Пример #1
    def writeJSONThreeStage(self):
        deviceDict = {}
        deviceDict['leaves'] = []
        deviceDict['spines'] = []
        for device in self.pod.devices:
            if (device.role == 'leaf'):
            elif (device.role == 'spine'):
        spinePortNames = util.getPortNamesForDeviceFamily(self.pod.spineDeviceType, self.conf['deviceFamily'])
        leafPortNames = util.getPortNamesForDeviceFamily(self.pod.leafDeviceType, self.conf['deviceFamily'])
        # rendering cabling plan requires 4 parameters:
        # 1. list of spines
        # 2. list of spine ports (Note spine does not have any uplink/downlink marked, it is just ports)
        # 3. list of leaves
        # 4. list of leaf ports (Note leaf uses uplink to connect to spine)
        cablingPlanJSON = self.template.render(spines=deviceDict['spines'], 

        path = os.path.join(self.outputDir, 'cablingPlan.json')
        logger.info('Writing cabling plan: %s' % (path))
        with open(path, 'w') as f:

        # load cabling plan
        return json.loads(cablingPlanJSON)
Пример #2
    def getOpenClosConfigParams(self, dbSession):
        supportedDevices = []
        for device in self.__conf['deviceFamily']:
            port = util.getPortNamesForDeviceFamily(device, self.__conf['deviceFamily'])
            deviceDetail = {}
            if len(port['uplinkPorts']) > 0:
                deviceDetail['family'] = device
                deviceDetail['uplinkStart'] = port['uplinkPorts'][0]
                deviceDetail['uplinkEnd'] = port['uplinkPorts'][len(port['uplinkPorts'])-1]
                deviceDetail['role'] = 'leaf'
            if len(port['downlinkPorts']) > 0:
                deviceDetail['downlinkStart'] = port['uplinkPorts'][0]
                deviceDetail['downlinkEnd'] = port['uplinkPorts'][len(port['uplinkPorts'])-1]
                deviceDetail['role'] = 'leaf'
            if len(port['uplinkPorts'])==0 and len(port['downlinkPorts']) == 0:
                if  device == 'qfx5100-24q-2p':
                    deviceDetail['role'] = 'spine'
                    deviceDetail['family'] = device
                    deviceDetail['downlinkStart'] = port['ports'][0]
                    deviceDetail['downlinkEnd'] = port['ports'][len(port['ports'])-1]
                    deviceDetail['uplinkStart'] = ''
                    deviceDetail['uplinkEnd'] = ''
        confValues = {}
        confValues.update({'dbUrl': self.__conf['dbUrl']})
        confValues.update({'supportedDevices' : supportedDevices })
        confValues.update({'dotColors': self.__conf['DOT']['colors'] })
        confValues.update({'httpServer' : self.__conf['httpServer']})
        confValues.update({'snmpTrap' : self.__conf['snmpTrap']})

        return {'OpenClosConf' : confValues }
Пример #3
    def filterUplinkAppendRemotePortIfd(self, lldpData, deviceFamily):
        On local device find uplink port names, filter only uplink ports, 
        get remote ports that has Device + IFD configured in the DB 
        :returns list of dict: lldpData for uplinks only
            deivce1: local device (on which lldp was run)
            port1: local interface (on device1)
            device2: remote device
            port2: remote interface
            ifd2: remote IFD from db
        if not lldpData:
            logger.debug('NO LLDP data found for device: %s' % (self.deviceIp))
            return lldpData

        uplinkNames = util.getPortNamesForDeviceFamily(deviceFamily, self._conf['deviceFamily'])['uplinkPorts']
        upLinks = []
        for link in lldpData.values():
            if link['port1'] in uplinkNames:
                ifd2 = self._dao.getIfdByDeviceNamePortName(self._session, link['device2'], link['port2'])
                if ifd2 is not None:
                    link['ifd2'] = ifd2
                    logger.debug('Found IFD deviceName: %s, portName: %s' % (link['device2'], link['port2']))
        logger.debug('Number of uplink IFDs found from LLDP data is %d' % (len(upLinks)))
        return upLinks
Пример #4
    def _createLeafGenericConfigsFor2Stage(self, session, pod):
        :param Pod: pod
        :returns list: list of PodConfigs
        leafTemplate = self._templateEnv.get_template('leafGenericTemplate.txt')
        leafSettings = {}
        for leafSetting in pod.leafSettings:
            leafSettings[leafSetting.deviceFamily] = leafSetting

        trapGroups = self._getLeafTrapGroupSettings(session, True)

        outOfBandNetworkParams = self._getParamsForOutOfBandNetwork(session, pod)
        for deviceFamily in leafSettings.keys():
            if deviceFamily == 'qfx5100-24q-2p':
            ifdNames = []
            for ifdName in util.getPortNamesForDeviceFamily(deviceFamily, self._conf['deviceFamily'])['downlinkPorts']:

            leafSettings[deviceFamily].config = leafTemplate.render(deviceFamily = deviceFamily, oob = outOfBandNetworkParams, 
                trapGroups = trapGroups, hashedPassword=pod.getHashPassword(), ifdNames=ifdNames)
        return leafSettings.values()
Пример #5
    def _createAccessPortInterfaces(self, deviceFamily):
        accessInterface = self._templateEnv.get_template('accessInterface.txt')
        ifdNames = []

        for ifdName in util.getPortNamesForDeviceFamily(deviceFamily, self._conf['deviceFamily'])['downlinkPorts']:

        return accessInterface.render(ifdNames=ifdNames)
 def createSpineIFDs(self, pod, spines):
     devices = []
     interfaces = []
     for spine in spines:
         user = spine.get('user')
         password = spine.get('pass')
         device = Device(spine['name'], pod.spineDeviceType, user, password, 'spine', spine['mac_address'], spine['mgmt_ip'], pod)
         portNames = util.getPortNamesForDeviceFamily(device.family, self.conf['deviceFamily'])
         for name in portNames['ports']:     # spine does not have any uplink/downlink marked, it is just ports
             ifd = InterfaceDefinition(name, device, 'downlink')
Пример #7
    def fixUplinkPorts(self, device, lldpUplinksWithIfd):
        :param dict lldpUplinksWithIfd: lldp links for uplink
            deivce1: local device (on which lldp was run)
            port1: local interface (on device1)
            device2: remote device
            port2: remote interface
            ifd2: remote IFD from db
        if lldpUplinksWithIfd is None or len(lldpUplinksWithIfd) == 0:
            logger.warn('NO LLDP lldpUplinksWithIfd, skipping fixUplinkPorts')

        updateList = []
        uplinkNamesBasedOnDeviceFamily = util.getPortNamesForDeviceFamily(device.family, self._conf['deviceFamily'])['uplinkPorts']
        # hack :( needed to keep the sequence proper in case2, if device changed from ex to qfx
        # case1: fix IFDs based on lldp data
        fixedIfdIds = {}
        for link in lldpUplinksWithIfd:
            spineIfd = link['ifd2']
            peerLeafIfd = spineIfd.peer 
            # sanity check against links that are not according to the cabling plan
            if peerLeafIfd is None:
            updateList += self.fixIfdIflName(peerLeafIfd, link['port1'])
            fixedIfdIds[peerLeafIfd.id] = True 
        # case2: fix remaining IFDs based on device family
        allocatedUplinkIfds = self._session.query(InterfaceDefinition).filter(InterfaceDefinition.device_id == device.id).\
            filter(InterfaceDefinition.role == 'uplink').filter(InterfaceDefinition.peer is not None).order_by(InterfaceDefinition.sequenceNum).all()
        listIndex = 0
        for allocatedIfd in allocatedUplinkIfds:
            if not fixedIfdIds.get(allocatedIfd.id):
                if uplinkNamesBasedOnDeviceFamily:
                    updateList += self.fixIfdIflName(allocatedIfd, uplinkNamesBasedOnDeviceFamily.pop(0))
                    updateList += self.fixIfdIflName(allocatedIfd, 'uplink-' + str(listIndex))
            listIndex += 1
        logger.debug('Number of uplink IFD + IFL fixed: %d' % (len(updateList)))
        self._dao.updateObjectsAndCommitNow(self._session, updateList)
Пример #8
 def _createSpineIfds(self, session, pod, spines):
     devices = []
     interfaces = []
     for spine in spines:
         username = spine.get('username')    #default is 'root' set on DB
         password = spine.get('password')
         macAddress = spine.get('macAddress')
         deployStatus = spine.get('deployStatus')    #default is 'provision' set on DB
         serialNumber = spine.get('serialNumber')
         device = Device(spine['name'], pod.spineDeviceType, username, password, 'spine', macAddress, None, pod, deployStatus, serialNumber)
         portNames = util.getPortNamesForDeviceFamily(device.family, self._conf['deviceFamily'])
         for name in portNames['ports']:     # spine does not have any uplink/downlink marked, it is just ports
             ifd = InterfaceDefinition(name, device, 'downlink')
     self._dao.createObjects(session, devices)
     self._dao.createObjects(session, interfaces)
    def createLeafIFDs(self, pod, leafs):
        devices = []
        interfaces = []
        for leaf in leafs:
            user = leaf.get('user')
            password = leaf.get('pass')
            device = Device(leaf['name'], pod.leafDeviceType, user, password, 'leaf', leaf['mac_address'], leaf['mgmt_ip'], pod)

            portNames = util.getPortNamesForDeviceFamily(device.family, self.conf['deviceFamily'])
            for name in portNames['uplinkPorts']:   # all uplink IFDs towards spine
                ifd = InterfaceDefinition(name, device, 'uplink')

            for name in portNames['downlinkPorts']:   # all downlink IFDs towards Access/Server
                ifd = InterfaceDefinition(name, device, 'downlink')
Пример #10
    def filterUplinkFromLldpData(self, lldpData, deviceFamily):
        On local device find uplink port names, filter only uplink ports, 
        :param dict lldpData:
            deivce1: local device (on which lldp was run)
            port1: local interface (on device1)
            device2: remote device
            port2: remote interface
        :param str deviceFamily: deviceFamily (qfx5100-96s-8q)
        if not lldpData:
            return lldpData
        uplinkNames = util.getPortNamesForDeviceFamily(deviceFamily, self._conf['deviceFamily'])['uplinkPorts']

        filteredNames = set(uplinkNames).intersection(set(lldpData.keys()))
        filteredUplinks = {name:lldpData[name] for name in filteredNames}
        logger.debug('Number of uplink IFDs found from LLDP data is %d' % (len(filteredUplinks)))
        return filteredUplinks
Пример #11
    def _createLeafIfds(self, session, pod, leaves):
        devices = []
        interfaces = []
        for leaf in leaves:
            username = leaf.get('username')
            password = leaf.get('password') #default is Pod level pass, set on constructor
            macAddress = leaf.get('macAddress')
            family = leaf.get('family') #default is 'unknown' set on DB
            deployStatus = leaf.get('deployStatus') #default is 'provision' set on DB
            serialNumber = leaf.get('serialNumber')
            device = Device(leaf['name'], family, username, password, 'leaf', macAddress, None, pod, deployStatus, serialNumber)
            if family is None or family == 'unknown':
                # temporary uplink ports, names will get fixed after 2-stage ztp
                for i in xrange(0, pod.spineCount):
                    interfaces.append(InterfaceDefinition('uplink-' + str(i), device, 'uplink'))

                portNames = util.getPortNamesForDeviceFamily(device.family, self._conf['deviceFamily'])
                interfaceCount = 0
                for name in portNames['uplinkPorts']:   # all uplink IFDs towards spine
                    interfaces.append(InterfaceDefinition(name, device, 'uplink'))
                    interfaceCount += 1
                # Hack plugNPlay-mixedLeaf: Create additional uplinks when spine count is more than available uplink ports
                # example: spine count=5, device=ex4300-24p
                while interfaceCount < pod.spineCount:
                    interfaces.append(InterfaceDefinition('uplink-' + str(interfaceCount), device, 'uplink'))
                    interfaceCount += 1
                # leaf access/downlink ports are not used in app so far, no need to create them    
                #for name in portNames['downlinkPorts']:   # all downlink IFDs towards Access/Server
                #    interfaces.append(InterfaceDefinition(name, device, 'downlink'))
        self._dao.createObjects(session, devices)
        self._dao.createObjects(session, interfaces)