Пример #1
    def loadPolyfit(self, fitRoot, accel=0, arcsec=0, trimUnfound=True, silent=False):
        fitFile = fitRoot + '.linearFormal'
        t0File = fitRoot + '.lt0'

        if (accel == 1):
            fitFile = fitRoot + '.accelFormal'
            t0File = fitRoot + '.t0'

        f_fit = open(fitFile, 'r')
        f_t0 = open(t0File, 'r')

        # Get the align names array, since we will index out of it a lot.
        names = np.array([star.name for star in self.stars])
        alignIdx = 0
        trimIdx = []

        for line in f_fit:
            _fit = line.split()
            _t0 = f_t0.readline().split()

            # First line should be a header line with "#" as the first letter
            if _fit[0].startswith("#"):
                # Determine the number of coefficients in this file.
                # Columns are 1 starname, 2*2 for chiSq and Q (x and y), 
                # and 2*2*(N) for x and y coefficients and their
                # associated errors for each order of the polynomial
                # where N is the number of coefficients.
                numCols = len(_fit)
                numCoeffs = (numCols - 5) / 4

            # Assume that the stars loaded from align are in the same
            # order as the polyfit output. 
            if names[alignIdx] != _fit[0]:
                if silent == False:
                    print '%-13s: Mis-match in align and polyfit...' % _fit[0]

                while names[alignIdx] != _fit[0]:
                    if trimUnfound:
                        msg = '\t trimming '
                        msg = '\t skipping '
                    if silent == False:
                        print '%s %s' % (msg, names[alignIdx])
                    alignIdx += 1

            star = self.stars[alignIdx]
            alignIdx += 1
            t0x = float(_t0[1])
            t0y = float(_t0[2])

            if (numCoeffs >= 1):
                x0 = float(_fit[1])
                x0err = float(_fit[ 1 + numCoeffs ])
                y0 = float(_fit[ (2*numCoeffs) + 3 ])
                y0err = float(_fit[ (3*numCoeffs) + 3 ])

            if (numCoeffs >= 2):
                vx = float(_fit[2])
                vxerr = float(_fit[ 2 + numCoeffs ])
                vy = float(_fit[ (2*numCoeffs) + 4 ])
                vyerr = float(_fit[ (3*numCoeffs) + 4 ])

            if (numCoeffs >= 3):
                ax = float(_fit[ 3 ])
                axerr = float(_fit[ 3 + numCoeffs ])
                ay = float(_fit[ (2*numCoeffs) + 5 ])
                ayerr = float(_fit[ (3*numCoeffs) + 5 ])

            if (accel == 1):
                # Save the polyfit (in pixels)
                star.setFitpXa(t0x, x0, x0err, vx, vxerr, ax, axerr)
                star.setFitpYa(t0y, y0, y0err, vy, vyerr, ay, ayerr)
                fitpx = star.fitpXa
                fitpy = star.fitpYa
                # Save the polyfit (in arcsec)
                star.setFitXa(t0x, x0, x0err, vx, vxerr, ax, axerr)
                star.setFitYa(t0y, y0, y0err, vy, vyerr, ay, ayerr)
                fitx = star.fitXa
                fity = star.fitYa
                # Save the polyfit (in pixels)
                star.setFitpXv(t0x, x0, x0err, vx, vxerr)
                star.setFitpYv(t0y, y0, y0err, vy, vyerr)
                fitpx = star.fitpXv
                fitpy = star.fitpYv
                # Save the polyfit (in arcsec)
                star.setFitXv(t0x, x0, x0err, vx, vxerr)
                star.setFitYv(t0y, y0, y0err, vy, vyerr)
                fitx = star.fitXv
                fity = star.fitYv

            fitx.chi2 = float(_fit[(2*numCoeffs) + 1])
            fitx.q = float(_fit[(2*numCoeffs) + 2])
            fitx.dof = star.velCnt - numCoeffs
            fitx.chi2red = fitx.chi2 / fitx.dof

            fity.chi2 = float(_fit[(4*numCoeffs) + 3])
            fity.q = float(_fit[(4*numCoeffs) + 4])
            fity.dof = star.velCnt - numCoeffs
            fity.chi2red = fity.chi2 / fity.dof

            fitpx.chi2 = float(_fit[(2*numCoeffs) + 1])
            fitpx.q = float(_fit[(2*numCoeffs) + 2])
            fitpx.dof = star.velCnt - numCoeffs
            fitpx.chi2red = fitpx.chi2 / fitpx.dof

            fitpy.chi2 = float(_fit[(4*numCoeffs) + 3])
            fitpy.q = float(_fit[(4*numCoeffs) + 4])
            fitpy.dof = star.velCnt - numCoeffs
            fitpy.chi2red = fitpy.chi2 / fitpy.dof

            if (arcsec):
                (fitx.p, fity.p, fitx.perr, fity.perr) = \
                         util.rerrPix2Arc(fitx.p, fity.p, fitx.perr, fity.perr, 
                      self.t, relErr=self.relErr)

                (fitx.v, fity.v, fitx.verr, fity.verr) = \
                         util.verrPix2Arc(fitx.v, fity.v, fitx.verr, fity.verr, 
                      self.t, relErr=self.relErr)

                if (accel == 1):
                    (fitx.a, fity.a, fitx.aerr, fity.aerr) = \
                             util.aerrPix2Arc(fitx.a, fity.a, fitx.aerr, 
                          self.t, relErr = self.relErr)


        if trimUnfound and len(trimIdx) > 0:
            # Trim stars down to just those with polyfit information
            newStars = []
            for ss in range(len(self.stars)):
                if not ss in trimIdx:

            self.stars = newStars
Пример #2
    def loadPolyfit(self,
        fitFile = fitRoot + '.linearFormal'
        t0File = fitRoot + '.lt0'

        if (accel == 1):
            fitFile = fitRoot + '.accelFormal'
            t0File = fitRoot + '.t0'

        f_fit = open(fitFile, 'r')
        f_t0 = open(t0File, 'r')

        # Get the align names array, since we will index out of it a lot.
        names = np.array([star.name for star in self.stars])

        alignIdx = 0
        trimIdx = []

        for line in f_fit:
            _fit = line.split()
            _t0 = f_t0.readline().split()

            # First line should be a header line with "#" as the first letter
            if _fit[0].startswith("#"):
                # Determine the number of coefficients in this file.
                # Columns are 1 starname, 2*2 for chiSq and Q (x and y),
                # and 2*2*(N) for x and y coefficients and their
                # associated errors for each order of the polynomial
                # where N is the number of coefficients.
                numCols = len(_fit)
                numCoeffs = (numCols - 5) / 4

            # Assume that the stars loaded from align are in the same
            # order as the polyfit output.
            if names[alignIdx] != _fit[0]:
                if silent == False:
                    print '%-13s: Mis-match in align and polyfit...' % _fit[0]

                while names[alignIdx] != _fit[0]:
                    if trimUnfound:
                        msg = '\t trimming '
                        msg = '\t skipping '

                    if silent == False:
                        print '%s %s' % (msg, names[alignIdx])
                    alignIdx += 1

            star = self.stars[alignIdx]
            alignIdx += 1

            t0x = float(_t0[1])
            t0y = float(_t0[2])

            if (numCoeffs >= 1):
                x0 = float(_fit[1])
                x0err = float(_fit[1 + numCoeffs])
                y0 = float(_fit[(2 * numCoeffs) + 3])
                y0err = float(_fit[(3 * numCoeffs) + 3])

            if (numCoeffs >= 2):
                vx = float(_fit[2])
                vxerr = float(_fit[2 + numCoeffs])
                vy = float(_fit[(2 * numCoeffs) + 4])
                vyerr = float(_fit[(3 * numCoeffs) + 4])

            if (numCoeffs >= 3):
                ax = float(_fit[3])
                axerr = float(_fit[3 + numCoeffs])
                ay = float(_fit[(2 * numCoeffs) + 5])
                ayerr = float(_fit[(3 * numCoeffs) + 5])

            if (accel == 1):
                # Save the polyfit (in pixels)
                star.setFitpXa(t0x, x0, x0err, vx, vxerr, ax, axerr)
                star.setFitpYa(t0y, y0, y0err, vy, vyerr, ay, ayerr)
                fitpx = star.fitpXa
                fitpy = star.fitpYa
                # Save the polyfit (in arcsec)
                star.setFitXa(t0x, x0, x0err, vx, vxerr, ax, axerr)
                star.setFitYa(t0y, y0, y0err, vy, vyerr, ay, ayerr)
                fitx = star.fitXa
                fity = star.fitYa
                # Save the polyfit (in pixels)
                star.setFitpXv(t0x, x0, x0err, vx, vxerr)
                star.setFitpYv(t0y, y0, y0err, vy, vyerr)
                fitpx = star.fitpXv
                fitpy = star.fitpYv
                # Save the polyfit (in arcsec)
                star.setFitXv(t0x, x0, x0err, vx, vxerr)
                star.setFitYv(t0y, y0, y0err, vy, vyerr)
                fitx = star.fitXv
                fity = star.fitYv

            fitx.chi2 = float(_fit[(2 * numCoeffs) + 1])
            fitx.q = float(_fit[(2 * numCoeffs) + 2])
            fitx.dof = star.velCnt - numCoeffs
            fitx.chi2red = fitx.chi2 / fitx.dof

            fity.chi2 = float(_fit[(4 * numCoeffs) + 3])
            fity.q = float(_fit[(4 * numCoeffs) + 4])
            fity.dof = star.velCnt - numCoeffs
            fity.chi2red = fity.chi2 / fity.dof

            fitpx.chi2 = float(_fit[(2 * numCoeffs) + 1])
            fitpx.q = float(_fit[(2 * numCoeffs) + 2])
            fitpx.dof = star.velCnt - numCoeffs
            fitpx.chi2red = fitpx.chi2 / fitpx.dof

            fitpy.chi2 = float(_fit[(4 * numCoeffs) + 3])
            fitpy.q = float(_fit[(4 * numCoeffs) + 4])
            fitpy.dof = star.velCnt - numCoeffs
            fitpy.chi2red = fitpy.chi2 / fitpy.dof

            if (arcsec):
                (fitx.p, fity.p, fitx.perr, fity.perr) = \
                         util.rerrPix2Arc(fitx.p, fity.p, fitx.perr, fity.perr,
                      self.t, relErr=self.relErr)

                (fitx.v, fity.v, fitx.verr, fity.verr) = \
                         util.verrPix2Arc(fitx.v, fity.v, fitx.verr, fity.verr,
                      self.t, relErr=self.relErr)

                if (accel == 1):
                    (fitx.a, fity.a, fitx.aerr, fity.aerr) = \
                             util.aerrPix2Arc(fitx.a, fity.a, fitx.aerr,
                          self.t, relErr = self.relErr)


        if trimUnfound and len(trimIdx) > 0:
            # Trim stars down to just those with polyfit information
            newStars = []
            for ss in range(len(self.stars)):
                if not ss in trimIdx:

            self.stars = newStars
Пример #3
    def __init__(self, root, verbose=0, relErr=0, trans=None):
        self.root = root
        self.verbose = verbose
        self.relErr = relErr

        # Set up the default position of Sgr A* from align output.
        # Uses the *.sgra and *.scale files.
        if (trans == None):
            self.t = objects.Transform()
            self.t = trans

        # Load up tables
        _date = asciidata.open(root + '.date')
        f_pos = open(root + '.pos', 'r')
        f_err = open(root + '.err', 'r')
        f_mag = open(root + '.mag', 'r')
        f_vel = open(root + '.vel', 'r')
        f_par = open(root + '.param', 'r')
        f_name = open(root + '.name', 'r')
        f_opos = open(root + '.origpos', 'r')
        f_b0 = open(root + '.b0', 'r')

        numEpochs = _date.ncols

        # Make an infinity float to compare against
        Inf = float('inf')

        # Read epochs
        years = [_date[i][0] for i in range(numEpochs)]
        dates = ['%4d' % math.floor(year) for year in years]

        objects.Star.years = years

        self.years = np.array(years)
        self.dates = np.array(dates)
        self.stars = []    
        for line in f_pos:
            _pos = line.split()
            _err = f_err.readline().split()
            _mag = f_mag.readline().split()
            _vel = f_vel.readline().split()
            _par = f_par.readline().split()
            _opos = f_opos.readline().split()
            _b0 = f_b0.readline().split()
            _name = f_name.readline().split()

            # Initialize a new star with the proper name. Append to the set.
            star = objects.Star(_vel[0])

            #if (len(self.stars) % 100) == 0:
            #    print 'Processing star {0}: {1}'.format(len(self.stars), time.ctime())

            # Parse velocity file
            star.velCnt = int(_vel[1])
            star.mag    = float(_mag[1])
            star.magerr = float(_mag[2])
            star.x      = float(_vel[3])
            star.y      = float(_vel[4])
            star.vx     = float(_vel[5])
            star.vxerr  = float(_vel[6])
            star.vy     = float(_vel[7])
            star.vyerr  = float(_vel[8])
            star.v2d    = float(_vel[9])
            star.v2derr = float(_vel[10])

            # Do conversions for these values
            (star.x, star.y) = \
                util.rPix2Arc(star.x, star.y, self.t, relErr=self.relErr)
            (star.vx, star.vy, star.vxerr, star.vyerr) = \
                util.verrPix2Arc(star.vx, star.vy, star.vxerr, star.vyerr, 
                                 self.t, relErr=self.relErr)
            (star.v2d, star.v2derr) = \
                util.errPix2Arc(star.v2d, star.v2derr, self.t,

            # Parse b0 file
            t0 = float(_b0[1])
            x0 = float(_b0[2])
            x0err = float(_b0[3])
            vx = float(_b0[4])
            vxerr = float(_b0[5])
            y0 = float(_b0[8])
            y0err = float(_b0[9])
            vy = float(_b0[10])
            vyerr = float(_b0[11])

            star.setFitpXalign(t0, x0, x0err, vx, vxerr)
            star.setFitpYalign(t0, y0, y0err, vy, vyerr)

            (x0, y0, x0err, y0err) = util.rerrPix2Arc(x0, y0, x0err, y0err, 
                                                      self.t, relErr=self.relErr)
            (vx, vy, vxerr, vyerr) = util.verrPix2Arc(vx, vy, vxerr, vyerr, 
                                                      self.t, relErr=self.relErr)
            star.setFitXalign(t0, x0, x0err, vx, vxerr)
            star.setFitYalign(t0, y0, y0err, vy, vyerr)

            # Parse err, mag, pos files for all epochs
            for ei in range(numEpochs):
                ep = star.e[ei]
                ep.name = _name[ei+1]
                ep.xpix = float(_pos[(ei*2)+1])
                ep.ypix = float(_pos[(ei*2)+2])

                ep.xorig = float(_opos[(ei*2)+1])
                ep.yorig = float(_opos[(ei*2)+2])

                if (len(_err) > (numEpochs*2 + 1)):
                    ep.xpixerr_p = float(_err[(ei*4)+1])
                    ep.ypixerr_p = float(_err[(ei*4)+2])
                    ep.xpixerr_a = float(_err[(ei*4)+3])
                    ep.ypixerr_a = float(_err[(ei*4)+4])

                    if (ep.xpixerr_p < 0): ep.xpixerr_p = 0.0
                    if (ep.ypixerr_p < 0): ep.ypixerr_p = 0.0
                    ep.xpixerr_p = 0.0
                    ep.ypixerr_p = 0.0
                    ep.xpixerr_a = float(_err[(ei*2)+1])
                    ep.ypixerr_a = float(_err[(ei*2)+2])

                    # Check for the infinity case
                    if (ep.xpixerr_a == Inf):
                        ep.xpixerr_a = 0.0
                        ep.ypixerr_a = 0.0

                ep.mag     = float(_mag[ei+4])
                ep.snr     = float(_par[(ei*4)+1])
                ep.corr    = float(_par[(ei*4)+2])
                ep.nframes = float(_par[(ei*4)+3])
                ep.fwhm    = float(_par[(ei*4)+4])

                # Convert stuff into arcseconds
                (ep.x, ep.y, ep.xerr_p, ep.yerr_p) = \
                    util.rerrPix2Arc(ep.xpix, ep.ypix, ep.xpixerr_p, ep.ypixerr_p, 
                                     self.t, relErr=self.relErr)

                (ep.x, ep.y, ep.xerr_a, ep.yerr_a) = \
                    util.rerrPix2Arc(ep.xpix, ep.ypix, ep.xpixerr_a, ep.ypixerr_a, 
                                     self.t, relErr=self.relErr)
Пример #4
    def __init__(self, root, verbose=0, relErr=0, trans=None):
        self.root = root
        self.verbose = verbose
        self.relErr = relErr

        # Set up the default position of Sgr A* from align output.
        # Uses the *.sgra and *.scale files.
        if (trans == None):
            self.t = objects.Transform()
            self.t = trans

        # Load up tables
        _date = Table.read(root + '.date')
        f_pos = open(root + '.pos', 'r')
        f_err = open(root + '.err', 'r')
        f_mag = open(root + '.mag', 'r')
        f_vel = open(root + '.vel', 'r')
        f_par = open(root + '.param', 'r')
        f_name = open(root + '.name', 'r')
        f_opos = open(root + '.origpos', 'r')
        f_b0 = open(root + '.b0', 'r')

        numEpochs = _date.ncols

        # Make an infinity float to compare against
        Inf = float('inf')

        # Read epochs
        years = [_date[i][0] for i in range(numEpochs)]
        dates = ['%4d' % math.floor(year) for year in years]

        objects.Star.years = years

        self.years = np.array(years)
        self.dates = np.array(dates)

        self.stars = []
        for line in f_pos:
            _pos = line.split()
            _err = f_err.readline().split()
            _mag = f_mag.readline().split()
            _vel = f_vel.readline().split()
            _par = f_par.readline().split()
            _opos = f_opos.readline().split()
            _b0 = f_b0.readline().split()
            _name = f_name.readline().split()

            # Initialize a new star with the proper name. Append to the set.
            star = objects.Star(_vel[0])

            # Parse velocity file
            star.velCnt = int(_vel[1])
            star.mag = float(_mag[1])
            star.magerr = float(_mag[2])
            star.x = float(_vel[3])
            star.y = float(_vel[4])
            star.vx = float(_vel[5])
            star.vxerr = float(_vel[6])
            star.vy = float(_vel[7])
            star.vyerr = float(_vel[8])
            star.v2d = float(_vel[9])
            star.v2derr = float(_vel[10])

            # Do conversions for these values
            (star.x, star.y) = \
                util.rPix2Arc(star.x, star.y, self.t, relErr=self.relErr)
            (star.vx, star.vy, star.vxerr, star.vyerr) = \
                util.verrPix2Arc(star.vx, star.vy, star.vxerr, star.vyerr,
                                 self.t, relErr=self.relErr)
            (star.v2d, star.v2derr) = \
                util.errPix2Arc(star.v2d, star.v2derr, self.t,

            # Parse b0 file
            t0 = float(_b0[1])
            x0 = float(_b0[2])
            x0err = float(_b0[3])
            vx = float(_b0[4])
            vxerr = float(_b0[5])
            y0 = float(_b0[8])
            y0err = float(_b0[9])
            vy = float(_b0[10])
            vyerr = float(_b0[11])

            star.setFitpXalign(t0, x0, x0err, vx, vxerr)
            star.setFitpYalign(t0, y0, y0err, vy, vyerr)

            (x0, y0, x0err, y0err) = util.rerrPix2Arc(x0,
            (vx, vy, vxerr, vyerr) = util.verrPix2Arc(vx,
            star.setFitXalign(t0, x0, x0err, vx, vxerr)
            star.setFitYalign(t0, y0, y0err, vy, vyerr)

            # Parse err, mag, pos files for all epochs
            for ei in range(numEpochs):
                ep = star.e[ei]
                ep.name = _name[ei + 1]
                ep.xpix = float(_pos[(ei * 2) + 1])
                ep.ypix = float(_pos[(ei * 2) + 2])

                ep.xorig = float(_opos[(ei * 2) + 1])
                ep.yorig = float(_opos[(ei * 2) + 2])

                if (len(_err) > (numEpochs * 2 + 1)):
                    ep.xpixerr_p = float(_err[(ei * 4) + 1])
                    ep.ypixerr_p = float(_err[(ei * 4) + 2])
                    ep.xpixerr_a = float(_err[(ei * 4) + 3])
                    ep.ypixerr_a = float(_err[(ei * 4) + 4])

                    if (ep.xpixerr_p < 0): ep.xpixerr_p = 0.0
                    if (ep.ypixerr_p < 0): ep.ypixerr_p = 0.0
                    ep.xpixerr_p = 0.0
                    ep.ypixerr_p = 0.0
                    ep.xpixerr_a = float(_err[(ei * 2) + 1])
                    ep.ypixerr_a = float(_err[(ei * 2) + 2])

                    # Check for the infinity case
                    if (ep.xpixerr_a == Inf):
                        ep.xpixerr_a = 0.0
                        ep.ypixerr_a = 0.0

                ep.mag = float(_mag[ei + 4])
                ep.snr = float(_par[(ei * 4) + 1])
                ep.corr = float(_par[(ei * 4) + 2])
                ep.nframes = float(_par[(ei * 4) + 3])
                ep.fwhm = float(_par[(ei * 4) + 4])

                # Convert stuff into arcseconds
                (ep.x, ep.y, ep.xerr_p, ep.yerr_p) = \
                    util.rerrPix2Arc(ep.xpix, ep.ypix, ep.xpixerr_p, ep.ypixerr_p,
                                     self.t, relErr=self.relErr)

                (ep.x, ep.y, ep.xerr_a, ep.yerr_a) = \
                    util.rerrPix2Arc(ep.xpix, ep.ypix, ep.xpixerr_a, ep.ypixerr_a,
                                     self.t, relErr=self.relErr)