Пример #1
	def cross_over(self, other, mutate_prob, cross_prob):
		self_alleles = self.copy_alleles()
		other_alleles = other.copy_alleles()

		cross = flip_coin(cross_prob)

		point = random.randint(0, len(self.alleles)) if cross else 0
		#point = self.num_bits_x if cross else 0

		son = self.copy()
		son.alleles = self_alleles[:point] + other_alleles[point:]
		son.father = self
		son.mother = other
		son.point = point if cross else None

		daughter = self.copy()
		daughter.alleles = other_alleles[:point] + self_alleles[point:]
		daughter.father = other
		daughter.mother = self
		daughter.point = point if cross else None

		if cross:

		return son, daughter
Пример #2
    def get_action(self, state):
          Compute the action to take in the current state.  With
          probability self.epsilon, we should take a random action and
          take the best policy action otherwise.  Note that if there are
          no legal actions, which is the case at the terminal state, you
          should choose None as the action.

          HINT: You might want to use util.flip_coin(prob)
          HINT: To pick randomly from a list, use random.choice(list)
        # Pick Action
        legal_actions = self.get_legal_actions(state)
        action = None
        "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"
        if there are no legal actions then return action, which is set to none
        Use the utlity function to flip a coin and choose to return a random action
        or use the current policy for the next action based on the return value from
        the flip_coin function
        if len(legal_actions) == 0:
            return action

        if util.flip_coin(self.epsilon):
            return random.choice(legal_actions)
            return self.get_policy(state)
Пример #3
    def get_proxy(self, request_url):
        domain = parse_domain(request_url)
        queue = self.storage_mgr.redis_mgr.get_queue_by_domain(domain)
        rdq_active = RedisDetailQueue(queue_key=queue.queue_key, active=True)
        rdq_inactive = RedisDetailQueue(queue_key=queue.queue_key,

        logging.info("active queue count: %s" % rdq_active.length())
        logging.info("inactive queue count: %s" % rdq_inactive.length())

        use_active = True
        clone_seed = flip_coin(SEED_FREQUENCY)

        if rdq_active.length() < MIN_ACTIVE:

        elif clone_seed:
            self.load_from_seed_queue(queue, num=1)

        if rdq_active.length() < MIN_ACTIVE:
            use_active = False

        if flip_coin(INACTIVE_PCT):
            use_active = False

        if use_active and rdq_active.length() > 0:
            logging.info("using active queue")
            draw_queue = rdq_active

            logging.info("using inactive queue")
            draw_queue = rdq_inactive

        detail = None

        detail = draw_queue.dequeue(requeue=False)
        proxy = ProxyObject(self.storage_mgr, detail)
        proxy.dispatch(rdq_active, rdq_inactive)
        return proxy
Пример #4
 def epsilon_greedy(self, state, bestMove):
     if not bestMove:
         legalActions = self.board.get_possible_actions()
         move = None
         randomMoveProb = flip_coin(self.epsilon)
         if len(legalActions) > 0:
             if randomMoveProb > (1-randomMoveProb):
                 move = self.find_move_from_qvalues(state)
                 return move
                 move = random.choice(legalActions)
                 return move
         return None
         legalActions = self.board.get_possible_actions()
         move = None
         if len(legalActions) > 0:
             move = self.find_move_from_qvalues(state)
             return move
         return None
Пример #5
	def mutate(self, mutate_prob):
		for idx, value in enumerate(self.alleles):
			if flip_coin(mutate_prob):
				self.alleles[idx] = '0' if value == '1' else '1'