Пример #1
def recover_private_key(m, r, s, k, q, H_m=None):
    '''recover dsa private key from k and signature'''
    #s = k^(-1)(H(m) + xr) mod q
    #==> sk - H(m) = xr (mod q)
    #==> x = r^(-1)(sk - H(m)) mod q
    if not H_m:
        H_m = util.bytes_to_bigint(util.sha1sum(m))
    r_inv = number_theory.mod_inv(r, q)
    x = ((((s * k) % q - H_m) % q) * r_inv) % q
    return x
Пример #2
def dsa_verify(r, s, m, y, p=p, q=q, g=g, h=util.sha1sum):
    #check that 0 < r < q and 0 < s < q
    if 0 >= r or r >= q or 0 >= s or r >= q:
        return False
    H_m = util.bytes_to_bigint(h(m))
    #w = s^(-1) mod q
    w = number_theory.mod_inv(s, q)
    u1 = (H_m * w) % q
    #u_2 = r*w = r*s^(-1)
    u2 = (r * w) % q
    v = ((pow(g, u1, p) * pow(y, u2, p)) % p) % q
    return v == r
Пример #3
def dsa_sign(m, x, p=p, q=q, g=g, h=util.sha1sum):
    H_m = util.bytes_to_bigint(h(m))
    while True:
        #generate nonce 1 < k < q
        k = random.SystemRandom().randrange(1, q - 1)
        #r = (g^k mod p) mod q
        r = pow(g, k, p) % q
        #if r == 0, pick new k and try again
        if r == 0: continue

        #s = k^(-1)(H(m) + xr) mod q
        k_inv = number_theory.mod_inv(k, q)
        s = (k_inv * ((H_m + ((x * r) % q)) % q)) % q
        #if s == 0, pick new k and try again
        if s == 0: continue

        return (r, s)
Пример #4
def load(path='44.txt'):
    '''reads list of messages and signatures in the format:
	\nmsg: <msg>\ns: <s>\nr: <r>\nm: <m>\n'''
    with open(path, 'r') as f:
        lines = f.read().split('\n')
    assert (len(lines) % 4 == 0)
    sigs = []
    for i in range(0, len(lines), 4):
        msg = lines[i][len('msg: '):]
        s = int(lines[i + 1][3:])
        r = int(lines[i + 2][3:])
        m = lines[i + 3][3:]
        if len(m) % 2:
            m = '0' + m
        m = util.bytes_to_bigint(m.decode('hex'))
        sigs.append((msg, s, r, m))
    return sigs
Пример #5
def recv_bigint(con):
    '''reads <length> <bigint>'''
    return util.bytes_to_bigint(recv_len_payload(con))
Пример #6
def rsa_decrypt(c, d, n):
    if isinstance(c, basestring):
        c = util.bytes_to_bigint(c)
    return pow(c, d, n)
Пример #7
def rsa_encrypt(m, e, n):
    if isinstance(m, basestring):
        m = util.bytes_to_bigint(m)
    return pow(m, e, n)
Пример #8
    #s = k^(-1)(H(m) + xr) mod q
    k_inv = number_theory.mod_inv(k, q)
    s = (k_inv * ((H_m + ((x * r) % q)) % q)) % q
    return (r, s)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    y = 0x84ad4719d044495496a3201c8ff484feb45b962e7302e56a392aee4abab3e4bdebf2955b4736012f21a08084056b19bcd7fee56048e004e44984e2f411788efdc837a0d2e5abb7b555039fd243ac01f0fb2ed1dec568280ce678e931868d23eb095fde9d3779191b8c0299d6e07bbb283e6633451e535c45513b2d33c99ea17

    msg = '''For those that envy a MC it can be hazardous to your health\nSo be friendly, a matter of life and death, just like a etch-a-sketch\n'''

    r = 548099063082341131477253921760299949438196259240
    s = 857042759984254168557880549501802188789837994940
    assert (util.sha1sum(msg).encode('hex') ==

    H_m = util.bytes_to_bigint(util.sha1sum(msg))
    r_inv = number_theory.mod_inv(r, dsa.q)

    for k in range(1, 1 << 16):
        #x = ((((s*k) % dsa.q  + dsa.q - H_m) % dsa.q) * r_inv) % dsa.q
        x = ((s * k - H_m) * r_inv) % dsa.q
        if dsa_sign_with_k(H_m, x, k) == (r, s):
            #if x is actual privake key => y = g^x mod p
            assert (y == pow(dsa.g, x, dsa.p))
            print 'k =', k
            print 'Private key =', x
            key_hash = util.sha1sum('%x' % x).encode('hex')
            assert (key_hash == '0954edd5e0afe5542a4adf012611a91912a3ec16')
Пример #9
def _compute_u(A, B):
    #compute u = H(A | B)
    return bytes_to_bigint(sha256sum(bigint_to_bytes(A) + bigint_to_bytes(B)))
Пример #10
def _compute_x(salt, password):
    #compute x = H(salt || password)
    return bytes_to_bigint(sha256sum(salt + password))
Пример #11
                if padding_oracle((pow(s, e, n) * c) % n):
                    found = True
                s += 1
            r += 1
        a, b = _step3([(a, b)], B, n, s)[0]
    return b

if __name__ == '__main__':
    #don't want to have to wait for key generation each time
    #256 bit key
    #d, e, n = (37255313119928308596958693738000904270148055374803475499902820648455212368979L, 3, 55882969679892462895438040607001356405695530651745489982532299779733176320093L)
    d, e, n = rsa._sample_params

    m = 'Hello Adrian.'
    mod_len = pkcs1.num_bytes(n)
    B = 1 << (8 * mod_len - 16)

    M = util.bytes_to_bigint(pkcs1.pkcs1_pad(m, mod_len))

    c = rsa.rsa_encrypt(M, e, n)

    p = decrypt(c, e, n, lambda c: fast_oracle(c, d, n, 2 * B, 3 * B))
    p = util.bigint_to_bytes(p)
    #pad start with 0s so it has same length as modulus
    p = '\x00' * (mod_len - len(p)) + p
    p = pkcs1.pkcs1_unpad(p, mod_len)
    print p
    assert (p == m)
Пример #12
def forge(msg, bit_length=1024):
    #find x such that x^3 ~= 00 01 FF 00 ASN.1 HASH garbage padding
    evil = prefix + pkcs_magic_bytes + util.sha1sum(msg)
    pad = '\x01' * (bit_length / 8 - len(evil))
    target = util.bytes_to_bigint(evil + pad)
    return number_theory.ith_root(target, 3)