken (in seconds): %f\n" % (end_time - start_time)) f.write("Final number of moving points: %d\n" % len(moving_points)) newImg2 = util.mapToImage(moving_points, img.shape) util.display_img(newImg2, "THE FINAL RESULT", DISPLAY_IMG) cv2.imwrite( '%s/%s/%s/%s_COLOR_%s.png' % (dir, artist, img_name, img_name, "FINAL"), newImg2) cv2.destroyAllWindows() calculate_local_stroke_thickness(f, point_map, moving_points, shape) util.save_point_set("%s.txt" % img_name, artist, "pointSet", moving_points) return moving_points
def train(): # define model, dataloader, 3dmm eigenvectors, optimization method model = densenet model.load_state_dict(torch.load("model/")) model.cuda() #optimizer2 = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(),lr=1e-4) adjustmentnet.load_state_dict(torch.load("model/")) adjustmentnet.cuda() adjustmentnet.train() loader = dataloader.BatchLoader face3dmm = dataloader.Face3DMM() optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(list(adjustmentnet.parameters()) + list(model.parameters()), lr=1e-5) # main training loop for epoch in itertools.count(): for i, batch in enumerate(loader): optimizer.zero_grad() x = batch['image'].cuda() y = batch['lm2d'].cuda() y_pred = model(x) batchsize = x.shape[0] alphas = y_pred[:, :199] betas = y_pred[:, 199:228] s = y_pred[:, 228] t = y_pred[:, 229:231] t = torch.tanh(t) r = y_pred[:, 231:235] r = torch.tanh(r) * (3.14 / 4) # apply 3DMM model from predicted parameters alpha_matrix = alphas.unsqueeze(2).expand( *alphas.size(), alphas.size(1)) * torch.eye( alphas.size(1)).cuda() beta_matrix = betas.unsqueeze(2).expand(*betas.size(), betas.size(1)) * torch.eye( betas.size(1)).cuda() shape_cov = torch.bmm( torch.stack(batchsize * [face3dmm.shape_eigenvec]), alpha_matrix) exp_cov = torch.bmm( torch.stack(batchsize * [face3dmm.exp_eigenvec]), beta_matrix) shape_cov = shape_cov.sum(2) exp_cov = exp_cov.sum(2) # alignment shape = (face3dmm.mu_shape.unsqueeze(0) + shape_cov.view( (batchsize, 53215, 3))) + exp_cov.view((batchsize, 53215, 3)) lm = shape[:, face3dmm.lm, :] R = util.R(r).cuda() scaledshape = s.unsqueeze(1).unsqueeze(1) * torch.bmm(lm, R) alignedshape = t.unsqueeze(1) + scaledshape[:, :, :2] # adjustment network applied onto the landmarks of 3dMM taking input image adjustment = torch.tanh(adjustmentnet(x).view(-1, 68, 2)) pred = (alignedshape + adjustment) * 112 + 112 gt = y * 112 + 112 # weight update loss = torch.mean(torch.norm(gt - pred, p=2, dim=2)) loss.backward() optimizer.step() gt = gt[0].cpu().data.numpy() pred = pred[0].cpu().data.numpy() sample = x[0].cpu().permute(1, 2, 0).data.numpy() sample = sample * 255 util.viewLM(sample.astype(np.uint8), pred) #io.imsave(f"example_{i:04d}.png",sample) print(f"epoch/batch {epoch}/{i} | Loss: {loss:.4f}") print("saving!"), f"model/chkpoint_{epoch:03d}.pt"), f"model/chkpoint_adj_{epoch:03d}.pt")
def train(): # define model, dataloader, 3dmm eigenvectors, optimization method model = densenet model.cuda() adjustmentnet.cuda() loader = dataloader.BatchLoader face3dmm = dataloader.Face3DMM() optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=1e-4) # main training loop for epoch in itertools.count(): for i, batch in enumerate(loader): optimizer.zero_grad() x = batch['image'].cuda() y = batch['lm2d'].cuda() y_pred = model(x) batchsize = x.shape[0] alphas = y_pred[:, :199] betas = y_pred[:, 199:228] s = y_pred[:, 228] t = y_pred[:, 229:231] t = torch.tanh(t) r = y_pred[:, 231:235] r = torch.tanh(r) * (3.14 / 4) # apply 3DMM model from predicted parameters alpha_matrix = alphas.unsqueeze(2).expand( *alphas.size(), alphas.size(1)) * torch.eye( alphas.size(1)).cuda() beta_matrix = betas.unsqueeze(2).expand(*betas.size(), betas.size(1)) * torch.eye( betas.size(1)).cuda() shape_cov = torch.bmm( torch.stack(batchsize * [face3dmm.shape_eigenvec]), alpha_matrix) exp_cov = torch.bmm( torch.stack(batchsize * [face3dmm.exp_eigenvec]), beta_matrix) shape_cov = shape_cov.sum(2) exp_cov = exp_cov.sum(2) # alignment shape = (face3dmm.mu_shape.unsqueeze(0) + shape_cov.view( (batchsize, 53215, 3))) + exp_cov.view((batchsize, 53215, 3)) lm = shape[:, face3dmm.lm, :] R = util.R(r).cuda() scaledshape = s.unsqueeze(1).unsqueeze(1) * torch.bmm(lm, R) alignedshape = t.unsqueeze(1) + scaledshape[:, :, :2] # adjustment network applied onto the landmarks of 3dMM taking input image # adjustment = adjustmentnet(x).view(-1,68,2) # weight update loss = torch.mean(torch.abs(y - (alignedshape))) loss.backward() optimizer.step() print(f"epoch/batch {epoch}/{i} | Loss: {loss:.4f}") print("saving!"), f"model/chkpoint_{epoch:03d}.pt")
def extract_topology(f, moving_points, point_map, img, corners, artist, img_name): # encode some constants f.write("SCALE FACTOR: %d\n" % SCALE_FACTOR) f.write("PRUNING RADIUS: %.4f\n" % PRUNING_RADIUS) G = create_cluster_graph(f, point_map, moving_points, img.shape) """ Compute Minimum Spanning Tree """ start_time = time.time() mst = nx.minimum_spanning_tree(G) end_time = time.time() print("NUMBER OF MST NODES: %d" % mst.number_of_nodes()) print("NUMBER OF MST EDGES: %d" % mst.number_of_edges()) f.write("NUMBER OF MST NODES: %d\n" % mst.number_of_nodes()) f.write("NUMBER OF MST EDGES: %d\n" % mst.number_of_edges()) f.write("Time to compute mst (s): %s\n\n" % (end_time - start_time)) newImg = util.mapToImage(mst.nodes(), img.shape) util.thicken_line(newImg) util.display_img(newImg, "Post MST", DISPLAY_IMG) cv2.imwrite( "topology/%s/%s/%s_CompleteGraph.jpg" % (artist, img_name, img_name), newImg) """ Iterative Pruning """ f.write("--- ITERATIVE PRUNING ---\n") num_spc_pts = len(moving_points) prev_spc_pts = num_spc_pts # avoid infinite loops streak_len = 0 counter = 0 endpoints = [] junctions = [] itr_pruning_start = time.time() while num_spc_pts >= len(moving_points) // SCALE_FACTOR: counter += 1 leaf_nodes = [x for x in mst.nodes_iter() if == 1] for leaf in leaf_nodes: total_weight = 0 curr_node = leaf while total_weight < max(PRUNING_RADIUS, curr_node.lsw): n = mst.neighbors(curr_node) if len(n) != 1: break # used to be == 0 e = mst.get_edge_data(curr_node, n[0]) if total_weight + e['weight'] < max(PRUNING_RADIUS, curr_node.lsw): total_weight += e['weight'] mst.remove_node(curr_node) curr_node = n[0] else: break print("NUM LEAF NODES: %d" % len(leaf_nodes)) print("NUMBER OF PRUNED MST NODES: %d" % mst.number_of_nodes()) print("NUMBER OF PRUNED MST EDGES: %d" % mst.number_of_edges()) endpoints = [x for x in mst.nodes_iter() if == 1] junctions = [x for x in mst.nodes_iter() if >= 3] num_spc_pts = len(endpoints) + len(junctions) print("REP %d: %d points, %d special points" % (counter, len(moving_points), num_spc_pts)) f.write("REP %d: %d points, %d special points\n" % (counter, len(moving_points), num_spc_pts)) mstImg = util.mapToImage(mst.nodes(), img.shape) colorImg = mstImg.copy() colorImg = cv2.cvtColor(colorImg, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR) for endpoint in endpoints:, (util.R(endpoint.y), util.R(endpoint.x)), 3, (0, 0, 255), -1) for junction in junctions:, (util.R(junction.y), util.R(junction.x)), 3, (255, 0, 0), -1) util.display_img(colorImg, "Post MST Pruning %d" % counter, DISPLAY_IMG) cv2.imwrite( "topology/%s/%s/%s_Pruned_%d.jpg" % (artist, img_name, img_name, counter), colorImg) # AVOID INFINITE LOOPS if prev_spc_pts == num_spc_pts: if streak_len < 2: prev_spc_pts = num_spc_pts streak_len += 1 else: break else: prev_spc_pts = num_spc_pts itr_pruning_end = time.time() print("\n--- FINAL POINTSET ---") print("%d points, %d special points\n" % (len(moving_points), (len(endpoints) + len(junctions)))) f.write("\n--- FINAL POINTSET ---\n") f.write("%d points, %d special points\n" % (len(moving_points), (len(endpoints) + len(junctions)))) f.write("Pruning time (in s): %s\n\n" % (itr_pruning_end - itr_pruning_start)) mstImg = util.mapToImage(mst.nodes(), img.shape) colorImg = mstImg.copy() colorImg = cv2.cvtColor(colorImg, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR) for corner in corners: x, y = corner.ravel(), (x, y), 3, (0, 255, 0), -1) cv2.imwrite( "topology/%s/%s/%s_CORNERS_mst.jpg" % (artist, img_name, img_name), colorImg) f.write("NUMBER OF Connected Components: %d\n" % nx.number_connected_components(mst)) loner_nodes = [x for x in mst.nodes_iter() if == 0] mst.remove_nodes_from(loner_nodes) mst.remove_nodes_from(endpoints) mst.remove_nodes_from(junctions) junction_endpoints = endpoints + junctions all_pairs = np.transpose([ np.tile(junction_endpoints, len(junction_endpoints)), np.repeat(junction_endpoints, len(junction_endpoints)) ]) print("Number of pairs: %d" % len(all_pairs)) f.write("Number of endpoint-junction pairs: %d\n" % len(all_pairs)) print("NUMBER OF CC's: %d" % nx.number_connected_components(mst)) f.write("NEW NUMBER OF Connected Components: %d\n" % nx.number_connected_components(mst)) components_subgraphs = nx.connected_component_subgraphs(mst) point_pairs = [] counter = 0 cc_start_time = time.time() for comp in components_subgraphs: counter += 1 endpoints = [x for x in comp.nodes_iter() if == 1] if len(endpoints) != 2: continue min_dist = 1000 pair = [] for p0, p1 in all_pairs: dist1 = util.pointDist(p0, endpoints[0]) + util.pointDist( p1, endpoints[1]) dist2 = util.pointDist(p0, endpoints[1]) + util.pointDist( p1, endpoints[0]) if dist1 < min_dist: min_dist = dist1 pair = (p0, p1) if dist2 < min_dist: min_dist = dist2 pair = (p1, p0) point_pairs.append(pair) testImg = img.copy() testImg = cv2.cvtColor(testImg, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR) for node in comp.nodes_iter():, (util.R(node.y), util.R(node.x)), 3, (0, 255, 0), -1), (util.R(pair[0].y), util.R(pair[0].x)), 3, (0, 0, 255), -1), (util.R(pair[1].y), util.R(pair[1].x)), 3, (0, 0, 255), -1) util.display_img(testImg, "Test", False) if len(comp.nodes()) > MIN_NODES_DETECTED: cv2.imwrite( "topology/%s/%s/%s_DetectedCurve_%d.jpg" % (artist, img_name, img_name, counter), testImg) cc_end_time = time.time() print("NUMBER OF POINT PAIRS: %d\n" % len(point_pairs)) f.write("NUMBER OF POINT PAIRS: %d\n" % len(point_pairs)) f.write("Time to Find Point Pairs (in s): %s\n\n" % (cc_end_time - cc_start_time)) util.save_buddy_points("%s.txt" % img_name, artist, "buddyPoints", point_pairs) f.write(" --- Calculating Paths --- \n") curves = [] counter = 0 curve_start = time.time() for pair in point_pairs: counter += 1 path = nx.dijkstra_path(G, pair[0], pair[1]) curves.append(path) print("Length of path: %d" % len(path)) f.write("Length of path: %d\n" % len(path)) testImg = img.copy() testImg = cv2.cvtColor(testImg, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR) for node in path:, (util.R(node.y), util.R(node.x)), 3, (0, 0, 255), -1) util.display_img(testImg, "Test", False) if len(path) > MIN_NODES_ACTUAL: cv2.imwrite( "topology/%s/%s/%s_ActualCurve_%d.jpg" % (artist, img_name, img_name, counter), testImg) curve_end = time.time() util.save_curves("%s.txt" % img_name, artist, "curves", curves) f.write("\nTime to Seperate Curves (in s): %s\n\n" % (curve_end - curve_start))
alpha_matrix = alphas.unsqueeze(2).expand( *alphas.size(), alphas.size(1)) * torch.eye(alphas.size(1)).cuda() beta_matrix = betas.unsqueeze(2).expand( *betas.size(), betas.size(1)) * torch.eye(betas.size(1)).cuda() shape_cov = torch.bmm(torch.stack(batchsize * [face3dmm.shape_eigenvec]), alpha_matrix) exp_cov = torch.bmm(torch.stack(batchsize * [face3dmm.exp_eigenvec]), beta_matrix) shape_cov = shape_cov.sum(2) exp_cov = exp_cov.sum(2) # alignment shape = (face3dmm.mu_shape.unsqueeze(0) + shape_cov.view( (batchsize, 53215, 3))) + exp_cov.view((batchsize, 53215, 3)) lm = shape[:, face3dmm.lm, :] R = util.R(r).cuda() scaledshape = s.unsqueeze(1).unsqueeze(1) * torch.bmm(lm, R) alignedshape = t.unsqueeze(1) + scaledshape[:, :, :2] # adjustment network applied onto the landmarks of 3dMM taking input image adjustment = torch.tanh(adjustmentnet(x).view(-1, 68, 2)) pred = adjustment * 112 + 112 gt = y * 112 + 112 # weight update gt = gt[0].cpu().data.numpy() pred = pred[0].cpu().data.numpy() le = gt[36, :] re = gt[45, :] d = np.linalg.norm(le - re)