Пример #1
def gridgen_orth(shape, choice_left, choice_right, choice_bottom, choice_top, \
                filename_out, varname=['x','z'], \
                tol_in=1.e-8, tol_bdry=0, nsave=64, fixed_boundary=[0,0,0,0], bend_boundary=[0,0,0,0]):
    u = np.zeros(shape)
    v = np.zeros(shape)
    ## init boundary
    idx_left, u[0,:],v[0,:] = util_f.cm_gridgen.init_index(choice_left, shape[1], 1)
    idx_right, u[-1,:],v[-1,:] = util_f.cm_gridgen.init_index(choice_right, shape[1], 1)
    idx_bottom, u[:,0],v[:,0] = util_f.cm_gridgen.init_index(choice_bottom, shape[0], 1)
    idx_top, u[:,-1],v[:,-1] = util_f.cm_gridgen.init_index(choice_top, shape[0], 1)
    ## init via tfi
    u,v = util_f.cm_gridgen.init_tfi(u, v)
    grid = {varname[0]:u, varname[1]:v}
    IO_util.write_hdf5(filename_out, grid)
    ## computation
    print('Gridgen orth starts computing...')
    iloop = True
    while iloop:
        u,v,idx_left,idx_right,idx_bottom,idx_top,iconverge = \
        util_f.cm_gridgen.compute_grid(u,v,idx_left,idx_right, \
                                            idx_bottom,idx_top, \
                                            choice_left,choice_right, \
                                            choice_bottom,choice_top, \
                                            tol_in, tol_bdry, nsave, \
                                            fixed_boundary,  \
                                            bend_boundary )
        ## out
        grid = {varname[0]:u, varname[1]:v}
        IO_util.write_hdf5(filename_out, grid)
        if iconverge==1:

    return u,v
Пример #2
def main():
    shape0 = (32, 256)  #(i,k)
    shape1 = (96, 256)
    shape_out = (16, 100, 140)  #(j,i,k)
    xl = -30.e-4
    yl = .12
    # skip options
    skip_shock = True  #False
    skip_freestream = True  #False
    # Files required to start interpolation
    dir_in = './InitBody/'
    filename_in_body = 'ConeSurfGeometry.dat'
    filename_in_shock = 'ConeShockGeometry.dat'
    dir_IC = '/usr/local/home/yl8bc/yl8bc/data/cone/run9/REST/'
    filename_in_grid_IC = 'grid.h5'
    filename_in_data_IC = 'flowdata_00100000.h5'

    # Files generated by the program
    dir_out = '/usr/local/home/yl8bc/duannas/yl8bc/data/cone/run7_2d_Lele/REST/'
    filename_out_shock = 'cone_grid_flat_shock.h5'
    filename_out_freestream = 'cone_grid_flat_freestream.h5'
    filename_out_full = 'grid.h5'
    filename_out_IC = 'flowdata_00000000.h5'
    filename_out_gd = 'gridDerivative_f.h5'
    ###---no parameters below---#

    if skip_shock:
        grid_tmp = IO_util.read_hdf5(dir_out + filename_out_shock)
        u_s = grid_tmp['x']
        v_s = grid_tmp['z']
        ## define wall
        body = np.loadtxt(dir_in + filename_in_body, skiprows=2)
        ## define shock
        shock = np.loadtxt(dir_in + filename_in_shock, skiprows=2)
        ## compute shock part
        u_s, v_s = flat_shock.gridgen(shape0, body, shock,
                                      dir_out + filename_out_shock)

    ## compute full grid
    if skip_freestream:
        grid_tmp = IO_util.read_hdf5(dir_out + filename_out_freestream)
        u_f = grid_tmp['x']
        v_f = grid_tmp['z']
        u_f, v_f = flat_freestream.gridgen(shape1[0], xl, yl, u_s, v_s,
                                           dir_out + filename_out_freestream)

    ## combine grids
    u, v = flat_combined.gridgen(u_f, v_f, u_s, v_s, shape1[0] - 8, shape1[0])
    grid_out = {'x': u, 'z': v}

    ## IC
    grid_IC = IO_util.read_hdf5(dir_IC + filename_in_grid_IC)
    data_IC = IO_util.read_hdf5(dir_IC + filename_in_data_IC)
    data_out = IC_by_interp.ICgen(grid_IC, data_IC, grid_out)

    ## reshape
    grid_out = reshape.reshape_by_index(shape_out[1:], grid_out)
    data_out = reshape.reshape_by_index(shape_out[1:], data_out)

    ## redistribute
    slc_axis = np.s_[:, 0]
    dist_old = grid_out['x'][slc_axis].copy()
    pdist_new = dist.pdist(dist_old[0], dist_old[-1], dist_old.shape[0])
    dist_new = pdist_new.tanh(1.5, type='right')
    grid_out = reshape.redistribute(dist_new, dist_old, grid_out)
    data_out = reshape.redistribute(dist_new, dist_old, data_out)

    ## expand
    grid_out = reshape.expand_spanwise(shape_out[0], grid_out, span_name='y')
    data_out = reshape.expand_spanwise(shape_out[0], data_out)

    ## polar treatment
    #grid_out['z'] = shift.Colonius_shift(grid_out['z'], 2)

    ## regulate
    slc_body = np.s_[:, -1, :]
    data_out['v'][:] = 0.
    data_out['T'][slc_body] = 400.

    ## time

    ## inlet
    data_inlet = {
        key: data_out[key][:, 0:1, :]
        for key in ['T', 'p', 'u', 'v', 'w']

    # RANS
    data_inlet['p'][:] = 6878.1
    data_inlet['u'][:] = 1508.7  #570.
    data_inlet['v'][:] = 0.
    data_inlet['w'][:] = 0.
    data_inlet['T'][:] = 202.08

    ## metrICs
    grid_tmp, grid_derivative = m_gd.analytically_2d(grid_out,
                                                     bc_g=[0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0],
                                                     bc_gd=[0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1])

    ## out
    IO_util.write_hdf5(dir_out + filename_out_full, grid_out)
    IO_util.write_hdf5(dir_out + 'ghost', grid_tmp)
    IO_util.write_hdf5(dir_out + filename_out_IC, data_out)
    grid_derivative = m_gd.pack_grid_derivative(grid_derivative)
    IO_util.write_hdf5(dir_out + filename_out_gd, grid_derivative)
    IO_util.write_hdf5(dir_out + 'inlet', data_inlet)
    IO_util.write_hdf5(dir_out + 'vis', data_out)