def list_installed(): cmd = Command("pacman", ["-Qe"], opts=ExecOpts(display=False)) cmd.safe_run() if cmd.stdout: return [line.split(" ")[0] for line in cmd.stdout.split("\n")] else: return []
def lvm_backup(vg: str, lv: str, out_p: Path, verbose: bool = True) -> Path: """Creates a snapshot of a logical volume, mounts it in temporary directory creates an tar gzip archive in out_path and cleans up the snapshot afterwards. Returns a path to final archive containing backed up files.""" opts = ExecOpts(quit=True, collect=False) system.install_pkg_if_bin_not_exists("tar") system.install_pkg_if_bin_not_exists("pigz") try: snapshot = lvm_snapshot(vg, lv, opts=opts) out_p = out_p / (snapshot + ".tgz") with TemporaryDirectory() as tempdir: inp_p = Path(tempdir) / snapshot inp_p.mkdir(parents=True) try: Command("mount", [f"/dev/{vg}/{snapshot}", str(inp_p)], opts=opts).safe_run() flags = "-cvf" if verbose else "-cf" bash( f"cd {str(inp_p)} && tar -I pigz {flags} {str(out_p)} ./*", quit=True, ) finally: Command("umount", [f"/dev/{vg}/{snapshot}"], opts=opts).safe_run() finally: if "snapshot" in locals(): lvm_remove(vg, snapshot) return out_p
def install_nvim_plugins(self): system.install_pkg_if_bin_not_exists("nvim", pkg="neovim") self.install_vim_plug() p = self.xdg_conf_dir().joinpath("/nvim/init.vim") if Path(p).exists(): system.nvim("PlugInstall|q|q") else: eprint(f"Missing nvim config file at {p}") system.install_pkg_if_bin_not_exists("pip2", "python2-pip") system.install_pkg_if_bin_not_exists("pip", "python-pip") Command("pip", ["install", "neovim"]).safe_run() Command("pip2", ["install", "neovim"]).safe_run()
def build_agent_demos(args): """sdk-agent适配各个渠道的demo,一锅出多个Android apk和适配层类库 python -c demo -s demo.ini -ch tencent """ Command.set_log_level(logging.DEBUG) builder = AgentBuilder(args.src, args.dry_run) builder.init() builder.build_baselib() builder.build_channel_apks('==== Build %d channels ====\n' % len(builder.build_info) + '\n'.join(builder.build_info))
def lvm_size(vg: str, lv: str, opts: ExecOpts = DEFAULT_OPTS) -> int: """Returns size in bytes of a given logical volume""" cmd = Command( "lvs", [ f"{vg}/{lv}", "-o", "LV_SIZE", "--noheadings", "--units", "B", "--nosuffix" ], opts=opts, ) cmd.safe_run() if cmd.exit_code == 0 and cmd.stdout: return int(cmd.stdout.strip()) return 0
def test(): """ """ my_labels = 'first step; second step; third step; forth step'.split(';') try: print 'begin merge...' Command.merge_img(src_img='j_[1-4].jpg', width=300, caption='做一个测试', labels=my_labels, clean=False) print 'merge over.' except Exception, e: print 'except:', e raise
def install_grub(self): system.install_pkgs(["grub", "efibootmgr"], pkgmngr="paru", user=self.username) location = inp("Enter boot partition location: ") if location: Command( "grub-install", [ "--target=x86_64-efi", f"--efi-directory={location}", "--bootloader-id=GRUB", ], ).safe_run() Command("grub-mkconfig", ["-o", f"{location}/grub/grub.cfg"]).safe_run()
def gen_locale(locales: List[str]): with open("/etc/locale.gen", "a+") as f: for line in f.readlines(): for locale in locales: if line.startswith(f"#{locale}"): line = locale Command("locale-gen", []).safe_run()
def lvm_snapshot(vg: str, lv: str, opts: ExecOpts = DEFAULT_OPTS) -> str: """Creates a snapshot of a given logical volume""" size = lvm_size(vg, lv, ExecOpts(quit=True)) timestamp ="%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S") name = f"{vg}-{lv}_snapshot_{timestamp}" Command("lvcreate", ["-L", str(size) + "B", "-s", "-n", name, f"{vg}/{lv}"], opts=opts).safe_run() return name
def extar(f: Path, to: Path): Command( "tar", [ "--extract", f"--file={str(f)}", f"--directory={str(to)}", ], ).safe_run()
def mainloop(self, thread_id, sock_c, addr_c): debug('Serve new client', thread_id, addr_c) self.x.client = ClientState(thread_id, sock=sock_c, addr=addr_c) while True: cmdstr = self.x.client.sock.recv(u.buflen) cmd = Command.from_str(cmdstr) debug(cmd) self.handler_map[cmd.verb](cmd)
def install_themes(self): if Path(self.theme_dir()).exists(): shutil.rmtree(self.theme_dir()) os.makedirs(self.theme_dir()) git_theme_dir = self.git_conf_dir() / "themes" system.extar(git_theme_dir / "Sweet-Dark.tar.xz", self.theme_dir()) system.extar(git_theme_dir / "Sweet-Purple.tar.xz", self.theme_dir()) system.extar(git_theme_dir / "Sweet-Teal.tar.xz", self.theme_dir()) Command( "unzip", [ str(git_theme_dir / ""), "-d", str(self.theme_dir()), ], ).safe_run() system.gitclone(f"{REPO_BASE}/gruvbox-gtk", self.theme_dir() / "gruvbox-gtk") system.gitclone(f"{REPO_BASE}/Aritim-Dark", self.theme_dir() / "aritim") system.gitclone("", self.theme_dir() / "Dracula") try: Command( "mv", [ str(self.theme_dir() / "aritim/GTK"), str(self.theme_dir() / "Aritim-Dark"), ], ).safe_run() finally: shutil.rmtree(str(self.theme_dir() / "aritim")) system.cp(self.theme_dir() / "Dracula", Path("/usr/share/themes/Dracula")) system.cp(self.theme_dir() / "gruvbox-gtk", Path("/usr/share/themes/gruvbox-gtk")) system.cp(self.theme_dir() / "Aritim-Dark", Path("/usr/share/themes/Aritim-Dark"))
def create_user(user: str, password=""): args = [ "--groups", "wheel", "--create-home", "--shell", "/bin/bash", ] if password: args += ["--password", password] Command( "useradd", args + [user], opts=ExecOpts(quit=True), ).safe_run() if not password: Command("passwd", [user], opts=ExecOpts(redirect=True, follow=False)).safe_run()
def container_start(name, quota, period, program): cmd = [ "lxc-execute", "-n", name, "-s", "lxc.cgroup.cpuset.cpus=0", "-s", "lxc.cgroup.cpu.cfs_quota_us=%d" % quota, "-s", "lxc.cgroup.cpu.cfs_period_us=%d" % period, ] + program.split(' ') return Command(cmd).read_full()
def read_version_from_project(): """read get version command from a file, excute command to get local project's version """ try: # grep MyEditionId ../MyServiceDefine.h |cut -d "\\"" -f 2 version_cmd = open('version_cmd').readline().strip() # log stdout (cost, out, err) = Command.excute(version_cmd, stdout=True) if len(err) > 0: print version_cmd, '\nerr: ', err return out.strip('\n') except: return 'unknown'
def insertRadios(self, row): radioFrame = Frame(row.line) radioFrame.grid(row=0, column=0) currCol = 0 radios = [] v = row.selection ci = 0 colours = row.defaultColours() pools = self.guesser.poolNames() for pool in pools: rb = Radiobutton(radioFrame, text=pool, variable=v, value=pool, command=Command(, row), bg=None) rb.grid(row=0, column=currCol) radios.append(rb) currCol += 1 ci += 1 row.radios = radios
def build_xcode_project(args): """调用方法: python ~/apk-builder/ -a ipa --ipa SDK_V5 -p FLGamePlatformDemo -s FLGamePlatformDemoRelease --clean 工作步骤: 1. XCode项目打包 2. 重命名ipa为 %(ipa_name)s_v%(code_ver)s_r%(repo_ver)s_b%(build_num)s.ipa 例如: SDK_V5_v5.1.56_r168988_b62.jar 3. create ota plist """ # 1. build xcode project and export ipa Command.xcodebuild_ipa(project=args.project + '.xcodeproj', scheme=args.scheme, export=args.export, plist=args.plist, is_clean=args.clean, dry_run=args.dry_run) print 'ipa file name:', args.ipa_name # 2. rename ipa_name = '%(ipa_name)s_v%(code_ver)s_r%(repo_ver)s_b%(build_num)s.ipa' % { 'ipa_name': args.ipa_name, 'code_ver': read_version_from_project(), 'repo_ver': Command.git_ver('..', do_update=False) if args.git else Command.svn_ver('..', do_update=False), 'build_num': os.environ.get('BUILD_NUMBER') } rename_cmd = 'mv %(export_path)s/%(scheme_name)s.ipa %(export_path)s/%(ipa_name)s' % { 'scheme_name': args.scheme, 'export_path': args.export, 'ipa_name': ipa_name } (cost, out, err) = Command.excute(rename_cmd, args.dry_run) if len(err) == 0:'mission done for building [%s]' % ipa_name) else: logging.error('mission failed for building [%s]' % ipa_name) # 3. create ota plist # cp ipa to nginx root path rename_cmd = 'cp %(export_path)s/%(ipa_name)s %(root_path)s' % { 'export_path': args.export, 'ipa_name': ipa_name, 'root_path': args.root_path } (cost, out, err) = Command.excute(rename_cmd, args.dry_run) plistBuddy = PlistBuddy(args.root_path, ipa_name) # create plist plistBuddy.create_ota_plist(os.path.join(args.ipa_url, ipa_name), os.path.join(args.ipa_url, 'icon.png')) # create update links to plist plistBuddy.update_index_html(args.ipa_name, args.ipa_url)
def install_pkgs(pkgs: List[str], pkgmngr="/usr/bin/pacman", user="******"): Command("sudo", ["-u", user, pkgmngr, "--sync", "--noconfirm"] + pkgs).safe_run()
def p_statement(self, p): 'statement : WORD SPACE args' p[0] = Command(p[1], *p[3]) print 'p_statement: %s' % list(p)
def link_impl(f: Path, to: Path): Command( "ln", ["--symbolic", "--force", "--verbose", str(f), str(to)], ).safe_run()
def arch_chroot(self, cmd: str): Command( "/usr/bin/arch-chroot", [self.location, "/bin/bash", "-c", cmd], opts=ExecOpts(quit=True, redirect=True, follow=False), ).safe_run(reraise=False)
def nvim(cmd: str): Command("nvim", ["--headless", "-c", f'"{cmd}"']).safe_run()
def gitclone(repo: str, where=Path("")): p = str(where) install_pkg_if_bin_not_exists("git") Command("git", ["clone", repo, p] if p else ["clone", repo]).safe_run()
def cp(f1: Path, f2: Path): Command("cp", ["--verbose", str(f1), str(f2)]).safe_run()
def chown(p: Path, user: str, group: str, recursive=True): Command( "chown", ["-R", f"{user}:{group}", str(p)] if recursive else [f"{user}:{group}", str(p)], ).safe_run()
def chmod(flags: str, f: Path): Command("chmod", [flags, "--verbose", str(f)]).safe_run()
def systemctl_enable(service: str): Command("systemctl", ["enable", service]).safe_run()
def mkinitram(self): Command("mkinitcpio", ["-P"]).safe_run()
def install_and_run_reflector(): install_pkg_if_bin_not_exists("reflector") Command( "reflector", ["-l", "100", "--sort", "rate", "--save", "/etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist"], ).safe_run()
def lvm_remove(vg: str, lv: str, opts: ExecOpts = DEFAULT_OPTS): """Removes a logical volume""" Command("lvremove", ["-y", f"{vg}/{lv}"], opts=opts).safe_run()