def get_conferences(): files = util.listdir(CONFERENCE_FOLDER) util.mkdir(CONFERENCE_CRALWED_FOLDER) cnt = 0 conf = util.load_json('conf_name.json') for file_name in files: save_path = os.path.join(CONFERENCE_CRALWED_FOLDER, file_name) if util.exists(save_path): continue data = util.load_json(os.path.join(CONFERENCE_FOLDER, file_name)) if data['short'] not in conf.keys(): continue html = util.get_page(data['url']) subs = get_subs(data['short'], html) data['name'] = conf[data['short']] data['sub'] = {} for sub in subs: if sub not in conf.keys(): continue html = util.get_page('' + sub) data['sub'][sub] = {} data['sub'][sub]['pub'] = get_publications(html) data['sub'][sub]['name'] = conf[sub] cnt += 1 print cnt, len(files), data['short'] util.save_json(save_path, data)
def getTeamSeasonHtml(self): html = INVALID_STRING if cmp(self._htmlWebSite, INVALID_STRING) == 0: print "htmlWebSite has not been initialized yet" else: #If we have already synced the data we need to fetch the html from local instead of reloading the website again pathNeed2Test = CURRENT_PATH + self._Season0 + self._Season1 + '/' + self._Team_id print "Constructing path as ", pathNeed2Test self._dataStoredPath = pathNeed2Test util.mkdir(pathNeed2Test) htmlFile = pathNeed2Test + '/' + self._GameType + '.html' self._seasonDataHtmlFile = htmlFile print "Check if html file exist or not ", htmlFile if os.path.isfile(htmlFile): print "html file exists, open the file, read it and return the string" html = util.openFile(htmlFile) #print html else: print "html file does not exist, now loading the webpage from network" html = util.getHtmlFromUrl(self._htmlWebSite) if cmp(html, INVALID_STRING)!=0: util.saveFile(htmlFile,html) return html return html
def sub(self): util.mkdir(self.log) sub = SubWithProcId.SubWithProcId() sub.setlog(self.log) logger.debug("self.job = {}".format(self.job)) sub.setpath(os.path.abspath(self.job)) sub.sub()
def ajob(self, dst, name):"Process " + dst)'each job contain about {} {}'.format(self.size, 'G dsts')) dsts = int(do('ls -1 -F ' + dst + r' | grep -v [/$] | wc -l')) logger.debug("total dsts: {}".format(dsts)) size = int(int(do('du ' + dst).split()[0]) / 1024. / 1024. / self.size) job = self.job + name root = self.rawpth + name util.mkdir(job) util.mkdir(root) j = subjobs.subjobs() j.setbody(self.body) jobnum = self._num if jobnum < size: jobnum = size + 1 if dsts < jobnum: jobnum = dsts j.setjobnum(jobnum) j.setjobname("jobs_") j.setname(self.rootnm) j.setdstpath(dst) j.setjobpath(job) j.setProcesser(20) j.drop(self._drop) j.setrootpath(root)
def addDimFaceData(): face_data_dir = '/home/SSD3/maheen-data/face_data/npy' out_dir = '/home/SSD3/maheen-data/face_data/npy_dimAdd' util.mkdir(out_dir) face_data_file = os.path.join(face_data_dir, 'data_list.txt') in_files = util.readLinesFromFile(face_data_file) args = [] for idx, in_file in enumerate(in_files): out_file = in_file.replace(face_data_dir, out_dir) if os.path.exists(out_file): continue folder_curr = out_file[:out_file.rindex('/')] util.mkdir(folder_curr) args.append((idx, in_file, out_file)) print len(args) # for arg in args: # addDim(arg); # break; p = multiprocessing.Pool(multiprocessing.cpu_count()), args)
def saveFaceBBoxIm(): path_txt = '/home/laoreja/deep-landmark-master/dataset/train/trainImageList.txt' path_pre = '/home/laoreja/deep-landmark-master/dataset/train' path_im, bbox, anno_points = parseAnnoFile(path_txt, path_pre, face=True) out_dir_im = '/home/SSD3/maheen-data/face_data/im' out_dir_npy = '/home/SSD3/maheen-data/face_data/npy' args = [] args_bbox_npy = [] for idx, path_im_curr, bbox_curr, key_pts in zip(range(len(path_im)), path_im, bbox, anno_points): path_curr, file_name = os.path.split(path_im_curr) path_curr = path_curr.split('/') path_pre_curr = path_curr[-1] out_dir_curr = os.path.join(out_dir_im, path_pre_curr) out_dir_npy_curr = os.path.join(out_dir_npy, path_pre_curr) util.mkdir(out_dir_curr) util.mkdir(out_dir_npy_curr) out_file = os.path.join(out_dir_curr, file_name) args.append((path_im_curr, out_file, bbox_curr, idx)) out_file_npy = os.path.join(out_dir_npy_curr, file_name[:file_name.rindex('.')] + '.npy') args_bbox_npy.append((bbox_curr, key_pts, out_file_npy, idx)) # break; print len(args_bbox_npy) p = multiprocessing.Pool(multiprocessing.cpu_count()) #,args);, args_bbox_npy)
def get_journals(): pos, cnt = 1, 0 util.mkdir(JOURNAL_FOLDER) while True: html = util.get_page(JOURNAL_URL + str(pos)) links = util.find_journals(html) once_cnt = 0 for link in links: if link[0] == '' or '?' in link[0]: continue data = {} data['type'] = 'journal' data['short'] = link[0] data['name'] = link[1] data['url'] = '' + data[ 'short'] util.save_json( os.path.join(JOURNAL_FOLDER, util.hex_hash(data['short'])), data) cnt += 1 once_cnt += 1 if once_cnt == 0: break pos += 100 print 'Journal', cnt
def script_saveToExploreBoxes(): # dir_mat_overlap='/disk3/maheen_data/headC_160_noFlow_bbox/mat_overlaps_1000'; dir_mat_overlap='/disk3/maheen_data/pedro_val/mat_overlap'; scratch_dir='/disk3/maheen_data/scratch_dir' util.mkdir(scratch_dir); out_file=os.path.join(scratch_dir,'them_neg_box.p'); overlap_files=util.getFilesInFolder(dir_mat_overlap,ext='.npz'); print len(overlap_files) to_explore=[]; for idx_overlap_file,overlap_file in enumerate(overlap_files): print idx_overlap_file meta_data=np.load(overlap_file); pred_boxes=meta_data['pred_boxes']; # print pred_boxes.shape min_boxes=np.min(pred_boxes,axis=1); num_neg=np.sum(min_boxes<0); if num_neg>0: to_explore.append((overlap_file,pred_boxes)); print len(to_explore); pickle.dump(to_explore,open(out_file,'wb'));
def create_videos(dirs): util.mkdir(VIDEO_DIR) for dir in dirs: basename = os.path.basename(dir) target = os.path.join(VIDEO_DIR, basename) cmd = f"ffmpeg -f image2 -pattern_type glob -i '{dir}/*.png' -t 30 -c:v libx264 -profile:v high -crf 25 -pix_fmt yuv420p {target}.mp4", shell=True)
def save_one_img_of_batch(self, batch, dirpath, fname): util.mkdir(dirpath) imgpath = osp.join(dirpath, fname) assert len(batch.shape) == 4 # img = util.saveTensorAsImg(batch[0], imgpath) torchvision.utils.save_image(batch[0], imgpath)
def main(): parser = get_parser() args = parser.parse_args() # load model. model_options defined in models/ model = sk_model_options[args.model](args.choice, args.freq_floor) # load data data_path = data_paths[args.dataset] train_set, dev_set, test_set = get_datasets(model.batch_size, data_path, model.preprocess_inputs, sk=True) print 'training...' train(model, train_set) print 'done training.' truth_file = os.path.join(data_path, 'truth.jsonl') mkdir(os.path.join(CKPT, args.sess_name)) results_dir = os.path.join(CKPT, args.sess_name, 'results') mkdir(results_dir) print 'evaluating...' evaluate(model, train_set, results_dir, 'train', truth_file) evaluate(model, dev_set, results_dir, 'dev', truth_file) evaluate(model, test_set, results_dir, 'test', truth_file) print 'done evaluating.'
def get_base_parses(run_id, trials_per=800, reverse=False, dry_run=False): print('run_id: %i' % run_id) print('Loading model...') type_model = TypeModel().eval() if torch.cuda.is_available(): type_model = type_model.cuda() score_fn = lambda parses: model_score_fn(type_model, parses) print('Loading classification dataset...') dataset = ClassificationDataset(osc_folder='./one-shot-classification') run = dataset.runs[run_id] if reverse: imgs = run.test_imgs else: imgs = run.train_imgs run_dir = './run%0.2i' % (run_id + 1) save_dir = os.path.join(run_dir, 'base_parses') if not dry_run: mkdir(run_dir) mkdir(save_dir) print('Collecting top-K parses for each train image...') nimg = len(imgs) for i in range(nimg): start_time = time.time() parses, log_probs = get_topK_parses(imgs[i], k=5, score_fn=score_fn, configs_per=1, trials_per=trials_per) total_time = time.time() - start_time print('image %i/%i took %s' % (i + 1, nimg, time_string(total_time))) if dry_run: continue save_img_results(save_dir, i, parses, log_probs, reverse)
def load(cls, conf, lang, bert=None): mkdir(conf.cache_dir) fasttext_emb = conf.fasttext_emb_file if conf.use_fasttext else None fname = ( f"{conf.dataset}.{lang}." + (f"max{conf.max_ninst}." if conf.max_ninst else "") + (f"maxeval{conf.max_eval_ninst}." if conf.max_eval_ninst else "") + (f"cv{conf.crossval_idx}." if conf.crossval_idx is not None else "") + (f"bert{conf.bert_max_seq_len}." if bert is not None else "") + (f"fasttext." if fasttext_emb is not None else "") + f"vs{conf.vocab_size}.{conf.tag}." + (f"{conf.tag_scheme}." if conf.tag_scheme else "") + "pt" ) cache_file = conf.cache_dir / fname ds = None try: print("loading", cache_file) ds = torch.load(cache_file) print("loaded", cache_file) ds.bpemb = BPEmb( lang=conf.bpemb_lang, vs=conf.vocab_size, dim=conf.bpemb_dim, add_pad_emb=True) except FileNotFoundError: pass if ds is None: print(f"Loading dataset {conf.dataset} {lang}") ds = cls(conf, lang, bert=bert) bpemb = ds.bpemb ds.bpemb = None # cannot pickle SwigPyObject, cache_file) ds.bpemb = bpemb return ds
def script_reSaveMatOverlap(): dir_old='/disk3/maheen_data/pedro_val/mat_overlap'; dir_new='/disk3/maheen_data/pedro_val/mat_overlap_check'; util.mkdir(dir_new); path_to_im='/disk2/ms_coco/val2014'; path_to_gt='/disk2/mayExperiments/validation_anno'; mat_overlap_files=util.getFilesInFolder(dir_old,ext='.npz'); im_names=util.getFileNames(mat_overlap_files,ext=False); args=[]; for idx,(mat_overlap_file,im_name) in enumerate(zip(mat_overlap_files,im_names)): gt_file=os.path.join(path_to_gt,im_name+'.npy'); im_file=os.path.join(path_to_im,im_name+'.jpg'); out_file=os.path.join(dir_new,im_name+'.npz'); # if os.path.exists(out_file): # continue; args.append((mat_overlap_file,gt_file,im_file,out_file,idx)); p = multiprocessing.Pool(32);, args);
def build_test_res_dir(self): assert self.opt[CHECKPOINT_PATH] modelpath = pathlib.Path(self.opt[CHECKPOINT_PATH]) # when passing valid_ds, ignore and use instead. ds_type = VALID_DATA if self.opt[VALID_DATA][INPUT] else DATA fname = + '@' + self.opt[ds_type][NAME] dirpath = modelpath.parent / TEST_RESULT_DIRNAME if (dirpath / fname).exists(): if len(os.listdir(dirpath / fname)) == 0: # an existing but empty dir pass else: input_str = input( f'[ WARN ] Result directory "{fname}" exists. Press ENTER to overwrite or input suffix to create a new one:\n> New name: {fname}.') if input_str == '': console.log(f"[ WARN ] Overwrite result_dir: {fname}") pass else: fname += '.' + input_str # fname += '.new' dirpath /= fname util.mkdir(dirpath) console.log('TEST - Result save path:') console.log(str(dirpath)) global TEST_DIRPATH TEST_DIRPATH = dirpath return str(dirpath)
def codeProject(args,flag,data): PARAM_KEY = 1 PARAM_PATH = 2 PARAM_FORMATTER = 3 ARGUMENTS = len(args)-1 # JSON mapping files and storage of this if( keyExists("projects",args[1])): if( "stdout" in args[2]): project = json.loads(load("projects/"+args[PARAM_KEY])); # Uses key value storage directory = args[PARAM_PATH] + "/" + args[PARAM_KEY] mkdir(directory) for x in project.keys(): # Reflect that with here _file = json.loads(load("files/"+x)); out = ''; for y in _file: block = str(load("blocks/"+ y)) if(ARGUMENTS == PARAM_FORMATTER): # Alter all the blocks in said fashion block = format.block(block, args[PARAM_FORMATTER]) out += block # Output the file with the correct file name save(directory + "/" + project[x],out) else: error("Error: Project does not exist")
def moveFilesIntoFolders(in_dir,mat_file,out_dir,out_file_commands,pad_zeros_in=8,pad_zeros_out=4):['ranges']; # videos=np.unique(arr); commands=[]; for shot_no in range(arr.shape[1]): print shot_no,arr.shape[1]; start_idx=arr[0,shot_no]; end_idx=arr[1,shot_no]; video_idx=arr[2,shot_no]; out_dir_video=os.path.join(out_dir,str(video_idx)); util.mkdir(out_dir_video); # print # raw_input(); shot_idx=np.where(shot_no==np.where(video_idx==arr[2,:])[0])[0][0]+1; out_dir_shot=os.path.join(out_dir_video,str(shot_idx)); util.mkdir(out_dir_shot); # print start_idx,end_idx for idx,frame_no in enumerate(range(start_idx,end_idx+1)): in_file=os.path.join(in_dir,padZeros(frame_no,pad_zeros_in)+'.jpg'); out_file=os.path.join(out_dir_shot,'frame'+padZeros(idx+1,pad_zeros_out)+'.jpg'); command='mv '+in_file+' '+out_file; commands.append(command); print len(commands); util.writeFile(out_file_commands,commands);
def __init__(self, opt, running_modes): ''' logger_img_group_names: images group names in wandb logger. recommand: ['train', 'valid'] ''' super().__init__() self.save_hyperparameters(opt) console.log('Running initialization for BaseModel') if IMG_DIRPATH in opt: # in training mode. # if in test mode, configLogging is not called. if TRAIN in running_modes: self.train_img_dirpath = osp.join(opt[IMG_DIRPATH], TRAIN) util.mkdir(self.train_img_dirpath) if VALID in running_modes and opt[VALID_DATA][INPUT]: self.valid_img_dirpath = osp.join(opt[IMG_DIRPATH], VALID) util.mkdir(self.valid_img_dirpath) self.opt = opt self.MODEL_WATCHED = False # for wandb watching model self.global_valid_step = 0 assert isinstance(running_modes, Iterable) self.logger_image_buffer = {k: [] for k in running_modes}
def initialize(): print '\nWelcome to the interactive Svndae configuration!' options = get_configuration_defaults() print "\nInitializing file system in '%s'" % options['path'] util.mkdir(options['path']) util.mkdir(join(options['path'],options['dir'])) print "Generating configuration file '%s'" % options['conf'] SvndaeConfig.generate_config(options['path'],options['conf'],options['dir'],options['file']) config = SvndaeConfig(options['path'],name=options['conf']) print "Adding default administrative groups" config.create_group(init.ADMIN_GROUP) config.add_permission(init.ADMIN_GROUP,SvndaeConfig._WRITE,SvndaeConfig._ALL_REPOS) config.add_permission(init.ADMIN_GROUP,SvndaeConfig._READ,SvndaeConfig._ALL_REPOS) while True: correct_in = raw_input('Would you like to add any repository ACLs? ([y]/n) ') if correct_in == '' or correct_in == 'y': get_repo_manage(config) break elif correct_in == 'n': break else: print_confirmation_error() while True: correct_in = raw_input('Would you like to add any additional groups? ([y]/n) ') if correct_in == '' or correct_in == 'y': get_user_groups(config) break elif correct_in == 'n': break else: print_confirmation_error() print_final()
def rescaleImAndSaveMeta(img_paths,meta_dir,power_scale_range=(-2,1),step_size=0.5): img_names=util.getFileNames(img_paths); power_range=np.arange(power_scale_range[0],power_scale_range[1]+1,step_size); scales=[2**val for val in power_range]; scale_infos=[]; for idx,scale in enumerate(scales): out_dir_curr=os.path.join(meta_dir,str(idx)); util.mkdir(out_dir_curr); scale_infos.append((out_dir_curr,scale)); args=[]; idx=0; for idx_img,img_path in enumerate(img_paths): for out_dir_curr,scale in scale_infos: out_file=os.path.join(out_dir_curr,img_names[idx_img]); if os.path.exists(out_file): continue; args.append((img_path,out_file,scale,idx)); idx=idx+1; p=multiprocessing.Pool(multiprocessing.cpu_count());,args);
def script_makeNegImages(): in_dir='/disk2/aprilExperiments/testing_neg_fixed_test/' out_dir=os.path.join(in_dir,'visualizing_negs'); util.mkdir(out_dir); # return im_paths=[os.path.join(in_dir,file_curr) for file_curr in os.listdir(in_dir) if file_curr.endswith('.png')]; for im_path in im_paths: print im_path bbox=np.load(im_path.replace('.png','_bbox.npy')); crop_box=np.load(im_path.replace('.png','_crop.npy')); # print im_path.replace('.png','_bbox.npy') # print im_path.replace('.png','_crop.npy') # break; im =; im=drawCropAndBBox(im,bbox,crop_box) # write to stdout,im_path[im_path.rindex('/')+1:]), "PNG"); # break; visualize.writeHTMLForFolder(out_dir,ext='png',height=300,width=300);
def run(method_name): processed_fnames = [] imgs = glob(args.input) c.log(f'Method: {method_name}, Input Images:') c.log(imgs) model = method_map[method_name]() dstdir = osp.join(args.output, method_name) util.mkdir(dstdir) for x in track(imgs): img = cv2.imread(x) res = model.process_one(np.array(img, dtype=np.uint8)) # save result img: fname = osp.basename(x) if fname not in processed_fnames: processed_fnames.append(fname) else: new_fname = fname + '.dup.png' processed_fnames.append(new_fname) c.log(f'[*] {fname} already exists, rename to {new_fname}') fname = new_fname dst = osp.join(dstdir, fname) # if not osp.exists(dstdir): # os.makedirs(dstdir) cv2.imwrite(dst, res)
def example(): """ Comparison of my own neighbor classifier with sklearn.neighbors.RadiusNeighborsClassifier """ # measure classification performance of both classifiers for the full dataset aprint('\nTest performance of classifiers for full dataset', fmt='bi') odir = mkdir(os.path.join(_par_.odir, 'full_dataset')) test_performance(odir=odir) aprint('\nMy NeighborsClassifier should have slightly better performance' '\nthan sklearn.neighbors.RadiusNeighborsClassifier.') # classify the feature space using the full dataset and create figures classify_feature_space(odir=odir) # measure classification performance of selected data containing # 50 samples of versicolor and the first 20 of virginica (asymmetric label frequency) aprint('\nTest performance of classifiers for asymmetric data', fmt='bi') aprint( '(using no setosa, all 50 versicolor, and only 20 versicolor samples)') odir = mkdir(os.path.join(_par_.odir, 'asymmetric')) test_performance(_par_.xx[50:120], _par_.yy[50:120], odir=odir) aprint( '\nMy NeighborsClassifier should have significantly better performance' '\nthan sklearn.neighbors.RadiusNeighborsClassifier.') # classify the feature space using asymmetric data and create figures classify_feature_space(_par_.xx[50:120], _par_.yy[50:120], odir=odir) # compare runtime of classifiers aprint('\nCompare execution time of classifiers', fmt='bi') compare_runtime()
def save_new_parses(parses_j, log_probs_j, save_dir, K_per_img, test_id, reverse=False): """ i : train image index k : parse index """ appendix_i = 'test' if reverse else 'train' appendix_j = 'train' if reverse else 'test' curr = 0 for train_id, K in K_per_img.items(): # get savedir paths save_dir_i = os.path.join(save_dir, appendix_i+'_%0.2i' % train_id) mkdir(save_dir_i) save_dir_ij = os.path.join(save_dir_i, appendix_j+'_%0.2i' % test_id) mkdir(save_dir_ij) # get data subset parses_ij = parses_j[curr : curr+K] log_probs_ij = log_probs_j[curr : curr+K] curr += K # save log-probs lp_file = os.path.join(save_dir_ij, ''), lp_file) # save parses for k in range(K): parse = parses_ij[k] parse_file = os.path.join(save_dir_ij, '' % k), parse_file)
def makepkg(self, path): """Creates an Arch Linux package archive. A package archive is generated in the location 'path', based on the data from the object. """ self.path = os.path.join(path, self.filename()) curdir = os.getcwd() tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() os.chdir(tmpdir) # Generate package file system for f in self.files: util.mkfile(f, f) self.size += os.lstat(self.parse_filename(f))[stat.ST_SIZE] # .PKGINFO data = ["pkgname = %s" %] data.append("pkgver = %s" % self.version) data.append("pkgdesc = %s" % self.desc) data.append("url = %s" % self.url) data.append("builddate = %s" % self.builddate) data.append("packager = %s" % self.packager) data.append("size = %s" % self.size) if self.arch: data.append("arch = %s" % self.arch) for i in self.license: data.append("license = %s" % i) for i in self.replaces: data.append("replaces = %s" % i) for i in self.groups: data.append("group = %s" % i) for i in self.depends: data.append("depend = %s" % i) for i in self.optdepends: data.append("optdepend = %s" % i) for i in self.conflicts: data.append("conflict = %s" % i) for i in self.provides: data.append("provides = %s" % i) for i in self.backup: data.append("backup = %s" % i) util.mkfile(".PKGINFO", "\n".join(data)) # .INSTALL if any(self.install.values()): util.mkfile(".INSTALL", self.installfile()) # safely create the dir util.mkdir(os.path.dirname(self.path)) # Generate package archive tar =, "w:gz") for i in os.listdir("."): tar.add(i) tar.close() os.chdir(curdir) shutil.rmtree(tmpdir)
def scrape_sources(since, output_dir): base_url = '' namespace = '{}' page = 1 total_count = 0 util.mkdir(output_dir) while True: response_string = request(base_url, page) ET_tree = ET.fromstring(response_string) ET.register_namespace('', namespace[1:-1]) sources, done = get_sources(ET_tree, namespace, since) total_count += len(sources) if len(sources) > 0: out_file_path = f'{output_dir}/source_{page}.json' save(out_file_path, sources) if done: print(f'Done!') break print(f'processed {page}th page [total: {total_count} sources]') page += 1 sleep(0.5)
def get_santiago_address(self): if 'santiago' in cfg.users['admin'] and 'address' in cfg.users[ 'admin']['santiago']: return cfg.users['admin']['santiago']['address'] else: admin = cfg.users['admin'] admin['santiago'] = {} with open("/etc/tor/torrc", 'r') as INF: rc = self.santiago_dir = os.path.join(cfg.file_root, "data", "santiago", "tor") self.tor_dir = os.path.join(self.santiago_dir, "general") u.mkdir(self.santiago_dir) os.system('chmod a+w %s' % self.santiago_dir) hidden_service_config = "HiddenServiceDir %s\nHiddenServicePort 80" % ( self.tor_dir, santiago_port) if hidden_service_config in rc: ## get info from dir (but how? we need perms) ## just fake it for now admin['santiago']['address'] = "b5wycujkfh2jxfdo.onion" cfg.users['admin'] = admin return cfg.users['admin']['santiago']['address'] print "Need to add these two lines to /etc/torrc:\n%s" % hidden_service_config return ""
def getTeamSeasonHtml(self): html = INVALID_STRING if cmp(self._htmlWebSite, INVALID_STRING) == 0: print "htmlWebSite has not been initialized yet" else: #If we have already synced the data we need to fetch the html from local instead of reloading the website again pathNeed2Test = CURRENT_PATH + self._Season0 + self._Season1 + '/' + self._Team_id print "Constructing path as ", pathNeed2Test self._dataStoredPath = pathNeed2Test util.mkdir(pathNeed2Test) htmlFile = pathNeed2Test + '/' + self._GameType + '.html' self._seasonDataHtmlFile = htmlFile print "Check if html file exist or not ", htmlFile if os.path.isfile(htmlFile): print "html file exists, open the file, read it and return the string" html = util.openFile(htmlFile) #print html else: print "html file does not exist, now loading the webpage from network" html = util.getHtmlFromUrl(self._htmlWebSite) if cmp(html, INVALID_STRING) != 0: util.saveFile(htmlFile, html) return html return html
def script_saveHumanOnlyNeg(): out_file='/disk2/aprilExperiments/positives_160_human.txt' out_dir='/disk2/aprilExperiments/negatives_npy_onlyHuman'; util.mkdir(out_dir); im_pre='COCO_train2014_' lines=util.readLinesFromFile(out_file); img_files=[line[:line.index(' ')] for line in lines]; img_names=util.getFileNames(img_files,ext=False); img_name=img_names[0]; print img_name img_name_split=img_name.split('_'); idx_all=[int(img_name.split('_')[-1]) for img_name in img_names]; print len(img_names),len(idx_all),idx_all[0]; cat_id=1; path_to_anno='/disk2/ms_coco/annotations'; anno_file='instances_train2014.json'; anno=json.load(open(os.path.join(path_to_anno,anno_file),'rb'))['annotations']; script_saveBboxFiles(anno,out_dir,im_pre,idx_all,cat_id)
def script_vizForHMDB(): out_dir='/disk2/mayExperiments/debug_finetuning/hmdb'; clusters_file='/home/maheenrashid/Downloads/debugging_jacob/optical_flow_prediction_test/examples/opticalflow/clusters.mat'; vid_list=os.path.join(out_dir,'video_list.txt'); out_dir_viz=os.path.join(out_dir,'im'); util.mkdir(out_dir_viz); out_file_html=out_dir_viz+'.html'; path_to_hmdb='/disk2/marchExperiments/hmdb_try_2/hmdb' dirs=util.readLinesFromFile(vid_list); dirs=[os.path.join(path_to_hmdb,dir_curr) for dir_curr in dirs[2:]]; random.shuffle(dirs); num_to_evaluate=100; out_file_tif=os.path.join(out_dir,'tif_list.txt'); # recordContainingFiles(dirs,num_to_evaluate,out_file_flo,post_dir='images',ext='.flo'); tif_files=util.readLinesFromFile(out_file_tif); tif_files=tif_files[:100]; img_files=[file_curr.replace('.tif','.jpg') for file_curr in tif_files]; flo_files=[file_curr.replace('.tif','.flo') for file_curr in tif_files]; clusters=po.readClustersFile(clusters_file); script_writeFloVizHTML(out_file_html,out_dir_viz,flo_files,img_files,tif_files,clusters,True)
def organize_directory(self): if (self.scenes): # Iterate Over Scenes List for curr, scene in enumerate(self.scenes, 1): # Create Scene Folder util.mkdir( util.form_path([self.image_path, SCENE.format(curr)])) # Move Images To Scene Folder for image in scene: try: # Generate Source and Destination Paths src = util.absolute(image) dst = util.normalize( util.form_path([ util.dirname(image), SCENE.format(curr), util.basename(image) ])) # Move Images To Scene Folder util.move(src, dst) except FileNotFoundError: pass # Update Prompt print("Organized All Images ") else: util.perror("spectra: No scenes found to analyze")
def check(self, name): data = self.getSource() fnRef = self.fnRef(name) fnOrig = self.fnOrig(name) # save references only? if util.mkdir(self.config.REF_DIR) util.write(fnRef, data) else: # compare assert os.path.exists(fnRef), "Cannot compare without reference file: %s" % fnRef util.mkdir(self.outputDir) # first save original file util.write(fnOrig, data) ref = self.cleanup( data = self.cleanup(data) # htmldiff result = htmldiff.htmldiff(ref, data, True) util.write(self.fnHtmlDiff(name), result) self.scenario.results[name] = self._eval_diff(result) # difflib linesRef = ref.splitlines() linesData = data.splitlines() result = difflib.HtmlDiff(wrapcolumn=80).make_file(linesRef, linesData, fnRef, fnOrig, context=True) util.write(self.fnDiffLib(name), result)
def main(): args = get_arguments() SEED = args.seed torch.manual_seed(SEED) torch.backends.cudnn.deterministic = True torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = False np.random.seed(SEED) util.mkdir('runs') test_acc_file = 'runs/test' + str(args.cosine) + str(args.bna) + str( args.bnd) + '.txt' train_acc_file = 'runs/train' + str(args.cosine) + str(args.bna) + str( args.bnd) + '.txt' open(test_acc_file, 'w') open(train_acc_file, 'w') print('Building model, loading data...\n') if args.cuda: torch.cuda.manual_seed(SEED) model, optimizer, training_generator, test_generator = initialize(args) best_pred_loss = 1000.0 print('\nCheckpoint folder:',, '\n\nCosine:', args.cosine, '\t\tBna:', args.bna, '\t\tBnd:', args.bnd, '\t\tContrastive:', args.cont, '\n\nStart training...\n') for epoch in range(1, args.nEpochs + 1): train_metrics = train(args, model, training_generator, optimizer, epoch) test_metrics, confusion_matrix, ucsd_correct_total, sars_correct_total, ucsd_test_total, sars_test_total \ = validation(args, model, test_generator, epoch, mode='test') best_pred_loss = util.save_model(model, optimizer, args, test_metrics, epoch, best_pred_loss, confusion_matrix) print('COVID-CT Accuracy: {0:.2f}%\tSARS-Cov-2 Accuracy: {1:.2f}%\n'. format(100. * ucsd_correct_total / ucsd_test_total, 100. * sars_correct_total / sars_test_total)) with open(test_acc_file, 'a+') as f: f.write( str(['correct'] /['total']) + ' ' + str(optimizer.param_groups[0]['lr']) + ' ' + str(['loss'] / (['total'] // args.batch_size + 1)) + '\n') with open(train_acc_file, 'a+') as f: f.write( str(['correct'] /['total']) + ' ' + str(optimizer.param_groups[0]['lr']) + ' ' + str(['loss'] / (['total'] // args.batch_size + 1)) + '\n') adjust_learning_rate(optimizer, epoch, args)
def generate(self): pkg_entries = [(pkg, self.db_write(pkg)) for pkg in self.pkgs] if self.dbdir: for pkg, entry in pkg_entries: path = os.path.join(self.dbdir, pkg.fullname()) util.mkdir(path) for name, data in entry.items(): util.mkfile(path, name, data) if self.dbfile: tar =, "w:gz") for pkg, entry in pkg_entries: # TODO: the addition of the directory is currently a # requirement for successful reading of a DB by libalpm info = tarfile.TarInfo(pkg.fullname()) info.type = tarfile.DIRTYPE tar.addfile(info) for name, data in entry.items(): filename = os.path.join(pkg.fullname(), name) info = tarfile.TarInfo(filename) info.size = len(data) tar.addfile(info, StringIO(data)) tar.close() # TODO: this is a bit unnecessary considering only one test uses it serverpath = os.path.join(self.root, util.SYNCREPO, self.treename) util.mkdir(serverpath) shutil.copy(self.dbfile, serverpath)
def generate(self): pkg_entries = [(pkg, self.db_write(pkg)) for pkg in self.pkgs] if self.dbdir: for pkg, entry in pkg_entries: path = os.path.join(self.dbdir, pkg.fullname()) util.mkdir(path) for name, data in entry.iteritems(): filename = os.path.join(path, name) util.mkfile(filename, data) if self.dbfile: tar =, "w:gz") for pkg, entry in pkg_entries: # TODO: the addition of the directory is currently a # requirement for successful reading of a DB by libalpm info = tarfile.TarInfo(pkg.fullname()) info.type = tarfile.DIRTYPE tar.addfile(info) for name, data in entry.iteritems(): filename = os.path.join(pkg.fullname(), name) info = tarfile.TarInfo(filename) info.size = len(data) tar.addfile(info, StringIO(data)) tar.close() # TODO: this is a bit unnecessary considering only one test uses it serverpath = os.path.join(self.root, util.SYNCREPO, self.treename) util.mkdir(serverpath) shutil.copy(self.dbfile, serverpath)
def pack(self): emb_root = self.target_root if self.seed: emb_root = emb_root.pjoin(self.target_root) basedir = util.Path( os.path.dirname(self.tarpath) ) util.mkdir(basedir) archive =, 'w:bz2') archive.add(emb_root, arcname = '/', recursive = True ) archive.close() curdir = os.path.realpath(os.curdir) os.chdir(emb_root) util.cmd('find ./ | cpio -H newc -o | gzip -c -9 > %s' % (self.cpiopath)) os.chdir(curdir) if self.kernel: r = util.Path('/') if self.seed: r = self.target_root r = r.pjoin('/tmp/inhibitor/kernelbuild') kernel_link = r.pjoin('/boot/kernel') kernel_path = os.path.realpath( kernel_link ) if os.path.lexists(self.kernlinkpath): os.unlink(self.kernlinkpath) shutil.copy2(kernel_path, basedir.pjoin( os.path.basename(kernel_path) )) os.symlink(os.path.basename(kernel_path), self.kernlinkpath)
def __init__(self, data_path, model_file, s3_bucket, epochs=50, max_sample_records=500, start_epoch=0, restored_model=False, restored_model_dir=None, tf_timeline=False): self.data_path = data_path self.s3_bucket = format_s3_bucket(s3_bucket) self.s3_data_dir = format_s3_data_dir(self.s3_bucket) self.model_file = model_file self.n_epochs = int(epochs) self.max_sample_records = max_sample_records self.tf_timeline = tf_timeline # Always sync before training in case I ever train multiple models in parallel sync_from_aws(s3_path=self.s3_data_dir, local_path=self.data_path) if restored_model: self.model_dir = restored_model_dir else: self.tfboard_basedir = os.path.join(self.data_path, 'tf_visual_data', 'runs') self.model_dir = mkdir_tfboard_run_dir(self.tfboard_basedir) self.results_file = os.path.join(self.model_dir, 'results.txt') self.model_checkpoint_dir = os.path.join(self.model_dir, 'checkpoints') self.saver = tf.train.Saver() self.start_epoch = start_epoch self.restored_model = restored_model mkdir(self.model_checkpoint_dir)
def write_params(self): """ Write out the estimated parameters as csv. Colums are: ['id', 'mode', 'p(k)', 'parameter', 'value', 'se'] """ if is None: self.exception("can't write model, as filename not specified.") if '.' not in self.exception("model id is not a filename.") # make sure the output folder exists folder = '%s/fits/%s' % (util.data_path, self.model_type) util.mkdir(folder) with open('%s/%s' % (folder,, 'w') as f: writer = csv.writer(f) # write each degree as a row for i in range(len(self.u)): row = [, self.model_type, 1, i, self.u[i],[i]] writer.writerow(row) if self.vvv: self.message("wrote model to file")
def __init__(self, data_path, epochs=50, max_sample_records=500): self.data_path = data_path self.epochs = int(epochs) self.max_sample_records = max_sample_records tfboard_basedir = mkdir(data_path + '/tf_visual_data/runs/') tfboard_run_dir = mkdir_tfboard_run_dir(tfboard_basedir) model_checkpoint_path = mkdir(tfboard_run_dir + '/trained_model')
def auto_conf(self): util.mkdir(self.out_root) self.out_dir = os.path.join(self.out_root, util.mkdir(self.out_dir) self.model_path = os.path.join(self.out_dir, 'model') self.log_path = os.path.join(self.out_dir, 'log') self.test_out_path = os.path.join(self.out_dir, 'test_out')
def __write_permapage(self, posts): """Write blog posts to their permalink locations""" perma_template = self.template_lookup.get_template("permapage.mako") perma_template.output_encoding = "utf-8" for post in posts: if post.permalink: path_parts = [self.output_dir] path_parts.extend(urlparse.urlparse( post.permalink)[2].lstrip("/").split("/")) path = os.path.join(*path_parts)"Writing permapage for post: "+path) else: #Permalinks MUST be specified. No permalink, no page."Post has no permalink: "+post.title) continue try: util.mkdir(path) except OSError: pass html = self.__template_render( perma_template, { "post": post, "posts": posts }) f = open(os.path.join(path,"index.html"), "w") f.write(html) f.close()
def __write_files(self): """Write all files for the blog to _site Convert all templates to straight HTML Copy other non-template files directly""" #find mako templates in template_dir for root, dirs, files in os.walk("."): if root.startswith("./"): root = root[2:] for d in list(dirs): #Exclude some dirs d_path = util.path_join(root, d) if util.should_ignore_path(d_path): logger.debug("Ignoring directory: " + d_path) dirs.remove(d) try: util.mkdir(util.path_join(self.output_dir, root)) except OSError: #pragma: no cover pass for t_fn in files: t_fn_path = util.path_join(root, t_fn) if util.should_ignore_path(t_fn_path): #Ignore this file. logger.debug("Ignoring file: " + t_fn_path) continue elif t_fn.endswith(".mako"):"Processing mako file: " + t_fn_path) #Process this template file t_name = t_fn[:-5] t_file = open(t_fn_path) template = Template("utf-8"), output_encoding="utf-8", lookup=self.template_lookup) #Remember the original path for later when setting context template.bf_meta = {"path": t_fn_path} t_file.close() path = util.path_join(self.output_dir, root, t_name) html_file = open(path, "w") html = self.template_render(template) #Write to disk html_file.write(html) else: #Copy this non-template file f_path = util.path_join(root, t_fn) logger.debug("Copying file: " + f_path) out_path = util.path_join(self.output_dir, f_path) if and os.path.exists( out_path): logger.warn( "Location is used more than once: {0}".format( f_path)) if # Try hardlinking first, and if that fails copy try:, out_path) except StandardError: shutil.copyfile(f_path, out_path) else: shutil.copyfile(f_path, out_path)
def run(self): environ = self.distribution.environment if self.devel_support: for tpl in self.devel_support: if self.distribution.verbose: print 'adding sysdevel support to ' + tpl[0] target = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.build_lib, *tpl[0].split('.'))) util.mkdir(target) source_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join( os.path.dirname(__file__), 'support')) for mod in tpl[1]: src_file = os.path.join(source_dir, mod + '') if not os.path.exists(src_file): src_file = src_file[:-3] dst_file = os.path.join(target, mod + '.py') util.configure_file(environ, src_file, dst_file) if self.antlr_modules: here = os.getcwd() for grammar in self.antlr_modules: if self.distribution.verbose: print 'building antlr grammar "' + \ + '" sources' ##TODO build in build_src, add to build_lib modules target = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.build_lib, util.mkdir(target) source_dir = os.path.abspath( os.chdir(target) reprocess = True ref = os.path.join(target, + '') if os.path.exists(ref): reprocess = False for src in grammar.sources: src_path = os.path.join(source_dir, src) if os.path.getmtime(ref) < os.path.getmtime(src_path): reprocess = True if reprocess: for src in grammar.sources: ## ANTLR cannot parse from a separate directory shutil.copy(os.path.join(source_dir, src), '.') cmd_line = list(environ['ANTLR']) cmd_line.append(src) status = if status != 0: raise Exception("Command '" + str(cmd_line) + "' returned non-zero exit status " + str(status)) ## Cleanup so that it's only Python modules for f in glob.glob('*.g'): os.unlink(f) for f in glob.glob('*.tokens'): os.unlink(f) os.chdir(here)
def build(smbuildfile, compiler, plugins, packages, flags='', output_dir='builds', nosource=False): """Performs the entire build process.""" # setup directory structure, execute user-configurations plugin_build_dir = os.path.join(output_dir, 'plugins') util.mkdir(output_dir) util.mkdir(plugin_build_dir) # scan deps for what we need to do packages_to_build = set() for name, package in packages.items(): if smbuildfile == package.smbuildfile: packages_to_build.add(name) plugins_to_compile = set() for name in packages_to_build: for_this_package = base.find_plugin_deps(packages[name], packages) for plugin_name in for_this_package: plugins_to_compile.add(plugin_name) if plugin_name not in plugins: err = 'Package {} uses plugin {}, but it does not exist'.format( name, plugin_name) raise ValueError(err) # also make sure plugin dependencies are met by the package for dep in plugins[plugin_name].deps: if dep not in for_this_package: msg = 'Plugin {} depends on {}, but is not part of package {}' msg = msg.format(plugin_name, dep, name) util.warning(msg) # also compile any plugins from this smbuildfile for plugin_name in plugins: if plugins[plugin_name].smbuildfile == smbuildfile: plugins_to_compile.add(plugin_name) # compile plugins compiled_count = 0 for name in plugins_to_compile: plugin = plugins[name] if plugin.compile(compiler, plugin_build_dir, flags): compiled_count += 1 # build packages for name in packages_to_build: package = packages[name] print('Building package {}'.format(name)) package.create(output_dir, packages, plugins, nosource) if len(plugins) == 0: util.warning('No plugins were found in {}.'.format(smbuildfile)) elif compiled_count == 0: print('All plugins up to date.')
def __write_files(self): """Write all files for the blog to _site Convert all templates to straight HTML Copy other non-template files directly""" #find mako templates in template_dir for root, dirs, files in os.walk("."): if root.startswith("./"): root = root[2:] for d in list(dirs): #Exclude some dirs d_path = util.path_join(root,d) if util.should_ignore_path(d_path): logger.debug("Ignoring directory: " + d_path) dirs.remove(d) try: util.mkdir(util.path_join(self.output_dir, root)) except OSError: #pragma: no cover pass for t_fn in files: t_fn_path = util.path_join(root, t_fn) if util.should_ignore_path(t_fn_path): #Ignore this file. logger.debug("Ignoring file: " + t_fn_path) continue elif t_fn.endswith(".mako"):"Processing mako file: " + t_fn_path) #Process this template file t_name = t_fn[:-5] t_file = open(t_fn_path) template = Template("utf-8"), output_encoding="utf-8", lookup=self.template_lookup) t_file.close() path = util.path_join(self.output_dir, root, t_name) html_file = open(path, "w") # Prepare the "path" variable for the template context. page_path = util.path_join(root, t_name) if page_path.startswith('./'): page_path = page_path[2:] page_path = '/' + page_path context = dict(path=page_path, logger=template_logger) #render the page html = self.template_render(template, context) #Write to disk html_file.write(html) else: #Copy this non-template file f_path = util.path_join(root, t_fn) logger.debug("Copying file: " + f_path) out_path = util.path_join(self.output_dir, f_path) if # Try hardlinking first, and if that fails copy try:, out_path) except StandardError: shutil.copyfile(f_path, out_path) else: shutil.copyfile(f_path, out_path)
def make_profile_link(self): # XXX: We also need to make the root profile link, Gentoo Bug 324179. for d in (self.target_root, self.target_root.pjoin(self.portage_cr)): targ = d.pjoin("/etc/make.profile") util.mkdir(os.path.dirname(targ)) if os.path.lexists(targ): os.unlink(targ) os.symlink(self.env["PORTDIR"] + "/profiles/%s" % self.profile, targ)
def push(cmd_args): opts, args = getopt.getopt( cmd_args, "l:r:n:m", ["local-file=", "remote-path=", "remote-name=", "no-bak", "mod="])"opts %s args:%s" % (opts, args)) local_file, remote_path, remote_name = "", "", "" bak_file, chmod = True, "777" for op, value in opts: if op == "-l" or op == "--local-file": local_file = value elif op == "-r" or op == "--remote-path": remote_path = value elif op == "-n" or op == "--remote-name": remote_name = value elif op == "-n" or op == "--mod": chmod = value elif op == "--no-bak": bak_file = False else: log.error("unkown opt:%s value:%s" % (op, value)) return False if len(opts) == 0: local_file = args[0] if len(args) >= 1 else "" remote_path = args[1] if len(args) >= 2 else "" remote_name = args[2] if len(args) >= 3 else "" if remote_path == "": remote_path = "/data/local/tmp" if os.path.isdir(local_file): # push 目录 remote_file = remote_path + "/" util.mkdir(remote_file) elif os.path.isfile(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), local_file)): # push 文件 # local_path = os.path.dirname(local_file) local_fname = os.path.basename(local_file) if remote_name == "": remote_name = local_fname remote_file = remote_path + "/" + remote_name else: log.error("local file:%s %s not exist" % (local_file, os.path.join(os.getcwd(), local_file))) return False if bak_file: shell_cmd = util.getshell('mv "%s" "%s.bak"' % (remote_file, remote_file)) util.execute_cmd(shell_cmd)"local:%s remote:%s" % (local_file, remote_file)) shell_cmd = util.getcmd('push "%s" "%s"' % (local_file, remote_file)) ret, res_str = util.execute_cmd_with_stdout(shell_cmd) if not ret: return False if chmod != "": shell_cmd = util.getshell('chmod %s "%s"' % (chmod, remote_file)) if not util.execute_cmd(shell_cmd): return False # shell_cmd = util.getshell('".%s"' % remote_file) # return util.execute_cmd(shell_cmd) return True
def main(): dir_clusters='/disk2/temp/youtube_clusters_check_nothresh'; out_dir=os.path.join(dir_clusters,'viz'); util.mkdir(out_dir); script_seeMultipleClusters(dir_clusters,out_dir) return script_seeMultipleClusters(); return dir_clusters='/disk3/maheen_data/debug_networks/clusters_youtube_multiple'; clusters_all=util.getFilesInFolder(dir_clusters,'.npy'); clusters_all=[file_curr for file_curr in clusters_all if 'harder' in file_curr]; clusters_all.append(os.path.join(dir_clusters,'clusters_original.npy')); min_mags=[]; for file_curr in clusters_all: clusters=np.load(file_curr); mags=np.power(np.sum(np.power(clusters,2),axis=1),0.5); min_mag=np.min(mags); min_mags.append(min_mag); print min_mags,np.max(min_mags); thresh=1; counts=[]; for file_curr in clusters_all: clusters=np.load(file_curr); print file_curr mags=np.power(np.sum(np.power(clusters,2),axis=1),0.5); count=np.sum(mags<=thresh); print count counts.append(count); print np.mean(counts); # return dir_curr='/disk3/maheen_data/debug_networks/figuringClustering'; mag_file=os.path.join(dir_curr,'mags_all.npy'); mags=np.load(mag_file); print len(mags),np.sum(mags<=thresh); mags=mags[mags>thresh]; print len(mags); out_file=os.path.join(dir_curr,'mag_hist_noZero.png'); visualize.hist(mags,out_file,bins=40,normed=True,xlabel='Value',ylabel='Frequency',title='',cumulative=False); print out_file.replace('/disk3',''); print np.min(mags),np.max(mags),np.mean(mags),np.std(mags);
def main(): args = process_command_line_arguments() util.mkdir(PATH['TIMBRADAS']) xml = util.read_file(args.factura) # Enviamos a timbrar con el PAC timbra_xml(xml) return
def __write_blog_categories(self, posts): """Write all the blog posts in categories""" root = os.path.join(self.blog_dir,config.blog_category_dir) chron_template = self.template_lookup.get_template("chronological.mako") chron_template.output_encoding = "utf-8" #Find all the categories: categories = set() for post in posts: categories.update(post.categories) for category in categories: category_posts = [post for post in posts \ if category in post.categories] #Write category RSS feed self.__write_feed(category_posts,os.path.join( config.blog_path,config.blog_category_dir, category.url_name,"feed"),"rss.mako") self.__write_feed(category_posts,os.path.join( config.blog_path,config.blog_category_dir, category.url_name,"feed","atom"),"rss.mako") page_num = 1 while True: path = os.path.join(root,category.url_name, str(page_num),"index.html") try: util.mkdir(os.path.split(path)[0]) except OSError: pass f = open(path, "w") page_posts = category_posts[:config.blog_posts_per_page] category_posts = category_posts[config.blog_posts_per_page:] #Forward and back links if page_num > 1: prev_link = util.blog_path_helper( (config.blog_category_dir, category.url_name, str(page_num -1))) else: prev_link = None if len(category_posts) > 0: next_link = util.blog_path_helper( (config.blog_category_dir, category.url_name, str(page_num + 1))) else: next_link = None html = self.__template_render( chron_template, { "posts": page_posts, "prev_link": prev_link, "next_link": next_link }) f.write(html) f.close() #Copy category/1 to category/index.html if page_num == 1: shutil.copyfile(path,os.path.join( root,category.url_name, "index.html")) #Prepare next iteration page_num += 1 if len(category_posts) == 0: break
def make_profile_link(self): if self.seed: super(EmbeddedStage, self).make_profile_link() else: targ = self.portage_cr.pjoin('/etc/make.profile') util.mkdir( os.path.dirname(targ) ) if os.path.lexists(targ): os.unlink(targ) os.symlink(self.env['PORTDIR'] + '/profiles/%s' % self.profile, targ)
def processDay(nodeName, day): log(f'Processing day/node: {day}/{nodeName}') dayPath = f"../data/s3/{nodeName}/{day}" outputDir = os.path.join(DIR_PROCESSED, nodeName) mkdir(outputDir) createArchiveVideo(dayPath, outputDir, day) videoPath = createVideo(outputDir, dayPath, nodeName, day) createPreviewGif(videoPath, os.path.join(outputDir, f'{day}.gif'))
def __write_files(self): """Write all files for the blog to _site Convert all templates to straight HTML Copy other non-template files directly""" #find mako templates in template_dir for root, dirs, files in os.walk(".", followlinks=True): if root.startswith("./"): root = root[2:] for d in list(dirs): #Exclude some dirs d_path = util.path_join(root,d) if util.should_ignore_path(d_path): logger.debug("Ignoring directory: " + d_path) dirs.remove(d) try: util.mkdir(util.path_join(self.output_dir, root)) except OSError: #pragma: no cover pass for t_fn in files: t_fn_path = util.path_join(root, t_fn) if util.should_ignore_path(t_fn_path): #Ignore this file. logger.debug("Ignoring file: " + t_fn_path) continue elif t_fn.endswith(".mako"):"Processing mako file: " + t_fn_path) #Process this template file t_name = t_fn[:-5] t_file = open(t_fn_path) template = Template("utf-8"), output_encoding="utf-8", lookup=self.template_lookup) #Remember the original path for later when setting context template.bf_meta = {"path":t_fn_path} t_file.close() path = util.path_join(self.output_dir, root, t_name) html_file = open(path, "w") html = self.template_render(template) #Write to disk html_file.write(html) else: #Copy this non-template file f_path = util.path_join(root, t_fn) logger.debug("Copying file: " + f_path) out_path = util.path_join(self.output_dir, f_path) if and os.path.exists(out_path): logger.warn("Location is used more than once: {0}".format(f_path)) if # Try hardlinking first, and if that fails copy try:, out_path) except StandardError: shutil.copyfile(f_path, out_path) else: shutil.copyfile(f_path, out_path)
def run (self): util.mkdir(self.data_install_dir) if (not hasattr(self.distribution, 'using_py2exe') or \ not self.distribution.using_py2exe) and self.data_dirs: for tpl in self.data_dirs: target = os.path.join(self.data_install_dir, tpl[0]) for d in tpl[1]: util.copy_tree(d, target, excludes=['.svn*', 'CVS*', 'Makefile*'])
def script_writeTrainFile(): dir_val='/disk2/ms_coco/train2014'; out_dir='/disk2/mayExperiments/train_data'; util.mkdir(out_dir); imgs=util.getEndingFiles(dir_val,'.jpg'); imgs=[os.path.join(dir_val,file_curr) for file_curr in imgs]; imgs.sort(); out_file=os.path.join(out_dir,'train.txt'); util.writeFile(out_file,imgs)
def __write_pygments_css(self): css_dir = os.path.join(self.output_dir, self.config.site_css_dir.lstrip("/")) try: util.mkdir(css_dir) except OSError: pass if config.syntax_highlight_enabled: f = open(os.path.join(css_dir,"pygments.css"),"w") f.write(config.html_formatter.get_style_defs(".highlight")) f.close()
def script_writeCommandsForExperiment(): # out_dir='/disk3/maheen_data/debug_networks/noFixCopyByLayer'; # model_file='/home/maheenrashid/Downloads/debugging_jacob/optical_flow_prediction/examples/opticalflow/final.caffemodel'; out_dir='/disk3/maheen_data/debug_networks/noFixCopyByLayerAlexNet'; model_file='/home/maheenrashid/Downloads/debugging_jacob/optical_flow_prediction/models/bvlc_alexnet/bvlc_alexnet.caffemodel'; util.mkdir(out_dir); train_txt_orig_path='/disk3/maheen_data/debug_networks/noFix/train.txt'; template_deploy_file='deploy_debug_noFix.prototxt'; template_solver_file='solver_debug.prototxt'; train_file=os.path.join(out_dir,'train.txt'); shutil.copyfile(train_txt_orig_path,train_file); base_lr=0.0001; snapshot=100; layers=['conv1','conv2','conv3','conv4','conv5','fc6','fc7']; command_pre=os.path.join(out_dir,'debug_'); commands=[]; for idx in range(len(layers)): # if idx==0: # fix_layers=layers[0]; # layer_str=str(fix_layers); # model_file_curr=None; # else: fix_layers=layers[:idx+1]; layer_str='_'.join(fix_layers); model_file_curr=model_file # print fix_layers if idx<len(layers)/2: gpu=0; else: gpu=1; snapshot_prefix=os.path.join(out_dir,'opt_noFix_'+layer_str+'_'); out_deploy_file=os.path.join(out_dir,'deploy_'+layer_str+'.prototxt'); out_solver_file=os.path.join(out_dir,'solver_'+layer_str+'.prototxt'); log_file=os.path.join(out_dir,'log_'+layer_str+'.log'); replaceSolverFile(out_solver_file,template_solver_file,out_deploy_file,base_lr,snapshot,snapshot_prefix,gpu); replaceDeployFile(out_deploy_file,template_deploy_file,train_file,fix_layers); command=printTrainingCommand(out_solver_file,log_file,model_file_curr); commands.append(command); command_file_1=command_pre+''; util.writeFile(command_file_1,commands[:len(commands)/2]); command_file_2=command_pre+''; util.writeFile(command_file_2,commands[len(commands)/2:]);
def display_learning_curves(score_folders, picture_folder): """"Draw pictures of learning curves""" # Allow one folder to be submitted as input instead of list if not isinstance(score_folders, list): score_folders = [score_folders] # Make picture folder if necessary util.mkdir(picture_folder) # Determine names of datasets dataset_names = [] for score_folder in score_folders: new_names = [name for name in os.listdir(score_folder) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(score_folder, name))] dataset_names = sorted(list(set(dataset_names + new_names))) print('Datasets:') for dataset_name in dataset_names: print(' - %s' % dataset_name) print('') # Determine algorithm names algo_names = [] for score_folder in score_folders: for dataset_name in dataset_names: if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(score_folder, dataset_name)): new_names = [name for name in os.listdir(os.path.join(score_folder, dataset_name)) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(score_folder, dataset_name, name))] algo_names = sorted(list(set(algo_names + new_names))) print('Algorithms:') for algo_name in algo_names: print(' - %s' % algo_name) print('') # For each dataset plot learning curve of every algorithm across score folders for dataset_name in dataset_names: print(dataset_name) fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.set_title(dataset_name) ax.set_xlabel('Time (seconds)') # ax.set_xscale('log') ax.set_ylabel('Score') n_algos = 0 for (algo_index, algo_name) in enumerate(algo_names): print(algo_name) for score_folder in score_folders: time_score_file = os.path.join(score_folder, dataset_name, algo_name, 'learning_curve.csv') if os.path.isfile(time_score_file): time_scores = np.loadtxt(time_score_file, delimiter=',', skiprows=1) if time_scores.size > 0: ax.plot(time_scores[:, 0], time_scores[:, 1], color=util.colorbrew(algo_index), linestyle='dashed', marker='o', label=algo_name) n_algos += 1 if n_algos > 0: leg = ax.legend(loc='best') leg.get_frame().set_alpha(0.5) fig.savefig(os.path.join(picture_folder, '%s.pdf' % dataset_name))