def forward(self, x, only_encode=False): feats, additional = self.backbone(x) feature_pyramid = upsample(feats, self.size) features = feature_pyramid logits = self.logits.forward(features) #out = upsample(logits, self.size) out = upsample(logits, (692, 2048)) return out
def forward(self, img): img_t0, img_t1 = torch.split(img, 3, 1) features_t0 = self.encoder1(img_t0) features_t1 = self.encoder2(img_t1) features = features_t0 + features_t1 features_map = self.attention_module(features) pred_ = self.decoder(features_map) pred_ = upsample(pred_, [pred_.size()[2] * 2, pred_.size()[3] * 2]) pred_ = pred_ = upsample(pred_, [pred_.size()[2] * 2, pred_.size()[3] * 2]) pred_ = self.relu(pred_) pred = self.classifier(pred_) return pred
def processOutput(output, loopback_Fs, loopback_Fc, upsample_factor, mask_noise, percentile=95): output = util.upsample(output, upsample_factor) ramp_length = int(loopback_Fs*.01) output[:ramp_length] *= np.clip(np.arange(ramp_length, dtype=float) / ramp_length, 0, 1) output[-1:-ramp_length-1:-1] *= np.clip(np.arange(ramp_length, dtype=float) / ramp_length, 0, 1) carrier = np.exp(1j * 2 * np.pi * np.arange(output.size) * loopback_Fc / loopback_Fs) y1 = (output * carrier).real for i in xrange(13): y1 = np.diff(np.r_[0,y1]) peak = np.percentile(np.abs(y1), percentile) gain = 16.0 / peak if peak else 0. output = gain * y1 if 0: limit = 800. output = (2/np.pi*limit)*np.arctan((np.pi/2/limit)*output) output = np.r_[output, np.zeros(int(.05*loopback_Fs))] if mask_noise is not None: if mask_noise.size > output.size: output = np.r_[output, np.zeros(mask_noise.size-output.size)] output[:mask_noise.size] += mask_noise[:output.size] delay_samples = int(delay*loopback_Fs) # delay one channel slightly relative to the other: # this breaks up the spatially-dependent frequency-correlated # nulls of our speaker array output = np.vstack((np.r_[np.zeros(delay_samples), output], np.r_[output, np.zeros(delay_samples)])).T global waveform waveform = output return output
def forward(self, pyramid, image_size): features, additional = self.backbone(pyramid) if self.has_aux_logits: additional['aux_logits'] = self.aux_logits.forward( additional['upsamples'][0]) logits = self.logits.forward(features) return upsample(logits, image_size), additional
def main(): opts = util.parse_args() X, y = util.data_load(opts.dataset) fc_nn_model = fc.create_model() ada_model = AdaBoostClassifier(n_estimators=100, random_state=0) svm_model = SVC(C=1000, gamma=0.1) n = opts.upsamplen if opts.upsamplen is not None else 1 start = n if opts.upsamplestart is None else 1 if start > n: print("unsample range error") sys.exit() conf_fc, conf_ada, conf_svm = [], [], [] for t in np.arange(start, n + 1): needed = util.needed_n(X, y, t) temp_X, temp_y = util.upsample(X, y, needed) X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(temp_X, temp_y, test_size=0.3, random_state=42) X_train, X_test = util.normalize(X_train, X_test) train_dset = (X_train, y_train)).batch(64, drop_remainder=False).shuffle(buffer_size=10000) test_dset = (X_test, y_test)).batch(64), y_train), y_train), epochs=10) pred_ada = ada_model.predict(X_test) pred_svm = svm_model.predict(X_test) conf_ada.append(confusion_matrix(y_test, pred_ada)) conf_svm.append(confusion_matrix(y_test, pred_svm)) temp = np.zeros((2, 2), dtype=int) for d, labels in test_dset: predictions = fc_nn_model(d) for i in range(len(d)): temp[labels[i]][np.argmax(predictions[i])] += 1 conf_fc.append(temp) recall_fc = list(map(lambda x: util.recall(x), conf_fc)) recall_ada = list(map(lambda x: util.recall(x), conf_ada)) recall_svm = list(map(lambda x: util.recall(x), conf_svm)) up_range = np.arange(start, n + 1) d = {"SVM": recall_svm, "Adaboost": recall_ada, "FC_NN": recall_fc} legends = ["SVM", "Adaboost", "FC_NN"] for key in d: plt.plot(up_range, d[key]) plt.title("Recall Vs Upsample Graph") plt.xlabel("Upsample rate") plt.ylabel("Recall") plt.legend(legends)
def main(): opts = util.parse_args() X, y = util.data_load(opts.dataset) model = create_model() model_layers = create_model_more_layers() n = opts.upsamplen if opts.upsamplen is not None else 1 start = n if opts.upsamplestart is None else 1 all_conf = [] all_conf_layers = [] if start > n: print("Upsample start should be larger than end") sys.exit() for t in np.arange(start, n + 1): print("t", t) needed = util.needed_n(X, y, t) temp_X, temp_y = util.upsample(X, y, needed) X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(temp_X, temp_y, test_size=0.3, random_state=42) X_train, X_test = util.normalize(X_train, X_test) train_dset = (X_train, y_train)).batch(64, drop_remainder=False).shuffle(buffer_size=10000) test_dset = (X_test, y_test)).batch(64), epochs=10), epochs=10) conf_mat = np.zeros((2, 2), dtype=int) conf_mat_layers = np.zeros((2, 2), dtype=int) for d, labels in test_dset: predictions = model(d) predictions_layers = model_layers(d) for i in range(len(d)): conf_mat[labels[i]][np.argmax(predictions[i])] += 1 conf_mat_layers[labels[i]][np.argmax( predictions_layers[i])] += 1 all_conf.append(conf_mat) all_conf_layers.append(conf_mat_layers) re_fc, re_fc_layer = list(map(lambda x: util.recall(x), all_conf)), list( (map(lambda x: util.recall(x), all_conf_layers))) up_range = np.arange(start, n + 1) plt.plot(up_range, re_fc) plt.plot(up_range, re_fc_layer) plt.title("2-layer NN vs 3-layer NN") plt.legend(["2-layer", "3-layer"]) plt.xlabel("Upsample rate") plt.ylabel("Recall")
def processOutput(output, loopback_Fs, loopback_Fc, upsample_factor, mask_noise): output = util.upsample(output, upsample_factor) output = (output * np.exp(1j * 2 * np.pi * np.arange(output.size) * loopback_Fc / loopback_Fs)).real output *= 1.0 / np.percentile(np.abs(output), 95) output = np.r_[output, np.zeros(int(.1*loopback_Fs))] if mask_noise is not None: if mask_noise.size > output.size: output = np.r_[output, np.zeros(mask_noise.size-output.size)] output[:mask_noise.size] += mask_noise[:output.size] delay_samples = int(delay*loopback_Fs) # delay one channel slightly relative to the other: # this breaks up the spatially-dependent frequency-correlated # nulls of our speaker array output = np.vstack((np.r_[np.zeros(delay_samples), output], np.r_[output, np.zeros(delay_samples)])).T return output
def main(): opts = util.parse_args() X, y = util.data_load(opts.dataset) #set upsample range n = opts.upsamplen if opts.upsamplen is not None else 1 start = n if opts.upsamplestart is None else 1 if start > n: print("unsample range error") sys.exit() for i in np.arange(start, n + 1): print("i", i) needed = util.needed_n(X, y, i) print("needed", needed) print("pre-upsampled len x", len(X)) upsampled_X, upsampled_y = util.upsample(X, y, needed) print("length of upsampled_X", len(upsampled_X)) #use a good param to improve speed X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(upsampled_X, upsampled_y, test_size=0.3, random_state=42) X_train, X_test = util.normalize(X_train, X_test) model = SVC(C=1000, gamma=0.1), y_train) predictions = model.predict(X_test) cm = confusion_matrix(y_test, predictions) report = classification_report(y_test, predictions) #precision-recall curve y_score = model.decision_function(X_test) average_precision = average_precision_score(y_test, y_score) disp = plot_precision_recall_curve(model, X_test, y_test) disp.ax_.set_title('Precision-Recall curve with 10x upsampling: ' 'AP={0:0.2f}'.format(average_precision)) #roc curve # svc_roc=plot_roc_curve(model,X_test,y_test) # svc_roc.ax_.set_title('SVM ROC Curve with 10x upsampling') # print(cm) print(report) '''
def channelModel(output, lsnr): # received symbols input = np.copy(np.r_[output, np.zeros(32)]) freq_offset = 232e3 * (2*np.random.uniform()-1) input *= np.exp(2*np.pi*1j*freq_offset*np.arange(input.size)/20e6) phase_offset = 2*np.pi*np.random.uniform() input *= np.exp(1j*phase_offset) # random causal 16-tap FIR filter with exponential tail h = (np.random.standard_normal(16) + 1j*np.random.standard_normal(16)) * np.exp(-np.arange(16)*5.4/16) h[0] += 4. h /= np.sum(np.abs(h)**2)**.5 input = np.convolve(input, h, 'same') input = util.upsample(input, 16) time_offset = np.random.random_integers(0, 15) input = input[time_offset::16] snr = 10.**(.1*lsnr) input = add_noise(input, np.var(input)*64./52./snr) return input
def processOutput(output, loopback_Fs, loopback_Fc, upsample_factor, mask_noise): output = util.upsample(output, upsample_factor) output = (output * np.exp(1j * 2 * np.pi * np.arange(output.size) * loopback_Fc / loopback_Fs)).real output *= 1.0 / np.percentile(np.abs(output), 95) output = np.r_[output, np.zeros(int(.1 * loopback_Fs))] if mask_noise is not None: if mask_noise.size > output.size: output = np.r_[output, np.zeros(mask_noise.size - output.size)] output[:mask_noise.size] += mask_noise[:output.size] delay_samples = int(delay * loopback_Fs) # delay one channel slightly relative to the other: # this breaks up the spatially-dependent frequency-correlated # nulls of our speaker array output = np.vstack((np.r_[np.zeros(delay_samples), output], np.r_[output, np.zeros(delay_samples)])).T return output
def channelModel(output, lsnr): # received symbols input = np.copy(np.r_[output, np.zeros(32)]) freq_offset = 232e3 * (2 * np.random.uniform() - 1) input *= np.exp(2 * np.pi * 1j * freq_offset * np.arange(input.size) / 20e6) phase_offset = 2 * np.pi * np.random.uniform() input *= np.exp(1j * phase_offset) # random causal 16-tap FIR filter with exponential tail h = (np.random.standard_normal(16) + 1j * np.random.standard_normal(16)) * np.exp(-np.arange(16) * 5.4 / 16) h[0] += 4. h /= np.sum(np.abs(h)**2)**.5 input = np.convolve(input, h, 'same') input = util.upsample(input, 16) time_offset = np.random.random_integers(0, 15) input = input[time_offset::16] snr = 10.**(.1 * lsnr) input = add_noise(input, np.var(input) * 64. / 52. / snr) return input
def processOutput(output, loopback_Fs, loopback_Fc, upsample_factor, mask_noise, percentile=95): output = util.upsample(output, upsample_factor) ramp_length = int(loopback_Fs * .01) output[:ramp_length] *= np.clip( np.arange(ramp_length, dtype=float) / ramp_length, 0, 1) output[-1:-ramp_length - 1:-1] *= np.clip( np.arange(ramp_length, dtype=float) / ramp_length, 0, 1) carrier = np.exp(1j * 2 * np.pi * np.arange(output.size) * loopback_Fc / loopback_Fs) y1 = (output * carrier).real for i in xrange(13): y1 = np.diff(np.r_[0, y1]) peak = np.percentile(np.abs(y1), percentile) gain = 16.0 / peak if peak else 0. output = gain * y1 if 0: limit = 800. output = (2 / np.pi * limit) * np.arctan((np.pi / 2 / limit) * output) output = np.r_[output, np.zeros(int(.05 * loopback_Fs))] if mask_noise is not None: if mask_noise.size > output.size: output = np.r_[output, np.zeros(mask_noise.size - output.size)] output[:mask_noise.size] += mask_noise[:output.size] delay_samples = int(delay * loopback_Fs) # delay one channel slightly relative to the other: # this breaks up the spatially-dependent frequency-correlated # nulls of our speaker array output = np.vstack((np.r_[np.zeros(delay_samples), output], np.r_[output, np.zeros(delay_samples)])).T global waveform waveform = output return output
def prepareMaskNoise(fn, Fs, Fc, upsample_factor): f = nframes = f.getnframes() dtype = [None, np.uint8, np.int16, None, np.int32][f.getsampwidth()] frames = np.fromstring(f.readframes(nframes), dtype).astype(float) frames = frames.reshape(nframes, f.getnchannels()) frames = frames.mean(1) frames = util.upsample(frames, Fs / f.getframerate()) frames /= np.amax(np.abs(frames)) # band-stop filter for data frames *= np.exp(-1j * 2 * np.pi * np.arange(frames.size) * Fc / Fs) frames = iir.highpass(.8 / upsample_factor)(frames) frames *= np.exp(2j * 2 * np.pi * np.arange(frames.size) * Fc / Fs) frames = iir.highpass(.8 / upsample_factor)(frames) frames *= np.exp(-1j * 2 * np.pi * np.arange(frames.size) * Fc / Fs) frames = frames.real # look for beginning and end of noise envelope = iir.lowpass(.01)(np.r_[np.zeros(6), np.abs(frames)])[6:] start = np.where(envelope > np.amax(envelope) * .01)[0][0] end = np.where(envelope > np.amax(envelope) * 1e-3)[0][-1] return frames[start:end]
def prepareMaskNoise(fn, Fs, Fc, upsample_factor): f = nframes = f.getnframes() dtype = [None, np.uint8, np.int16, None, np.int32][f.getsampwidth()] frames = np.fromstring(f.readframes(nframes), dtype).astype(float) frames = frames.reshape(nframes, f.getnchannels()) frames = frames.mean(1) frames = util.upsample(frames, Fs/f.getframerate()) frames /= np.amax(np.abs(frames)) # band-stop filter for data frames *= np.exp(-1j * 2 * np.pi * np.arange(frames.size) * Fc / Fs) frames = iir.highpass(.8/upsample_factor)(frames) frames *= np.exp(2j * 2 * np.pi * np.arange(frames.size) * Fc / Fs) frames = iir.highpass(.8/upsample_factor)(frames) frames *= np.exp(-1j * 2 * np.pi * np.arange(frames.size) * Fc / Fs) frames = frames.real # look for beginning and end of noise envelope = iir.lowpass(.01)(np.r_[np.zeros(6), np.abs(frames)])[6:] start = np.where(envelope > np.amax(envelope)*.01)[0][0] end = np.where(envelope > np.amax(envelope)*1e-3)[0][-1] return frames[start:end]
def main(): opts = util.parse_args() X, y = util.data_load(opts.dataset) n = opts.upsamplen if opts.upsamplen is not None else 1 start = n if opts.upsamplestart is None else 1 if start > n: print("Upsample start should be larger than end") sys.exit() thresh = opts.threshold if opts.threshold is not None and opts.threshold >= 0.40 else None for t in np.arange(start, n + 1): needed = util.needed_n(X, y, t) temp_X, temp_y = util.upsample(X, y, needed) X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(temp_X, temp_y, test_size=0.3, random_state=42) X_train, X_test = util.normalize(X_train, X_test) clf = AdaBoostClassifier(n_estimators=100, random_state=0), y_train) conf_upsample = [] if thresh is None: predictions = clf.predict(X_test) conf_mat = confusion_matrix(y_test, predictions) conf_upsample.append(conf_mat) print(conf_mat) else: conf_thresh = [] for i in np.arange(0.4, thresh + 0.01, 0.005): predictions = (clf.predict_proba(X_test)[:, 1] >= i).astype(int) conf_mat = confusion_matrix(y_test, predictions) conf_thresh.append(conf_mat) print(i) print(conf_mat) util.get_roc_curve(conf_thresh, "Adaboost", "threshold")
else: break if args[0] == '--rx': typeModHex = '--yubikey' in args doDiagnostics = ('--nodiags' not in args) and not typeModHex try: startListening() except KeyboardInterrupt: pass if doDiagnostics: decoderDiagnostics() elif args[0] == '--tx': startTransmitting() elif args[0] == '--wav-in' and len(args) > 1: input, Fs_file = util.readwave(args[1]) input = util.upsample(input, Fs / float(Fs_file)) input = audioLoopback.processInput(input, Fs, Fc, upsample_factor) for payload,_,_,lsnr_estimate in wifi.decode(input)[0]: print(repr(''.join(map(chr, payload))) + (' @ %.1f dB' % lsnr_estimate)) elif args[0] == '--wav-out' and len(args) > 1: fn = args[1] args = args[2:] packets = 1 while len(args): if args[0] == '--packets': packets = int(args[1]) args = args[2:] outputChunks = [] for i in xrange(packets): input_octets = ord('A') + np.random.random_integers(0,25,length) input_octets[:6] = map(ord, '%06d' % i)
else: break if args[0] == '--rx': typeModHex = '--yubikey' in args doDiagnostics = ('--nodiags' not in args) and not typeModHex try: startListening() except KeyboardInterrupt: pass if doDiagnostics: decoderDiagnostics() elif args[0] == '--tx': startTransmitting() elif args[0] == '--wav-in' and len(args) > 1: input, Fs_file = util.readwave(args[1]) input = util.upsample(input, Fs / float(Fs_file)) input = audioLoopback.processInput(input, Fs, Fc, upsample_factor) for payload, _, _, lsnr_estimate in wifi.decode(input)[0]: print( repr(''.join(map(chr, payload))) + (' @ %.1f dB' % lsnr_estimate)) elif args[0] == '--wav-out' and len(args) > 1: fn = args[1] args = args[2:] packets = 1 while len(args): if args[0] == '--packets': packets = int(args[1]) args = args[2:] outputChunks = [] for i in xrange(packets):