Пример #1
 def attack(self, pos, gap, orientation,team):
   if self.nextAttackTimer != 0.0 or self.knivesAvailable == 0:
     #print 'cooldown: ', self.nextAttackTimer, self.knivesAvailable
     return False
   self.knivesAvailable -= 1
   self.nextAttackTimer += self.attackCooldown
   #create a knife just outside the spawn location
   knifeShape = Rect.createAtOrigin(10,10)
   #TODO: how to handle diagonal movement and firing?
   # spawn outside rect, or inside?
   knifePos = pos + orientation.getNormalized()*gap
   #print orientation.getNormalized() * gap
   #proj = BasicProjectile(knifePos,knifeShape,team,orientation)
   proj = MagicKnife(knifePos,knifeShape,self.owner,orientation)
   proj.owner = self.owner #Set owner so it can return and keep track of unit
   #play sound effect
   return True
Пример #2
 def attack(self, pos, gap, orientation,team):
   if self.nextAttackTimer != 0.0:
     return False
   self.nextAttackTimer += self.attackCooldown
   #create a knife just outside the spawn location
   projectileShape = Rect.createAtOrigin(self.size[0], self.size[1])
   #TODO: how to handle diagonal movement and firing?
   # spawn outside rect, or inside?
   projectilePos = pos + orientation.getNormalized()*gap
   proj = SlimeBall(projectilePos,projectileShape,self.owner,orientation,self.hue)
   #proj = Rock(projectilePos,projectileShape,team,orientation) 
   #play sound effect
   return True  
Пример #3
 def __init__(self, pos, **kwargs):    
   shape = Rect.createAtOrigin(64, 64)    
   AbstractObject.__init__(self, pos, shape, **kwargs)
   self.collisionType = 'UNIT'
   self.orientation = Vector(1,0)
Пример #4
 def __init__(self, pos, **kwargs):
   shape = Rect.createAtOrigin(26, 28)
   BasicUnit.__init__(self, pos, shape, name='GHOST', **kwargs)
   self.rangedWeapon = KnifeThrower(self)
   self.alwaysMove = True
Пример #5
 def __init__(self, pos, **kwargs):
   shape = Rect.createAtOrigin(16, 16)
   BasicUnit.__init__(self, pos, shape, name='FAERIE', **kwargs)
   self.rangedWeapon = BasicRangedAttack(self, 'sparkle')
   self.alwaysMove = True
Пример #6
 def __init__(self, pos, **kwargs):
   shape = Rect.createAtOrigin(64, 64)
   BasicUnit.__init__(self, pos, shape, name='BIG_SLIME', slime=True, **kwargs)
   self.rangedWeapon = SlimeAttack(self)
   self.alwaysMove = True
Пример #7
 def __init__(self, pos, owner, **kwargs):
   shape = Rect.createAtOrigin(32, 32)
   AbstractObject.__init__(self, pos, shape, **kwargs)
   self.owner = self #keep a copy of who the corpse belongs to
   self.collisionType = 'OBJ' #should add collision type for corpses, keys, and other stuff you can walk over
   self.currentAnimation = 'ANIM_BLOOD_'+str(random.randint(0,3))
   self.animationPlayer = animation.AnimationPlayer(glad.resource.resourceDict[self.currentAnimation], 0.2, True)
Пример #8
 def __init__(self, pos, **kwargs):
   #For now, just use BasicUnit Defaults
   #default soldier size    
   shape = Rect.createAtOrigin(32, 32)
   BasicUnit.__init__(self, pos, shape, name='SOLDIER', **kwargs)
   #self.rangedWeapon = BasicRangedAttack('knife',size=(12,12))
   self.rangedWeapon = KnifeThrower(self)
Пример #9
 def __init__(self, pos, **kwargs):
   shape = Rect.createAtOrigin(32, 32)
   BasicUnit.__init__(self, pos, shape, name='FIRE_ELEM', **kwargs)
   #self.rangedWeapon = KnifeThrower()
   self.rangedWeapon = BasicRangedAttack(self, 'meteor')
   self.alwaysMove = True
   self.animationPlayer.timer = 0.1
Пример #10
 def __init__(self, pos, shape = Rect.createAtOrigin(32, 32), hue=180, name='SOLDIER', slime=False, **kwargs):
   AbstractObject.__init__(self, pos, shape, **kwargs)
   self.collisionType = 'UNIT'
   #Default statistics  
   self.strength = 10
   self.dexterity = 10
   self.constitution = 10
   self.intelligence = 10
   self.armor = 10    
   self.level = 1
   self.life = 100
   self.mana = 100
   self.rangedWeapon = None
   self.meleeWeapon = None
   self.rangedDamage = 10
   self.meleeDamage = 10
   self.range = 400 #range for ranged weapon (in pixels)
   self.moveSpeed = 200
   #By default, have units face 'right'
   self.orientation = Vector(1,0)
   self.directionString = self.orientationToString() #may not be needed
   #self.name = "SOLDIER" #might as well be soldier by default, name used to load animations with current name format
   if self.slime:
       self.currentAnimation = 'ANIM_' + self.name + '_TEAM_' + str(self.team) +'_MOVE'
       self.currentAnimation = 'ANIM_' + self.name + '_TEAM_' + str(self.team) +'_MOVE' + self.orientationToString()
   self.animationTime = 0.2    
   self.animationPlayer = animation.AnimationPlayer(glad.resource.resourceDict[self.currentAnimation], self.animationTime , True)
   self.alwaysMove = False
   self.turnTime = 0.08
   self.attacking = False
   #attack animation
   self.attackTime = 0.1 #time attack frame is up
   self.attackTimer = 0
   self.animateAttack = False
   self.hue = hue #I thnk this is from my old method of team coloring - can probably be removed
Пример #11
 def attack(self, pos, gap, orientation,team):
   if self.nextAttackTimer != 0.0:
     return False
   self.nextAttackTimer += self.attackCooldown
   #create a knife just outside the spawn location
   projectileShape = Rect.createAtOrigin(self.size[0], self.size[1])
   #TODO: how to handle diagonal movement and firing?
   # spawn outside rect, or inside?
   projectilePos = pos + orientation.getNormalized()*gap
   dict = {'rock': Rock(projectilePos,projectileShape,self.owner,orientation),
           'arrow': Arrow(projectilePos,projectileShape,self.owner,orientation),
           'firearrow': FireArrow(projectilePos,projectileShape,self.owner,orientation),
           'fireball': Fireball(projectilePos,projectileShape,self.owner,orientation),
           'hammer': Hammer(projectilePos,projectileShape,self.owner,orientation),
           'lightning': Lightning(projectilePos,projectileShape,self.owner,orientation),
           'meteor': Meteor(projectilePos,projectileShape,self.owner,orientation),
           'bone' : Bone(projectilePos,projectileShape,self.owner,orientation),
           'knife' : Knife(projectilePos,projectileShape,self.owner,orientation),
           'sparkle' : Sparkle(projectilePos,projectileShape,self.owner,orientation),
           'boulder' : Boulder(projectilePos,projectileShape,self.owner,orientation)}
   proj = dict[self.type]
   proj.owner = self.owner
   #play sound - if I do this when the projectile is created, it plays it for each entry in the above dict
   #need to play sound for each attack, right now just this, knifeThrower, and slimeAttack
   #if self.type == "arrow":
   #  glad.resource.resourceDict['twang'].play(self.owner.pos)
   #elif self.type == "sparkle":
   #  glad.resource.resourceDict['faerie1'].play(self.owner.pos)
   #elif self.type == "lightning":
   #  glad.resource.resourceDict['bolt1'].play(self.owner.pos)
   #elif self.type == "meteor":
   #  glad.resource.resourceDict['blast1'].play(self.owner.pos)
   #  glad.resource.resourceDict['fwip'].play(self.owner.pos) #Just testing sound, should be for only stuff on screen or nearby,
   #proj = BasicProjectile(projectilePos, projectileShape, team, orientation) #basic projectile should be default
   #proj = Fireball(projectilePos,projectileShape,team,orientation)
   ##proj = Knife(projectilePos,projectileShape,team,orientation) 
   return True
Пример #12
 def __init__(self, pos, tileNum, type = None, shape=Rect.createAtOrigin(32,32), **kwargs):
   AbstractObject.__init__(self, pos, shape, team=None, moveDir=None, **kwargs)
   self.collisionType = 'LAND'
   if tileNum in Tile.water:
     self.collisionType = 'WATER'
   elif tileNum in Tile.tree:
     self.collisionType = 'TREE'
   elif tileNum in Tile.wall:
     self.collisionType = 'WALL'
   elif tileNum in Tile.barrier:
     self.CollisionType = 'BARRIER'
   #set appropriate tile to be drawn
   self.tileNum = tileNum
   tileName = Tile.tileDict[self.tileNum]
   anim = [glad.resource.get(tileName)]
   self.currentAnimation = animation.Animation(anim)
   self.animationPlayer = animation.AnimationPlayer(self.currentAnimation, 0.2, True)
Пример #13
 def __init__(self, pos, **kwargs):
   shape = Rect.createAtOrigin(32, 26)
   BasicUnit.__init__(self, pos, shape, name='THIEF', **kwargs)
   self.rangedWeapon = BasicRangedAttack(self, 'knife', size=(12,12))
Пример #14
 def __init__(self, pos, **kwargs):
   shape = Rect.createAtOrigin(30, 26)
   BasicUnit.__init__(self, pos, shape, name='SKELETON', **kwargs)
   self.rangedWeapon = BasicRangedAttack(self, 'bone', size=(14,14))
Пример #15
 def __init__(self, pos, **kwargs):
   shape = Rect.createAtOrigin(32, 32)
   BasicUnit.__init__(self, pos, shape, name='ORC', **kwargs)
   self.rangedWeapon = KnifeThrower(self)
Пример #16
 def __init__(self, pos, **kwargs):
   shape = Rect.createAtOrigin(32, 28)
   BasicUnit.__init__(self, pos, shape, name='MAGE', **kwargs)
   self.rangedWeapon = BasicRangedAttack(self, 'fireball')
Пример #17
 def __init__(self, pos, **kwargs):
   shape = Rect.createAtOrigin(96, 72)
   BasicUnit.__init__(self, pos, shape, name='GOLEM', **kwargs)
   self.rangedWeapon = BasicRangedAttack(self, 'boulder', size=(26,26))
Пример #18
 def __init__(self, pos, **kwargs):
   shape = Rect.createAtOrigin(20, 20)
   BasicUnit.__init__(self, pos, shape, name='ELF', **kwargs)
   self.rangedWeapon = BasicRangedAttack(self, 'rock',size=(12,12))
Пример #19
 def __init__(self, pos, **kwargs):
   shape = Rect.createAtOrigin(32, 22)
   BasicUnit.__init__(self, pos, shape, name='DRUID', **kwargs)
   self.rangedWeapon = BasicRangedAttack(self, 'lightning')
Пример #20
 def __init__(self, pos, **kwargs):
   shape = Rect.createAtOrigin(32, 28)
   BasicUnit.__init__(self, pos, shape, name='BARBARIAN', **kwargs)
   self.rangedWeapon = BasicRangedAttack(self, 'hammer', size=(12,12))
Пример #21
 def __init__(self, pos, **kwargs):
   shape = Rect.createAtOrigin(32, 32)
   BasicUnit.__init__(self, pos, shape, name='ARCHER', **kwargs)
   self.rangedWeapon = BasicRangedAttack(self, 'arrow', size=(14,14))