def main(argv=None):
    # Makes ANSI color escapes work on Windows, and strips them when
    # stdout/stderr isn't a terminal

    if argv is None:
        argv = sys.argv[1:]
    args, unknown = parse_args(argv)

    for_stack_trace = 'run as "west -v ... {} ..." for a stack trace'.format(
        args.handler(args, unknown)
    except WestUpdated:
        # West has been automatically updated. Restart ourselves to run the
        # latest version, with the same arguments that we were given.
        os.execv(sys.executable, [sys.executable] + sys.argv)
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
    except CalledProcessError as cpe:
        log.err('command exited with status {}: {}'.format(
            cpe.args[0], quote_sh_list(cpe.args[1])))
        if args.verbose:
    except CommandContextError as cce:
        log.die('command', args.command, 'cannot be run in this context:',
    except Exception as exc:
        log.err(*exc.args, fatal=True)
        if args.verbose:
    def call(self, cmd):
        '''Subclass wrapper.

        Subclasses should use this method to run command in a
        subprocess and get its return code, rather than
        using subprocess directly, to keep accurate debug logs.
        quoted = quote_sh_list(cmd)

        if JUST_PRINT:
            return 0

    def check_output(self, cmd):
        '''Subclass subprocess.check_output() wrapper.

        Subclasses should use this method to run command in a
        subprocess and check that it executed correctly, rather than
        using subprocess directly, to keep accurate debug logs.
        quoted = quote_sh_list(cmd)

        if JUST_PRINT:
            return b''

            return subprocess.check_output(cmd)
        except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
    def popen_ignore_int(self, cmd):
        '''Spawn a child command, ensuring it ignores SIGINT.

        The returned subprocess.Popen object must be manually terminated.'''
        cflags = 0
        preexec = None
        system = platform.system()
        quoted = quote_sh_list(cmd)

        if system == 'Windows':
            cflags |= subprocess.CREATE_NEW_PROCESS_GROUP
        elif system in {'Linux', 'Darwin'}:
            preexec = os.setsid

        if JUST_PRINT:
            return _DebugDummyPopen()

        return subprocess.Popen(cmd, creationflags=cflags, preexec_fn=preexec)
Пример #5
def _git_helper(project, cmd, extra_args, cwd, capture_stdout, check):
    # Runs a git command.
    # project:
    #   The Project instance for the project, derived from the manifest file.
    # cmd:
    #   String with git arguments. Supports some "(foo)" shorthands. See below.
    # extra_args:
    #   List of additional arguments to pass to the git command (e.g. from the
    #   user).
    # cwd:
    #   Directory to switch to first (None = current directory)
    # capture_stdout:
    #   True if stdout should be captured into the returned
    #   subprocess.CompletedProcess instance instead of being printed.
    #   We never capture stderr, to prevent error messages from being eaten.
    # check:
    #   True if an error should be raised if the git command finishes with a
    #   non-zero return code.
    # Returns a subprocess.CompletedProcess instance.

    # TODO: Run once somewhere?
    if shutil.which('git') is None:
        log.die('Git is not installed or cannot be found')

    args = (('git', ) +
            tuple(_expand_shorthands(project, arg)
                  for arg in cmd.split()) + tuple(extra_args))
    cmd_str = util.quote_sh_list(args)

    log.dbg("running '{}'".format(cmd_str), 'in', cwd, level=log.VERBOSE_VERY)
    popen = subprocess.Popen(
        args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE if capture_stdout else None, cwd=cwd)

    stdout, _ = popen.communicate()

    dbg_msg = "'{}' in {} finished with exit status {}" \
              .format(cmd_str, cwd, popen.returncode)
    if capture_stdout:
        dbg_msg += " and wrote {} to stdout".format(stdout)
    log.dbg(dbg_msg, level=log.VERBOSE_VERY)

    if check and popen.returncode:
             "Command '{}' failed for (name-and-path)".format(cmd_str))

    if capture_stdout:
        # Manual UTF-8 decoding and universal newlines. Before Python 3.6,
        # Popen doesn't seem to allow using universal newlines mode (which
        # enables decoding) with a specific encoding (because the encoding=
        # parameter is missing).
        # Also strip all trailing newlines as convenience. The splitlines()
        # already means we lose a final '\n' anyway.
        stdout = "\n".join(stdout.decode('utf-8').splitlines()).rstrip("\n")

    return CompletedProcess(popen.args, popen.returncode, stdout)