Пример #1
def figformat(*filenames):
    Check that figures are properly formatted.
    for f in filenames:
        doc = read_xml(f)
        figures = doc.findall(".//figure")
        for fig in figures:
            fig_id, caption_text = _get_fig_info(f, fig)
            all_images = fig.findall(".//img")
            assert len(all_images) <= 1, \
                   "Two or more images in %s for %s" % (f, fig_id)
            if len(all_images) == 1: # some figures contain tables or code
                img = all_images[0]
                img_alt = img.attrib.get('alt')
                assert img_alt == caption_text, \
                       "Inconsistent alt and caption for Figure %s in %s: '%s' vs '%s'" % \
                       (fig_id, f, img_alt, caption_text)
                img_path = img.attrib.get('src')
                    img_basename = os.path.basename(os.path.splitext(img_path)[0])
                    assert fig_id.endswith(img_basename), \
                        "Figure id %s in %s inconsistent with image path %s" % \
                        (fig_id, f, img_path)
                except AttributeError, e:
                    assert False, \
                           "Failed to check path and id consistency of Figure %s in %s" % \
                           (fig_id, f)
Пример #2
def echo(*filenames):
    Parse and then print.
    for f in filenames:
        doc = read_xml(f)
        print ET.tostring(doc.getroot())
Пример #3
def valid(*filenames):
    Check that all files are HTML compliant.
    for f in filenames:
        doc = read_xml(f)
        if doc is None:
            print 'failed to parse "%s"' % f
Пример #4
def glossformat(*filenames):
    Look for improperly formatted glossary references.
    for f in filenames:
        doc = read_xml(f)
        refs = doc.findall(".//a[@href]")
        refs = [r for r in refs if r.attrib.get('href', '').startswith('glossary.html')]
        refs = [r for r in refs if r.attrib.get('class', '') != 'dfn']
        for r in refs:
            print '%s %s: %s' % (FMT_BAD, f, r.attrib['href'])
Пример #5
def classes(*filenames):
    List all the HTML classes used in a set of files.
    result = set()
    for f in filenames:
        for n in read_xml(f).findall(".//*[@class]"):
            for a in n.attrib['class'].split():
    for r in sorted(result):
        print r
Пример #6
def structure(*filenames):
    Check overall structure of files.
    for f in filenames:
        doc = read_xml(f)
        _find_one_node(f, doc, ".//div[@class='mainmenu']")
        _find_one_node(f, doc, ".//div[@class='footer']")
        doctype = _find_one_node(f, doc, ".//meta[@name='type']")
        if doctype.attrib["content"] != "chapter":
        _find_one_node(f, doc, ".//ol[@class='toc']")
Пример #7
def _get_defs_refs(filenames, ident_key):
    Get definitions and cross-references from files.

    defs = set()
    refs = set()
    for f in filenames:
        doc = read_xml(f)
        defs.update(_get_defs(doc, ident_key))
        refs.update(_get_refs(doc, ident_key))

    return defs, refs
Пример #8
def _find_refs(filenames, element, attribute, strip=PARENT_PREFIX):
    Find all references to files of a particular type.
    xpath = ".//%s[@%s]" % (element, attribute)
    result = set()
    for f in filenames:
        doc = read_xml(f)
        nodes = doc.findall(xpath)
        vals = {n.attrib[attribute] for n in nodes}
    result = {x.lstrip(strip) for x in result}
    return result
Пример #9
def get_links(root_dir, filenames):
    Extract links from files, return a set of (filename, normalized, raw) links.
    links = set()
    for f in filenames:
        doc = read_xml(f)
            tags = doc.findall('.//a[@href]')
        except SyntaxError:  # ElementTree 1.2 lacks attribute XPath support
            tags = [t for t in doc.findall('.//a') if 'href' in t.attrib]
            set(normalize(root_dir, f, r.attrib['href']) for r in tags))
    return set(lnk for lnk in links if lnk)  # filter out None's
Пример #10
def get_links(root_dir, filenames):
    Extract links from files, return a set of (filename, normalized, raw) links.
    links = set()
    for f in filenames:
        doc = read_xml(f)
            tags = doc.findall('.//a[@href]')
        except SyntaxError:  # ElementTree 1.2 lacks attribute XPath support
            tags = [t for t in doc.findall('.//a') if 'href' in t.attrib]
        links.update(set(normalize(root_dir, f, r.attrib['href'])
                         for r in tags))
    return set(lnk for lnk in links if lnk)  # filter out None's
Пример #11
def summaries(*filenames):
    Extract goals and keypoints from files.

    def _lecture(filename, doc):
        title = doc.findall(".//div[@class='title']")[0]
        title.text = title.text.strip()
        title.tag = 'h2'
        title.tail = ''
        print '<a href="%s">%s</a>' % (filename, ET.tostring(title))

    def _get_section_title(node):
        title = node.findall(".//h2")
        if not title:
            return None
        title = title[0]
        title.tag = 'h3'
        title.tail = ''
        return title

    def _sections(filename, doc):
        for s in doc.findall(".//section"):
            title = _get_section_title(s)
            if title is None:
            title = ET.tostring(title)
            understand = _get_points(filename, s, 'understand')
            keypoints = _get_points(filename, s, 'keypoints')
            if (not understand) and (not keypoints):
            assert understand and keypoints, \
                   'Section %s in %s has understanding/keypoints mis-match' % (title, filename)
            print '  <a href="%s#%s">%s</a>' % \
                  (filename, s.attrib.get('id'), title)
            print '<p><strong>Understand:</strong></p>%s\n<p><strong>Summary:</strong></p>%s' % \
                  (understand, keypoints)

    print '<html>'
    print '<body>'
    for f in filenames:
        doc = read_xml(f)
        _lecture(f, doc)
        _sections(f, doc)
    print '</body>'
    print '</html>'
Пример #12
def words(*filenames):
    Count words in files (excluding code blocks).
    format = _make_format(filenames)
    single = '%6d'
    total = 0
    for f in filenames:
        doc = read_xml(f)
        nodes = doc.findall(".//*")
        count = 0
        for n in nodes:
            if n.tag == 'pre':
            for x in (n.text, n.tail):
                if x:
                    count += len(x.split())
        print format % _remove_dir(f), single % count
        total += count
    print format % 'Total', single % total
Пример #13
def fix(*filenames):
    Count 'fixme' markers in files.
    flags = 'fixme'.split()
    counts = {f:0 for f in flags}
    format = _make_format(filenames)
    print format % 'File',
    for flag in flags:
        print '%6s' % flag.lstrip('fix'),
    for f in filenames:
        doc = read_xml(f)
        print format % f,
        for flag in flags:
            num = len(doc.findall(".//*[@class='%s']" % flag))
            counts[flag] += num
            print '%6d' % num,
    print format % 'Total',
    for flag in flags:
        print '%6d' % counts[flag],
Пример #14
def ideas(*filenames):
    Extract ideas from files and display in groups.
    all_ideas = {}
    for f in filenames:
        doc = read_xml(f)
        for section in doc.findall(".//div[@class='keypoints']"):
            for example in section.findall(".//li[@idea]"):
                ideas = example.attrib['idea'].split(';')
                del example.attrib['idea']
                example.tag = 'a'
                example.attrib['href'] = '%s#%s' % (f, section.attrib.get('id'))
                example.tail = ''
                for i in ideas:
                    if i not in all_ideas:
                        all_ideas[i] = []
    for idea in all_ideas:
        print '<h2>%s</h2>' % idea
        print '<ul>'
        for item in all_ideas[idea]:
            print '  <li>%s</li>' % item
        print '</ul>'
Пример #15
Third example: single-fluid, single asymmetric pulse

import os

import numpy as np

from plot import make_figure
from util import run_ebtel, read_xml

top_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)))

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # Configure and run ebtel++
    base = read_xml((os.path.join(top_dir, 'config', 'ebtel.example.cfg.xml')))
    base['calculate_dem'] = True
    base['heating']['partition'] = 0.5
    base['force_single_fluid'] = True
    base['heating']['events'] = [{
        'event': {
            'rise_start': 0.0,
            'rise_end': 250.0,
            'decay_start': 1000.0,
            'decay_end': 2000.0,
            'magnitude': 0.005
    results = run_ebtel(base, top_dir)
    # Time average DEM
    results['dem_total'] = np.average(results['dem_tr'] +