def update_entity_key_list_value_column(self, company, column, value: dict, action="add"): if value is None: return False print("Start update_entity_profile_key_list_value_column") print(locals()) existing_key_value = list(self.df.loc[ == company, column])[0] print("existing_key_value from df: " + str(existing_key_value)) if existing_key_value is None: existing_key_value = {} else: existing_key_value = eval(existing_key_value) print("existing_key_value from df: " + str(existing_key_value)) for ex_key, ex_value in existing_key_value.items(): existing_key_value[ex_key] = utilities.str_to_list(str(ex_value)) print("existing_key_value_list: " + str(existing_key_value)) print("value to process: " + str(value)) (to_key, to_value), = dict(value).items() if existing_key_value == {}: if action == "add": dest_key_value = dict(value) if action == "remove": dest_key_value = existing_key_value if (existing_key_value != {}) and (to_key not in existing_key_value.keys()): if action == "add": dest_key_value = {**existing_key_value, **dict(value)} if action == "remove": dest_key_value = existing_key_value if (existing_key_value != {}) and (to_key in existing_key_value.keys()): for ex_key, ex_value in existing_key_value.items(): if ex_key == to_key: if action == "add": ex_value.extend(to_value) existing_key_value[ex_key] = list(set(ex_value)) if action == "remove": existing_key_value[ex_key] = list(set(ex_value) - set(to_value)) dest_key_value = existing_key_value print("dest_key_value: " + str(dest_key_value)) dest_value = utilities.dict_to_str(dest_key_value) print("dest_value: " + str(dest_value)) self.df.loc[ == company, column] = dest_value print(self.df) return True
def add_entity(self, company, status=STATUS_ENABLED, site: list = None, camera: dict = None, controller: dict = None): print("Start add_entity in") print(locals()) #Update existing record if company in self.df["company"].tolist(): print("Update existing company: " + company) update_single_value = True add_list_value = True add_key_list_value = True info_dict = {"status": status, "site": site, "camera": camera, "controller": controller} for key in list(info_dict.keys()): if info_dict[key] is not None: if key in ENTITY_SINGLE_VALUE_COLUMNS: update_single_value = update_single_value and self.update_entity_single_value_column( company=company, column=key, value=info_dict[key]) if key in ENTITY_LIST_VALUE_COLUMNS: add_list_value = add_list_value and self.update_entity_list_value_column( company=company, column=key, value=info_dict[key], action="add") if key in ENTITY_KEY_LIST_VALUE_COLUMNS: add_key_list_value = add_key_list_value and self.update_entity_key_list_value_column(company=company, column=key, value=info_dict[key], action="add") return update_single_value and add_list_value and add_key_list_value #Add new record print("Add new company: " + company) [status] = list(map(utilities.none_to_blank, [status])) [site] = list( map(utilities.none_to_blank_list, [site])) [camera, controller] = list( map(utilities.none_to_blank_dict, [camera, controller])) print("status: " + str(status) + " site: " + str(site) + " camera: " + str(camera) + " controller: " + str(controller)) info_dict = {"company": company, "status": status, "site": utilities.list_to_str(site), "camera": utilities.dict_to_str(camera), "controller": utilities.dict_to_str(controller)} print("info to add: " + str(info_dict)) self.df = self.df.append([info_dict], ignore_index=True) print("Added \n" + str(info_dict) + " \nto entity profile") print(self.df) return True
def add_authority(self, email, password=None, status=None, company: list = None, site: dict = None, role: dict = None): print("Start add_authority in") print(locals()) if not utilities.email_is_valid(email): print("Invalid email: " + email) return False #Update existing record if email in self.df["email"].tolist(): print("Update existing user: "******"password": password, "status": status, "company": company, "site": site, "role": role } for key in list(info_dict.keys()): if info_dict[key] is not None: if key in AUTHORITY_SINGLE_VALUE_COLUMNS: update_single_value = update_single_value and self.update_authority_single_value_column( email=email, column=key, value=info_dict[key]) if key in AUTHORITY_LIST_VALUE_COLUMNS: add_list_value = add_list_value and self.update_authority_list_value_column( email=email, column=key, value=info_dict[key], action="add") if key in AUTHORITY_KEY_LIST_VALUE_COLUMNS: add_key_list_value = add_key_list_value and self.update_authority_key_list_value_column( email=email, column=key, value=info_dict[key], action="add") return update_single_value and add_list_value and add_key_list_value #Add new record print("Add new user: "******"company: " + str(company) + " site: " + str(site) + " role: " + str(role)) info_dict = {} info_dict["email"] = email info_dict["password"] = password info_dict["status"] = status info_dict["company"] = utilities.list_to_str(company) info_dict["site"] = utilities.dict_to_str(site) print(info_dict["site"]) info_dict["role"] = utilities.dict_to_str(role) # info_dict = {"email": email, "password": password, "status": status, "company": utilities.list_to_str(company), "site": utilities.list_to_str(site), "role": utilities.list_to_str(role)} print("info to add: " + str(info_dict)) self.df = self.df.append([info_dict], ignore_index=True) print("Added \n" + str(info_dict) + " \nto user profile") print(self.df) return True
def add_role( self, company, custome_role: list, service: dict, ): print("Start add_role in") print(locals()) if company is None or custome_role is None or service is None or company == "" or custome_role == "" or \ service == "" or custome_role == [] or service == {}: return False #Update existing record if self.db_type == "csv": if company in self.df["company"].tolist(): print("Update existing company: " + company) update_single_value = True add_list_value = True add_key_list_value = True info_dict = {"custome_role": custome_role, "service": service} for key in list(info_dict.keys()): if info_dict[key] is not None: if key in ROLE_SINGLE_VALUE_COLUMNS: update_single_value = update_single_value and self.update_role_single_value_column( company=company, column=key, value=info_dict[key]) if key in ROLE_LIST_VALUE_COLUMNS: add_list_value = add_list_value and self.update_role_list_value_column( company=company, column=key, value=info_dict[key], action="add") if key in ROLE_KEY_LIST_VALUE_COLUMNS: add_key_list_value = add_key_list_value and self.update_role_key_list_value_column( company=company, column=key, value=info_dict[key], action="add") return update_single_value and add_list_value and add_key_list_value #Add new record print("Add new company: " + company) info_dict = { "company": company, "custome_role": utilities.list_to_str(custome_role), "service": utilities.dict_to_str(service) } print("info to add: " + str(info_dict)) self.df = self.df.append([info_dict], ignore_index=True) print("Added \n" + str(info_dict) + " \nto role profile") print(self.df) return True