Пример #1
def points_evaluator(rows):
    total_points = 0
    for row in rows:
        if not empty(row['points']):
            total_points += int(row['points'])
    return total_points
Пример #2
	def scorePerPossessionFullGame(self):
		Returns a dictionary where keys are game_ids and values are dictionaries of the form:
				'home':{'team': TEAM_NAME, 'spp': SCORE_PER_POSSESSION},
				'away':{'team': TEAM_NAME, 'spp': SCORE_PER_POSSESSION}
		returnDict = {}

		# game variables
		current_game = None
		game_counter = -1
		total_scores = None

		# possession variables
		current_possession_number = -1
		totaler = None
		current_possession = []

		with open(self.csvfile) as csvfile:
			reader = csv.DictReader(csvfile)
			for row in reader:

				# check if we are looking at a new game
				if row['game_id'] != current_game:

					# evaluate the last possession from the previous game
					if current_possession_number != -1:
						totaler['total'] += self.pe(current_possession)
						totaler['possessions'] += 1

					# add the game to the return dictionary
					if current_game != None:
						avg_scores = {'home':{}, 'away':{}}
						avg_scores['home']['team'] = total_scores['home']['team']
						avg_scores['away']['team'] = total_scores['away']['team']
						avg_scores['home']['spp'] = (total_scores['home']['total'] , total_scores['home']['possessions'])
						avg_scores['away']['spp'] = (total_scores['away']['total'] , total_scores['away']['possessions'])

						returnDict[current_game] = avg_scores

					# reset vars for new game
					current_game = row['game_id']
					game_counter += 1
					total_scores = {
							'home': {'team': None, 'total': 0, 'possessions': 0},
							'away': {'team': None, 'total': 0, 'possessions': 0}
					teams = homeAwayLookup(current_game)
					total_scores['home']['team'] = teams['home']
					total_scores['away']['team'] = teams['away']
					current_possession_number = -1
					totaler = None
					current_possession = []

				# ignore lines without a possession
				if empty(row['possession_number']):

				# check if we have a new possession
				if row['possession_number'] != current_possession_number:
					# add score for the possession
					if current_possession_number != -1:
						totaler['total'] += self.pe(current_possession)
						totaler['possessions'] += 1

					# reset possession variables
					if total_scores['home']['team'] == row['possession_team']:
						totaler = total_scores['home']
						totaler = total_scores['away']
					current_possession_number = row['possession_number']
					current_possession = []


		return returnDict
Пример #3
def points_evaluator(rows):
    total_points = 0
    for row in rows:
        if not empty(row["points"]):
            total_points += int(row["points"])
    return total_points
Пример #4
	def scorePerPossessionAfterEvent(self):
		Returns a dictionary where keys are game_ids and values are dictionaries of the form:
				'home':{'team': TEAM_NAME, 'spp': {'own': SCORE_PER_POSSESSION, 'opp': SCORE_PER_POSSESSION}},
				'away':{'team': TEAM_NAME, 'spp': {'own': SCORE_PER_POSSESSION, 'opp': SCORE_PER_POSSESSION}}
		returnDict = {}

		# game variables
		current_game = None
		game_counter = -1
		total_scores = None

		# possession variables
		current_possession_number = -1
		totaler = None
		current_possession = []
		event_counter = 0
		whose_event = None
		change_event_counter = False

		with open(self.csvfile) as csvfile:
			reader = csv.DictReader(csvfile)
			for row in reader:

				# check if we are looking at a new game
				if row['game_id'] != current_game:

					# evaluate the last possession from the previous game
					if current_possession_number != -1 and event_counter > 0:
						if whose_event == totaler['team']:
							totaler['total']['own'] += self.pe(current_possession)
							totaler['possessions']['own'] += 1
							totaler['total']['opp'] += self.pe(current_possession)
							totaler['possessions']['opp'] += 1
						event_counter -= 1

					# add the game to the return dictionary
					if current_game != None:
						avg_scores = {'home':{'spp':{}}, 'away':{'spp':{}}}
						avg_scores['home']['team'] = total_scores['home']['team']
						avg_scores['away']['team'] = total_scores['away']['team']
						if total_scores['home']['possessions']['own'] != 0:
							avg_scores['home']['spp']['own'] = (total_scores['home']['total']['own'] , total_scores['home']['possessions']['own'])
							avg_scores['home']['spp']['own'] = None

						if total_scores['home']['possessions']['opp'] != 0:
							avg_scores['home']['spp']['opp'] = (total_scores['home']['total']['opp'] , total_scores['home']['possessions']['opp'])
							avg_scores['home']['spp']['opp'] = None

						if total_scores['away']['possessions']['own'] != 0:
							avg_scores['away']['spp']['own'] = (total_scores['away']['total']['own'] , total_scores['away']['possessions']['own'])
							avg_scores['away']['spp']['own'] = None

						if total_scores['away']['possessions']['opp'] != 0:
							avg_scores['away']['spp']['opp'] = (total_scores['away']['total']['opp'] , total_scores['away']['possessions']['opp'])
							avg_scores['away']['spp']['opp'] = None

						returnDict[current_game] = avg_scores

					# reset vars for new game
					current_game = row['game_id']
					game_counter += 1
					total_scores = {
							'home': {'team': None, 'total': {'opp':0, 'own':0}, 'possessions': {'opp':0, 'own':0}},
							'away': {'team': None, 'total': {'opp':0, 'own':0}, 'possessions': {'opp':0, 'own':0}}
					teams = homeAwayLookup(current_game)
					total_scores['home']['team'] = teams['home']
					total_scores['away']['team'] = teams['away']
					current_possession_number = -1
					totaler = None
					event_counter = 0
					current_possession = []
					whose_event = None

				# ignore lines without a possession
				if empty(row['possession_number']):

				# check if we have a new possession
				if row['possession_number'] != current_possession_number:
					# add score for the possession
					if current_possession_number != -1 and event_counter > 0 and current_possession != []:
						if whose_event == totaler['team']:
							totaler['total']['own'] += self.pe(current_possession)
							totaler['possessions']['own'] += 1
							totaler['total']['opp'] += self.pe(current_possession)
							totaler['possessions']['opp'] += 1
						event_counter -= 1

					# reset possession variables
					if total_scores['home']['team'] == row['possession_team']:
						totaler = total_scores['home']
						totaler = total_scores['away']
					current_possession_number = row['possession_number']
					current_possession = []

				if change_event_counter:
					event_counter = change_event_counter[0]
					whose_event = change_event_counter[1]
					change_event_counter = False

				# check if we have an event:
				if self.ef(row):
					change_event_counter = [self.ptt, row['possession_team']]

		return returnDict