Пример #1
 def __init__(self, settings, behaviour):
     self.logger = logging.getLogger("sender")
     self.settings = settings
     self.slide = True
     self.behaviour = behaviour
     self.slide_duration_prop = behaviour["slide_duration_prop"]
     self.voice_ids = []
     self.block_messages = False
     self.transpose = behaviour["transpose"]
     self.behaviour = behaviour
     self.pd = PdSender(settings["PD_HOST"], settings["PD_PORT"])
     self.hub = self.hub_gen()
     self.drum_hub = self.drum_hub_gen()
Пример #2
class NoteGateway(object):
    def __init__(self, settings, behaviour):
        self.logger = logging.getLogger("sender")
        self.settings = settings
        self.slide = True
        self.behaviour = behaviour
        self.slide_duration_prop = behaviour["slide_duration_prop"]
        self.voice_ids = []
        self.block_messages = False
        self.transpose = behaviour["transpose"]
        self.behaviour = behaviour
        self.pd = PdSender(settings["PD_HOST"], settings["PD_PORT"])
        self.hub = self.hub_gen()
        self.drum_hub = self.drum_hub_gen()

    def pause(self):
        """blocks new messages and turns off sound-production"""
        self.block_messages = True
        self.pd.send("sound 0")

    def unpause(self):
        """turns on sound-production and lets messages flow again"""
        self.block_messages = False
        self.pd.send("sound 1")

    def stop(self):
        """destroys the puredata-sender object"""
        del self.pd

    def stop_all_notes(self):
        """sends a stop message to all active voices"""
        for v in self.voice_ids:

    def stop_notes_of_voice(self, vid):
        """sends the stop message to a specified voice"""
        self.pd.send(["voice", vid, 0])

    def mute_voice(self, vid, val):
        """sends a message to mute/unmute a voice to pd

        use vid=drums to mute/unmute the drums
        val = 1 if val else 0
        if vid == "drums":
            msg = ["perc", "mute", val]
            msg = ["voice", vid, "mute", val]

    def set_slide_to_0(self):
        """this method bypasses the slide functionality

        by setting slide-duration to 0"""
        for v in self.voice_ids:
            self.pd.send(["voice", "slide", v, 0])

    def set_slide_msecs(self, voice_id, msecs):
        """sends a message containing the general slide-time in millisecs"""
        self.pd.send(["voice", "slide", voice_id, msecs])

    def set_slide_msecs_for_all_voices(self, msecs):
        """sends a message containing the general slide-time in millisecs"""
        for v in self.voice_ids:
            self.pd.send(["voice", "slide", v, msecs])

    def pd_send_note(self, voice_id, msg):
        """send out a single note"""
        if voice_id not in self.voice_ids:
        self.pd.send(["voice", voice_id, 0 if msg == 0 else msg + self.transpose])
        return True

    def pd_send_duration(self, voice_id, val):
        """send out the duration for a given voice"""
        if voice_id not in self.voice_ids:
        self.pd.send(["voice", voice_id, "dur", val])
        return True

    def pd_send_wavetable(self, voice_id, wavetable):
        """send out the duration for a given voice"""
        self.pd.send(["voice", voice_id, "wavetable", wavetable])
        return True

    def send_voice_pan(self, voice, pan):
        """sends a pan-message for a voice"""
        args = ["sound", "pan", voice.id, pan]

    def send_voice_volume(self, voice, val):
        """sends a volume message for a voice

        use values from 0 to 1"""
        args = ["voice", voice.id, "volume", val]
        print "sending: ", args

    def send_voice_adsr(self, voice, adsr):
        """sends a adsr-message for a voice"""
        args = ["voice", voice.id, "adsr", " ".join([str(element) for element in adsr])]

    def send_voice_peak_level(self, voice, peak_level):
        """sends a peak_level-message for a voice"""
        args = ["voice", voice.id, "peak_level", "{:.6f}".format(peak_level)]

    def pd_send_drum_note(self, voice, vol, pan, ctl):
        """sends a note-message for a drum-voice"""
        args = ["perc", voice, vol, pan, ctl]

    def drum_hub_gen(self):
        """generator method that sends notes to all drum voices

        according to present state"""
        while True:
            data = (yield)
            if not self.block_messages:
                self.logger.info("drums out: {0}".format(data))
                for k, v in data.items():
                    if v["meta"] != "empty":
                        args = ["perc", k]
                        if v["vol"]:
                        if v["ctl"]:

    def hub_gen(self):
        """generator method that sends notes to all melodic voices

        according to the present state"""
        while True:
            data = (yield)
            if not self.block_messages:
                self.logger.info("sending out: {0}".format(data))
                if type(data) == dict:
                    for v in data.values():
                        if v.note_change:
                            msg = v.real_note if v.real_note else 0
                            # self.logger.info("sending out:\
                            #                  voice: {1}: {0}".\
                            #                  format(msg, v.id))
                            if self.slide and v.slide:
                                if self.behaviour.voice_get(v.id, "use_proportional_slide_duration"):
                                    # print "{0} has slide_prop: {1}".format(v.id, v.slide_duration_prop)
                                    dur_prop = v.slide_duration_prop
                                    slide_length = v.duration_in_msec * dur_prop
                                    slide_length = self.behaviour.voice_get(v.id, "slide_duration_msecs")
                                self.set_slide_msecs(v.id, slide_length)
                            self.pd_send_duration(v.id, v.duration_in_msec * v.note_duration_prop)
                            self.pd_send_note(v.id, msg)
                            if v.weight == HEAVY:
                                self.pd.send(["voice", "rhythm", v.id, str(v.note_length_grouping).replace(",", "_")])

                    # address = data["voice"]
                    # msg = data["message"]
                    msg = str(data)

    def set_transpose(self, val):
        self.transpose = val