def bscr_test(args): """test - run tests usage: bscr test [-t py.test|green|nosetests|unittest] [-n] [-d] Without -t, we use the first available of py.test, green, nosetests, or unittest. With -t, we attempt to run the tests with the specified test runner. The tests are optimized for py.test. They may not work well under green or nose. """ c = U.cmdline([{'opts': ['--dry-run', '-n'], 'action': 'store_true', 'help': 'see what would happen'}, {'name': 'tester', 'help': 'select a test runner'}]) (o, a) = c.parse(args) with util.Chdir(util.dirname(__file__)): target = util.pj(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'test') print("Running tests in %s" % target) if o.tester == '': if which('py.test'):'py.test %s' % target, not o.dryrun) elif which('green'):'green -v %s' % target, not o.dryrun) elif which('nosetests') and importable('nose_ignoredoc'): tl = glob.glob(util.pj(target, 'test_*.py'))'nosetests -v -c nose.cfg %s' % " ".join(tl), not o.dryrun) else: tl = glob.glob(util.pj(target, 'test_*.py')) for t in tl:"%s -v" % t, not o.dryrun) # p = subp.Popen([t, '-v']) # p.wait() elif o.tester == 'py.test':'py.test %s' % target, not o.dryrun) elif o.tester == 'green':'green -v %s' % target, not o.dryrun) elif o.tester == 'nose': tl = glob.glob(util.pj(target, 'test_*.py'))'nosetests -v -c nose.cfg %s' % " ".join(tl), not o.dryrun) elif o.tester == 'unittest': tl = glob.glob(util.pj(target, 'test_*.py')) for t in tl:"%s -v" % t, not o.dryrun) else: raise SystemExit("unrecognized tester: '%s'" % o.tester)
def bscr_uninstall(args): """uninstall - remove bscr from your system If you installed with pip, you can also uninstall with pip: pip uninstall bscr However, if you used easy_install, or if you just downloaded the tarball and ran 'python install', uninstalling can be a pain. bscr provides an easier way: bscr uninstall will remove bscr from your system. """ bscrpkg = os.path.dirname(__file__) sitepkg = os.path.dirname(bscrpkg) if os.path.isdir(util.pj(sitepkg, '.git')): print("Cowardly refusing to uninstall from a .git repo") else: eggl = glob.glob(util.pj(sitepkg, 'backscratcher*egg*')) egg = eggl[0] iflist = util.contents(util.pj(egg, 'installed-files.txt')) print("Preparing to uninstall:") with util.Chdir(egg): afpl = [os.path.abspath(rfp.strip()) for rfp in iflist] for afp in afpl: print(" " + afp) print(" rmdir " + bscrpkg) answer = raw_input("Proceed? > ") if re.match("yes", answer): for afp in afpl: if os.path.isdir(afp): shutil.rmtree(afp) elif os.path.exists(afp): os.unlink(afp) shutil.rmtree(bscrpkg) return None
def perl_which(module_name): """ Look for and return the path of the perl module """ # pdb.set_trace() rval = "" result ="perl -E \"say for @INC\"") rlines = result.strip().split("\r\n") perlmod = module_name.replace("::", "/") + ".pm" # print("-----") for line in rlines: cpath = U.pj(line, perlmod) # print cpath if U.exists("%s" % cpath): rval += cpath + "\n" return rval.strip()
def perl_which(module_name): """ Look for and return the path of the perl module """ # pdb.set_trace() rval = "" result = th.rm_cov_warn("perl -E \"say for @INC\"")) z = result.strip().split("\r\n") m = module_name.replace("::", "/") + ".pm" # print("-----") for x in z: cpath = U.pj(x, m) # print cpath if U.exists("%s" % cpath): rval += cpath + "\n" return rval.strip()
def python_which(module_name): """ Look up *module_name* in sys.path and return it if found """ rval = '' mname = module_name.replace('.', '/') for path in sys.path: dname = U.pj(path, mname) pname = dname + ".py" cname = dname + ".pyc" if U.exists(dname): rval = dname break elif U.exists(cname): rval = cname break elif U.exists(pname): rval = pname break return rval