def close_old_cases(self, current_hosts, scan_time): """ Go through the database and if a case is open in it, but doesn't exist in the list of current vulnerabilities, close it. NB: This should be run before open_new_cases(). """ current_vulnerabilities = [ vulnerability for sublist in [host.vulnerabilities for host in current_hosts] for vulnerability in sublist ] current_credentials = [ credential for sublist in [host.credentials for host in current_hosts] for credential in sublist ] for historical_hole in self.holes: found = 0 if historical_hole[-1] is not None: continue if historical_hole[4] == "V": for current_vulnerability in current_vulnerabilities: if ( historical_hole[2] == current_vulnerability.uuid and historical_hole[3] == current_vulnerability.address and historical_hole[4] == current_vulnerability.service and historical_hole[5] == current_vulnerability.port and historical_hole[6] == ): found = 1 break elif historical_hole[4] == "C": for current_credential in current_credentials: if ( historical_hole[2] == current_credential.uuid and historical_hole[3] == current_credential.address and historical_hole[4] == current_credential.service and historical_hole[5] == current_credential.port and historical_hole[7] == current_credential.user and historical_hole[8] == current_credential.password ): found = 1 break else: print("Strange line:\n", historical_hole, "\nIn file:", CONF.database) if not found: historical_hole[-1] = canonicalise_date(scan_time)
def open_new_cases(self, current_hosts, scan_time, scan_id): """ Compare the list of currently-detected security holes against those in the database. If the current hole is not already in the database (and marked open), a new (open) entry is put in. Otherwise, the case is deleted. As well as opening new cases, this function filters the list of current hosts so that the only ones remaining are these new ones. NB: This should be run after close_old_cases().""" for current_host in current_hosts: for current_vulnerability in current_host.vulnerabilities: found = 0 for historical_hole in self.holes: if ( historical_hole[2] == current_host.uuid and historical_hole[3] == current_host.ip and historical_hole[4] == "V" and historical_hole[5] == current_vulnerability.service and historical_hole[6] == current_vulnerability.port and historical_hole[7] == and historical_hole[-1] is not None ): found = 1 break if found: # Delete the vulnerability - we already know about it. current_host.vulnerabilities.remove(current_vulnerability) else: # Create a new entry and put it in the "database". line = [ scan_time, scan_id, current_host.uuid, current_host.ip, "V", current_vulnerability.service, current_vulnerability.port,, None, None, canonicalise_date(scan_time), None, ] self.holes.append(line) for current_credential in current_host.credentials: found = 0 for historical_hole in self.holes: if ( historical_hole[2] == current_host.uuid and historical_hole[3] == current_host.ip and historical_hole[4] == "C" and historical_hole[5] == current_credential.service and historical_hole[6] == current_credential.port and historical_hole[8] == current_credential.user and historical_hole[9] == current_credential.password and historical_hole[-1] is not None ): found = 1 break if found: # Delete the credential - we already know about it. current_host.credentials.remove(current_credential) else: line = [ scan_time, scan_id, current_host.uuid, current_host.ip, "C", current_credential.service, current_credential.port, None, current_credential.user, current_credential.password, canonicalise_date(scan_time), None, ] self.holes.append(line) if not (current_host.vulnerabilities or current_host.credentials): current_hosts.remove(current_host)