Пример #1
def manual_grader_all(submission_folder_path, filename):
    # path : path of one submission folder. eg. "submissions/"
    # filename : name of the submission. eg. "question2.txt"
    report = {}
    dirs = get_dir(submission_folder_path)
    dirs = os.listdir(submission_folder_path)

    dirs = sorted(dirs)

        for c,i in enumerate(dirs):
            print("---------", i, "----------")
            path = os.path.join(submission_folder_path, i)
            id = get_id_from_path(i)
            r = manual_grader_one(path, filename)
            report[id] = r;
    except Exception as e:

        output_report(report_name, report, sensitivity_words)
        print("report created!")
Пример #2
def get_ids_with_incorrect_format(note_paths: List[Path],
                                  id_pattern: str) -> List[Tuple[str, Path]]:
    """Check if IDs have the correct format"""

    zettel_ids = [get_id_from_path(path) for path in note_paths]

    return [(zettel_id, note_paths[loc])
            for loc, zettel_id in enumerate(zettel_ids)
            if not re.match(id_pattern, zettel_id)]
Пример #3
def extract_submissions(sub_path):
    report = {}
    dirs = get_dir(sub_path)
    for i in dirs:
        path = os.path.join(sub_path, i)
        id = get_id_from_path(i)
        r = extract(path)
        report[id] = r

    output_report(report_name, report, sensitivity_words)
Пример #4
def run():

    # get subdirectories
    dir = get_dir(submission_path)

    counter = 0
    # run TB for every folder inside submission folder
    for i in dir:
        # start time
        t1 = time.time()

        # copy files for TB
        r = subprocess.run("cp " + tb + " " + os.path.join(submission_path, i),

        # student canvas id
        student_id = get_id_from_path(i)

        d = defaultdict(str)

        print("-------------------" + "-------------------")
        os.chdir(os.path.join(submission_path, i))
        print("current dir :", os.getcwd())

        # running the process
        r = subprocess.Popen("./run.sh", stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, shell=True)
        # live output
        out = ""
        for line in iter(r.stdout.readline, ''):
            if r.poll() is not None:
            print(line.decode("utf-8"), end="")
            out += line.decode("utf-8")
            if parse(line.decode("utf-8")) is not None:
                key, value = parse(line.decode("utf-8"))
                if key in d:
                    d["warning"] += "duplicate key *" + key + "*:"
                d[key] = value.strip()

        # finalized result
        if student_id in gradebook:
            print("Warning: duplicate ID")
            d["warning"] += "duplicate ID;"
        gradebook[student_id] = d
        # clean up
        counter += 1
        print(str(counter) + "/" + str(len(dir)) + " finished")
        # time for one iteration
        print(time.strftime("%H:%M:%S", time.localtime()), '\t\t,',
              time.time() - t1,
Пример #5
def has_zettel_id(path: Path, id_pattern) -> Union[str, bool]:
    """Checks if a note already has a zettel ID.

    :return zettel ID if present; False otherwise

    pattern = re.compile(id_pattern)
    match = pattern.match(get_id_from_path(path))
    if match is not None:
        return match.group()
    return False
Пример #6
def get_duplicate_ids(note_paths: List[Path],
                      id_pattern: str) -> List[Tuple[str, List[Path]]]:
    """Checks for duplicate IDs

    This method assumes the IDs are in the correct format.

    :return List of 2-tuples of the form (id, List[Path]) for each ID that
    occurs more than once

    ids = [get_id_from_path(path) for path in note_paths]

    duplicates = []
    for zettel_id, locs in sorted(list_duplicates(ids)):
        duplicates.append((zettel_id, [note_paths[loc] for loc in locs]))
    return duplicates
Пример #7
def get_broken_links(note_paths: List[Path],
                     id_pattern: str) -> List[Tuple[str, Path]]:
    """Checks for broken links (links that do not point to an existing ID)

    Checks for the wikilink styles [[ZETTEL_ID]] and [[ZETTEL_ID Optional text]]

    ids = [get_id_from_path(path) for path in note_paths]

    # group(1) is everything between the [[brackets]]
    # group(2) is the zettel ID only
    pattern = re.compile(r"\[{2}(" + id_pattern + r"[^]\n]*)]{2}")
    broken_links = []

    for path in note_paths:
        for match in pattern.finditer(path.read_text()):
            if match.group(2) not in ids:
                broken_links.append((match.group(1), path))

    return broken_links