Пример #1
def index(request):
    consumer_url = util.getViewURL(
        request, 'consumer.views.startOpenID')
    server_url = util.getViewURL(request, 'server.views.server')

    return direct_to_template(
        {'consumer_url':consumer_url, 'server_url':server_url})
Пример #2
def renderIndexPage(request, **template_args):
    template_args['ns'] = SERVICE_NS
    template_args['sreg'] = SREG_ATTRIBUTES
    template_args['ax'] = AX_ATTRIBUTES
    template_args['consumer_url'] = util.getViewURL(request, startOpenID)
    template_args['pape_policies'] = POLICY_PAIRS

    response = direct_to_template(
        request, 'login.html', template_args)
    response[YADIS_HEADER_NAME] = util.getViewURL(request, rpXRDS)
    return response
Пример #3
def rpXRDS(request):
    Return a relying party verification XRDS document
    return util.renderXRDS(
        [util.getViewURL(request, finishOpenID)])
Пример #4
def server(request):
    """Respond to requests for the server's primary web page.
    return direct_to_template(
        {'user_url': reverse("idpage"),
         'server_xrds_url': util.getViewURL(request, "idpXrds"),
Пример #5
def openid_chalange(request):
    if request.user.is_authenticated():
        return HttpResponseRedirect("/")

    class OpenidForm(Form):
        openid = CharField(required=True, max_length=32)

        def clean_openid(self):
            openid = self.cleaned_data['openid']
            import re
            p = re.compile('^[a-zA-Z._-]+$')
            if not p.match(openid):
                raise ValidationError(_("Invalid openid string."))

    form = None

    if (request.POST):
        form = OpenidForm(request.POST)

        if form.is_valid():
            store = getOpenIDStore("/tmp/taverna_openid", "c_")
            c = consumer.Consumer(request.session, store)
            openid_url = request.POST['openid']

            # Google ...
            if openid_url == "google":
                openid_url = 'https://www.google.com/accounts/o8/id'
                auth_request = c.begin(openid_url)
            except consumer.DiscoveryFailure, exc:
                error = "OpenID discovery error: %s" % str(exc)
                return {'form': form, 'error': error}

            trust_root = getViewURL(request, openid_chalange)
            redirect_to = getViewURL(request, openid_finish)
            return HttpResponseRedirect(
                       auth_request.redirectURL(trust_root, redirect_to)
Пример #6
def processTrustResult(request):
    Handle the result of a trust decision and respond to the RP
    # Get the request from the session so we can construct the
    # appropriate response.
    openid_request = util.getRequest(request)

    # Respond with correct identity
    id = openid_request.identity
    home_url = util.getViewURL(request, "home")

    # If the decision was to allow the verification, respond
    # accordingly.
    allowed = 'allow' in request.POST or 'alwaystrust' in request.POST

    # Choose identity to answer with
    # If no identity given by user choose the first
    try :
        userid = request.POST['identity']
    except KeyError:
        if openid_request.idSelect():
            userid = Identity.objects.filter(userprofile__user=request.user,
        # Does user have this identity?
        try :
            Identity.objects.get(userprofile__user=request.user, userid=userid,
        except Identity.DoesNotExist:
            # Hey ! User try to stolen other identity...
            allowed = False

    # Double check if user give right identity
    if not openid_request.idSelect():
        # Id requested http://domain.tld/userid
        from urlparse import urlparse
        parsed_id = urlparse(id)[2].strip('/')
        if parsed_id != userid:
            # User want to answer with a non requested id
            allowed = False

    # Does we always trust this consumer for this identity?
    alwaystrust = 'alwaystrust' in request.POST and allowed

    openid_response = generate_response(request, allowed, openid_request, userid, alwaystrust)

    return displayResponse(request, openid_response)
Пример #7
def generate_response(request, allow, openid_request, userid, alwaystrust=False, send_sreg=True):
    """Generate openid response and history
    # Get identity url
    response_identity = util.getViewURL(request, 'ident', kwargs={'userid' : userid})

    if not openid_request.identity.endswith("/") or openid_request.idSelect():
        response_identity = response_identity.rstrip("/")

    # What is the identity?
    user_id = Identity.objects.get(userid=userid)

    # Generate a response with the appropriate answer.
    openid_response = openid_request.answer(allow,
    if allow:
        if send_sreg:
            # Send Simple Registration data in the response, if appropriate.
            sreg_data = user_id.getsreg()

            # Get requested fields
            sreg_req = sreg.SRegRequest.fromOpenIDRequest(openid_request)

            # fill fields
            sreg_resp = sreg.SRegResponse.extractResponse(sreg_req, sreg_data)

        # Does we retain this consumer?
        if alwaystrust:
            trust = TrustedConsumers(host=openid_request.trust_root, user=request.user, identity=user_id, always=True)
    # Save this response
    from account.models import RPHistory
    ip = request.META["REMOTE_ADDR"]
    rphist = RPHistory(identity=user_id, host=openid_request.trust_root, auth_result=allow, ip=ip)

    return openid_response
Пример #8
def openid_finish(request):
    if request.user.is_authenticated():
        return HttpResponseRedirect("/")

    form = None
    error = None
    request_args = request.GET

    store = getOpenIDStore("/tmp/taverna_openid", "c_")
    c = consumer.Consumer(request.session, store)

    return_to = getViewURL(request, openid_finish)
    response = c.complete(request_args, return_to)

    if response.status == consumer.SUCCESS:
        sreg_response = sreg.SRegResponse.fromSuccessResponse(response)

            profile = Profile.objects.get(openid_hash=openid_hash)
            username = profile.user.username
            user = authenticate(username=username)
            if user is not None:
                login(request, user)

            return HttpResponseRedirect("/")
        except Profile.DoesNotExist:
            user = User(
            profile = Profile(
                blog = Blog.objects.get(owner=user)
            except Blog.DoesNotExist:
                blog = Blog(owner=user, name=openid_hash[:30])

            auth = authenticate(username=user.username)
            if user is not None:
                login(request, auth)

            return HttpResponseRedirect(
        error = "Verification of %s failed: %s" % (

    return {'from': form, 'error': error}
Пример #9
def idpXrds(request):
    """Respond to requests for the IDP's XRDS document, which is used in
    IDP-driven identifier selection.
    return util.renderXRDS(
        request, [OPENID_IDP_2_0_TYPE], [util.getViewURL(request, "endpoint")])
Пример #10
def handleCheckIDRequest(request, openid_request):
    """Handle checkid_* requests.
    Checks :
     - Existing userid is requested by consumer
     - This userid is an user's userid
     - Does user allow direct auth?
     - Is it an direct-access auth?

    direct_auth = False
    userid = ''

    # Consumer can send an idselect request to let
    # user choose his identity in server.
    # But if it no do it, we use provided identity.
    if not openid_request.idSelect():
        # Get homepage full uri
        home_url = util.getViewURL(request, 'home')

        # Parse IDP (http://domain.tld/ident <- ident)
        from urlparse import urlparse
        userid = urlparse(openid_request.identity)[2].strip('/')

        # If isn't user's identity, return error response  !NOTEST!
            Identity.objects.get(userprofile__user=request.user, userid=userid,
        except Identity.DoesNotExist:
            # Return an error response
            error_response = ProtocolError(
                "%s is not user's identity" %
            return displayResponse(request, error_response)

        if len(userid) != 0:
            # Consumer give to us an userid
            id_url = util.getViewURL(request, 'ident', kwargs={'userid':userid})
            if not openid_request.identity.endswith("/"):
                id_url = id_url.rstrip("/")
            id_url = ''

        # Confirm that this server can actually vouch for that
        # identifier
        # test :
        #  - homepage for v2 like auth
        #  - identity
        if not openid_request.identity in (home_url, id_url):
            # Return an error response
            error_response = ProtocolError(
                "This server cannot verify the URL %r" %

            return displayResponse(request, error_response)

    # Ok for a Direct auth ?
    # User can accept authentications for an host with an id without
    # confirmation if he trust it
    try :
        if userid:
            trust = TrustedConsumers.objects.get(host=openid_request.trust_root, user=request.user, identity__userid=userid, always=True)
            trust = TrustedConsumers.objects.get(host=openid_request.trust_root, user=request.user, always=True)
    except TrustedConsumers.DoesNotExist:
        direct_auth = False
        direct_auth = True
    # Now make a decision

    if direct_auth:
        # If we have direct address and trust association
        # lets allow auth
        userid = trust.identity.userid
        openid_response = generate_response(request, True, openid_request, userid, send_sreg=False)
        return displayResponse(request, openid_response)

    elif openid_request.immediate and not direct_auth:
        # If we have an direct address but no trust association,
        # cancel auth
        openid_response = openid_request.answer(False)
        return displayResponse(request, openid_response)

        # Store the incoming request object in the session so we can
        # get to it later.
        util.setRequest(request, openid_request)
        return showDecidePage(request, openid_request, userid)
Пример #11
def finishOpenID(request):
    Finish the OpenID authentication process.  Invoke the OpenID
    library with the response from the OpenID server and render a page
    detailing the result.
    result = {}

    # Because the object containing the query parameters is a
    # MultiValueDict and the OpenID library doesn't allow that, we'll
    # convert it to a normal dict.

    # OpenID 2 can send arguments as either POST body or GET query
    # parameters.
    request_args = util.normalDict(request.GET)
    if request.method == 'POST':

    if request_args:
        c = getConsumer(request)

        # Get a response object indicating the result of the OpenID
        # protocol.
        return_to = util.getViewURL(request, finishOpenID)
        response = c.complete(request_args, return_to)

        # Get a Simple Registration response object if response
        # information was included in the OpenID response.
        sreg_response = {}
        ax_items = {}
        if response.status == consumer.SUCCESS:
            sreg_response = sreg.SRegResponse.fromSuccessResponse(response)

            ax_response = ax.FetchResponse.fromSuccessResponse(response)
            if ax_response:
                ax_items = ax_response.data

        # Get a PAPE response object if response information was
        # included in the OpenID response.
        pape_response = None
        if response.status == consumer.SUCCESS:
            pape_response = pape.Response.fromSuccessResponse(response)

            if not pape_response.auth_policies:
                pape_response = None

        # Map different consumer status codes to template contexts.
        results = {
            {'message': 'OpenID authentication cancelled.'},

            {'error': 'OpenID authentication failed.'},

            {'url': response.getDisplayIdentifier(),
             'sreg_response': sreg_response and sreg_response.iteritems(),
             'ax_response': ax_items.items(),
             'pape': pape_response}

        result = results[response.status]

        print result
        if not result.has_key("error"):
            data_array = [it[1][0] for it in result["ax_response"]]
            data = {
                "login": None,
                "openid": result["url"],
                "first_name": data_array[0],
                "last_name": data_array[1],
                "email": data_array[2],
            return create_profil_from_ipenid(request, data)

        if isinstance(response, consumer.FailureResponse):
            # In a real application, this information should be
            # written to a log for debugging/tracking OpenID
            # authentication failures. In general, the messages are
            # not user-friendly, but intended for developers.
            result['failure_reason'] = response.message

    return renderIndexPage(request, **result)
Пример #12
def startOpenID(request):
    Start the OpenID authentication process.  Renders an
    authentication form and accepts its POST.

    * Renders an error message if OpenID cannot be initiated

    * Requests some Simple Registration data using the OpenID
      library's Simple Registration machinery

    * Generates the appropriate trust root and return URL values for
      this application (tweak where appropriate)

    * Generates the appropriate redirect based on the OpenID protocol
    if request.POST:
        # Start OpenID authentication (mojeid url)
        openid_url = request.POST['openid_identifier']
        c = getConsumer(request)
        error = None

        if request.session.has_key(Discovery.PREFIX + c.session_key_prefix):
            del request.session[Discovery.PREFIX + c.session_key_prefix]

        if not request.POST.has_key('ns'):
            OpenIDServiceEndpoint.openid_type_uris = SERVICE_NS
            OpenIDServiceEndpoint.openid_type_uris = request.POST.getlist('ns')

            auth_request = c.begin(openid_url)
        except DiscoveryFailure, e:
            # Some other protocol-level failure occurred.
            error = "OpenID discovery error: %s" % (str(e),)

        if error:
            # Render the page with an error.
            return renderIndexPage(request, error=error)

        # Add Simple Registration request information.  Some fields
        # are optional, some are required.  It's possible that the
        # server doesn't support sreg or won't return any of the
        # fields.
        if request.POST.has_key('sreg'):
            sreg_request = sreg.SRegRequest(
                optional=[], required=request.POST.getlist('sreg'))

        if True:  # request.POST.has_key('ax'):
            # Add Attribute Exchange request information.
            ax_request = ax.FetchRequest()
            # XXX - uses myOpenID-compatible schema values, which are
            # not those listed at axschema.org.
            # for uri in request.POST.getlist('ax'):
            for uri in AX_ATTRIBUTES:
                    ax.AttrInfo(uri, required=True))

        # Add PAPE request information.  We'll ask for
        # phishing-resistant auth and display any policies we get in
        # the response.
        requested_policies = []
        policy_prefix = 'policy_'
        for k, v in request.POST.iteritems():
            # print k,v
            if k.startswith(policy_prefix):
                policy_attr = k[len(policy_prefix):]
                if policy_attr in PAPE_POLICIES:
                    requested_policies.append(getattr(pape, policy_attr))

        print requested_policies
        if requested_policies:
            pape_request = pape.Request(requested_policies)

        # Compute the trust root and return URL values to build the
        # redirect information.
        trust_root = util.getViewURL(request, startOpenID)
        return_to = util.getViewURL(request, finishOpenID)

        # Send the browser to the server either by sending a redirect
        # URL or by generating a POST form.
        if auth_request.shouldSendRedirect():
            url = auth_request.redirectURL(trust_root, return_to)
            return HttpResponseRedirect(url)
            # Beware: this renders a template whose content is a form
            # and some javascript to submit it upon page load.  Non-JS
            # users will have to click the form submit button to
            # initiate OpenID authentication.
            form_id = 'openid_message'
            form_html = auth_request.formMarkup(trust_root, return_to,
                                                False, {'id': form_id})
            return direct_to_template(
                request, 'consumer/request_form.html', {'html': form_html})