Пример #1
 def hex_components(self, boxed=False):
     result = ['{}:{}'.format(self.name, to_hex(self.number, 4))
               ] if boxed else ['{}: '.format(self.name)]
     for arg in self:
         result += [
             '{}:{}'.format(arg.name, to_hex(b''.join(arg.to_buffers()), 4))
     return " ".join(result)
Пример #2
    def from_stream(cls, stream):
        """Boxed type combinator loading"""
        con_num = stream.read(4)
        con = cls.constructors.get(con_num)
        if con is None:
            if cls is TLType:
                raise ValueError(
                    'constructor with number {} does not exists'.format(
                raise ValueError(
                    '{} does not have combinator with number {}'.format(
                        cls, to_hex(con_num)))

        return con.from_stream(stream)
Пример #3
def x15_x03(o, sock, data):
    SNAC (x15, x3): From Server

    reference: U{http://iserverd.khstu.ru/oscar/snac_15_03.html}
    tlv, data = oscar.util.s_tlv(data)
    assert not data
    data = tlv.v

    fmt = '''
          size    H
          uid     I
          reqtype H
          reqid   H

    fmt = zip(fmt[::2],fmt[1::2])

    sz, uid, reqtype, reqid, data = oscar.unpack(fmt, data, '<')
    assert len(data) == (sz - 8)

        f = getattr(oscar.snac, 'icq_srv_%04x'%reqtype)
    except AttributeError:
        print 'received ICQ response: %d %04x reqid=%d / %s' % (uid, reqtype, reqid,util.to_hex(data))

    uid = o.icq_req_cbs.get(reqid, (lambda: None, (), {}))
    f(o, uid, data)
Пример #4
def annotation_data(dataset_name):
    """ Gets general annotation data for a dataset. Basically everything that the
        annotation Web UI needs, like classes and their colors, which keys to press
        for each class, and progress.

        classnames = get_classnames(dataset_name)
    except FileNotFoundError:
        return None
        # Removing R from this would not be sufficient, and would look like a bug
        all_keys = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'

        colors = class_colors(len(classnames))

        out_colors = {}
        for cn, cc in zip(classnames, colors):
            out_colors[cn] = to_hex(cc)

        keys_list = []
        keys = set()
        for cn in classnames:
            cn = cn.lower()
            success = False
            for letter in cn:
                if not (letter in keys):
                    if not letter == 'r':  # 'R' is not okay, since that button is used for cancelling
                        success = True

            while not success:
                letter = choice(all_keys)
                if not (letter in keys):
                    if not letter == 'r':  # 'R' is not okay, since that button is used for cancelling
                        success = True

        key_codes_list = [ord(x) - 32 for x in keys_list
                          ]  # convert to nonsense Javascript keyCodes
        keys_list = [x.upper() for x in keys_list
                     ]  # are nicer visualized in upper case in the Web UI

        train_stats = get_annotation_stats(dataset_name, 'train')
        test_stats = get_annotation_stats(dataset_name, 'test')

        out = [
            classnames, out_colors, keys_list, key_codes_list, train_stats,

        return out
Пример #5
    def from_stream(cls, stream):
        """Boxed type combinator loading"""
        con_num = stream.read(4)
        con = cls.constructors.get(con_num)
        if con is None:
            if cls is TLType:
                raise ValueError('constructor with number {} does not exists'.format(to_hex(con_num)))
                raise ValueError('{} does not have combinator with number {}'.format(cls, to_hex(con_num)))

        return con.from_stream(stream)
Пример #6
    def onkey(e):
        wx.CallAfter(lambda: st.SetLabel(to_hex(t.Value)))
        if e.ControlDown() and e.AltDown() and e.KeyCode == wx.WXK_SPACE:
            from random import choice, randrange
            import string

            for i in xrange(200):
                rstr = ''.join(choice(string.letters) for x in xrange(randrange(5,300)))

Пример #7
def x10_x05(o, sock, data):
    SNAC (x10, x5): Requested buddy icon

    reference: U{http://iserverd.khstu.ru/oscar/snac_10_05.html}

    fmt = (('sn', 'pstring'),
           ('unknown', 'H'),
           ('flags', 'B'),
           ('hash', 'pstring'),
           ('icon_len', 'H'),
           ('icon', 's', 'icon_len'))

    sn, __,__, hash, __, icon, data = oscar.unpack(fmt, data)
    assert not data, util.to_hex(data)
    return sn, hash, icon
Пример #8
def printTLV(tlvtype, tlvdata):
    import util
    tlvstring = "0x%04X" % tlvtype + ": "
    if tlvtype == 0x006D:
        (dateint, ) = struct.unpack("!I", tlvdata[:4])
        tlvstring = tlvstring + '"' + time.asctime(
            time.localtime(dateint)) + '" + '
        tlvdata = tlvdata[4:]
    if tlvtype in (0x0067, 0x154, 0x0160, 0x01C3, 0x01C4, 0x01C5):
        (dateint, ) = struct.unpack("!I", tlvdata)
        tlvstring = tlvstring + '"' + time.asctime(
            time.localtime(dateint)) + '"'
        tlvdata = None
    if tlvtype == 0x006E:
    if tlvtype == 0x00C8:
        for short in tlvdata:
            tlvstring += "%04X" % short + " "
        tlvstring = tlvstring[:-1]
        tlvdata = None
    if tlvtype == 0x0131:
        tlvstring += "Alias: \"" + return_printable(tlvdata)
        tlvdata = None
    if tlvtype == 0x0137:
        tlvstring += "mail: \"" + return_printable(tlvdata)
        tlvdata = None
    if tlvtype == 0x0137:
        tlvstring += "SMS: \"" + return_printable(tlvdata)
        tlvdata = None
    if tlvtype == 0x013C:
        tlvstring += "Comment: \"" + return_printable(tlvdata)
        tlvdata = None
    if tlvtype == 0x014B:
        tlvstring += "Metadata: " + repr(tlvdata)
        tlvdata = None
    if tlvtype == 0x0D5:
    if tlvdata:
            tlvstring += '"' + util.to_hex(tlvdata) + '"'
        except Exception:
            #            import traceback;traceback.print_exc()
            print tlvtype, tlvdata
    return tlvstring
Пример #9
def printTLV(tlvtype, tlvdata):
    import util
    tlvstring = "0x%04X" % tlvtype + ": "
    if tlvtype == 0x006D:
        (dateint,) = struct.unpack("!I", tlvdata[:4])
        tlvstring = tlvstring + '"' + time.asctime(time.localtime(dateint)) + '" + '
        tlvdata = tlvdata[4:]
    if tlvtype in (0x0067, 0x154, 0x0160, 0x01C3, 0x01C4, 0x01C5):
        (dateint,) = struct.unpack("!I", tlvdata)
        tlvstring = tlvstring + '"' + time.asctime(time.localtime(dateint)) + '"'
        tlvdata = None
    if tlvtype == 0x006E:
    if tlvtype == 0x00C8:
        for short in tlvdata:
            tlvstring += "%04X" % short + " "
        tlvstring = tlvstring[:-1]
        tlvdata = None
    if tlvtype == 0x0131:
        tlvstring += "Alias: \"" + return_printable(tlvdata)
        tlvdata = None
    if tlvtype == 0x0137:
        tlvstring += "mail: \"" + return_printable(tlvdata)
        tlvdata = None
    if tlvtype == 0x0137:
        tlvstring += "SMS: \"" + return_printable(tlvdata)
        tlvdata = None
    if tlvtype == 0x013C:
        tlvstring += "Comment: \"" + return_printable(tlvdata)
        tlvdata = None
    if tlvtype == 0x014B:
        tlvstring += "Metadata: " + repr(tlvdata)
        tlvdata = None
    if tlvtype == 0x0D5:
    if tlvdata:
            tlvstring += '"' + util.to_hex(tlvdata) + '"'
        except Exception:
#            import traceback;traceback.print_exc()
            print tlvtype, tlvdata
    return tlvstring
Пример #10
def make_proxy_init(sn, cookie, port=None):
    'Creates a proxy packet.'

    # Check for screenname as a string.
    if not isinstance(sn, str):
        raise TypeError('screenname must be a str object')

    # Cookie must be an eight byte string or a long.
    if isinstance(cookie, long):
        cookie = struct.pack('!Q', cookie)
        assert isinstance(cookie, str) and len(cookie) == 8

    # If a port was specified, use initreceive, since that is the only way
    # that and 'initsend' differ.
    command = 'initreceive' if port else 'initsend'

    # Length is everything that follows the two bytes of length.
    length = len(sn) + 41
    if port is None:
        # Init sends have two less byes.
        length -= 2

    info(command + ' length: %d', length)

    data = ProxyHeader(length,
                       null = 0,
                       flags = 0).pack()

    # Screen name as a pascal string
    data += struct.pack('B', len(sn)) + sn

    # Add the two byte port if this is an init_receive request
    if port:
        assert isinstance(port, int)
        data += struct.pack('!H', port)

    fullpacket = data + cookie + _send_file_tlv #Send file capability on the end

    log.info_s('proxy packet assembled (%d bytes): %s', len(fullpacket),to_hex(fullpacket))
    return fullpacket
Пример #11
def icq_srv_07da_00c8(o, uid, result, data):
    if result != SUCCESS:
        log.warning('icq got response %d', result)

    vals = 'nick first last email city state phone fax street cellular zip country timezone publish webaware data'.split()

    fmt = [(x, 'lnts') for x in vals[:11]]

                (vals[11],   'H'),
                (vals[12],   'B'),
                (vals[13],   'H'),
                (vals[14],   'B')

    #locals.update(zip(vals, oscar.unpack(fmt, data, '<')))

    (nick, first, last, email, city, state, phone, fax, street,
     cellular, zip, country_code, timezone, publish, webaware), data = unpack_decode(fmt, data, '<')

    country = icq_country.codes.get(country_code, sentinel)
    if country is sentinel:
        log.warning('Unknown country code %r. Maybe you can guess from these locals? %r', country_code, locals())
    country = u'Unknown'
    del country_code

    if data:
        log.warning('icq user info got extra data: %r', util.to_hex(data))
    webaware = bool(webaware%2)

    b = o.buddies[str(uid)]
    try:    personal = b.personal
    except Exception: personal = b.personal = util.Storage()
    set = b.setnotifyif

    for x in vals:
        set(x, locals()[x])
        setattr(personal, x, locals()[x])
Пример #12
def create(input_image, output_path):
    """Create an SVG from the input image."""
    conf = config.get()
    im = util.get_image(input_image)
    (width, height) = im.size
    pix = im.load()

    dwg = svgwrite.Drawing(
        viewBox='0 0 {0} {1}'.format(width * conf['svg']['ratio'], height),
            conf['svg']['font_family'], conf['svg']['font_size']))
    dwg.attribs['xml:space'] = 'preserve'

    for h in range(0, height):
        colors = []
        for w in range(0, width):
                colors.append(util.to_hex(pix[w, h]))
        colors = [(len(list(g)), k) for k, g in groupby(colors)]
        x = 0
        for c in colors:
            t = ''
            for l in range(0, c[0]):
                t = t + code.get_char()
            text = dwg.text(t, fill='{0}'.format(c[1]))
            text.attribs['y'] = str(h)
            text.attribs['x'] = x * conf['svg']['ratio']
            x = x + len(t)
Пример #13
    def _set_dc_info(self, newval):
        dc_info, data = oscar.unpack((('_', 'dc_info'),), newval)
        if data: print 'extra data on dc_info for %s: %s' % (self.name, util.to_hex(data))

        self._dc_info = dc_info
Пример #14
# apdu('00 C0 00 00 15')

apdu('00 20 00 81 10 31 32 33 34 35 36 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00',
     'Verify PIN')

c = GemaltoCrypto()
c.lib_nonce = os.urandom(32)
c.lib_random = os.urandom(16)
c.lib_constant = from_hex('22 34 00 00 AF 04 E3 A9')

apdu('00 22 41 A4 06 83 01 01 95 01 80', 'MSE')

card_challenge = apdu('80 84 00 00 08', 'get challenge')
print("!! parse card challenge")

print("!! make lib challenge")
lib_challenge = c.make_lib_challenge()
print("!! parse lib challenge")

ret = apdu(to_hex(lib_challenge), 'lib challenge')
assert ret == '\x61\x48'

card_ch_response = apdu('80 C0 00 00 48', 'get response')
print("!! parse card ch response")

print("!! calc mac params")
Пример #15
    def addhash(self, level, index, hash, peer=None):
        Adds a hash to either the validated tree (when possible) or to the
        unvalidated cache, self.purgatory. This will also add any computed parent
        hashes recursively. If the hash makes it into the validated tree, this
        will also check the nephews of this hash to see if they can now be
        validated. However, direct descendents will not be checked, and must be
        checked by the caller.
        if type(hash) == long:
            hash = util.ser_uint256(hash)
        key = (level, index)
        if key in self.purgatory:
            if self.purgatory[key] == hash:
                oldpeer = self.peerorigins[self.purgatory[key]] if self.purgatory[key] in self.peerorigins else None
                debuglog('btnet', 'Warning: received two different hashes for the same part of a tree. Replacing old hash.')
                debuglog('btnet', 'Cause is likely either network corruption or a malicious peer. Peers:')
                debuglog('btnet', oldpeer, peer)
                debuglog('btnet', 'Hash added is (%i, %i): %s. Oldhash: %s.' % (level, index, to_hex(hash), to_hex(self.purgatory[key])))
                # fixme: peer banning
                # continue to add the new hash and validate
        elif self.getnode(level, index):
            debuglog('bttree', 'Debug warning: level=%i index=%i already validated in tree' % (level, index))
        self.purgatory[key] = hash
        #self.peerorigins[hash] = peer # fixme: make sure memory growth is bounded

        parent = self.getnode(level-1, index//2) # is our parent already valid?
        #if parent: print "valid parent of %i,%i is %i,%i:" %(level, index, level-1, index//2), to_hex(parent])
        siblingkey = (level, index ^ 1)

        if not siblingkey in self.purgatory: # Is this is the right edge of the tree?
            if not index & 1: # if even (left sibling)
                for hint in self.txcounthints:
                    height = int(math.ceil(math.log(hint, 2)))
                    if level > height: continue
                    edge = (hint-1) >> (height - level)
                    if index == edge:
                        self.purgatory[siblingkey] = hash # this can be overwritten later

        if siblingkey in self.purgatory: # then we can check one level up
            sib = self.purgatory[siblingkey]
            parenthash = self.calcparent(sib, hash) if (index%2) else self.calcparent(hash, sib) # left sibling goes first
            if parent and parent == parenthash:
                result = 'connected'
            elif parent and parent != parenthash and not sib == hash:
                debuglog('btnet', 'Invalid hash(es) encountered when checking (%i, %i): %s.' % (level, index, to_hex(hash)))
                debuglog('btnet', 'Parent (%i, %i) = %s not %s' %  (level-1, index//2, to_hex(parent), to_hex(parenthash)))
                result = 'invalid'
            elif parent and parent != parenthash and sib == hash:
                debuglog('btnet', 'Found a bad edge: (%i, %i) = %s not %s' %  (level-1, index//2, to_hex(parent), to_hex(parenthash)))
                result = 'orphan' # incorrect tx count hint
            else: # recurse one level up
                result = self.addhash(level-1, index//2, parenthash, None)
            result = 'orphan'

        if result == 'connected':
            self.setnode(level, index, hash, edge=(hash==sib))
            self.setnode(level, index^1, sib, edge=(hash==sib))
            del self.purgatory[key]
            del self.purgatory[siblingkey]
            if hash == sib and level == self.levels: # right edge, bottom row
                self.txcount = index|1-1 # left sib's index
            # the recursive caller of addhash will take care of the children of key, but not siblingkey
            self.checkchildren(siblingkey[0], siblingkey[1])
        elif result == 'invalid':
            if sib == hash: # invalid hint about the number of transactions
                debuglog('btnet', 'Invalid txcount hint: %i among ' % hint, self.txcounthints)
                del self.purgatory[max(siblingkey, key)]
                result = 'orphan'
                for k in key, siblingkey:
                    # fixme: for multi-level recursion, there's a good chance we're deleting the wrong txes.
                    # should we delete all of the decendants of the lowest valid hash to which this resolves?
                    # or should we leave these hashes all in purgatory? or what? who do we ban?
                    debuglog('btnet', 'Invalid hash(es) encountered. Deleting: (%i, %i): %s.' % (k[0], k[1], to_hex(self.purgatory[k])))
                    #del self.purgatory[k]
        elif result == 'orphan':
            pass # fixme: deal with peer info (and banning) in each of these branches above
        return result
Пример #16
 def hex_list(self):
     return [to_hex(buf, 0) for buf in self.buffers()]
Пример #17
 def hexdigest(self, final=None):
     return util.to_hex(self.digest(final), '').lstrip('0')
Пример #18
 def hex_list(self):
     return [to_hex(buf, 0) for buf in self.buffers()]
Пример #19
 def hex_components(self, boxed=False):
     result = ['{}:{}'.format(self.name, to_hex(self.number, 4))] if boxed else ['{}: '.format(self.name)]
     for arg in self:
         result += ['{}:{}'.format(arg.name, to_hex(b''.join(arg.to_buffers()), 4))]
     return " ".join(result)
Пример #20
 def to_hex(self, width=4, boxed=False):
     if boxed:
         return to_hex(self.to_boxed_bytes(), width)
     return to_hex(self.to_bytes(), width)
Пример #21
 def hex_components(self):
     return ' '.join([to_hex(data) for data in self.to_buffers()])
Пример #22
 def ch2cancel(self, data):
     log.info('%r cancelled by buddy', self)
     self.cancelled = True
     if data:
         log.info('data in a ch2 cancel: %s', to_hex(data))
Пример #23
 def hexdigest(self, final=None):
     return util.to_hex(self.digest(final), '').lstrip('0')
Пример #24
 def hex_components(self):
     return ' '.join([to_hex(data) for data in self.to_buffers()])
Пример #25
    def addhash(self, level, index, hash, peer=None, locked=False):
        Adds a hash to either the validated tree (when possible) or to the
        unvalidated cache, self.purgatory. This will also add any computed parent
        hashes recursively. If the hash makes it into the validated tree, this
        will also check the nephews of this hash to see if they can now be
        validated. However, direct descendants will not be checked, and must be
        checked by the caller.
        if type(hash) == long:
            hash = util.ser_uint256(hash)

        key = (level, index)
        if not locked:
            )  # this might benefit from more fine-grained locks when the switch is made to C++
        if key in self.purgatory:
            if self.purgatory[key] == hash:
                if not locked: self.rwlock.release_write()
                oldpeer = self.peerorigins[self.purgatory[
                    key]] if self.purgatory[key] in self.peerorigins else None
                    'Warning: received two different hashes for the same part of a tree. Replacing old hash.'
                    'Cause is likely either network corruption or a malicious peer. Peers:'
                debuglog('btnet', oldpeer, peer)
                    'btnet', 'Hash added is (%i, %i): %s. Oldhash: %s.' %
                    (level, index, to_hex(hash), to_hex(self.purgatory[key])))
                # fixme: peer banning
                # continue to add the new hash and validate
        elif self.getnode(level, index, locked=True):
                'Debug warning: level=%i index=%i already validated in tree' %
                (level, index))
            if not locked: self.rwlock.release_write()
        self.purgatory[key] = hash
        #self.peerorigins[hash] = peer # fixme: make sure memory growth is bounded

        parent = self.getnode(level - 1, index // 2,
                              locked=True)  # is our parent already valid?
        siblingkey = (level, index ^ 1)

        if not siblingkey in self.purgatory:  # Is this is the right edge of the tree?
            if not index & 1:  # if even (left sibling)
                if self.txcount:
                    height = int(math.ceil(math.log(self.txcount, 2)))
                    assert level <= height
                    edge = (self.txcount - 1) >> (height - level)
                    if index == edge:
                            siblingkey] = hash  # this can be overwritten later

        if siblingkey in self.purgatory:  # then we can check one level up
            sib = self.purgatory[siblingkey]
            parenthash = self.calcparent(sib, hash) if (
                index %
                2) else self.calcparent(hash, sib)  # left sibling goes first
            if parent and parent == parenthash:
                result = 'connected'
            elif parent and parent != parenthash and not sib == hash:
                    'Invalid hash(es) encountered when checking (%i, %i): %s.'
                    % (level, index, to_hex(hash)))
                    'btnet', 'Parent (%i, %i) = %s not %s' %
                    (level - 1, index // 2, to_hex(parent),
                result = 'invalid'
            elif parent and parent != parenthash and sib == hash:
                    'btnet', 'Found a bad edge: (%i, %i) = %s not %s' %
                    (level - 1, index // 2, to_hex(parent),
                result = 'orphan'  # incorrect tx count hint
            else:  # recurse one level up
                result = self.addhash(level - 1,
                                      index // 2,
            result = 'orphan'

        if result == 'connected':
            self.setnode(level, index, hash, edge=(hash == sib), locked=True)
                         index ^ 1,
                         edge=(hash == sib),
            del self.purgatory[key]
            del self.purgatory[siblingkey]
            if hash == sib and level == self.levels:  # right edge, bottom row
                self.txcount = index | 1  # left sib is the last tx, but we start counting from 0, so we want the right sib's index
            # the recursive caller of addhash will take care of the children of key, but not siblingkey
            if hash != sib:
                self.checkchildren(siblingkey[0], siblingkey[1], locked=True)
        elif result == 'invalid':
            if sib == hash:  # invalid hint about the number of transactions
                debuglog('btnet', 'Invalid txcount? -- %i ' % self.txcount)
                del self.purgatory[max(siblingkey, key)]
                result = 'orphan'
                for k in key, siblingkey:
                    # fixme: for multi-level recursion, there's a good chance we're deleting the wrong txes.
                    # should we delete all of the descendants of the lowest valid hash to which this resolves?
                    # or should we leave these hashes all in purgatory? or what? who do we ban?
                        'Invalid hash(es) encountered. Deleting: (%i, %i): %s.'
                        % (k[0], k[1], to_hex(self.purgatory[k])))
                    #del self.purgatory[k]
        elif result == 'orphan':
            pass  # fixme: deal with peer info (and banning) in each of these branches above
        if not locked: self.rwlock.release_write()
        return result
Пример #26
 def to_hex(self, width=4, boxed=False):
     if boxed:
         return to_hex(self.to_boxed_bytes(), width)
     return to_hex(self.to_bytes(), width)