Пример #1
    def run_epoch(self, sess, train):
        prog = Progbar(target=1 + int(len(train) / self.config.batch_size))
        losses, grad_norms = [], []
        for i, batch in enumerate(minibatches(train, self.config.batch_size)):
            loss, grad_norm = self.train_on_batch(sess, *batch)
            prog.update(i + 1, [("train loss", loss)])

        return losses, grad_norms
Пример #2
    def fit(self, sess, saver, train_examples_raw, dev_set_raw):
        best_score = 0.

        train_examples = self.preprocess_sequence_data(train_examples_raw)
        dev_set = self.preprocess_sequence_data(dev_set_raw)

        for epoch in range(self.config.n_epochs):
            logger.info("Epoch %d out of %d", epoch + 1, self.config.n_epochs)
            # You may use the progress bar to monitor the training progress
            # Addition of progress bar will not be graded, but may help when debugging
            prog = Progbar(target=1 +
                           int(len(train_examples) / self.config.batch_size))

            # The general idea is to loop over minibatches from train_examples, and run train_on_batch inside the loop
            # Hint: train_examples could be a list containing the feature data and label data
            # Read the doc for utils.get_minibatches to find out how to use it.
            # Note that get_minibatches could either return a list, or a list of list
            # [features, labels]. This makes expanding tuples into arguments (* operator) handy

            ### YOUR CODE HERE (2-3 lines)
            for batch_set in minibatches(train_examples,
                inputs_batch, labels_batch = batch_set[:2]
                ## mask batch is optional
                mask_batch = batch_set[2] if len(batch_set) > 2 else None
                if mask_batch is None:
                    self.train_on_batch(sess, inputs_batch,
                                        labels_batch.reshape(-1, ))
                    self.train_on_batch(sess, inputs_batch, labels_batch,

            ### END YOUR CODE

            logger.info("Evaluating on development data")
            token_cm, entity_scores = self.evaluate(sess, dev_set, dev_set_raw)
            logger.debug("Token-level confusion matrix:\n" +
            logger.debug("Token-level scores:\n" + token_cm.summary())
            logger.info("Entity level P/R/F1: %.2f/%.2f/%.2f", *entity_scores)

            score = entity_scores[-1]

            if score > best_score:
                best_score = score
                if saver:
                    logger.info("New best score! Saving model in %s",
                    saver.save(sess, self.config.model_output)
            if self.report:
        return best_score
    def evaluate(self, sess, examples):
            sess: a TFSession
            examples: [ numpy array (num_examples, max_length) of all sentence 1,
                        numpy array (num_examples, max_length) of all sentence 2,
                        numpy array (num_examples, ) of all labels ]
            fraction of correct predictions
            TODO: maybe return the actual predictions as well
        correct_preds = 0.0
        tp = 0.0
        fp = 0.0
        fn = 0.0

        preds = []
        confusion_matrix = np.zeros((2, 2), dtype=np.float64)

        num_examples = len(examples[0])
        num_batches = int(np.ceil(num_examples * 1.0 / self.config.batch_size))
        prog = Progbar(target=num_batches)

        for i, batch in enumerate(self.minibatch(examples, shuffle=False)):
            # Ignore labels
            sentence1_batch, sentence2_batch, labels_batch = batch
            preds_ = self.predict_on_batch(sess, sentence1_batch,
            preds += list(preds_)
            labels_batch = np.array(labels_batch)

            for j in range(preds_.shape[0]):
                confusion_matrix[labels_batch[j], preds_[j]] += 1

            prog.update(i + 1)

        ## CONFUSION MATRIX (is indeed hella confusing)
        #            pred -   pred +
        # label -  |   tn   |   fp   |
        # label +  |   fn   |   tp   |
        tn = confusion_matrix[0, 0]
        fp = confusion_matrix[0, 1]
        fn = confusion_matrix[1, 0]
        tp = confusion_matrix[1, 1]
        correct_preds = tp + tn
        accuracy = correct_preds / num_examples
        precision = (tp) / (tp + fp) if tp > 0 else 0
        recall = (tp) / (tp + fn) if tp > 0 else 0

        print("\ntp: %f, fp: %f, fn: %f" % (tp, fp, fn))
        f1 = 2 * precision * recall / (precision + recall) if tp > 0 else 0

        return (preds, accuracy, precision, recall, f1)
Пример #4
    def run_epoch(self, sess, train_examples, dev_set):
        prog = Progbar(target=1 +
                       len(train_examples[0]) / self.config.batch_size)
        for i, (inputs_batch, labels_batch) in enumerate(
                minibatches(train_examples, self.config.batch_size)):
            loss = self.train_on_batch(sess, inputs_batch, labels_batch)
            prog.update(i + 1, [("train loss", loss)])

        print "Evaluating on dev set"
        prog = Progbar(target=1 + len(dev_set[0]) / self.config.batch_size)
        actual = []
        preds = []
        for i, (inputs_batch, labels_batch) in enumerate(
                minibatches(dev_set, self.config.batch_size)):
            predictions_batch = list(self.predict_on_batch(sess, inputs_batch))
            prog.update(i + 1)
        dev_score, lines = report_score(actual, preds)

        print "- dev Score: {:.2f}".format(dev_score)
        return dev_score
Пример #5
    def run_epoch(self, sess, train, label):

        prog = Progbar(target=1 + int(len(train) / self.config.batch_size))
        losses, grad_norms = [], []
        for inputs_minibatch, labels_minibatch in get_minibatches(
            [train, label], self.config.batch_size):
            #for i, batch in enumerate(minibatches(train, label, self.config.batch_size)):
            loss, grad_norm = self.train_on_batch(sess, inputs_minibatch,
            prog.update(i + 1, [("train loss", loss)])
Пример #6
    def answer(self, session, data):

        scores = []
        prog_train = Progbar(target=1 +
                             int(len(data[0]) / self.flags.batch_size))
        for i, batch in enumerate(
                self.minibatches(data, self.flags.batch_size, shuffle=False)):
            score = self.forward_pass(session, *batch)
            prog_train.update(i + 1, [("Predicting Images....", 0.0)])
        scores = np.vstack(scores)
        predictions = np.argmax(scores, axis=-1)
        return predictions
Пример #7
    def run_epoch(self, sess, train):
        prog = Progbar(target=1 + int(len(train) / self.config.batch_size))
        losses, grad_norms = [], []
        for i, batch in enumerate(minibatches(train, self.config.batch_size)):
            if batch[0].shape[0] != 100:
            pred = self.predict_on_batch(sess, batch[0])
            loss, grad_norm = self.train_on_batch(sess, *batch)
            prog.update(i + 1, [("train loss", loss),
                                ("train grad", grad_norm)])

        return losses, grad_norms
Пример #8
 def run_epoch(self, sess, batch_gen, info):
     # use 3301 for 24 batch size
     # use 2476 for 32 batch size
     prog = Progbar(target=4952)
     (i1, i2, i3, i4, i5, i6) = info
     batch_epoch = batch_gen(i1, i2, i3, i4, i5, i6)
     for i in range(4952):
         batch = batch_epoch.next()
         loss, grad_norm, EM = self.train_on_batch(sess, batch)
         logging.info("loss is %f, grad_norm is %f" % (loss, grad_norm))
         prog.update(i + 1, [("train loss", loss), ("grad_norm", grad_norm),
                             ("EM", EM)])
         if math.isnan(loss):
             logging.info("loss nan")
             assert False
Пример #9
def summary_success_epoch(train_data, model, session):
    num_train_batches = int(len(train_data['q']) / FLAGS.batch_size)
    prog = Progbar(target=num_train_batches)
    permutation = np.random.permutation(num_train_batches*FLAGS.batch_size)
    successes = []
    for i in range(num_train_batches):
        if i >= FLAGS.train_batch >= 0:
        data_batch = get_batch(train_data, i, permutation=permutation)
        successes.append(model.summary_success(sess=session, data_batch=data_batch))
        prog.update(i+1, [("retained", sum(successes))])

    logger.debug("Summarization: %d out of %d answers are retained", sum(successes), int(len(train_data['q'])))
    logger.debug("Retain rate: %.2f%%", 100. * sum(successes) / len(train_data['q']))
    return sum(successes)
Пример #10
    def fit(self, sess, saver, train_examples_raw, dev_set_raw):
        best_score = 0.

        train_examples = self.preprocess_sequence_data(train_examples_raw)
        dev_set = self.preprocess_sequence_data(dev_set_raw)

        for epoch in range(self.config.n_epochs):
            logger.info("Epoch %d out of %d", epoch + 1, self.config.n_epochs)
            # You may use the progress bar to monitor the training progress
            # Addition of progress bar will not be graded, but may help when debugging
            prog = Progbar(target=1 + int(len(train_examples) / self.config.batch_size))
            # The general idea is to loop over minibatches from train_examples, and run train_on_batch inside the loop
			# Hint: train_examples could be a list containing the feature data and label data
			# Read the doc for utils.get_minibatches to find out how to use it.
                        # Note that get_minibatches could either return a list, or a list of list
                        # [features, labels]. This makes expanding tuples into arguments (* operator) handy

            ### YOUR CODE HERE (2-3 lines)
            # get_minibatches actually returns a generator, which can be considered as an iterator
            # the difference is, it will generate result upon request but not storing it in memory

            for i, batch in enumerate(minibatches(train_examples, self.config.batch_size)):
                # q1_windown.py and q2_rnn.py has a differnt train_on_batch functions that accept different
                # number of the arguments. It might be clear to leave the implementation to the subclass
                loss = self.train_on_batch(sess, *batch)
                prog.update(current=i+1, values=[('loss',loss)])

            ### END YOUR CODE

            logger.info("Evaluating on development data")
            token_cm, entity_scores = self.evaluate(sess, dev_set, dev_set_raw)
            logger.debug("Token-level confusion matrix:\n" + token_cm.as_table())
            logger.debug("Token-level scores:\n" + token_cm.summary())
            logger.info("Entity level P/R/F1: %.2f/%.2f/%.2f", *entity_scores)

            score = entity_scores[-1]
            if score > best_score:
                best_score = score
                if saver:
                    logger.info("New best score! Saving model in %s", self.config.model_output)
                    saver.save(sess, self.config.model_output)
            if self.report:
        return best_score
Пример #11
    def fit(self, sess, saver, train_examples_raw, dev_set_raw):
        best_score = 0.

        train_examples = self.preprocess_sequence_data(train_examples_raw)
        dev_set = self.preprocess_sequence_data(dev_set_raw)

        for epoch in range(self.config.n_epochs):
            logger.info("Epoch %d out of %d", epoch + 1, self.config.n_epochs)
            # You may use the progress bar to monitor the training progress
            # Addition of progress bar will not be graded, but may help when debugging
            prog = Progbar(
                target=math.ceil(len(train_examples) / self.config.batch_size))

            # The general idea is to loop over minibatches from train_examples, and run train_on_batch inside the loop
            # Hint: train_examples could be a list containing the feature data and label data
            # Read the doc for utils.get_minibatches to find out how to use it.
            # Note that get_minibatches could either return a list, or a list of list
            # [features, labels]. This makes expanding tuples into arguments (* operator) handy

            ### YOUR CODE HERE (2-3 lines)
            for i, batch in enumerate(
                # batch[0] is
                loss = self.train_on_batch(sess, *batch)
                prog.update(i + 1, [("train loss", loss)])
                if self.report:
            ## END YOUR CODE

            logger.info("Evaluating on development data")
            cm, score = self.evaluate(sess, dev_set, dev_set_raw)
            logger.debug("confusion matrix:\n" + str(cm))
            logger.info("f1 score: %.2f", score)

            if score > best_score:
                best_score = score
                if saver:
                    logger.info("New best score! Saving model in %s",
                    saver.save(sess, self.config.model_output)
            if self.report:
        return best_score
Пример #12
	def compute_dev_loss(self, sess, input_batches, labels_batches, mask_batches):

		prog = Progbar(target=1 + len(input_batches))
		total_dev_loss = 0
		for i, input_batch in enumerate(input_batches):

		#	feed = self.create_feed_dict(inputs_batch=input_batch, stacked_labels_batch=labels_batches[i], mask_batch=mask_batches[i]) #problem: labels has shape: [batch_size x max_sentence_length], should be opposite
		#	dev_loss = sess.run(self.dev_loss, feed_dict=feed)
			dev_loss = self.predict_on_batch(sess, inputs_batch=input_batch, labels_batch=labels_batches[i], \
				mask_batch=mask_batches[i], num_of_batch=i, using_dev=True)

			total_dev_loss += dev_loss
			prog.update(i + 1, [("dev loss", dev_loss)])
			if i == len(input_batches) - 1:
				logger.info("Last batch dev loss: " + str(dev_loss))
		return total_dev_loss
Пример #13
    def run_epoch(self, sess, train):
        batches = self.build_batches(self.train_qas)
        if not FLAGS.is_prod: batches = batches[:5]
        prog = Progbar(target=len(batches))
        losses = []
        for i, batch in enumerate(batches):
            loss = self.train_on_batch(sess, zip(*batch))
            prog.update(i + 1, [("train loss", loss)])

        logging.info("Evaluation on training data")
        self.evaluate_answer(sess, self.train_qas, log=True)
        logging.info("Evaluation on dev data")
        f1, em = self.evaluate_answer(sess, self.dev_qas, log=True)

        return f1
Пример #14
    def output(self, sess, inputs_raw, inputs=None):
        Reports the output of the model on examples (uses helper to featurize each example).
        if inputs is None:
            inputs = self.preprocess_sequence_data(self.helper.vectorize(inputs_raw))

        preds = []
        prog = Progbar(target=1 + int(len(inputs) / self.config.batch_size))
        for i, batch in enumerate(minibatches(inputs, self.config.batch_size, shuffle=False)):
            # Ignore predict
            batch = batch[:1] + batch[2:]
            preds_ = self.predict_on_batch(sess, *batch)
            preds += list(preds_)
            prog.update(i + 1, [])
        return self.consolidate_predictions(inputs_raw, inputs, preds)
Пример #15
def generate_answers(session, model, dataset, rev_vocab):
    answers = {}
    num_dev_batches = int(len(dataset['q']) / FLAGS.batch_size) + 1
    prog = Progbar(target=num_dev_batches)
    for i in range(num_dev_batches):
        data_batch = du.get_batch(dataset, i)
        pred = model.predict_on_batch(sess=session,
        for j, document in enumerate(data_batch['c']):
            answers[data_batch['q_uuids'][j]] = " ".join(
                [rev_vocab[document[index]] for index in pred[j]])

        prog.update(i + 1, [])

    return answers
def generate_answers(sess, model, dataset, rev_vocab):
    Loop over the dev or test dataset and generate answer.

    Note: output format must be answers[uuid] = "real answer"
    You must provide a string of words instead of just a list, or start and end index

    In main() function we are dumping onto a JSON file

    evaluate.py will take the output JSON along with the original JSON file
    and output a F1 and EM

    You must implement this function in order to submit to Leaderboard.

    :param sess: active TF session
    :param model: a built QASystem model
    :param rev_vocab: this is a list of vocabulary that maps index to actual words
    answers = {}
    (context, question, question_uuid_data) = dataset
    context_data = convert_data_to_list(context)
    question_data = convert_data_to_list(question)
    context_padded, context_mask = pad_sequence(context_data,
    question_padded, question_mask = pad_sequence(question_data,
    input_data = vectorize(context_padded, context_mask, question_padded,
                           question_mask, question_uuid_data)

    batch_size = 32
    num_batches = int(len(input_data) / batch_size) + 1
    prog = Progbar(target=num_batches)
    for i, batch in enumerate(minibatches(input_data, batch_size)):
        a_s_vec, a_e_vec = model.answer(sess, batch)
        prog.update(i + 1)
        for (a_s, a_e, context, uuid) in zip(a_s_vec, a_e_vec, batch[0],
            if a_s > a_e:
                tmp = a_s
                a_s = a_e
                a_e = tmp
            predicted_answer = model.formulate_answer(context, rev_vocab, a_s,
            answers[uuid] = predicted_answer

    return answers
Пример #17
    def train(self, train_examples, dev_examples):
        model = self._model
        config = self._config
        logger = self._logger

        best_score = 0.

        preprocessed_train_examples = train_examples['preprocessed']
        step = 0
        for epoch in range(config.n_epochs):
            logger.info("Epoch %d out of %d", epoch + 1, config.n_epochs)
            prog = Progbar(
                target=1 +
                int(len(preprocessed_train_examples) / config.batch_size))

            avg_loss = 0
            for i, minibatch in enumerate(
                sentences = torch.tensor(minibatch[0], device=config.device)
                labels = torch.tensor(minibatch[1], device=config.device)
                masks = torch.tensor(minibatch[2], device=config.device)
                avg_loss += self._train_on_batch(sentences, labels, masks)
            avg_loss /= i + 1
            logger.info("Training average loss: %.5f", avg_loss)

            with torch.no_grad():
                logger.info("Evaluating on development data")
                token_cm, entity_scores = self._evaluator.evaluate(
                logger.debug("Token-level confusion matrix:\n" +
                logger.debug("Token-level scores:\n" + token_cm.summary())
                logger.info("Entity level P/R/F1: {:.2f}/{:.2f}/{:.2f}".format(

                score = entity_scores[-1]

                if score > best_score and config.model_output:
                    best_score = score
                    logger.info("New best score! Saving model in %s",
                    torch.save(model.state_dict(), config.model_output)
        return best_score
Пример #18
    def run_epoch(self, sess, train_examples, dev_set):
        prog = Progbar(target=1 + train_examples[0].shape[0] / self.config.batch_size)
        for i, (articles_batch, headlines_batch, labels_batch) in enumerate(minibatches(train_examples, self.config.batch_size)):
            loss = self.train_on_batch(sess, articles_batch, headlines_batch, labels_batch)
            prog.update(i + 1, [("train loss", loss)])
        print "Evaluating on train set"
        train_actual = vectorize_stances(train_examples[2])
        train_preds = list(self.predict_on_batch(sess, *train_examples[:2]))
        train_score, _ = report_score(train_actual, train_preds)
        print "Evaluating on dev set"
        actual = vectorize_stances(dev_set[2])
        preds = list(self.predict_on_batch(sess, *dev_set[:2]))
        dev_score,_ = report_score(actual, preds)

        print "- train Score {:.2f}".format(train_score)
        print "- dev Score: {:.2f}".format(dev_score)
        return dev_score
Пример #19
    def predict(self, examples, use_str_labels=False):
        Reports the output of the model on examples (uses helper to featurize each example).
        config = self._config
        preprocessed_examples = examples['preprocessed']

        preds = []
        prog = Progbar(target=1 + int(len(preprocessed_examples) / config.batch_size))
        for i, minibatch in enumerate(minibatches(preprocessed_examples, config.batch_size, shuffle=False)):
            sentences = torch.tensor(minibatch[0], device=config.device)
            tag_probs = self._model(sentences)
            preds_ = torch.argmax(tag_probs, dim=-1)
            preds += list(preds_)
            prog.update(i + 1, [])

        return self.consolidate_predictions(examples, preds, use_str_labels)
Пример #20
    def output(self, sess, inputs_raw, inputs=None):
        Reports the output of the model on examples (uses helper to featurize each example).
        if inputs is None:  # 用于预测的时候
            inputs = self.preprocess_sequence_data(self.helper.vectorize(inputs_raw))

        preds = []
        prog = Progbar(target=1 + int(len(inputs) / self.config.batch_size))  # 设置总数,然后每次只要update当前数就行
        for i, batch in enumerate(
                minibatches(inputs, self.config.batch_size, shuffle=False)):  # 注意这里shuffle为false,对于rnn来说不需要
            # Ignore predict
            batch = batch[:1] + batch[2:]  # 为啥还要加batch[2:],要忽略输出的话直接前面一半不就好了?
            preds_ = self.predict_on_batch(sess, *batch)
            preds += list(preds_)
            prog.update(i + 1, [])
        return self.consolidate_predictions(inputs_raw, inputs, preds)
Пример #21
    def fit(self, sess, saver, train_examples_raw, dev_set_raw):
        best_score = 0.

        train_examples = self.preprocess_sequence_data(train_examples_raw)
        dev_set = self.preprocess_sequence_data(dev_set_raw)

        for epoch in range(self.config.n_epochs):
            logger.info("Epoch %d out of %d", epoch + 1, self.config.n_epochs)
            # You may use the progress bar to monitor the training progress
            # Addition of progress bar will not be graded, but may help when debugging
            prog = Progbar(target=1 +
                           int(len(train_examples) / self.config.batch_size))

            # Hint: train_examples is a list containing the feature data and label data
            # Read the doc for utils.get_minibatches to find out how to use it.
            # The general idea is to loop over minibatches from train_examples, and run train_on_batch inside the loop
            ### YOUR CODE HERE (2-3 lines)
            for i, batch in enumerate(
                    minibatches(train_examples, self.config.batch_size)):
                # print train_y[:20]
                loss = self.train_on_batch(sess, *batch)

                prog.update(i + 1, [("train loss", loss)])
            ### END YOUR CODE

            logger.info("Evaluating on development data")
            token_cm, entity_scores = self.evaluate(sess, dev_set, dev_set_raw)
            logger.debug("Token-level confusion matrix:\n" +
            logger.debug("Token-level scores:\n" + token_cm.summary())
            logger.info("Entity level P/R/F1: %.2f/%.2f/%.2f", *entity_scores)

            score = entity_scores[-1]

            if score > best_score:
                best_score = score
                if saver:
                    logger.info("New best score! Saving model in %s",
                    saver.save(sess, self.config.model_output)
            if self.report:
        return best_score
Пример #22
def train_epoch(train_data, model, session, losses, grad_norms):
    num_train_batches = int(len(train_data['q']) / FLAGS.batch_size)
    prog = Progbar(target=num_train_batches)
    permutation = np.random.permutation(num_train_batches*FLAGS.batch_size)
    retain_sum = 0
    for i in range(num_train_batches):
        if i >= FLAGS.train_batch >= 0:
        data_batch = get_batch(train_data, i, permutation=permutation)
        (grad_norm, loss, retain) = model.train_on_batch(sess=session, data_batch=data_batch)
        retain_sum += retain
        for j,grad in enumerate(grad_norm):
        prog.update(i+1, [("grad_norm",np.sum(grad_norm)), ("loss", loss)])

    logger.info("{} out of {} ground truth answers are retained.".format(retain_sum, int(len(train_data['q']))))
    return grad_norms, losses
Пример #23
    def answer(self, session, data):

        yp_lst = []
        yp2_lst = []
        prog_train = Progbar(target=1 + int(len(data[0]) / self.flags.batch_size))
        for i, batch in enumerate(self.minibatches(data, self.flags.batch_size, shuffle=False)):
            yp, yp2 = self.decode(session, *batch)
            prog_train.update(i + 1, [("computing F1...", 1)])
        yp_all = np.concatenate(yp_lst, axis=0)
        yp2_all = np.concatenate(yp2_lst, axis=0)

        a_s = np.argmax(yp_all, axis=1)
        a_e = np.argmax(yp2_all, axis=1)

        return (a_s, a_e)
Пример #24
    def output(self, sess, inputs_raw, inputs=None):
        Reports the output of the model on examples (uses helper to featurize each example).
        if inputs is None:
            inputs = self.preprocess_sequence_data(self.helper.vectorize(inputs_raw))

        preds = []
        prog = Progbar(target=1 + int(len(inputs) / self.config.batch_size))
        for i, batch in enumerate(minibatches(inputs, self.config.batch_size, shuffle=False)):
            # Ignore predict
            # 忽略窗口正确的类标签列,只要窗口数据
            batch = batch[:1] + batch[2:] # [2048x6]
            preds_ = self.predict_on_batch(sess, *batch) # 2048
            preds += list(preds_)
            prog.update(i + 1, [])
        return self.consolidate_predictions(inputs_raw, inputs, preds)
Пример #25
 def run_epoch(self, session, train_examples, dev_examples, epoch_num,
     num_batches = int(len(train_examples) / self.batch_size)
     prog = Progbar(target=num_batches)
     for i, batch in enumerate(minibatches(train_examples,
         loss, summary, current_lr = self.optimize(
             session, batch, global_batch_num=epoch_num * num_batches + i)
         # logging format (epoch,loss)
         train_log.write("{},{}\n".format(epoch_num + 1, loss))
         prog.update(i + 1,
                     exact=[("train loss", loss),
                            ("current LR", current_lr)])
         if self.summary_flag:
             self.train_writer.add_summary(summary, i)
     logging.info("Evaluating on development data")
     validate_cost = self.test(session, dev_examples)
     return validate_cost
Пример #26
    def test(self, session, dev_examples):
        in here you should compute a cost for your validation set
        and tune your hyperparameters according to the validation set performance

        num_batches = int(len(dev_examples) / self.batch_size)
        prog = Progbar(target=num_batches)
        total_cost = 0
        for i, batch in enumerate(minibatches(dev_examples, self.batch_size)):
            input_feed = self.create_feed_dict(batch, dropout=1)
            output_feed = [self.loss]
            outputs = session.run(output_feed, input_feed)
            prog.update(i + 1, exact=[("dev loss", outputs[0])])
            total_cost += outputs[0]

        return total_cost / (i + 1)
Пример #27
    def fit(self, sess, saver, train_examples_raw, dev_set_raw, writer=None):
        best_score = 0.

        train_examples = self.preprocess_sequence_data(train_examples_raw)
        dev_set = self.preprocess_sequence_data(dev_set_raw)

        step = 0
        for epoch in range(self.config.n_epochs):
            logger.info("Epoch %d out of %d", epoch + 1, self.config.n_epochs)
            prog = Progbar(target=1 +
                           int(len(train_examples) / self.config.batch_size))
            for i, minibatch in enumerate(
                    minibatches(train_examples, self.config.batch_size)):
                data = minibatch[:1] + minibatch[1:2] + minibatch[2:]
                if writer is None:
                    self.train_on_batch(sess, *data)
                    loss, summary = self.train_on_batch(sess,
                    writer.add_summary(summary, step)
                    step += 1

            logger.info("Evaluating on development data")
            token_cm, entity_scores = self.evaluate(sess, dev_set, dev_set_raw)
            logger.debug("Token-level confusion matrix:\n" +
            logger.debug("Token-level scores:\n" + token_cm.summary())
            logger.info("Entity level P/R/F1: %.2f/%.2f/%.2f", *entity_scores)

            score = entity_scores[-1]

            if score > best_score:
                best_score = score
                if saver:
                    logger.info("New best score! Saving model in %s",
                    saver.save(sess, self.config.model_output)
            if self.report:
        return best_score
Пример #28
def generate_answers(sess, model, dataset, rev_vocab, batch_size):
    Loop over the dev or test dataset and generate answer.

    Note: output format must be answers[uuid] = "real answer"
    You must provide a string of words instead of just a list, or start and end index

    In main() function we are dumping onto a JSON file

    evaluate.py will take the output JSON along with the original JSON file
    and output a F1 and EM

    You must implement this function in order to submit to Leaderboard.

    :param sess: active TF session
    :param model: a built QASystem model
    :param rev_vocab: this is a list of vocabulary that maps index to actual words

    answers = {}

    all_contexts, all_questions, all_question_uuids = dataset

    prog = Progbar(target=1 + int(len(dataset[0]) / batch_size))
    for i, batch in enumerate(
            get_minibatches([all_contexts, all_questions, all_question_uuids],
        contexts, questions, question_uuids = batch
        context_lengths = (contexts != 0).sum(1)

        pred_spans = model.answer(sess, [questions, contexts])
        pred_spans[:, 0] = np.minimum(pred_spans[:, 0], pred_spans[:, 1])
        pred_spans[:, 1] = np.minimum(pred_spans[:, 1], context_lengths)

        for (s, e), uuid, context in zip(pred_spans, question_uuids, contexts):
            answers[uuid] = " ".join(
                [rev_vocab[context[c]] for c in range(s, e + 1)])

        prog.update(i + 1, [])

    return answers
Пример #29
	def run_epoch(self, sess,  train_data, dev_data):
		train_input_batches, train_truth_batches, train_mask_batches = train_data
		dev_input_batches, dev_truth_batches, dev_mask_batches = dev_data

		logger.info("number of train input batches: %d", int(len(train_input_batches)))
		prog = Progbar(target=1 + len(train_input_batches))

		loss = 0
		for i, input_batch in enumerate(train_input_batches):
			loss = self.train_on_batch(sess, input_batch, train_truth_batches[i], train_mask_batches[i])
			prog.update(i + 1, [("train loss", loss)])
		logger.info("\nTrain loss: " + str(loss))

		#	if self.report: self.report.log_train_loss(loss)

		dev_loss = self.compute_dev_loss(sess, dev_input_batches, dev_truth_batches, dev_mask_batches) # print loss on dev set

		return dev_loss # TODO: to check where the return value is used
Пример #30
    def run_epoch(self, sess, train_data, val_data, epoch_num, train_log):
        num_batches = int(len(train_data) / self.batch_size) + 1
        logging.info("Evaluating on training data")
        prog = Progbar(target=num_batches)
        for i, batch in enumerate(minibatches(train_data, self.batch_size)):
            global_batch_num = int(epoch_num * num_batches + i)
            loss, current_lr, summary = self.optimize(sess, batch,
            prog.update(i + 1, [("train loss", loss),
                                ("current LR", current_lr)])
            train_log.write("{},{}\n".format(epoch_num + 1, loss))
            if self.summary_flag:
                self.train_writer.add_summary(summary, i)

        logging.info("Evaluating on development data")
        val_loss = self.validate(sess, val_data)

        return val_loss