for this_sim in simulations: for this_atom_pair in atom_pairs: this_lig = [] for this_traj in [this_sim]: this_lig.extend( md_dist.compute_distances(this_traj, [this_atom_pair])) distances.append(this_lig) dist_path = '/home/shenglan/TryMSMbuilder/output/ten_ligands/dist_to_binding'\ +'_s'+str(LOAD_STRIDE)+'.out' pickle.dump(distances, open(dist_path, 'wb')) # get N positions sequences_all = [] for this_sim in simulations: this_seq = util.featurize_RawPos(inds_N, [this_sim]) sequences_all.extend(this_seq) seq_path = '/home/shenglan/TryMSMbuilder/output/ten_ligands/sequences' + '_s' + str( LOAD_STRIDE) + '.out' pickle.dump(sequences_all, open(seq_path, 'wb')) clustering = KCenters(n_clusters=N_CLUSTER) geo_assign = clustering.fit_predict(sequences_all) centers = clustering.cluster_centers_ geo_assign_path = '/home/shenglan/TryMSMbuilder/output/ten_ligands/KC_geoassign_c' \ +str(N_CLUSTER)+'_s'+str(LOAD_STRIDE)+'.out' pickle.dump(geo_assign, open(geo_assign_path, 'wb')) micro_msm = MarkovStateModel(lag_time=1, reversible_type='transpose',
inds.append(iis) #track residue Aps113 first_res = str(simulations[0][0].topology.chain(0).residue(0)) import re match = re.match(r"([a-z]+)([0-9]+)", first_res, re.I) if match: items = match.groups() first_res_number = int(items[-1]) target_res = simulations[0][0].topology.chain(0).residue(113-first_res_number) res_ind = [atom.index for atom in target_res.atoms if in ['OD1']] #sequences of coordinates of ligand aromatic ring and Aps113 sequences_all = [] for this_sim in simulations: this_seq = util.featurize_RawPos(inds,this_sim) sequences_all.extend(this_seq) #print len(sequences_all) #print sequences_all[-1].shape #average position of Asp113 #res_pos_ave = np.mean(res_pos_A_1[0],axis = 0) # time_step = util.calc_time_step(times_path,stride = LOAD_STRIDE) # clustering = KCenters(n_clusters = 10) assignments = clustering.fit_predict(sequences_all) centers = clustering.cluster_centers_ #print len(assignments)
ligands = ['ALP%d' % (ii + 1) for ii in range(10)] print ligands print test_traj[0].topology.chain(0).atom(4667).residue for ligand in ligands: iis = [ atom.index for atom in test_traj[0].topology.chain(0).atoms if atom.element.symbol in atoms_to_track and str(atom.residue) == ligand ] inds_N.append(iis) # inds_N = [[atom.index] for atom in test_traj[0].topology.chain(0).atoms if atom.element.symbol in atoms_to_track # and 'ALP'] print inds_N test_seq = util.featurize_RawPos(inds_N, test_traj) print test_seq[0][0] print test_seq[1][0] for atom_idx in inds_N: print(tuple(test_traj[0].xyz[0, atom_idx, :])) print(tuple(test_traj[0].xyz[0, 4979, :])) print test_traj[0] # # test_traj2 = md.load_dcd(parent_dir + run_dirs[0] + '/' + files[0] # , top = '/home/shenglan/topologies/test.pdb' # , stride = LOAD_STRIDE # ) #
inds_N.append(iis) inds_all = [] #indices of all atoms, separated by ligands for ligand in ligands: iis = [ atom.index for atom in simulations[0][0].topology.chain(0).atoms if str(atom.residue) == ligand ] inds_all.append(iis) # #sequences of coordinates of ligands and Aps113 total_frames = 0 sequences_all = [] for this_sim in simulations: if use_COM: this_seq = util.featurize_RawPos(inds_all, this_sim, average=True) else: this_seq = util.featurize_RawPos(inds_N, this_sim) total_frames = this_seq[0].shape[0] * 10 + total_frames sequences_all.extend(this_seq) print('the total number of conformations we are clustering is %d.' % total_frames) time_step = util.calc_time_step(times_path, stride=LOAD_STRIDE) clustering = KCenters(n_clusters=N_CLUSTER) assignments = clustering.fit_predict(sequences_all) centers = clustering.cluster_centers_ # # print len(assignments) # print assignments[1].shape
for ligand in ligands: iis = [atom.index for atom in simulations[0][0].topology.chain(0).atoms if atom.element.symbol in atoms_to_track and atom.residue == ligand] inds_N.append(iis) inds_all = [] #indices of all atoms, separated by ligands for ligand in ligands: iis = [atom.index for atom in simulations[0][0].topology.chain(0).atoms if atom.residue == ligand] inds_all.append(iis) #sequences of coordinates of ligands and Aps113 total_frames = 0 sequences_all = [] for this_sim in simulations: if use_COM: this_seq = util.featurize_RawPos(inds_all,this_sim,average = True) else: this_seq = util.featurize_RawPos(inds_N,this_sim) total_frames = this_seq[0].shape[0]*10+total_frames sequences_all.extend(this_seq) print('the total number of conformations we are clustering is %d.' % total_frames) # print len(sequences_all) # print sequences_all[-1].shape # res_pos = [] # res_pos_ave =[] # total_frames = 0 # for this_sim in simulations: # this_seq = util.featurize_RawPos(res_ind,this_sim)
distances = [] for this_sim in simulations: for this_atom_pair in atom_pairs: this_lig = [] for this_traj in [this_sim]: this_lig.extend(md_dist.compute_distances(this_traj,[this_atom_pair])) distances.append(this_lig) dist_path = '/home/shenglan/TryMSMbuilder/output/ten_ligands/dist_to_binding'\ +'_s'+str(LOAD_STRIDE)+'.out' pickle.dump(distances,open(dist_path,'wb')) # get N positions sequences_all = [] for this_sim in simulations: this_seq = util.featurize_RawPos(inds_N,[this_sim]) sequences_all.extend(this_seq) seq_path = '/home/shenglan/TryMSMbuilder/output/ten_ligands/sequences'+'_s'+str(LOAD_STRIDE)+'.out' pickle.dump(sequences_all,open(seq_path,'wb')) clustering = KCenters(n_clusters = N_CLUSTER) geo_assign = clustering.fit_predict(sequences_all) centers = clustering.cluster_centers_ geo_assign_path = '/home/shenglan/TryMSMbuilder/output/ten_ligands/KC_geoassign_c' \ +str(N_CLUSTER)+'_s'+str(LOAD_STRIDE)+'.out' pickle.dump(geo_assign,open(geo_assign_path,'wb')) micro_msm = MarkovStateModel(lag_time=1, reversible_type = 'transpose', ergodic_cutoff = 'off' ,verbose=True).fit(geo_assign)
inds_N =[] #indices of N atom atoms_to_track =['N'] ligands = ['ALP%d'%(ii+1) for ii in range(10)] print ligands print test_traj[0].topology.chain(0).atom(4667).residue for ligand in ligands: iis = [atom.index for atom in test_traj[0].topology.chain(0).atoms if atom.element.symbol in atoms_to_track and str(atom.residue)==ligand] inds_N.append(iis) # inds_N = [[atom.index] for atom in test_traj[0].topology.chain(0).atoms if atom.element.symbol in atoms_to_track # and 'ALP'] print inds_N test_seq = util.featurize_RawPos(inds_N,test_traj) print test_seq[0][0] print test_seq[1][0] for atom_idx in inds_N: print(tuple(test_traj[0].xyz[0, atom_idx,:])) print(tuple(test_traj[0].xyz[0, 4979,:])) print test_traj[0] # # test_traj2 = md.load_dcd(parent_dir + run_dirs[0] + '/' + files[0] # , top = '/home/shenglan/topologies/test.pdb' # , stride = LOAD_STRIDE # ) #