Пример #1
def get_images():
    print 'get_images()'
    fn = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'new_data/ImagesForAHRC.txt')
    f = open(fn, 'r')
    file_lines = f.readlines()
    # clear any existing entries
    cursor.execute('delete from domes_image;')
    for (counter, line) in enumerate(file_lines): 
        if counter == 0:
            values = util.line_to_values(line,10)
            structidx = values[0]
            county = values[1]
            phillimore = util.postgres_escape(values[2])
            imagesub = util.postgres_escape(values[3])
            if not values[4]:
            image = util.postgres_escape(values[4].replace('\\', '/'))
            marked = util.postgres_escape(values[5])
            x1 = values[6]
            y1 = values[7]
            x2 = values[8]
            y2 = values[9]
            ld_file = None
            # don't add entries that don't have a corresponding manor id
            sql_string = 'SELECT COUNT(*) AS COUNT FROM domes_manor WHERE structidx=' + structidx
            count = cursor.fetchone()[0]
            if count > 0:
                sql_string = "INSERT INTO domes_image (manor_id,phillimore,imagesub,image,ld_file_id,"
                sql_string += "marked,x1,y1,x2,y2) VALUES (%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)"
                cursor.execute(sql_string, (structidx,phillimore,imagesub,image,ld_file,marked,x1,y1,x2,y2))
Пример #2
def get_livestock():
    print "get_livestock()"
    fn = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'new_data/LivestockAnna.txt')
    f = open(fn, 'r')
    file_lines = f.readlines()
    for (counter, line) in enumerate(file_lines): 
        if counter == 0:
            values = util.line_to_values(line,23)
            structidx = values[0]
            cobs_1086 = values[3]
            cobs_1066 = values[4]
            cattle_1086  = values[5]
            cattle_1066 = values[6]
            cows_1086 = values[7]
            cows_1066 = values[8]
            pigs_1086 = values[9]
            pigs_1066 = values[10]
            sheep_1086 = values[11]
            sheep_1066 = values[12]
            goats_1086  = values[13]
            goats_1066  = values[14]
            beehives_1086 = values[15]
            beehives_1066 = values[16]
            wild_mares_1086 = values[17]
            wild_mares_1066 = values[18]
            other_1086 = values[19]
            other_code_1086 = util.postgres_escape(values[20])
            other_1066 = values[21]
            other_codes_1066 = util.postgres_escape(values[22]) 
            sql_string = "UPDATE domes_manor SET cobs_1086=%s, cobs_1066=%s, "
            sql_string += "cattle_1086=%s, cattle_1066=%s, cows_1086=%s, cows_1066=%s, pigs_1086=%s, "
            sql_string += "pigs_1066=%s, sheep_1086=%s, sheep_1066=%s, goats_1086=%s, goats_1066=%s, "
            sql_string += "beehives_1086=%s, beehives_1066=%s, wild_mares_1086=%s, wild_mares_1066=%s, "
            sql_string += "other_1086=%s, other_code_1086=%s, other_1066=%s, other_codes_1066=%s "
            sql_string += " WHERE structidx=%s;"
            cursor.execute(sql_string, (cobs_1086, cobs_1066, \
                           cattle_1086, cattle_1066, cows_1086, cows_1066, pigs_1086, pigs_1066, sheep_1086, sheep_1066, \
                           goats_1086, goats_1066, beehives_1086, beehives_1066, wild_mares_1086, wild_mares_1066, \
                           other_1086, other_code_1086, other_1066, other_codes_1066, structidx))
Пример #3
def get_people():
    print 'get_people()'
    # open tab file
    fn = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'new_data/UniqueNames.txt')
    f = open(fn, 'r')
    file_lines = f.readlines()
    # clear any existing entries
    cursor.execute('delete from domes_person;')
    for (counter, line) in enumerate(file_lines): 
        if counter == 0:
            values = util.line_to_values(line,6)
            #print values
            namesidx = values[0]
            name = values[1]
            if name is None:
            name_slug = slugify(name)[:49]
            name = util.postgres_escape(name)
            name = name.decode("utf-8")
            namecode = util.postgres_escape(values[2])
            gendercode = util.postgres_escape(gender_codes[values[3]])
            churchcode = util.postgres_escape(church_codes[values[4]])
            #print namecode, gendercode, churchcode
            xrefs = values[5]
            if xrefs:
                #print xrefs
                xrefs = xrefs.decode("utf-8").encode("utf-8")
            xrefs = util.postgres_escape(xrefs)
            sql_string = "INSERT INTO domes_person (namesidx, name, name_slug, "
            sql_string += "namecode, gendercode, churchcode, xrefs) "
            sql_string += " VALUES (%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)"
            cursor.execute(sql_string, (namesidx, name, name_slug,\
                                  namecode, gendercode, churchcode, xrefs))
Пример #4
def get_places():
    Turn PlacesForAHRC into a set of unique places - i.e. places with 
    unique name and grid combination.
    If we find multiple places with the same vill/grid combination (this is 
    quite common, as places are often listed under different counties or areas)
    we update the County/Area references, and store the IDs temporarily in the
    place_mapper dict, and use this to map from Manors to Places.
    print "get_places()"
    global place_mapper
    # open tab file
    fn = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'new_data/PlacesForAHRC.txt')
    f = open(fn, 'r')
    file_lines = f.readlines()
    cursor.execute('delete from domes_place;')
    for (counter, line) in enumerate(file_lines): 
           if counter==0:
           values = util.line_to_values(line,9)
           id = values[0]
           print id
           county = values[1]
           if not county: # TODO: check this
               county = util.postgres_escape(county, False)
           phillimore = util.postgres_escape(values[2], False)
           hundred = util.postgres_escape(values[3], False)
           hundred_slug = slugify(hundred)
           hundred, status = place_status(hundred)
           sql_string = "INSERT INTO domes_hundred (name,name_slug,status) SELECT "
           sql_string += hundred + ", '" + hundred_slug + "', " + status + " WHERE "
           sql_string += hundred + " NOT IN (SELECT NAME FROM domes_hundred);"
           vill = values[4]
           # `' = place no longer exists but can be identified on ground 
           # [] name inside brackets = lost, only approximately located
           if vill=="" or not vill:
           if vill[0]=="`":
           vill_slug = slugify(vill)[:49]
           vill = util.postgres_escape(vill, False)
           vill, status = place_status(vill)
           area = util.postgres_escape(values[5], False)
           area_slug = slugify(area)
           # Create an area entry if one doesn't exist already.
           if area!="NULL": 
               sql_string = "INSERT INTO domes_area (name,name_slug) SELECT "
               sql_string += area + ", '" + area_slug + "' WHERE "
               sql_string += area + " NOT IN (SELECT NAME FROM domes_area);"
           xrefs = util.postgres_escape(values[6], False)
           grid = util.postgres_escape(values[7], False)
           os_codes = util.postgres_escape(values[8], False)
           if grid!="NULL" and grid!=None:
               location = util.convert_os_to_coords(grid.strip("'"))
               # TODO: But! Sometimes there are places that cannot be
               # located on the ground. Sometimes, though, there are 
               # multiple possible places, referenced in PlaceForms.
               # This is the 'Great and Little Abington' problem. 
               # Deal with this somehow. 
           # Check for existing entries with the same name/grid/vill combo.
           sql_string = "SELECT * from domes_place WHERE grid="
           sql_string += grid + " AND vill=" + vill + ";"
           results = cursor.fetchall()
           if len(results)==0:
               sql_string = "INSERT INTO domes_place (id,phillimore,hundred_id,"
               sql_string += "vill,vill_slug,xrefs,grid,os_codes,location,status) VALUES ("
               sql_string += id + ", " + phillimore + ", " + hundred + ", "
               sql_string += vill + ", '" + vill_slug + "', " + xrefs + ", "
               sql_string += grid + ", " + os_codes + ", " + location + ", " + status + ");"
           else: # duplicate found - just update county and area refs with existing ID 
               place_mapper[id] = str(results[0][0])
               id = str(results[0][0])
           sql_string = "SELECT * from domes_place_county WHERE place_id="
           sql_string += id + " AND county_id=" + county + ";"
           results = cursor.fetchall()
           if len(results)==0:
              sql_string = "INSERT INTO domes_place_county (place_id,county_id) VALUES ("      
              sql_string += id + ", " + county + ");"
           sql_string = "SELECT * from domes_place_area WHERE area_id="
           sql_string += area + " AND place_id=" + id + ";"
           results = cursor.fetchall()
           if len(results)==0:
               sql_string = "INSERT INTO domes_place_area (place_id,area_id) VALUES ("      
               sql_string += id + ", " + area + ");"
Пример #5
def get_manors():
    print "get_manors()"
    fn = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'new_data/ManorsForAHRC.txt')
    f = open(fn, 'r')
    file_lines = f.readlines()
    cursor.execute('delete from domes_manor;')
    for (counter, line) in enumerate(file_lines): 
        if counter == 0:
            values = util.line_to_values(line,56)
            # basics
            structidx = values[0]
            county = values[1] 
            phillimore = util.postgres_escape(values[2])
            headofmanor = values[3]
            # print headofmanor
            # print util.postgres_escape(headofmanor)
            # headofmanor = None
            waste = util.postgres_escape(values[49])
            waste66 = util.postgres_escape(values[50])
            wasteqr = util.postgres_escape(values[51])
            waste86 = util.postgres_escape(values[52])
            duplicates = util.postgres_escape(values[53])
            subholdings = util.postgres_escape(values[54])
            notes = util.postgres_escape(values[55])
            # valuation
            geld = values[4]
            gcode = util.postgres_escape(values[5])
            villtax = values[6]
            taxedon = values[7]
            value86 = values[44]
            value66 = values[45]
            valueqr = values[46]
            value_string = util.postgres_escape(values[47])
            render = util.postgres_escape(values[48])
            # land
            lordsland = values[8]
            newland = values[9]
            ploughlands = values[10]
            pcode = util.postgres_escape(values[11])
            lordsploughs = values[12]
            mensploughs = values[13]
            totalploughs = values[14]
            lordsploughspossible = values[15]
            mensploughspossible = values[16]
            totalploughspossible = values[17] #30
            # people
            villagers = values[18]
            smallholders = values[19]
            slaves = values[20]
            femaleslaves = values[21]
            freemen = values[22]
            free2men = values[23]
            priests = values[24]
            cottagers = values[25]
            otherpop = values[26]
            miscpop = values[27]
            miscpopcategories = util.postgres_escape(values[28])
            burgesses = values[29]#42
            #other stuff in the manor - mills, pasture etc
            mills = values[30]
            millvalue = values[31]
            meadow = util.postgres_escape(values[32])
            meadowunits = util.postgres_escape(values[33])
            pasture = util.postgres_escape(values[34])
            pastureunits = util.postgres_escape(values[35])
            woodland = util.postgres_escape(values[36])
            woodlandunits = util.postgres_escape(values[37])
            fisheries = values[38]
            salthouses = values[39]
            payments = values[40]
            paymentsunits = util.postgres_escape(values[41])
            churches = values[42]
            churchland = values[43]#56
            sql_string = "INSERT INTO domes_manor (structidx, county_id, phillimore, headofmanor,"
            sql_string += "duplicates, subholdings, notes, waste, waste66, wasteqr, waste86,"
            sql_string += "geld,gcode,villtax,taxedon,value86,value66,valueqr,value_string,render,"#20
            sql_string += "lordsland,newland,ploughlands,"
            sql_string += "pcode,lordsploughs,mensploughs,totalploughs,lordsploughspossible,"
            sql_string += "mensploughspossible,totalploughspossible,"#30
            sql_string += "villagers,smallholders,slaves,femaleslaves,"
            sql_string += "freemen,free2men,priests,cottagers,otherpop,miscpop,miscpopcategories,burgesses,"
            sql_string += "mills,millvalue,meadow,meadowunits,"#46
            sql_string += "pasture,pastureunits,woodland,woodlandunits,fisheries,salthouses,payments,"
            sql_string += "paymentsunits,churches,churchland) VALUES ("#56
            sql_string += "%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,"
            sql_string += "%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,"
            sql_string += "%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,"
            sql_string += "%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)"
            cursor.execute(sql_string, (structidx,county,phillimore,headofmanor,duplicates,subholdings,notes,\
                          newland,ploughlands,pcode,lordsploughs,mensploughs,totalploughs,lordsploughspossible, \
                          mensploughspossible,totalploughspossible,villagers,smallholders,slaves,femaleslaves,freemen, \