Пример #1
 def _crop_neg(self, index):
     N = len(self.neg_cubic)  #疑似位置总数目
     ids = np.random.randint(0, N)
     neg_file = self.neg_cubic[ids]
     data = np.load(neg_file)  #疑似结点数据文件,字典,包含图像数据以及对应原图上的体素坐标中心
     voxel_center = data['center']
     patient_id = neg_file.split('/')[-1].split("_")[0]
     mhd_file = opt.data_train + patient_id + '.mhd'  #结点对应训练集的mhd文件
     image_mask, nodule_centers, origin, spacing = make_mask(
         mhd_file)  #生成mask,并返回其原图的节点信息
     img = data['data'].astype(np.float32)
     crop_mask = self._crop(image_mask, voxel_center)
     return img, crop_mask
Пример #2
def generate_data(tran, emit, T, miss=0., nmasks=1):
    """ Generate synthetic data from finite HMM with continuous emissions.
        A `miss` fraction of data is marked as missing.  `nmasks` sets of
        missing data are created.

        tran : K x K discrete transition matrix.

        emit : K x 1 vector of continuous emission distributions.

        T : Number of observations to generate.

        miss : Fraction of observations that are missing.  Tries to pick evenly
               over all states.

        nmasks : Number of missing masks to generate.

    # doesn't matter for now because we're only dealing with one sequence of
    # observations
    K = tran.shape[0]
    curr_st = 0
    obs = []

    sts = [0]
    for i in xrange(T - 1):
        # transition
        # pass in probability of 1
        curr_st = np.random.choice(K, p=tran[curr_st, :])

        # emit an observation
        point = emit[curr_st].rvs()[0]

    obs = np.array(obs)
    sts = np.array(sts)
    masks = None

    if miss > 0.:
        masks = list()
        for i in xrange(nmasks):
            masks.append(make_mask(sts, miss))

        # Backwards compatability with old tests
        if len(masks) == 1:
            masks = masks[0]

    return obs, sts, masks
Пример #3
def generate_data_smoothing(tran, emit, T, miss=0., left=0, nmasks=1):
    """ Generate synthetic data from finite HMM with continuous emissions.
        A `miss` fraction of data to the right of index `left` is marked as
        missing.  `nmasks` sets of missing data are created.

        tran : K x K transition matrix (row normalized).

        emit : 1-d array-like of size K containing continuous emissions.

        T : Length of resulting observation sequence.

        miss : Fraction of observations that are missing.

        left : Index of leftmost observation that can be missing.

        nmasks : Number of missing masks to generate.
    # doesn't matter for now because we're only dealing with one sequence of
    # observations
    K = tran.shape[0]
    curr_st = 0
    obs = []

    sts = [0]
    for i in xrange(T - 1):
        # transition
        # pass in probability of 1
        curr_st = np.random.choice(K, p=tran[curr_st, :])

        # emit an observation
        point = emit[curr_st].rvs()[0]

    obs = np.array(obs)
    sts = np.array(sts)
    masks = None

    if miss > 0.:
        masks = list()
        for i in xrange(nmasks):
            masks.append(make_mask(sts, miss, left))

    # Backwards compatability with old tests
    if len(masks) == 1:
        masks = masks[0]

    return obs, sts, masks
Пример #4
def generate_data(tran, emit, T, miss=0., nmasks=1):
    """ Generate synthetic data from finite HMM with continuous emissions.
        A `miss` fraction of data is marked as missing.  `nmasks` sets of
        missing data are created.

        tran : K x K discrete transition matrix.

        emit : K x 1 vector of continuous emission distributions.

        T : Number of observations to generate.

        miss : Fraction of observations that are missing.  Tries to pick evenly
               over all states.

        nmasks : Number of missing masks to generate.

    # doesn't matter for now because we're only dealing with one sequence of
    # observations
    K = tran.shape[0]
    curr_st = 0
    obs = []

    sts = [0]
    for i in xrange(T-1):
        # transition
        # pass in probability of 1
        curr_st = np.random.choice(K, p=tran[curr_st,:])

        # emit an observation
        point = emit[curr_st].rvs()[0]

    obs = np.array(obs)
    sts = np.array(sts)
    masks = None

    if miss > 0.:
        masks = list()
        for i in xrange(nmasks):
            masks.append(make_mask(sts, miss))

        # Backwards compatability with old tests
        if len(masks) == 1:
            masks = masks[0]

    return obs, sts, masks
Пример #5
def generate_data_smoothing(tran, emit, T, miss=0., left=0, nmasks=1):
    """ Generate synthetic data from finite HMM with continuous emissions.
        A `miss` fraction of data to the right of index `left` is marked as
        missing.  `nmasks` sets of missing data are created.

        tran : K x K transition matrix (row normalized).

        emit : 1-d array-like of size K containing continuous emissions.

        T : Length of resulting observation sequence.

        miss : Fraction of observations that are missing.

        left : Index of leftmost observation that can be missing.

        nmasks : Number of missing masks to generate.
    # doesn't matter for now because we're only dealing with one sequence of
    # observations
    K = tran.shape[0]
    curr_st = 0
    obs = []

    sts = [0]
    for i in xrange(T-1):
        # transition
        # pass in probability of 1
        curr_st = np.random.choice(K, p=tran[curr_st,:])

        # emit an observation
        point = emit[curr_st].rvs()[0]

    obs = np.array(obs)
    sts = np.array(sts)
    masks = None

    if miss > 0.:
        masks = list()
        for i in xrange(nmasks):
            masks.append(make_mask(sts, miss, left))

    # Backwards compatability with old tests
    if len(masks) == 1:
        masks = masks[0]

    return obs, sts, masks
Пример #6
 def _crop_pos(self, index):
     nodule_index:1021 该结点在self.df_node中的index,便于取出该结点的中心
     file_index = int(index / opt.seg_ratio)
     pos_file = self.pos_cubic[file_index]
     nodule_index = int(pos_file.split('/')[-1].split('_')[1].split('.')[0])
     df_min = self.df_node.iloc[nodule_index]  #结点信息,包含他的中心世界坐标,文件名
     patient_id = df_min.seriesuid
     world_center = np.array([df_min.coordZ, df_min.coordY, df_min.coordX],
     mhd_file = opt.data_train + patient_id + '.mhd'  #结点对应训练集的mhd文件
     image_mask, nodule_centers, origin, spacing = make_mask(
         mhd_file)  #生成mask,并返回其原图的节点信息
     img = np.load(pos_file).astype(np.float32)
     voxel_center = np.rint((world_center - origin) / spacing)
     crop_mask = self._crop(image_mask, voxel_center)
     return img, crop_mask