def test_options_hierarchy_for_reporter_id(self, parseFile, getLogger): # Set the value in all three possible locations # Mock /etc/virt-who.conf file global_conf_dict = { 'global': { 'reporter_id': "/etc/virt-who.conf" } } parseFile.return_value = global_conf_dict # cli option sys.argv = ["", "--reporter-id=cli"] # environment var os.environ["VIRTWHO_REPORTER_ID"] = "env" _, options = parseOptions() # cli option should beat environment vars and virt-who.conf self.assertEqual(options.reporter_id, "cli") sys.argv = [""] _, options = parseOptions() self.assertEqual(options.reporter_id, "env") self.clearEnv() _, options = parseOptions() self.assertEqual(options.reporter_id, "/etc/virt-who.conf") parseFile.return_value = {'global': {}} _, options = parseOptions() self.assertEqual(options.reporter_id, util.generateReporterId())
class GlobalConfig(GeneralConfig): """ This GeneralConfig subclass represents the config file that holds the global values used to control virt-who's operation. """ DEFAULTS = { 'debug': False, 'oneshot': False, 'print_': False, 'log_per_config': False, 'background': False, 'configs': '', 'reporter_id': util.generateReporterId(), 'smType': None, 'interval': DefaultInterval } LIST_OPTIONS = ('configs', ) BOOL_OPTIONS = ('debug', 'oneshot', 'background', 'print_' 'log_per_config') INT_OPTIONS = ('interval', ) @classmethod def fromFile(cls, filename, logger=None): global_config = parseFile( filename, logger=logger).get(VIRTWHO_GLOBAL_SECTION_NAME) if not global_config: if logger: logger.warning( 'Unable to find "%s" section in general config file: "%s"\nWill use defaults where required', VIRTWHO_GLOBAL_SECTION_NAME, filename) global_config = {} return cls(**global_config)
def test_default_cmdline_options(self, parseFile, getLogger): self.setUpParseFile(parseFile) sys.argv = [""] _, options = parseOptions() self.assertFalse(options.debug) self.assertFalse(options.background) self.assertFalse(options.oneshot) self.assertEqual(options.interval, 60) self.assertEqual(options.smType, 'sam') self.assertEqual(options.virtType, None) self.assertEqual(options.reporter_id, util.generateReporterId())