def update(self): self.currentCell = util.world_to_grid(self.xy) if self.currentCell != self.destCell: self.speed = 8 - (self.size) if self.currentCell == self.nextCell: #if self.pathBlocked(): # self.pathSet(self.destCell) #else: self.pathPos -= 1 self.nextCell = self.path[self.pathPos - 1] self.setDirection(util.point_direction(self.xy, util.grid_to_world(self.nextCell))) #print 'pathpos ' + str(self.pathPos) #print 'current cell ' + str(self.currentCell) #print 'next cell ' + str(self.nextCell) #print 'new direction ' + str(self.direction) #print ' ' else: #we've reached the destination self.speed = 0 self.index = 0 if self in movingGroup: blocked.append(self.currentCell) self.remove(movingGroup) self.image = self.imageList[self.index] self.index = ((self.index + 1) % 17) + (5 * (self.index == 16)) self.gunDirection = int(round(self.direction) % 16) self.xy = util.add2(self.xy, util.speedDir_xy(self.speed, self.direction)) #move xy = (self.xy[0], self.xy[1] - (12 + (6 * self.size))) #move rect to xy = self.xy #move hitbox to xy allspritesGroup.change_layer(self, self.currentCell[1] * 10) botsGroup.change_layer(self, self.currentCell[1] * 10)
def main(): step = 0 shiftPressed = False mouseDrag = False mouseRect = 0 #scrolling with the mouse lScrolling = False rScrolling = False uScrolling = False dScrolling = False while True: clock.tick(30) step = (step + 1) % 1000 # destroy objects #for obj in allsprites: #if obj.timer == 0: # obj = None for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == MOUSEMOTION: if mouseRect != 0: mouseDrag = True elif event.type == KEYDOWN: if event.key == K_ESCAPE: return elif event.key == K_DOWN: view.yspd += 10 elif event.key == K_LEFT: view.xspd -= 10 elif event.key == K_UP: view.yspd -= 10 elif event.key == K_RIGHT: view.xspd += 10 elif event.key == K_LSHIFT: shiftPressed = True elif event.type == KEYUP: if event.key == K_DOWN: view.yspd -= 10 elif event.key == K_LEFT: view.xspd += 10 elif event.key == K_UP: view.yspd += 10 elif event.key == K_RIGHT: view.xspd -= 10 elif event.key == K_LSHIFT: shiftPressed = False elif event.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: mouseRect = util.view_to_world(pygame.mouse.get_pos(), view) if event.button == 3: #right click for i in selectedGroup.sprites(): #move bots i.add(movingGroup) i.pathSet(util.world_to_grid(mouseRect)) mouseRect = 0 mouseDrag = 0 elif event.type == MOUSEBUTTONUP: if event.button == 1 and mouseRect != 0: #left click #dragging if mouseDrag: mouseDrag = False if not shiftPressed: selectedGroup.empty() selectedList = pygame.Rect(util.add2(mouseRect, map(lambda x: min(0,x), util.sub2(pygame.mouse.get_pos(), util.world_to_view(mouseRect, view)))), #move top left if width/height are negative map(lambda x: abs(x), util.sub2(pygame.mouse.get_pos(), util.world_to_view(mouseRect, view)))).collidelistall([i.hitRect for i in botsGroup.sprites()]) selectedGroup.add([botsGroup.get_sprite(i) for i in selectedList]) else: selectedList = pygame.Rect(mouseRect, (1,1)).collidelist([i.hitRect for i in botsGroup.sprites()]) #index of selected bot if selectedList != -1: #we're clicking a bot if not shiftPressed: selectedGroup.empty() selectedGroup.add(botsGroup.get_sprite(selectedList)) else: selectedGroup.empty() mouseRect = 0 elif event.type == QUIT: return allspritesGroup.update() view.update() #screen scroll using mouse #left if pygame.mouse.get_pos()[0] < 30: if not lScrolling: view.xspd -= 10 lScrolling = True elif lScrolling: view.xspd += 10 lScrolling = False #right if pygame.mouse.get_pos()[0] > 610: if not rScrolling: view.xspd += 10 rScrolling = True elif rScrolling: view.xspd -= 10 rScrolling = False #up if pygame.mouse.get_pos()[1] < 30: if not uScrolling: view.yspd -= 10 uScrolling = True elif uScrolling: view.yspd += 10 uScrolling = False #down if pygame.mouse.get_pos()[1] > 450: if not dScrolling: view.yspd += 10 dScrolling = True elif dScrolling: view.yspd -= 10 dScrolling = False #draw floor tiles for w in range(view.x - (view.x % 80), view.x + 720, 80): for h in range(view.y - (view.y % 80), view.y + 560, 80): baseSurface.blit(sprFloor, (w, h)) #draw blocked cells for i in blocked:, pygame.Color(255, 0, 0, 0), util.grid_to_world(i), 4, 4) #draw bot selections for i in selectedGroup: baseSurface.blit(pygame.transform.scale(pygame.transform.rotate(sprBotSelect, step * 2), (77, 38)), (i.rect.centerx - 38, i.rect.centery + (i.size * 10))) #pygame.draw.ellipse(viewSurface, pygame.Color(int(70 + (math.sin(step / 100) * 70)), 170, int(70 + (math.sin(step / 100) * 70)), 0), i.rect.inflate(-(120 - (8 * i.size)),-(100 - (4 * i.size))).move(0, 30), 0) #draw allsprites allspritesGroup.draw(baseSurface) #draw bot weapons for i in botsGroup: baseSurface.blit(gunList[i.gunDirection + ((i.gun[0] - 1) * 16)], (i.rect.centerx - 100, i.rect.centery - (60 + (5 * i.size)) + gunOffset[i.size][i.index])) #baseSurface.blit(sprBotGunMount, (i.rect.centerx - 6, i.rect.centery - (25 + (5 * i.size)))) #draw grid for i in range(0, 1000, constants.cellSize): pygame.draw.line(baseSurface, pygame.Color(0,0,0,0), (0, i), (1000, i), 1) pygame.draw.line(baseSurface, pygame.Color(0,0,0,0), (i, 0), (i, 1000), 1) #draw mouse selection box if mouseDrag: pygame.draw.rect(baseSurface, pygame.Color(50, 170, 0, 0), pygame.Rect(mouseRect, util.sub2(pygame.mouse.get_pos(), util.world_to_view(mouseRect, view))), 2) #draw bot paths for i in movingGroup: pygame.draw.line(baseSurface, pygame.Color(50, 170, 0, 0), i.xy, util.grid_to_world(i.destCell), 2) if i.pathPos > 1: pygame.draw.lines(baseSurface, pygame.Color(200, 0, 0, 0), False, [util.grid_to_world(p) for p in i.path[:i.pathPos]], 2) #draw to view viewSurface.blit(baseSurface, (-view.x, -view.y)) pygame.display.flip()