def sendAccessNotification(self, mysqlClusters, mysqlUserAtHost, mysqlPass, defaultCluster, toList=None): mysqlUser, mysqlHost = (x.strip("'") for x in mysqlUserAtHost.split('@')) receipients = toList if receipients is None: emailDomain = self._email.split('@')[1] receipients = [mysqlUser + '@' + emailDomain] subject = "MySQL Access Notification" templateArgDict = { 'mysqlUser': mysqlUser, 'mysqlHost': mysqlHost, 'mysqlClusters': ",".join(mysqlClusters), 'defaultCluster': defaultCluster, 'email': self._email } message = util.renderTemplate("password_change_access.tmpl", templateArgDict) "Sent Access Notification to [%s] for %s on %s with password %s", ", ".join(receipients), mysqlUser, ",".join(mysqlClusters), mysqlPass) self.sendMail(receipients, subject, message)
def sendChangePasswordInvite(self, mysqlClusters, mysqlUserAtHost, mysqlPass, toList=None): attachPayloads = {} mysqlUser, mysqlHost = (x.strip("'") for x in mysqlUserAtHost.split('@')) passwordChangeScript = self.getPasswordChangeScript( mysqlClusters, mysqlUser, mysqlHost, mysqlPass) rawHasteBinUrl = self.getHasteBinUrl(passwordChangeScript) if rawHasteBinUrl is not None: passwordChangeInst = "curl -fsSL " + rawHasteBinUrl + " | python" else: attachPayloads[''] = passwordChangeScript passwordChangeInst = "Download the script\nRun python from a command prompt\nFollow the on screen instructions" receipients = toList if receipients is None: emailDomain = self._email.split('@')[1] receipients = [mysqlUser + '@' + emailDomain] subject = "MySQL Password Change Invite" templateArgDict = { 'mysqlUser': mysqlUser, 'mysqlHost': mysqlHost, 'mysqlPass': mysqlPass, 'email': self._email, 'passwordChangeInst': passwordChangeInst } message = util.renderTemplate("password_change_invite.tmpl", templateArgDict) "Sent ChangePassInvite to [%s] for %s on %s with password %s", receipients, mysqlUser, mysqlClusters, mysqlPass) self.sendMail(receipients, subject, message, attachPayloads)
def init_config(nonInteractive): configFile = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'auto_grant.yaml') if os.path.exists(configFile): raise Exception( "could not generate auto_grant.yaml file already exists") else: if nonInteractive: mysqlUser = "******" mysqlPass = "******" gmailUser = "******" gmailPass = "******" else: mysqlUser = util.askQuestion("Please enter your mysql user", "grant_user") mysqlPass = util.askPassword("Please enter your mysql password", "grant_pass") gmailUser = util.askQuestion("Please enter your gmail user") gmailPass = util.askPassword("Please enter your gmail password") templateArgDict = { 'mysqlUser': mysqlUser, 'mysqlPass': mysqlPass, 'gmailUser': gmailUser, 'gmailPass': gmailPass } payload = util.renderTemplate("auto_grant.yaml.tmpl", templateArgDict) with open(configFile, 'w') as f: f.write(payload)
def test_getEmailTemplate(self): self.maxDiff = None templateContents = """ Hello {{ u }}, You are now the proud owner of your very own MySQL user: '******'@'{{ h }}' The first thing you should do is change your password. This can be done easily but first setting an by running the following commands: First set an environment variable with your password $ export NMP="INSERT_YOUR_FAVORITE_PASSWORD_HERE" Then you can just copy paste these lines to set your password: {% for cl in c %} # after being connected to {{ h }}: $ mysql -h {{ cl }} -u '{{ u }}' -p{{ p }} -e "SET PASSWORD = PASSWORD($NMP)" {% endfor %} Please feel free to reply to this email with any questions you may have. Happy Querying, Bob T. Builder <{{ e }}>""" templateArgDict = { 'u': "user", 'h': "fromHost", 'p': "password", 'e': "*****@*****.**", 'c': set(["cluster1", "cluster2"]) } renderedTemplate = util.renderTemplate(templateContents, templateArgDict) expectedRenderedTemplate = u""" Hello user, You are now the proud owner of your very own MySQL user: '******'@'fromHost' The first thing you should do is change your password. This can be done easily but first setting an by running the following commands: First set an environment variable with your password $ export NMP="INSERT_YOUR_FAVORITE_PASSWORD_HERE" Then you can just copy paste these lines to set your password: # after being connected to fromHost: $ mysql -h cluster2 -u 'user' -ppassword -e "SET PASSWORD = PASSWORD($NMP)" # after being connected to fromHost: $ mysql -h cluster1 -u 'user' -ppassword -e "SET PASSWORD = PASSWORD($NMP)" Please feel free to reply to this email with any questions you may have. Happy Querying, Bob T. Builder <*****@*****.**>""" self.assertEquals(expectedRenderedTemplate, renderedTemplate)
def getPasswordChangeScript(self, mysqlClusters, mysqlUser, mysqlHost, mysqlPass, raw=True): templateArgDict = { 'mysqlUser': mysqlUser, 'mysqlHost': mysqlHost, 'mysqlPass': mysqlPass, 'mysqlClusters': mysqlClusters } payload = util.renderTemplate("", templateArgDict) return payload