Пример #1
 def create(self, sr_uuid, size):
     if util.pathexists(self.blockdevice):
         util.zeroOut(self.blockdevice, 0, 1024 * 1024)
     cmd = ["mkfs", "-t", "ocfs2", "-b", "4K", "-C", "1M", "-N", "16", "-F", self.blockdevice]
         ret = util.pread(cmd)
     except util.CommandException, inst:
         raise xs_errors.XenError("OCFSFilesystem", opterr="mkfs failed error %d" % os.strerror(inst.code))
Пример #2
 def create(self, sr_uuid, size):
     if util.pathexists(self.blockdevice):
         util.zeroOut(self.blockdevice, 0, 1024*1024)
     cmd = ['mkfs', '-t', 'ocfs2', '-b', '4K', '-C', '1M', '-N', '16', '-F', self.blockdevice ]
         ret = util.pread(cmd)
     except util.CommandException, inst:
         raise xs_errors.XenError('OCFSFilesystem', \
               opterr='mkfs failed error %d' % os.strerror(inst.code))
Пример #3
Файл: OCFSSR.py Проект: euanh/sm
 def create(self, sr_uuid, size):
     if util.pathexists(self.blockdevice):
         util.zeroOut(self.blockdevice, 0, 1024 * 1024)
     cmd = [
         'mkfs', '-t', 'ocfs2', '-b', '4K', '-C', '1M', '-N', '16', '-F',
         ret = util.pread(cmd)
     except util.CommandException, inst:
         raise xs_errors.XenError('OCFSFilesystem', \
               opterr='mkfs failed error %d' % os.strerror(inst.code))
Пример #4
def PerformSRControlPathTests(session, sr_ref):
    e = None
        checkPoint = 0
        vdi_ref = None
        vbd_ref = None
        retVal = True

        (retVal, vdi_ref, vbd_ref, vdi_size) = CreateMaxSizeVDIAndVBD(session, sr_ref)
        if not retVal:
            raise Exception("Failed to create max size VDI and VBD.")

        checkPoint += 2
        # Now try to zero out the entire disk
        Print("   Now attempt to write the maximum number of bytes on this newly plugged device.")

        devicename = "/dev/" + session.xenapi.VBD.get_device(vbd_ref)
        XenCertPrint("First finding out the time taken to write 1GB on the device.")
        timeFor512MiBSec = FindTimeToWriteData(devicename, 512)
        timeToWrite = int((float(vdi_size) / (1024 * 1024 * 1024)) * (timeFor512MiBSec * 2))

        if timeToWrite > timeLimitControlInSec:
            raise Exception(
                "Writing through this device will take more than %s hours, please use a source upto %s GiB in size."
                % (timeLimitControlInSec / 3600, timeLimitControlInSec / (timeFor512MiBSec * 2))
        minutes = 0
        hrs = 0
        if timeToWrite > 60:
            minutes = int(timeToWrite / 60)
            timeToWrite = int(timeToWrite - (minutes * 60))
            if minutes > 60:
                hrs = int(minutes / 60)
                minutes = int(minutes - (hrs * 60))

        Print("   START TIME: %s " % (time.asctime(time.localtime())))

        if hrs > 0:
            Print("   APPROXIMATE RUN TIME: %s hours, %s minutes, %s seconds." % (hrs, minutes, timeToWrite))
        elif minutes > 0:
            Print("   APPROXIMATE RUN TIME: %s minutes, %s seconds." % (minutes, timeToWrite))
        elif timeToWrite > 0:
            Print("   APPROXIMATE RUN TIME: %s seconds." % (timeToWrite))

        ddOutFile = "of=" + devicename
        bytes = 0
        if not util.zeroOut(devicename, 1, int(vdi_size)):
            raise Exception(
                "   - Could not write through the allocated disk space on test disk, please check the log for the exception details."

        Print("   END TIME: %s " % (time.asctime(time.localtime())))

        checkPoint += 1

    except Exception, e:
        Print("There was an exception performing control path stress tests. Exception: %s" % str(e))
        retVal = False
Пример #5
def PerformSRControlPathTests(session, sr_ref):
    e = None
	checkPoint = 0
	vdi_ref = None
	vbd_ref = None
	retVal = True	
	(retVal, vdi_ref, vbd_ref, vdi_size) = CreateMaxSizeVDIAndVBD(session, sr_ref)
	if not retVal:
	    raise Exception("Failed to create max size VDI and VBD.")
	checkPoint += 2
	# Now try to zero out the entire disk 
	Print("   Now attempt to write the maximum number of bytes on this newly plugged device.")
	devicename = '/dev/' + session.xenapi.VBD.get_device(vbd_ref)
	XenCertPrint("First finding out the time taken to write 1GB on the device.")
	timeFor512MiBSec = FindTimeToWriteData(devicename, 512)
	timeToWrite = int((float(vdi_size)/(1024*1024*1024)) * (timeFor512MiBSec * 2))
	if timeToWrite > timeLimitControlInSec:
	    raise Exception("Writing through this device will take more than %s hours, please use a source upto %s GiB in size." %
			    (timeLimitControlInSec/3600, timeLimitControlInSec/(timeFor512MiBSec * 2)))
	minutes = 0
	hrs = 0
	if timeToWrite > 60:
	    minutes = int(timeToWrite/60)
	    timeToWrite = int(timeToWrite - (minutes * 60))
	    if minutes > 60:
		hrs = int(minutes/60)
		minutes = int(minutes - (hrs * 60))
	Print("   START TIME: %s " % (time.asctime(time.localtime())))
	if hrs > 0:
	    Print("   APPROXIMATE RUN TIME: %s hours, %s minutes, %s seconds." % (hrs, minutes, timeToWrite))
	elif minutes > 0:
	    Print("   APPROXIMATE RUN TIME: %s minutes, %s seconds." % (minutes, timeToWrite))
	elif timeToWrite > 0:
	    Print("   APPROXIMATE RUN TIME: %s seconds." % (timeToWrite))
	ddOutFile = 'of=' + devicename
	bytes = 0
	if not util.zeroOut(devicename, 1, int(vdi_size)):	    
	    raise Exception("   - Could not write through the allocated disk space on test disk, please check the log for the exception details.")
	Print("   END TIME: %s " % (time.asctime(time.localtime())))

	checkPoint += 1
    except Exception, e:
	Print("There was an exception performing control path stress tests. Exception: %s" % str(e))
	retVal = False
Пример #6
 def zeroOut_cmd(self):
     z = zeroOut()
     hireSel = []
     sel = cmds.ls(sl=True)
     for i in sel:
         #del hireSel[0:len(hireSel)]
         cmds.select("%s" % i, hierarchy=True, add=True)
         ee = cmds.ls(sl=1)
         for j in ee:
Пример #7
    def delete(self, sr_uuid, vdi_uuid):

        # TODO: checks if no vbd exists
        log("Calling VDI DELLETE")

        if not self.sr.vdis.has_key(vdi_uuid):
            raise xs_errors.XenError('VDIUnavailable')

        if self.attached:
            raise xs_errors.XenError('VDIInUse')

        try :
            self.attach(sr_uuid, vdi_uuid)
            util.zeroOut(self.path, 0, self.ZEROOUT_BLOCK_SIZE)
            self.detach(sr_uuid, vdi_uuid)

        self.sr._updateStats(self.sr.uuid, -self.size)
Пример #8
def inflate(journaler, srUuid, vdiUuid, size):
    """Expand a VDI LV (and its VHD) to 'size'. If the LV is already bigger
    than that, it's a no-op. Does not change the virtual size of the VDI"""
    lvName = LV_PREFIX[vhdutil.VDI_TYPE_VHD] + vdiUuid
    vgName = VG_PREFIX + srUuid
    path = os.path.join(VG_LOCATION, vgName, lvName)
    lvmCache = journaler.lvmCache

    currSizeLV = lvmCache.getSize(lvName)
    newSize = calcSizeLV(size)
    if newSize <= currSizeLV:
    journaler.create(JRN_INFLATE, vdiUuid, str(currSizeLV))
    util.fistpoint.activate("LVHDRT_inflate_after_create_journal", srUuid)
    lvmCache.setSize(lvName, newSize)
    util.fistpoint.activate("LVHDRT_inflate_after_setSize", srUuid)
    util.zeroOut(path, newSize - vhdutil.VHD_FOOTER_SIZE, vhdutil.VHD_FOOTER_SIZE)
    util.fistpoint.activate("LVHDRT_inflate_after_zeroOut", srUuid)
    vhdutil.setSizePhys(path, newSize, False)
    util.fistpoint.activate("LVHDRT_inflate_after_setSizePhys", srUuid)
    journaler.remove(JRN_INFLATE, vdiUuid)
Пример #9
def inflate(journaler, srUuid, vdiUuid, size):
    """Expand a VDI LV (and its VHD) to 'size'. If the LV is already bigger
    than that, it's a no-op. Does not change the virtual size of the VDI"""
    lvName = LV_PREFIX[vhdutil.VDI_TYPE_VHD] + vdiUuid
    vgName = VG_PREFIX + srUuid
    path = os.path.join(VG_LOCATION, vgName, lvName)
    lvmCache = journaler.lvmCache

    currSizeLV = lvmCache.getSize(lvName)
    newSize = calcSizeLV(size)
    if newSize <= currSizeLV:
    journaler.create(JRN_INFLATE, vdiUuid, str(currSizeLV))
    util.fistpoint.activate("LVHDRT_inflate_after_create_journal", srUuid)
    lvmCache.setSize(lvName, newSize)
    util.fistpoint.activate("LVHDRT_inflate_after_setSize", srUuid)
    util.zeroOut(path, newSize - vhdutil.VHD_FOOTER_SIZE,
    util.fistpoint.activate("LVHDRT_inflate_after_zeroOut", srUuid)
    vhdutil.setSizePhys(path, newSize, False)
    util.fistpoint.activate("LVHDRT_inflate_after_setSizePhys", srUuid)
    journaler.remove(JRN_INFLATE, vdiUuid)
Пример #10
    def __init__(self):

        self.disDMS = list()
        self.IKcurveAttatchLOC = list()
        self.IKcurveAttatchNUL = list()
        self.IKSubCon = list()
        self.IKSubNull = list()
        self.FKCon = list()
        self.FKNull = list()
        self.defaultGrp = defaultGroupNode()
        self.z = zeroOut()
        self.worldCON = ['place_CON', 'direction_CON', 'move_CON', 'root_CON']
        self.trs = ['t', 'r', 's']
        self.xyz = ['x', 'y', 'z']
        self.XYZ = ['X', 'Y', 'Z']