def seqLearnCM(cate, ratio, r, numCenterList, alphaList, QList, KList, lenPara, dbname, iter='ZZZ', mode='ZZZ'): # setting and starting ppservers ... ppservers = () ncpus = 2 job_server = pp.Server(ncpus, ppservers=ppservers) print str( )[:19] + " Starting python parallel with", job_server.get_ncpus( ), "workers. " paraPerm = list(itertools.product(numCenterList, alphaList, QList, KList)) path4 = util.getPath2(dbname + "_ycobjs_r" + str(r) + ".cpkl") if os.path.exists(path4): fnResults = util.getPath2(dbname + "_results_r" + str(r) + "_" + iter + "_" + mode + ".npy") fnRBFobjs = util.getPath2(dbname + "_results_r" + str(r) + "_" + iter + "_" + mode + ".cpkl") if not os.path.exists(fnResults): ctrainM, ctestM, ytrainM, ytestM = dataLoader3.cpklload(path4) # ctrainM, ctestM = numpy.mat(ctrain).T, numpy.mat(ctest).T results = numpy.mat(numpy.zeros((0, lenPara))) objsRBF = [] jobs = [ job_server.submit( classifyCM, (ratio, r, para[0], para[1], para[2], para[3], lenPara, ytrainM, ytestM, ctrainM, ctestM, dbname), (), ("numpy", "dataProcess", "RBFNetwork", "dataLoader3", "datetime", "util")) for para in paraPerm ] for job in jobs: cnm = job() result, objs = cnm[0], cnm[1] results = numpy.concatenate((results, result), axis=0) objsRBF = objsRBF + objs print "\n" if not (numpy.shape(results)[0] == 0 or len(objsRBF) == 0): dataLoader3.saveMatrix([results], [fnResults]) dataLoader3.saveObjects([objsRBF], [fnRBFobjs]) else: util.infoErr([fnResults, fnRBFobjs]) else: util.exPath([fnResults, fnRBFobjs]) else: util.noPath([path4])
def reload(stipfile, actions, dbname): path1 = util.getPath(dbname + ".cpkl") if not os.path.exists(path1): print str([:19] + " loading datasets ... " flags, inputSet, targetSet = dataLoader3.loadDataSet( stipfile, actions, path1) else: util.exPath([path1]) flags, inputSet, targetSet = dataLoader3.cpklload(path1) return flags, inputSet, targetSet
def seqLearnTest(cate, ratio, r, numCenterList, alphaList, QList, KList, lenPara, dbname, iter='ZZZ', mode='ZZZ'): paraPerm = list(itertools.product(numCenterList, alphaList, QList, KList)) path4 = util.getPath2(dbname + "_ycobjs_r" + str(r) + ".cpkl") if os.path.exists(path4): fnResults = util.getPath2(dbname + "_results_r" + str(r) + "_" + iter + "_" + mode + ".npy") # fnRBFobjs = util.getPath2(dbname + "_results_r" + str(r) + "_" + iter + ".cpkl") if not os.path.exists(fnResults): ctrainM, ctestM, ytrainM, ytestM = dataLoader3.cpklload(path4) # ctrainM, ctestM = numpy.mat(ctrain).T, numpy.mat(ctest).T results = numpy.mat(numpy.zeros((0, lenPara))) objsRBF = [] for para in paraPerm: result = classify(ratio, r, para[0], para[1], para[2], para[3], lenPara, ytrainM, ytestM, ctrainM, ctestM, dbname) # cnm = job() # result, obj = cnm[0], cnm[1] results = numpy.concatenate((results, result), axis=0) # objsRBF = objsRBF + obj # results = numpy.concatenate((results, job()[0]), axis = 0) # objsRBF = objsRBF + job()[1] print "\n" if not numpy.shape(results)[0] == 0: dataLoader3.saveMatrix([results], [fnResults]) # dataLoader3.saveObjects([objsRBF], [fnRBFobjs]) else: util.infoErr([fnResults]) else: util.exPath([fnResults]) else: util.noPath([path4])
def cluster1(r, KList, actions, stipfile, dbname): path4 = util.getPath(dbname + "_ycobjs_r" + str(r) + ".cpkl") '''bitter of changing api frequently''' '''*********************************************************''' splitlist, xtrain, xtest, xtrainM, xtestM, ytrainM, ytestM, xrandMX = split1( r, actions, stipfile, dbname) if not os.path.exists(path4): print str( )[:19] + " counting datasets ..., round: " + str(r) ctrain, ctest = splitter.count(xtrain, xtest) ycobjs = [ctrain, ctest, ytrainM, ytestM] dataLoader3.cpklsave(ycobjs, path4) else: util.exPath([path4]) '''************************************************************************************************''' ctrain, ctest, ytrainM, ytestM = dataLoader3.cpklload(path4) if numpy.shape(xtrainM)[0] > 100000: '''idx = idxrandom(numpy.shape(xtrainM)[0], 10000)''' idx = splitter.idxrandom(numpy.shape(xtrainM)[0], 100000) xrandMX2 = xtrainM[idx, :] else: xrandMX2 = xtrainM print str([:19] + " The shape of xrandMX2 is : " + str( numpy.shape(xrandMX2)) '''************************************************************************************************''' for k in KList: path3 = util.getPath(dbname + "_bow" + "_r" + str(r) + "_k" + str(k) + ".cpkl") if not os.path.exists(path3): cluster.kMeans(r, k, ctrain, ctest, xtrainM, xtestM, xrandMX2, path3) else: util.exPath([path3]) '''bitter of changing api frequetly'''
def cluster2(r, KList, actions, stipfile, dbname): path4 = util.getPath(dbname + "_ycobjs_r" + str(r) + ".cpkl") '''bitter of changing api frequetly''' '''*********************************************************''' splitlist, ctrain, ctest, ctrainM, ctestM, xtrainM, xtestM, ytrainM, ytestM, xrandMX = split2( r, actions, stipfile, dbname) if not os.path.exists(path4): ycobjs = [ctrainM, ctestM, ytrainM, ytestM] dataLoader3.cpklsave(ycobjs, path4) else: util.exPath([path4]) for k in KList: path3 = util.getPath(dbname + "_bow" + "_r" + str(r) + "_k" + str(k) + ".cpkl") if not os.path.exists(path3): cluster.kMeans(r, k, ctrain, ctest, xtrainM, xtestM, xrandMX, path3) else: util.exPath([path3]) '''bitter of changing api frequetly'''