Пример #1
def listing_to_time(row):
	listing_pattern = '%Y %A, %B %d %I:%M %p'
	time = pad_hour(row['time'])
	date = '2016 ' + pad_day(row['day'])
	time_str = date + ' ' + time
	time_str_dt = datetime.strptime(time_str, listing_pattern)
	date = util.set_eastern(time_str_dt)
	return date
Пример #2
import agate
import util
from datetime import datetime
from pytz import timezone

io = '../../io/'
bos_custom = util.load_boston_data(io)

dec = util.set_eastern(datetime(2015, 12, 1, 0))

since_dec = bos_custom.where(lambda row: row['start_time_est'] >= dec)

unique = len(since_dec.distinct('archive_id').rows)
print('%d unique ads since dec' % unique)

feb = util.set_eastern(datetime(2016, 2, 1, 0))
since_feb = bos_custom.where(lambda row: row['start_time_est'] >= feb)

print('%d ads aired since dec' % len(since_dec.rows))
print('%d ads aired since feb' % len(since_feb.rows))

counts_candidate = since_dec.counts('for_candidate')

print('Ads aired per candidate since dec:')
counts_candidate.order_by('count', reverse=True).print_table()
Пример #3
import agate
import util
from datetime import datetime
from pytz import timezone

io = '../../io/';
bos_custom = util.load_boston_data(io)	

date = util.set_eastern(datetime(2015, 12, 1, 0))
since_date = bos_custom.where(lambda row: row['start_time_est'] >= date)

with_hour = bos_custom.compute([
    ('hour', agate.Formula(agate.Number(), lambda row: row['start_time_est'].hour))

counts_hour = with_hour.counts('hour')

counts_hour.order_by('hour').select(['hour', 'count']).to_csv(io + 'graphic_by_hour.csv')

Пример #4
	time = pad_hour(row['time'])
	date = '2016 ' + pad_day(row['day'])
	time_str = date + ' ' + time
	time_str_dt = datetime.strptime(time_str, listing_pattern)
	date = util.set_eastern(time_str_dt)
	return date

# add datetime for listings

listings_with_time = listings.compute([
    ('start_time_est', agate.Formula(agate.DateTime(), listing_to_time))

start_date = util.set_eastern(datetime(2016, 2, 1, 0))
end_date = util.set_eastern(datetime(2016, 2, 9, 0))
start_date_listings = util.set_eastern(datetime(2016, 1, 31, 19))

ads_recent = bos_custom.where(lambda row: row['start_time_est'] >= start_date and row['start_time_est'] < end_date)
listings_recent = listings_with_time.where(lambda row: row['start_time_est'] >= start_date_listings and row['start_time_est'] < end_date)

def is_in_range(spot_time, row):
    begin_search_time = spot_time - timedelta(hours=5)
    end_search_time = spot_time
    begin = begin_search_time <= row['start_time_est']
    end = end_search_time >= row['start_time_est']
    return end and begin
Пример #5
import agate
import util
from datetime import datetime
from pytz import timezone

io = '../../io/';
bos_custom = util.load_boston_data(io)	

date = util.set_eastern(datetime(2016, 1, 1, 0))
since_date = bos_custom.where(lambda row: row['start_time_est'] >= date)

# get total ads aired per day since january, by candidate

with_date = since_date.compute([
	('date', agate.Formula(agate.Date(), lambda row: row['start_time_est'].date()))

with_count = with_date.group_by('date').group_by('for_candidate').aggregate([
	('count', agate.Length())

with_count.order_by('date').order_by('for_candidate').to_csv(io + 'graphic_daily_by_candidate.csv')