def plot(self, V): f_source = df.interpolate(self, V) from util import matplot4dolfin matplot = matplot4dolfin() fig = matplot.plot(f_source) # return fig
def _plot_mpl(self, SAVE=False): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from util import matplot4dolfin matplot = matplot4dolfin() # codes for plotting solutions import matplotlib as mpl for i, titl in enumerate(self.titles): # get solution try: soln = getattr(self, '_'.join(['states', self.sols[i]])) except AttributeError: print(self.sols_names[i] + 'solution not found!') pass else: soln = soln.split(True) fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=2, sharex=True, sharey=True, num=i, figsize=(10, 6)) for j, ax in enumerate(axes.flat): plt.axes(ax) sub_fig = matplot.plot(soln[j]) plt.axis('tight') ax.set_title(self.sub_titles[j]) cax, kw = mpl.colorbar.make_axes([ax for ax in axes.flat]) plt.colorbar(sub_fig, cax=cax, **kw) # TODO: fix the issue of common color range # set common titles fig.suptitle(titl) if SAVE:, self.sols_names[i] + '.png', bbox_inches='tight')
def plot_soln(self,soln_f): """ Plot solution function. """ from util import matplot4dolfin matplot=matplot4dolfin() fig=matplot.plot(soln_f) return fig
def plot(self, V): u_coeff = df.interpolate(self, V) from util import matplot4dolfin matplot = matplot4dolfin( overloaded=False ) # switch overloaded to use the default or the manually coded plotting function fig = matplot.plot(u_coeff) # return fig
def plot_data(self): """ Plot the data information. """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from util import matplot4dolfin matplot = matplot4dolfin() fig = matplot.plot(self.pde.mesh) plt.axis('tight') # plt.plot(self.loc[:,0],self.loc[:,1],'bo',markersize=10) plt.scatter(self.loc[:, 0], self.loc[:, 1], c=self.obs, s=200, zorder=2) # plt.xlim(0,1); plt.ylim(0,1) # plt.axis('tight') # plt.xlabel('x',fontsize=12); plt.ylabel('y',fontsize=12,rotation=0) # plt.title('Observations on selected locations',fontsize=12) # return fig
Shiwei Lan @ U of Warwick, 2016 """ import os import dolfin as df import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib as mp from Elliptic_dili import Elliptic import sys sys.path.append("../") from util import matplot4dolfin matplot = matplot4dolfin() # define the inverse problem np.random.seed(2017) SNR = 100 elliptic = Elliptic(nx=40, ny=40, SNR=SNR) # algorithms algs = ('pCN', 'infMALA', 'infHMC', 'DRinfmMALA', 'DRinfmHMC', 'DILI', 'aDRinfmMALA', 'aDRinfmHMC') alg_names = ('pCN', '$\infty$-MALA', '$\infty$-HMC', 'DR-$\infty$-mMALA', 'DR-$\infty$-mHMC', 'DILI', 'aDR-$\infty$-mMALA', 'aDR-$\infty$-mHMC') num_algs = len(algs) # preparation for estimates folder = './analysis_f_SNR' + str(SNR)