Пример #1
class Player(GameObject):
	def __init__(self, x, y):
		super(Player, self).__init__(x*40, y*40, 40, 40)
		self.velocity = Vector()
		self.terminal_velocity = 5.0
		self.airborne = False
	def update(self, delta):
		self.velocity += gravity * delta
		if self.velocity.y > self.terminal_velocity:
			self.velocity.y = self.terminal_velocity
		self.airborne = True
		sprites = pygame.sprite.spritecollide(self, self.level.platforms, dokill=False)
		if sprites:
			self.rect.y = sprites[0].rect.y - 40
			self.airborne = False
	def is_updatable(self):
		return True
	def setup(self, level):
		self.level = level
		self.level.player = self
	def left_down(self):
		self.velocity += left
	def left_up(self):
		self.velocity += right
	def right_down(self):
		self.velocity += right
	def right_up(self):
		self.velocity += left
	def jump_start(self):
		if not self.airborne:
			self.airborne = True
			self.velocity += up
	def jump_end(self):
Пример #2
    def __post_init__(self):

            ("name",        0x494E414D, unpack_null_terminated_ascii),
            ("translation", 0x5846524D, lambda data: Vector.from_packed(data[:12])),
            ("rotation",    0x5846524D, lambda data: Vector.from_packed(data[12:24])),
            ("scale",       0x5846524D, lambda data: Vector.from_packed(data[24:])),
            ("active",      0x41435456, unpack_bool),
Пример #3
class HexBlock:
    Xs = Vector([-1.0, -0.5, 0.5, 1, 0.5, -0.5])
    Ys = Vector([.0, halfSq3, halfSq3, .0, -halfSq3, -halfSq3])
    Vec = [Vector(v) for v in [(0, 1), (halfSq3, 0.5), (halfSq3, -0.5)]]

    def __init__(self, win, edgeLen, center):
        self.win = win
        self.X, self.Y = center
        self.xs = HexBlock.Xs * edgeLen
        self.ys = HexBlock.Ys * edgeLen
        self.edgeLen = edgeLen
        self.player = None
        points = []
        for i in range(6):
            points.append(Point(self.xs[i] + self.X, self.ys[i] + self.Y))
        self.region = Polygon(points)
        self.piece = Circle(Point(self.X, self.Y), self.edgeLen / 2)

    def undraw(self):

    def clickIn(self, x, y):
        dv = Vector([x - self.X, y - self.Y])
        limit = halfSq3 * self.edgeLen
        for v in HexBlock.Vec:
            if abs(v * dv) > limit:
                return False
        return True

    def placePiece(self, player):
        if self.player == None:
            self.player = player.getNum()
            return True
            return False

    def removePiece(self):
        if self.player != None:
            self.player = None
            return True
            return False

    def getCenter(self):
        return self.X, self.Y

    def getPlayer(self):
        return self.player
Пример #4
    def newAABB(self, obj, owner):
        obj.tl = Vector(99999, -9999, -999999)
        obj.br = Vector(-99999, 9999, 999999)
        for mesh in owner.getComponentsByType(MeshComponent):
            for triangle in mesh.triangles:
                for vertex in triangle:
                    obj.tl.x = min(vertex[0], obj.tl.x)
                    obj.tl.y = max(vertex[1], obj.tl.y)
                    obj.tl.z = max(vertex[2], obj.tl.z)

                    obj.br.x = max(vertex[0], obj.br.x)
                    obj.br.y = min(vertex[1], obj.br.y)
                    obj.br.z = min(vertex[2], obj.br.z)
Пример #5
def eovsa_array():
    ''' Define EOVSA antenna array, which consists of tabulated E,N,U
        locations of 15 antennas plus "array center", latitude,
        longitude and elevation of array center.  Returns AIPY
        AntennaArray object.
    global lat
    mperns = 0.299792458  # Meters per nanosecond

    # Define antenna ENU locations.  Ant 16 is the test input (0,0,0).
    # Divide by mperns to convert m to ns.
    ante = numpy.array([
        187.86, 196.15, 175.11, 197.96, 194.11, 147.42, 266.83, 98.95, 20.35,
        167.43, -442.00, 640.22, -329.06, -631.00, -213.00, 0.0
    ]) / mperns
    antn = numpy.array([
        71.74, 75.14, 77.39, 50.25, 108.86, 35.91, 67.10, 169.34, -218.49,
        280.78, -138.59, -355.82, 861.82, -184.00, -187.00, 0.0
    ]) / mperns
    antu = numpy.zeros(16)

    lng = -118.286953 * numpy.pi / 180  # OVSA Longitude (radians)
    elev = 1207.0  # OVSA Elevation (meters)
    clat = cos(lat)
    slat = sin(lat)

    # Latitude rotation matrix to convert ENU to XYZ
    latrot = mat([[0, -slat, clat], [1, 0, 0], [0, clat, slat]])
    f = numpy.array([1.0])
    beam = aipy.phs.Beam(f)
    ants = []
    for i in range(16):
        enu = Vector([ante[i], antn[i], antu[i]])
        x, y, z = enu.rotate(latrot).get()
        # Apply (add) any baseline corrections
        xp, yp, zp = bl_cor(x, y, z, i)
        ants.append(aipy.phs.Antenna(xp, yp, zp, beam))

    aa = aipy.phs.AntennaArray(ants=ants, location=(lat, lng, elev))
    aa.horizon = '10:30:00'
    # Create some standard sources for the source catalog
    srcs = []
    cat = aipy.amp.SrcCatalog(srcs)
    # Attach catalog to aa object
    aa.cat = cat
    return aa
Пример #6
 def __init__(self, pos, shape, team=1, moveSpeed = 50.0, moveDir=None):
   self.collisionType = None
   #All objects are alive/enabled by default.
   self.alive = True
   #Objects position (the center)
   self.pos = Vector(pos)
   #The objects shape, used for collision detection 
   self.shape = shape
   self.moveSpeed = moveSpeed
   if not moveDir:
     self.moveDir = Vector(0,0)
     self.moveDir = Vector(moveDir)
   #Velocity is the normalized direction scaled by the speed
   #TODO: calculate on update?
   if not self.moveDir.isNullVector():
     self.vel = self.moveDir.getNormalized() * self.moveSpeed
     self.vel = Vector(0,0)
   #Keep track of where the objects wants to go next
   self.requestedPos = pos
   #Keep track of which direction the object is 'facing'
   self.orientation = None
   #Set up the animation object
   self.frames = []
   #TODO: this is temporary for testing
   anim = animation.TestAnimation(size = shape.getSize())
   self.animationPlayer = animation.AnimationPlayer(anim, 1.0, True) 
   #set the team property
   self.team = team
   self.turning = False
   self.turnTime = 0.05
   self.turnTimer = 0
Пример #7
def eovsa_array():
    ''' Define EOVSA antenna array, which consists of tabulated E,N,U
        locations of 15 antennas plus "array center", latitude,
        longitude and elevation of array center.  Returns AIPY
        AntennaArray object.
    global lat
    mperns = 0.299792458  # Meters per nanosecond

    # Define antenna ENU locations.  Ant 16 is the test input (0,0,0).
    # Divide by mperns to convert m to ns.
    ante = numpy.array([187.86, 196.15, 175.11, 197.96, 194.11, 147.42,
                        266.83, 98.95, 20.35, 167.43, -442.00, 640.22,
                        -329.06, -631.00, -213.00, 0.0])/mperns
    antn = numpy.array([71.74, 75.14, 77.39, 50.25, 108.86, 35.91,
                        67.10, 169.34, -218.49, 280.78, -138.59, -355.82,
                        861.82, -184.00, -187.00, 0.0])/mperns
    antu = numpy.zeros(16)

    lng = -118.286953*numpy.pi/180      # OVSA Longitude (radians)
    elev = 1207.0                       # OVSA Elevation (meters)
    clat = cos(lat)
    slat = sin(lat)

    # Latitude rotation matrix to convert ENU to XYZ
    latrot = mat([[0, -slat, clat],[1, 0, 0],[0, clat, slat]])
    f = numpy.array([1.0])
    beam = aipy.phs.Beam(f)
    ants = []
    for i in range(16):
        enu = Vector([ante[i], antn[i], antu[i]])
        x, y, z = enu.rotate(latrot).get()
        # Apply (add) any baseline corrections
        xp, yp, zp = bl_cor(x,y,z,i) 

    aa = aipy.phs.AntennaArray(ants=ants,location=(lat, lng, elev))
    # Create some standard sources for the source catalog
    srcs = []
    cat = aipy.amp.SrcCatalog(srcs)
    # Attach catalog to aa object
    aa.cat = cat
    return aa
Пример #8
 def requestMove(self, direction):
   """Indicate when preferred direction this object wants to go"""  
   assert direction is not None
   if direction != (0, 0):
     normalizedOrientation = self.orientation.getNormalized()
     normalizedDirection = Vector(direction).getNormalized()
     if normalizedOrientation == normalizedDirection:
       #only move if facing the right direction, else turn
       #update the direction
       self.moveDir = Vector(direction)
       self.vel = self.moveDir.getNormalized()*self.moveSpeed
       self.turning = False
       #update the objects velocity
       #TODO: what if the move direction is 0 vector?    
       #if not self.moveDir.isNullVector():
         #self.vel = self.moveDir.getNormalized()*self.moveSpeed
         #self.vel = Vector(0,0)
       self.turning = True
       self.vel = Vector(0,0)
     #not trying to move
     self.vel = Vector(0,0)
     self.turning = False
Пример #9
 def __init__(self, pixels, label):
     self.pixels = pixels
     self.label = label
     self.label_vec = Vector.zeros(CLASS_COUNT)
     self.label_vec[self.label] = 1.0
     self._features = None
Пример #10
 def clickIn(self, x, y):
     dv = Vector([x - self.X, y - self.Y])
     limit = halfSq3 * self.edgeLen
     for v in HexBlock.Vec:
         if abs(v * dv) > limit:
             return False
     return True
Пример #11
    def __init__(self, image_filename, levelmap):
        self.levelmap = levelmap

        self.__img = util.load_image(image_filename, False, None)
        order = range(8)
        delay = 4  # each phase of the animation lasts 6 frames
        offset = Vector(0,16)  # the "position-point" of the hero is on
                # his left elbow...
        self.size = 16

        self.__walk_down = Animation(order)
        for down_rect in [ (4+i*24, 0, 16, 31) for i in range(8) ]:
            self.__walk_down.add_frame(self.__img, down_rect, delay, offset)

        self.__walk_up = Animation(order)
        for up_rect in [ (4+i*24, 32, 16, 31) for i in range(8) ]:
            self.__walk_up.add_frame(self.__img, up_rect, delay, offset)

        self.__walk_left = Animation(order)
        for left_rect in [ (4+i*24, 64, 16, 31) for i in range(8) ]:
            self.__walk_left.add_frame(self.__img, left_rect, delay, offset)

        self.__walk_right = Animation(order)
        for right_rect in [ (4+i*24, 96, 16, 31) for i in range(8) ]:
            self.__walk_right.add_frame(self.__img, right_rect, delay, offset)

        # initial values
        self.state = self.DOWN_WALK
        # Coordinates are relative to the map - not to the screen!
        self.pos = Vector(0,0)
        self.speed = 2
Пример #12
 def deserialize(ser):
     num_labels = len(ser['nodes'])
     num_weights = len(ser['nodes'][0]['weights'])
     layer = PerceptronLayer(num_labels, num_weights, activation.from_name(ser['activation']))
     for node_ser, node in zip(ser['nodes'], layer.nodes):
         node.weights = Vector(node_ser['weights'])
         node.bias = node_ser['bias']
     return layer
Пример #13
    def __init__(self,
                 position=Vector(0, 0, 0),
                 velocity=Vector(0, 0, 0),
                 acceleration=Vector(0, 0, 0),
                 a_position=Vector(0, 0, 0),
                 a_velocity=Vector(0, 0, 0),
                 a_acceleration=Vector(0, 0, 0),
        # , anchor=Vector(0,0,0)):
        # Linear
        self.oldS = Vector(0, 0, 0)
        self.S = position
        self.V = velocity
        self.A = acceleration
        # Rotational
        # Ie, rotation around x axis, y axis, z axis (euler angles)
        # Very simple, temporary code.
        # Note that this is in degrees
        self.THETA = a_position
        # theta, phi,
        self.OMEGA = a_velocity
        self.ALPHA = a_acceleration

        self.bounded = bounded
Пример #14
 def handle_aiming_action(self, key):
     if (key in self.movement_keys.keys()):
         vector = Vector(self.movement_keys[key][0],
         zap = Zap(self.hero.x, self.hero.y)
         self.add_zap_at_vector(zap, vector)
         return True
Пример #15
class Perceptron:
    def __init__(self, layer, num_weights):
        self.layer = layer
        self.weights = Vector(random.gauss(0, 0.01) for _ in xrange(num_weights))
        self.bias = random.gauss(0, 0.01)

    def feed_forward(self, example):
        Take inner product of weights and example, pass through activation function
        return self.layer.activation_fn.calculate((self.weights.dot(example)) + self.bias)
Пример #16
 def features(self):
     Returns a dict from features names to values:
     - One features for each pixel (e.g. (4,3) -> 1)
     - components=1
     - components=2
     - components=3
     - Other features...
     if not self._features:
         width = len(self.pixels[0])
         height =  len(self.pixels)
         self._features = Vector(self.pixels[i / width][i % width] / 256.0
                                 for i in xrange(width * height))
     return self._features
Пример #17
 def addSVAComponent(self,
                     position=Vector(0, 0, 0),
                     velocity=Vector(0, 0, 0),
                     acceleration=Vector(0, 0, 0),
                     a_position=Vector(0, 0, 0),
                     a_velocity=Vector(0, 0, 0),
                     a_acceleration=Vector(0, 0, 0),
         SVAComponent(position, velocity, acceleration, a_position,
                      a_velocity, a_acceleration, bounded))
Пример #18
 def locate(self, p):
     x, y = p.getX(), p.getY()
     if self.size == 1:
         if self.grid[0][0].clickIn(x, y):
             return (0, 0)
             return ()
     elif self.size == 2:
         cord1 = 0
         cord2 = 0
         dv = Vector([x - self.Xo, y - self.Yo])
         prod1 = dv * HexBoard.Vec[1]
         prod2 = dv * HexBoard.Vec[0]
         if halfSq3 * dv[1] + 0.5 * dv[0] > 0:
             param1 = -1  #rotate 30 degree counter-clockwise
             param1 = 1
         if halfSq3 * dv[1] - 0.5 * dv[0] < 0:
             param2 = -1  #rotate 30 degree clockwise
             param2 = 1
         cord1 = int((prod1 + param1 * math.sqrt(
             (dv * dv - prod1 * prod1) / 3)) / (sq3 * self.gridLen))
         cord2 = int((prod2 + param2 * math.sqrt(
             (dv * dv - prod2 * prod2) / 3)) / (sq3 * self.gridLen))
     if not (0 <= cord1 < self.size and 0 <= cord2 < self.size):
         return ()
     if self.grid[cord1][cord2].clickIn(x, y):
         return (cord1, cord2)
     elif cord1 + 1 < self.size and self.grid[cord1 + 1][cord2].clickIn(
             x, y):
         return (cord1 + 1, cord2)
     elif cord2 + 1 < self.size and self.grid[cord1][cord2 + 1].clickIn(
             x, y):
         return (cord1, cord2 + 1)
     elif cord1 + 1 < self.size and cord2 + 1 < self.size and self.grid[
             cord1 + 1][cord2 + 1].clickIn(x, y):
         return (cord1 + 1, cord2 + 1)
         return ()
Пример #19
    def update(self, _):
        # First, update for changes in SVA
        for e, c in self.eman.pairsForType(CollisionComponent):
            if c.AABB:
                self.newAABB(c, e)

        for e0, c0 in self.eman.pairsForType(CollisionComponent):
            if c0.active:
                for e1, c1 in self.eman.pairsForType(CollisionComponent):
                    if e0 is not e1 and c1.active and c1.type_ in c0.typeCollide:
                        if c0.AABB and c1.AABB:
                            bCollides = self.collidesWithAABB(c0, c1)
                            #bCollides = self.collidesWithTriangles(c0, c1)
                            # Triangle intersections, baby!
                            bCollides = self.collidesWithTriangles(c0, c1)
                        if bCollides:
                            s = e0.getSingleComponentByType(SVAComponent)
                            s.A = Vector(x=0, y=1, z=0, w=1)
                            print(e0, " collides with ", e1)
                            print(int(round(time.time() * 1000)))
Пример #20
class HexBoard:
    Vec = [Vector(v) for v in [(halfSq3, 0.5), (halfSq3, -0.5)]]
    adVec = [
        Vector(v) for v in [(1, 0), (0, 1), (-1, 0), (0, -1), (-1, 1), (1, -1)]

    def __init__(self, win, size, gridLen, origin):
        self.active = True
        self.mark1, self.mark2 = [0] * size, [0] * size
        self.win = win
        self.size = size
        self.gridLen = gridLen
        self.grid = []
        self.moveStack = Stack(size * size)
        for i in range(size):
        self.Xo, self.Yo = origin.getX(), origin.getY()
        pio = self.Xo, self.Yo
        for i in range(size):
            newCenter = pio
            for j in range(size):
                newGrid = HexBlock(win, gridLen, newCenter)
                newCenter = (newCenter[0] + 1.5 * gridLen,
                             newCenter[1] + halfSq3 * gridLen)
            pio = (pio[0] + 1.5 * gridLen, pio[1] - halfSq3 * gridLen)

    def undraw(self):
        if not self.active:
        map(lambda item: item.undraw, self.lines)
        map(lambda row: map(lambda item: item.undraw(), row), self.grid)
        self.active = False

    def drawOuterLines(self):
        self.lines = []
        p1 = Point(self.Xo - self.gridLen * 2, self.Yo)
        p2 = Point(self.Xo + 1.5 * (self.size - 1) * self.gridLen,
                   self.Yo + halfSq3 * (self.size + 1.0 / 3) * self.gridLen)
        p3 = Point(self.Xo + (3 * self.size - 1) * self.gridLen, self.Yo)
        p4 = Point(self.Xo + 1.5 * (self.size - 1) * self.gridLen,
                   self.Yo - halfSq3 * (self.size + 1.0 / 3) * self.gridLen)
        ps = [p1, p2, p3, p4]
        for i in range(4):
            self.lines.append(Line(ps[i], ps[(i + 1) % 4]))
            if i % 2:

    def locate(self, p):
        x, y = p.getX(), p.getY()
        if self.size == 1:
            if self.grid[0][0].clickIn(x, y):
                return (0, 0)
                return ()
        elif self.size == 2:
            cord1 = 0
            cord2 = 0
            dv = Vector([x - self.Xo, y - self.Yo])
            prod1 = dv * HexBoard.Vec[1]
            prod2 = dv * HexBoard.Vec[0]
            if halfSq3 * dv[1] + 0.5 * dv[0] > 0:
                param1 = -1  #rotate 30 degree counter-clockwise
                param1 = 1
            if halfSq3 * dv[1] - 0.5 * dv[0] < 0:
                param2 = -1  #rotate 30 degree clockwise
                param2 = 1
            cord1 = int((prod1 + param1 * math.sqrt(
                (dv * dv - prod1 * prod1) / 3)) / (sq3 * self.gridLen))
            cord2 = int((prod2 + param2 * math.sqrt(
                (dv * dv - prod2 * prod2) / 3)) / (sq3 * self.gridLen))
        if not (0 <= cord1 < self.size and 0 <= cord2 < self.size):
            return ()
        if self.grid[cord1][cord2].clickIn(x, y):
            return (cord1, cord2)
        elif cord1 + 1 < self.size and self.grid[cord1 + 1][cord2].clickIn(
                x, y):
            return (cord1 + 1, cord2)
        elif cord2 + 1 < self.size and self.grid[cord1][cord2 + 1].clickIn(
                x, y):
            return (cord1, cord2 + 1)
        elif cord1 + 1 < self.size and cord2 + 1 < self.size and self.grid[
                cord1 + 1][cord2 + 1].clickIn(x, y):
            return (cord1 + 1, cord2 + 1)
            return ()

    def placePiece(self, cord, player):
        success = self.grid[cord[0]][cord[1]].placePiece(player)
        if not success: return False
        n = player.getNum()
        if n == 1: self.mark1[cord[0]] += 1
        elif n == 2: self.mark2[cord[1]] += 1
        self.moveStack.push(HexMove(player, cord))
        return success

    def removePiece(self):
        cord = self.moveStack.pop()
        if cord != None:
            cord = cord.getPos()
            return False
        n = self.grid[cord[0]][cord[1]].getPlayer()
        success = self.grid[cord[0]][cord[1]].removePiece()
        if not success: return False
        if n == 1: self.mark1[cord[0]] -= 1
        elif n == 2: self.mark2[cord[1]] = -1
        return success

    def redo(self):
        item = self.moveStack.redo()
        if item != None:
            player = item.getPlayer()
            cord = item.getPos()
            success = self.grid[cord[0]][cord[1]].placePiece(player)
            if not success: return False
            n = player.getNum()
            if n == 1: self.mark1[cord[0]] += 1
            elif n == 2: self.mark2[cord[1]] += 1
        return False

    def winner(self):
        if 0 in self.mark1 and 0 in self.mark2: return None
        if self.scan(1):
            return 1
        elif self.scan(2):
            return 2
            return None

    def inRange(self, pos):
        return 0 <= pos[0] < self.size and 0 <= pos[1] < self.size

    def getAdjacent(self, iset):
        adjacent = set()
        for item in iset:
            for v in HexBoard.adVec:
                candidate = tuple(map(sum, zip(item, v)))
                if self.inRange(candidate): adjacent.add(candidate)
        return adjacent

    def scan(self, player):
        adjacent = set()
        for j in range(self.size):
            iset = set()
            for i in range(self.size):
                if player == 1:
                    p = self.grid[j][i].getPlayer()
                    additem = (j, i)
                elif player == 2:
                    p = self.grid[i][j].getPlayer()
                    additem = (i, j)
                if player == p:
            if iset.isdisjoint(adjacent) and j > 0:
                return False
            adjacent = self.getAdjacent(iset)
        return True

    def getGrid(self):
        return self.grid

    def getStack(self):
        return self.moveStack
Пример #21
        elif option == 1:
            if vectores.count() == 0:
                if not os.path.exists('data/vectores.txt'):
                    print 'Copie y pegue sus 2000 vectores en la carpeta data, yo le espero'
                    print 'yamete kudasai onii-chan'

                    arch = open('data/vectores.txt', 'r')
                    data = arch.readlines()

                    #begin creation and insertion
                    for vec_txt in data:

                    del arch, data  #release

                    print 'data stored in mongodb!'
                print 'mongodb already contains data'

        elif option == 2:
            vec_cursor = vectores.find()

                for i in range(5):

            except StopIteration:
Пример #22
class Direction(object):
    UP = Vector(0, -1)
    DOWN = Vector(0, 1)
    LEFT = Vector(-1, 0)
    RIGHT = Vector(1, 0)
Пример #23
    def _compute_one_parameter(self, param_value, index):
        source_position = np.array([get_scarray_value(self.args.source_position_x, index),
                                    get_scarray_value(self.args.source_position_y, index),
                                    get_scarray_value(self.args.source_position_z, index)])
        axis = Vector(x_angle=get_scarray_value(self.args.axis_angle_x, index),
                      y_angle=get_scarray_value(self.args.axis_angle_y, index),
                      z_angle=get_scarray_value(self.args.axis_angle_z, index),
                      position=[get_scarray_value(self.args.center_position_x, index),
                                get_scarray_value(self.args.center_position_z, index)])
        detector = Vector(x_angle=get_scarray_value(self.args.detector_angle_x, index),
                          y_angle=get_scarray_value(self.args.detector_angle_y, index),
                          z_angle=get_scarray_value(self.args.detector_angle_z, index),
                          position=[get_scarray_value(self.args.detector_position_x, index),
                                    get_scarray_value(self.args.detector_position_y, index),
                                    get_scarray_value(self.args.detector_position_z, index)])
        volume_angle = Vector(x_angle=get_scarray_value(self.args.volume_angle_x, index),
                              y_angle=get_scarray_value(self.args.volume_angle_y, index),
                              z_angle=get_scarray_value(self.args.volume_angle_z, index))

        z = self.args.z
        if self.args.z_parameter == 'z':
            z = param_value
        elif self.args.z_parameter == 'axis-angle-x':
            axis.x_angle = param_value
        elif self.args.z_parameter == 'axis-angle-y':
            axis.y_angle = param_value
        elif self.args.z_parameter == 'axis-angle-z':
            axis.z_angle = param_value
        elif self.args.z_parameter == 'volume-angle-x':
            volume_angle.x_angle = param_value
        elif self.args.z_parameter == 'volume-angle-y':
            volume_angle.y_angle = param_value
        elif self.args.z_parameter == 'volume-angle-z':
            volume_angle.z_angle = param_value
        elif self.args.z_parameter == 'detector-angle-x':
            detector.x_angle = param_value
        elif self.args.z_parameter == 'detector-angle-y':
            detector.y_angle = param_value
        elif self.args.z_parameter == 'detector-angle-z':
            detector.z_angle = param_value
        elif self.args.z_parameter == 'detector-position-x':
            detector.position[0] = param_value
        elif self.args.z_parameter == 'detector-position-y':
            detector.position[1] = param_value
        elif self.args.z_parameter == 'detector-position-z':
            detector.position[2] = param_value
        elif self.args.z_parameter == 'source-position-x':
            source_position[0] = param_value
        elif self.args.z_parameter == 'source-position-y':
            source_position[1] = param_value
        elif self.args.z_parameter == 'source-position-z':
            source_position[2] = param_value
        elif self.args.z_parameter == 'center-position-x':
            axis.position[0] = param_value
        elif self.args.z_parameter == 'center-position-z':
            axis.position[2] = param_value
            raise RuntimeError("Unknown z parameter '{}'".format(self.args.z_parameter))

        points = get_extrema(self.args.x_region, self.args.y_region, z)
        if self.args.z_parameter != 'z':
            points_upper = get_extrema(self.args.x_region, self.args.y_region, z + 1)
            points = np.hstack((points, points_upper))
        tomo_angle = float(index) / self.args.number * self.args.overall_angle
        xe, ye = compute_detector_pixels(points, source_position, axis, volume_angle, detector,
        return compute_detector_region(xe, ye, (self.args.height, self.args.width),
Пример #24
class Hero:

    # states:
    # Maybe these should be replaced by the direction-constants below
    # directions:
    NO_DIRECTION = Vector(0,0)
    LEFT         = Vector(-1,0)
    RIGHT        = Vector(1,0)
    UP           = Vector(0,-1)
    DOWN         = Vector(0,1)

    def __init__(self, image_filename, levelmap):
        self.levelmap = levelmap

        self.__img = util.load_image(image_filename, False, None)
        order = range(8)
        delay = 4  # each phase of the animation lasts 6 frames
        offset = Vector(0,16)  # the "position-point" of the hero is on
                # his left elbow...
        self.size = 16

        self.__walk_down = Animation(order)
        for down_rect in [ (4+i*24, 0, 16, 31) for i in range(8) ]:
            self.__walk_down.add_frame(self.__img, down_rect, delay, offset)

        self.__walk_up = Animation(order)
        for up_rect in [ (4+i*24, 32, 16, 31) for i in range(8) ]:
            self.__walk_up.add_frame(self.__img, up_rect, delay, offset)

        self.__walk_left = Animation(order)
        for left_rect in [ (4+i*24, 64, 16, 31) for i in range(8) ]:
            self.__walk_left.add_frame(self.__img, left_rect, delay, offset)

        self.__walk_right = Animation(order)
        for right_rect in [ (4+i*24, 96, 16, 31) for i in range(8) ]:
            self.__walk_right.add_frame(self.__img, right_rect, delay, offset)

        # initial values
        self.state = self.DOWN_WALK
        # Coordinates are relative to the map - not to the screen!
        self.pos = Vector(0,0)
        self.speed = 2

    def stand(self):
        if self.state == Hero.DOWN_WALK:
            self.state = Hero.DOWN_STAND
        elif self.state == Hero.UP_WALK:
            self.state = Hero.UP_STAND
        elif self.state == Hero.LEFT_WALK:
            self.state = Hero.LEFT_STAND
        elif self.state == Hero.RIGHT_WALK:
            self.state = Hero.RIGHT_STAND

    def tick(self):
        # TODO beautify method (make some lines shorter)

        # Cancel movement, if hero is standing
        if self.state in [Hero.LEFT_STAND, Hero.RIGHT_STAND,
                Hero.UP_STAND, Hero.DOWN_STAND]:
        # Otherwise: Determine direction
        direction = {
                Hero.LEFT_WALK : Hero.LEFT,
                Hero.RIGHT_WALK : Hero.RIGHT,
                Hero.UP_WALK : Hero.UP,
                Hero.DOWN_WALK : Hero.DOWN
        corners = self.get_corners(direction)
        delta = util.vec_mult(direction, self.speed)
        dest_tiles = [self.levelmap.pixel_pos_to_tile_pos(
            util.vec_add(c, delta)) for c in corners]

        tiletypes =\
                [self.levelmap.get_tile_type(t) == LevelMap.LevelMap.FLOOR
                for t in dest_tiles]

        if reduce(lambda a, b: a and b, tiletypes):

    def get_bounds(self):
        # Maybe the use of this function should be replaced by "get_corners"
        return (self.pos.x, self.pos.y, self.size, self.size)

    def get_corners(self, direction):
        upper_left  = self.pos
        upper_right = util.vec_add(self.pos, Vector(self.size-1, 0))
        lower_left  = util.vec_add(self.pos, Vector(0, self.size-1))
        lower_right = util.vec_add(self.pos, Vector(self.size-1, self.size-1))
        if direction == Hero.LEFT:
            return [upper_left, lower_left]
        elif direction == Hero.RIGHT:
            return [upper_right, lower_right]
        elif direction == Hero.UP:
            return [upper_left, upper_right]
        elif direction == Hero.DOWN:
            return [lower_left, lower_right]
            return []

    def move_to_edge(self, direction):
        distance_left = self.pos.x % self.levelmap.tilesize
        distance_up = self.pos.y % self.levelmap.tilesize
        if direction == Hero.LEFT:
            self.pos.x -= distance_left
        elif direction == Hero.RIGHT:
            self.pos.x += (self.levelmap.tilesize - self.size - distance_left)
        elif direction == Hero.UP:
            self.pos.y -= distance_up
        elif direction == Hero.DOWN:
            self.pos.y += (self.levelmap.tilesize - self.size - distance_up)

    def show(self, screen, offset):
        pos = util.vec_add(self.pos, offset)
        offset_pos = (pos.x, pos.y - 16)

        if self.state == Hero.DOWN_WALK:
            self.__walk_down.show(screen, pos)
        elif self.state == Hero.UP_WALK:
            self.__walk_up.show(screen, pos)
        elif self.state == Hero.LEFT_WALK:
            self.__walk_left.show(screen, pos)
        elif self.state == Hero.RIGHT_WALK:
            self.__walk_right.show(screen, pos)
        elif self.state == Hero.DOWN_STAND:
            screen.blit(self.__img, offset_pos, (4, 0, 16, 31))
        elif self.state == Hero.UP_STAND:
            screen.blit(self.__img, offset_pos, (4, 32, 16, 31))
        elif self.state == Hero.LEFT_STAND:
            screen.blit(self.__img, offset_pos, (4, 64, 16, 31))
        elif self.state == Hero.RIGHT_STAND:
            screen.blit(self.__img, offset_pos, (4, 96, 16, 31))
Пример #25
 def __init__(self, layer, num_weights):
     self.layer = layer
     self.weights = Vector(random.gauss(0, 0.01) for _ in xrange(num_weights))
     self.bias = random.gauss(0, 0.01)
Пример #26
 def feed_forward(self, example):
     return Vector(node.feed_forward(example) for node in self.nodes)
Пример #27
    def _compute_one_parameter(self, param_value, index):
        source_position = np.array([
            get_scarray_value(self.args.source_position_x, index),
            get_scarray_value(self.args.source_position_y, index),
            get_scarray_value(self.args.source_position_z, index)
        axis = Vector(x_angle=get_scarray_value(self.args.axis_angle_x, index),
                      y_angle=get_scarray_value(self.args.axis_angle_y, index),
                      z_angle=get_scarray_value(self.args.axis_angle_z, index),
                                            index), 0,
                          get_scarray_value(self.args.center_position_z, index)
        detector = Vector(x_angle=get_scarray_value(self.args.detector_angle_x,
        volume_angle = Vector(
            x_angle=get_scarray_value(self.args.volume_angle_x, index),
            y_angle=get_scarray_value(self.args.volume_angle_y, index),
            z_angle=get_scarray_value(self.args.volume_angle_z, index))

        z = self.args.z
        if self.args.z_parameter == 'z':
            z = param_value
        elif self.args.z_parameter == 'axis-angle-x':
            axis.x_angle = param_value
        elif self.args.z_parameter == 'axis-angle-y':
            axis.y_angle = param_value
        elif self.args.z_parameter == 'axis-angle-z':
            axis.z_angle = param_value
        elif self.args.z_parameter == 'volume-angle-x':
            volume_angle.x_angle = param_value
        elif self.args.z_parameter == 'volume-angle-y':
            volume_angle.y_angle = param_value
        elif self.args.z_parameter == 'volume-angle-z':
            volume_angle.z_angle = param_value
        elif self.args.z_parameter == 'detector-angle-x':
            detector.x_angle = param_value
        elif self.args.z_parameter == 'detector-angle-y':
            detector.y_angle = param_value
        elif self.args.z_parameter == 'detector-angle-z':
            detector.z_angle = param_value
        elif self.args.z_parameter == 'detector-position-x':
            detector.position[0] = param_value
        elif self.args.z_parameter == 'detector-position-y':
            detector.position[1] = param_value
        elif self.args.z_parameter == 'detector-position-z':
            detector.position[2] = param_value
        elif self.args.z_parameter == 'source-position-x':
            source_position[0] = param_value
        elif self.args.z_parameter == 'source-position-y':
            source_position[1] = param_value
        elif self.args.z_parameter == 'source-position-z':
            source_position[2] = param_value
        elif self.args.z_parameter == 'center-position-x':
            axis.position[0] = param_value
        elif self.args.z_parameter == 'center-position-z':
            axis.position[2] = param_value
            raise RuntimeError("Unknown z parameter '{}'".format(

        points = get_extrema(self.args.x_region, self.args.y_region, z)
        if self.args.z_parameter != 'z':
            points_upper = get_extrema(self.args.x_region, self.args.y_region,
                                       z + 1)
            points = np.hstack((points, points_upper))
        tomo_angle = float(index) / self.args.number * self.args.overall_angle
        xe, ye = compute_detector_pixels(points, source_position, axis,
                                         volume_angle, detector, tomo_angle)
        return compute_detector_region(xe,
                                       ye, (self.args.height, self.args.width),
Пример #28
	def __init__(self, x, y):
		super(Player, self).__init__(x*40, y*40, 40, 40)
		self.velocity = Vector()
		self.terminal_velocity = 5.0
		self.airborne = False
Пример #29
class AbstractObject(object):
  """All game world objects are ultimately derived from this class.
  Contains a variety of useful functions used for movement and 
  collision detection"""
  def __init__(self, pos, shape, team=1, moveSpeed = 50.0, moveDir=None):
    self.collisionType = None
    #All objects are alive/enabled by default.
    self.alive = True
    #Objects position (the center)
    self.pos = Vector(pos)
    #The objects shape, used for collision detection 
    self.shape = shape
    self.moveSpeed = moveSpeed
    if not moveDir:
      self.moveDir = Vector(0,0)
      self.moveDir = Vector(moveDir)
    #Velocity is the normalized direction scaled by the speed
    #TODO: calculate on update?
    if not self.moveDir.isNullVector():
      self.vel = self.moveDir.getNormalized() * self.moveSpeed
      self.vel = Vector(0,0)
    #Keep track of where the objects wants to go next
    self.requestedPos = pos
    #Keep track of which direction the object is 'facing'
    self.orientation = None
    #Set up the animation object
    self.frames = []
    #TODO: this is temporary for testing
    anim = animation.TestAnimation(size = shape.getSize())
    self.animationPlayer = animation.AnimationPlayer(anim, 1.0, True) 
    #set the team property
    self.team = team
    self.turning = False
    self.turnTime = 0.05
    self.turnTimer = 0
  def onCollide(self, object):
    """Handles collision"""
    #print object
    #if object.collisionType == 'PROJECTILE':
    #  print 'proj'
  def orientationToString(self):
    #converts the orientation to a string
    #makes it easier for animation
    #if self.orientation == None: #FIX FOR IF THERE IS NO ORIENTATION
     # return 'north'
    string = ''
    if self.orientation[0] == 0 and self.orientation[1] < 0:
      string = 'UP'
    elif self.orientation[0] == 0 and self.orientation[1] > 0:
      string = 'DOWN'
    elif self.orientation[0] > 0 and self.orientation[1] == 0:
      string = 'RIGHT'
    elif self.orientation[0] < 0 and self.orientation[1] == 0:
      string = 'LEFT'
    elif self.orientation[0] < 0 and self.orientation[1] < 0:
      string = 'UPLEFT'
    elif self.orientation[0] > 0 and self.orientation[1] > 0:
      string = 'DOWNRIGHT'
    elif self.orientation[0] < 0 and self.orientation[1] > 0:
      string = 'DOWNLEFT'
    elif self.orientation[0] > 0 and self.orientation[1] < 0:
      string = 'UPRIGHT'
    return string  
  def draw(self, screen, offset):
    #draw the animation, centered at the objects position
    # and offset according to the location of the camera    
    self.animationPlayer.draw(screen, self.getPos()+offset)
  def setPos(self, pos):    
    self.pos = Vector(pos)
  def getPos(self):
    return self.pos
  def getPosInTime(self, time):
    """Calculate the objects position in 'time' as a function
    of its current position and velocity."""
    return self.pos + self.vel*time
#  def getRect(self):
#    #return (self.pos[0],self.pos[1],
#    #        self.size[0],self.size[1])
#    return Rect(self.pos, self.size)
  def getRequestedPos(self):
    return self.requestedPos
#  def getVelocity(self):
#    return self.moveSpeed
#  def isCollision(self, o,requested=False):
#    #request=True means we check requested positions
#    """Check if this object's rect overlaps the other's rect"""
#    if requested:
#      ax1,ay1 = self.requestedPos
#    else:
#      ax1,ay1 = self.pos
#    ax2,ay2 = ax1+self.size[0],ay1+self.size[1]
#    if requested:
#      bx1,by1 = o.requestedPos
#    else:
#      bx1,by1 = o.pos
#    bx2,by2 = bx1+o.size[0],by1+o.size[1]
#    if ax1 < bx2 and ax2 > bx1 and ay1 < by2 and ay2 > by1:
#      return True
#    else:
#      return False
  def requestMove(self, direction):
    """Indicate when preferred direction this object wants to go"""  
    assert direction is not None
    if direction != (0, 0):
      normalizedOrientation = self.orientation.getNormalized()
      normalizedDirection = Vector(direction).getNormalized()
      if normalizedOrientation == normalizedDirection:
        #only move if facing the right direction, else turn
        #update the direction
        self.moveDir = Vector(direction)
        self.vel = self.moveDir.getNormalized()*self.moveSpeed
        self.turning = False
        #update the objects velocity
        #TODO: what if the move direction is 0 vector?    
        #if not self.moveDir.isNullVector():
          #self.vel = self.moveDir.getNormalized()*self.moveSpeed
          #self.vel = Vector(0,0)
        self.turning = True
        self.vel = Vector(0,0)
      #not trying to move
      self.vel = Vector(0,0)
      self.turning = False
  def turn(self, direction):
    """Use cross product to find the best direction and turns 45 degrees"""
    if self.orientation.getNormalized() != direction.getNormalized(): #prevents over turning incase time is large
      if self.turnTimer >= self.turnTime:
        o = self.orientation.getNormalized()
        d = direction.getNormalized()
        value = o[0]*d[1] - o[1]*d[0]
        sinCos = 0.707106781 #rotate 45  degrees so sin and cos are equal
        if value >= 0:
          x = self.orientation[0]*sinCos - self.orientation[1]*sinCos
          y = self.orientation[0]*sinCos + self.orientation[1]*sinCos
          x = self.orientation[0]*sinCos + self.orientation[1]*sinCos
          y = self.orientation[1]*sinCos - self.orientation[0]*sinCos
          #Smooths out all rounding errors
        if x > 0:
          x = 1
        elif x < 0:
          x = -1
        if y > 0:
          y = 1
        elif y < 0:
          y = -1
        self.orientation = Vector(x,y)
        self.turnTimer -= self.turnTime
        self.turn(direction) #turns again if time exceeds one turn, but dont want to overturn
  def updatePos(self, time):
    """Set the objects position equal to its requested position. Usually
    done after collision resolution"""
    self.pos = self.requestedPos
  def updateRequestedPos(self, time):
    """Update the objects requested position, done before
    collision resolution"""    
    self.requestedPos = self.getPosInTime(time)
  def update(self, time):
    #TODO: animations should be updated after collision detection
    #update the animation   
    if self.animationPlayer:
    #update turning clock  
    if self.turning:
      self.turnTimer += time