def parseExceptionsFile(filename):
    safename = utf8_str(filename)
    words_list = []
    snippet = min(32, os.path.getsize(pathof(safename)))
    raw = open(pathof(safename), 'rb').read(snippet)
    if raw.startswith(codecs.BOM_UTF8):
        enc = 'utf-8-sig'
        encodings = ['utf-8', 'utf-16' 'windows-1252', 'windows-1250']
        for e in encodings:
                fh = file_open(pathof(safename), 'r', encoding=e)
            except UnicodeDecodeError:
                print('Got unicode error with %s , trying different encoding' %
        enc = e
        with file_open(pathof(safename), 'r', encoding=enc) as fd:
            words_list = [line.rstrip() for line in fd]
        # words_list = filter(None, words_list)
        words_list = [_f for _f in words_list if _f]
        print('Parsing apostrophe exception file %s' % filename)
        print('Error parsing apostrophe exception file %s: ignoring' %
        words_list = []
    return words_list
def parseExceptionsFile(filename):
    safename = utf8_str(filename)
    words_list = []
    snippet = min(32, os.path.getsize(pathof(safename)))
    raw = open(pathof(safename), 'rb').read(snippet)
    if raw.startswith(codecs.BOM_UTF8):
        enc = 'utf-8-sig'
        encodings = ['utf-8', 'utf-16' 'windows-1252', 'windows-1250']
        for e in encodings:
                fh = file_open(pathof(safename), 'r', encoding=e)
            except UnicodeDecodeError:
                print('Got unicode error with %s , trying different encoding' % e)
        enc = e
        with file_open(pathof(safename), 'r', encoding=enc) as fd:
            words_list = [line.rstrip() for line in fd]
        # words_list = filter(None, words_list)
        words_list = [_f for _f in words_list if _f]
        print('Parsing apostrophe exception file %s' % filename)
        print('Error parsing apostrophe exception file %s: ignoring' % filename)
        words_list = []
    return words_list
    def __init__(self, filename, out_enc):
        self.base_css_rules =  'blockquote { margin: 0em 0em 0em 1.25em }\n'
        self.base_css_rules += 'p { margin: 0em }\n'
        self.base_css_rules += '.bold { font-weight: bold }\n'
        self.base_css_rules += '.italic { font-style: italic }\n'
        self.base_css_rules += '.mbp_pagebreak { page-break-after: always; margin: 0; display: block }\n'
        self.tag_css_rules = {}
        self.tag_css_rule_cnt = 0
        self.path = []
        self.filename = filename

        if out_enc is not None:
                self.wipml = file_open(self.filename, 'r', encoding=out_enc).read()
            except UnicodeDecodeError:
                out_enc = None
        if out_enc is None:
            encodings = ['utf-8', 'windows-1252']
            for enc in encodings:
                    self.wipml = file_open(self.filename, 'r', encoding=enc).read()
                    print ('Guessing markup character encoding')
                except UnicodeDecodeError:
        if out_enc is None:

        self.pos = 0
        self.opfname = self.filename.rsplit('.',1)[0] + '.opf'
        self.opos = 0
        self.meta = ''
        self.cssname = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.filename),'styles.css')
        self.current_font_size = 3
        self.font_history = []
    def makeEPUB(self):
        out_enc = find_output_encoding(self.opffile)
        print('Markup encoded as:', out_enc)
        ml2html = MobiMLConverter(self.htmlfile, out_enc)
        xhtmlstr, css, cssname = ml2html.processml()
        soup = gumbo_bs4.parse(xhtmlstr)
        xhtmlstr = soup.prettyprint_xhtml()
        file_open(self.htmlfile, 'wb').write(xhtmlstr.encode('utf-8'))
        if has_cssutils:
            sheet = cssutils.parseString(css)
            cssutils.ser.prefs.indent = 2 * ' '
            cssutils.ser.prefs.indentClosingBrace = False
            cssutils.ser.prefs.omitLastSemicolon = False
            css = unicode_str(sheet.cssText)
        file_open(cssname, 'wb').write(css.encode('utf-8'))

        with file_open(self.opffile, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as fp:
            newopf = ''
            for line in fp:
                if line.startswith('<item'):
                    if line.find('text/x-oeb1-document'):
                        line = line.replace('text/x-oeb1-document',
                    if line.find('text/html'):
                        line = line.replace('text/html',
                newopf += line
                if line.startswith('<manifest>'):
                    newopf += '<item id="css_file" media-type="text/css" href="styles.css" />\n'

        file_open(self.opffile, 'wb').write(newopf.encode('utf-8'))

        outzip = zipfile.ZipFile(self.epubname, 'w')

        # add the mimetype file uncompressed
        mimetype = 'application/epub+zip'
        fileout = os.path.join(self.outdir, 'mimetype')
        file_open(fileout, 'wb').write(mimetype.encode('utf-8'))
        nzinfo = ZipInfo('mimetype', compress_type=zipfile.ZIP_STORED)
        outzip.writestr(nzinfo, mimetype)

        self.zipUpDir(outzip, self.outdir, 'META-INF')
        if os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.outdir, 'Images')):
            self.removeThumbnailImage(os.path.join(self.outdir, 'Images'))
            self.zipUpDir(outzip, self.outdir, 'Images')

        outzip.write(self.htmlfile, os.path.basename(self.htmlfile),
        outzip.write(self.opffile, os.path.basename(self.opffile),
        outzip.write(cssname, 'styles.css', zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED)

        if os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.outdir, 'toc.ncx')):
            outzip.write(os.path.join(self.outdir, 'toc.ncx'), 'toc.ncx',
        return self.epubname
    def __init__(self, outdir, htmlfile, opffile):
        self.outdir, self.htmlfile, self.opffile = outdir, htmlfile, opffile
        self.epubname = os.path.join(outdir,'new.epub')
        self.metainf = os.path.join(outdir,'META-INF')
        if not os.path.exists(self.metainf):

        container = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n'
        container += '<container version="1.0" xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:container">\n'
        container += '    <rootfiles>\n'
        container += '<rootfile full-path="{0}" media-type="application/oebps-package+xml"/>'.format(os.path.basename(self.opffile))
        container += '    </rootfiles>\n</container>\n'
        fileout = os.path.join(self.metainf,'container.xml')
    def __init__(self, outdir, htmlfile, opffile):
        self.outdir, self.htmlfile, self.opffile = outdir, htmlfile, opffile
        self.epubname = os.path.join(outdir, 'new.epub')
        self.metainf = os.path.join(outdir, 'META-INF')
        if not os.path.exists(self.metainf):

        container = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n'
        container += '<container version="1.0" xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:container">\n'
        container += '    <rootfiles>\n'
        container += '<rootfile full-path="{0}" media-type="application/oebps-package+xml"/>'.format(
        container += '    </rootfiles>\n</container>\n'
        fileout = os.path.join(self.metainf, 'container.xml')
        file_open(fileout, 'wb').write(container.encode('utf-8'))
    def makeEPUB(self):
        out_enc = find_output_encoding(self.opffile)
        print ('Markup encoded as:', out_enc)
        ml2html = MobiMLConverter(self.htmlfile, out_enc)
        xhtmlstr, css, cssname = ml2html.processml()
        if has_cssutils:
            sheet = cssutils.parseString(css)
            cssutils.ser.prefs.indent = 2*' '
            cssutils.ser.prefs.indentClosingBrace = False
            cssutils.ser.prefs.omitLastSemicolon = False
            css = unicode_str(sheet.cssText)

        with file_open(self.opffile, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as fp:
            newopf = ''
            for line in fp:
                if line.startswith('<item'):
                    if line.find('text/x-oeb1-document'):
                        line = line.replace('text/x-oeb1-document', 'application/xhtml+xml')
                    if line.find('text/html'):
                        line = line.replace('text/html', 'application/xhtml+xml')
                newopf += line
                if line.startswith('<manifest>'):
                    newopf += '<item id="css_file" media-type="text/css" href="styles.css" />\n'


        outzip = zipfile.ZipFile(self.epubname, 'w')

        # add the mimetype file uncompressed
        mimetype = 'application/epub+zip'
        fileout = os.path.join(self.outdir,'mimetype')
        nzinfo = ZipInfo('mimetype', compress_type=zipfile.ZIP_STORED)
        outzip.writestr(nzinfo, mimetype)

        if os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.outdir,'Images')):

        outzip.write(self.htmlfile, os.path.basename(self.htmlfile), zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED)
        outzip.write(self.opffile, os.path.basename(self.opffile), zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED)
        outzip.write(cssname, 'styles.css', zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED)

        if os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.outdir, 'toc.ncx')):
            outzip.write(os.path.join(self.outdir, 'toc.ncx'), 'toc.ncx', zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED)
        return self.epubname
    def __init__(self, filename, out_enc):
        self.base_css_rules = 'blockquote { margin: 0em 0em 0em 1.25em }\n'
        self.base_css_rules += 'p { margin: 0em }\n'
        self.base_css_rules += '.bold { font-weight: bold }\n'
        self.base_css_rules += '.italic { font-style: italic }\n'
        self.base_css_rules += '.mbp_pagebreak { page-break-after: always; margin: 0; display: block }\n'
        self.tag_css_rules = {}
        self.tag_css_rule_cnt = 0
        self.path = []
        self.filename = filename

        if out_enc is not None:
                self.wipml = file_open(self.filename, 'r',
            except UnicodeDecodeError:
                out_enc = None
        if out_enc is None:
            encodings = ['utf-8', 'windows-1252']
            for enc in encodings:
                    self.wipml = file_open(self.filename, 'r',
                    print('Guessing markup character encoding')
                except UnicodeDecodeError:
        if out_enc is None:

        self.pos = 0
        self.opfname = self.filename.rsplit('.', 1)[0] + '.opf'
        self.opos = 0
        self.meta = ''
        self.cssname = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.filename),
        self.current_font_size = 3
        self.font_history = []
def run(bk):
    global prefs
    global GUI

    if bk.launcher_version() >= 20170115:
        GUI = 'pyqt'
        GUI = 'tkinter'

    prefs = bk.getPrefs()

    # set default preference values
    if 'use_file_path' not in prefs:
        prefs['use_file_path'] = expanduser('~')
    if 'azw3_epub_version' not in prefs:
        prefs['azw3_epub_version'] = "2"  # A, F, 2 or 3
    if 'use_hd_images' not in prefs:
        prefs['use_hd_images'] = True
    if 'use_src_from_dual_mobi' not in prefs:
        prefs['use_src_from_dual_mobi'] = True
    if 'asin_for_kindlegen_plugin' not in prefs:
        prefs['asin_for_kindlegen_plugin'] = False
    if 'preserve_kindleunpack_meta' not in prefs:
        prefs['preserve_kindleunpack_meta'] = False

    if 'last_time_checked' not in prefs:
        prefs['last_time_checked'] = str( - timedelta(hours=7))
    if 'last_online_version' not in prefs:
        prefs['last_online_version'] = '0.1.0'

    chk = UpdateChecker(prefs['last_time_checked'], prefs['last_online_version'], bk._w)
    update_available, online_version, time = chk.update_info()
    # update preferences with latest date/time/version
    prefs['last_time_checked'] = time
    if online_version is not None:
        prefs['last_online_version'] = online_version
    if update_available:
        title = 'Plugin Update Available'
        msg = 'Version {} of the {} plugin is now available.'.format(online_version, bk._w.plugin_name)
        # update_msgbox(title, msg)
        update_msgbox(title, msg, bk, GUI)

    if _DEBUG_:
        print('Python sys.path', sys.path)
        print('Default AZW3 epub version:', prefs['azw3_epub_version'])

    # inpath = fileChooser()
    inpath = fileChooser(prefs['use_file_path'], bk, GUI)
    if inpath == '' or not os.path.exists(inpath):
        print('No input file selected!')
        return 0

    print('Path to Kindlebook {0}'.format(inpath))
    from mobi_stuff import mobiProcessor, topaz
    if topaz(inpath):
        print('Kindlebook is in Topaz format: can\'t open!')
        return -1

    mobionly = False
    mp = mobiProcessor(inpath, prefs['azw3_epub_version'],  prefs['use_hd_images'])
    # Save last directory accessed to JSON prefs
    prefs['use_file_path'] = pathof(os.path.dirname(inpath))
    if mp.isEncrypted:
        print('Kindlebook is encrypted: can\'t open!')
        return -1
    if mp.isPrintReplica:
        print('Kindlebook is a Print Replica: can\'t open!')
        return -1
    if not mp.isComboFile and not mp.isKF8:
        mobionly = True

    with make_temp_directory() as temp_dir:
        TWEAK = True
        asin = None
        if not mobionly:
            epub, opf, src = mp.unpackEPUB(temp_dir)
            if src is not None and isEPUB(src) and prefs['use_src_from_dual_mobi']:
                print('Using included kindlegen sources.')
                epub = src
                # If user requested no tweaks through preferences, use standard epub from KindleUnpack
                if not prefs['asin_for_kindlegen_plugin'] and not prefs['preserve_kindleunpack_meta']:
                    TWEAK = False
                elif prefs['asin_for_kindlegen_plugin']:
                    if opf is not None:
                        # Get asin from metadata and put it in a dc:meta that the Kindlegen plugin can use.
                        asin = get_asin(opf)
                        if asin is not None:
                            asin = unicode_str(asin)
                        TWEAK = False
                if TWEAK:
                    # Modify the opf with the requested tweaks and build a new epub
                    if tweak_opf(opf, asin, epub_version=prefs['azw3_epub_version'], preserve_comments=prefs['preserve_kindleunpack_meta']):
                        with temp_epub_handle(delete=False) as new_epub:
                            epub_zip_up_book_contents(os.path.join(temp_dir,'mobi8'), new_epub)
                        epub = new_epub
            from quickepub import QuickEpub
            mobidir, mobi_html, mobi_opf, mobiBaseName = mp.unpackMOBI(temp_dir)
            if not prefs['asin_for_kindlegen_plugin'] and not prefs['preserve_kindleunpack_meta']:
                TWEAK = False
            elif prefs['asin_for_kindlegen_plugin']:
                if mobi_opf is not None:
                    # Get asin from metadata and put it in a dc:meta that the Kindlegen plugin can use.
                    asin = get_asin(mobi_opf)
                    if asin is not None:
                        asin = unicode_str(asin)
                        TWEAK = False
            if TWEAK:
                if not tweak_opf(mobi_opf, asin, preserve_comments=prefs['preserve_kindleunpack_meta']):
                    print('OPF manipulation failed!')
                    return -1
            qe = QuickEpub(mobidir, mobi_html, mobi_opf)
            epub = qe.makeEPUB()

        # Save prefs to json
        print('Path to epub or src {0}'.format(epub))
        with file_open(epub,'rb')as fp:
            data =
        bk.addotherfile('dummy.epub', data)

    return 0
Пример #10
def run(bk):
    global prefs
    prefs = bk.getPrefs()

    # set default preference values
    if 'use_file_path' not in prefs:
        prefs['use_file_path'] = expanduser('~')
    if 'check_for_updates' not in prefs:
        prefs['check_for_updates'] = True
    if 'last_time_checked' not in prefs:
        prefs['last_time_checked'] = str( - timedelta(hours=delta+1))
    if 'last_online_version' not in prefs:
        prefs['last_online_version'] = '0.1.0'

    if prefs['check_for_updates']:
        chk = UpdateChecker(prefs['last_time_checked'], prefs['last_online_version'], bk._w)
        update_available, online_version, time = chk.update_info()
        # update preferences with latest date/time/version
        prefs['last_time_checked'] = time
        if online_version is not None:
            prefs['last_online_version'] = online_version
        if update_available:
            title = 'Plugin Update Available'
            msg = 'Version {} of the {} plugin is now available.'.format(online_version, bk._w.plugin_name)
            show_msgbox(title, msg, 'info')

    if 'META-INF/{}'.format(XMLFILE) in bk._w.other:
        title = 'File Already Present!'
        msg = 'The {} file is already present. Please delete it before trying to add another'.format(XMLFILE)
        show_msgbox(title, msg, 'error')
        return 0

    if _DEBUG_:
        print('Python sys.path: {}\n'.format(sys.path))

    inpath = fileChooser()
    if inpath == '' or not os.path.exists(inpath):
        print('iBooks XML file selection canceled!')
        return 0

    if _DEBUG_:
        print('Path to XML file: {}\n'.format(inpath))

    # Save last directory accessed to JSON prefs
    prefs['use_file_path'] = pathof(os.path.dirname(inpath))

    # Save prefs to json

        with file_open(inpath,'rb')as fp:
            data =
        title = 'Unexpected error!'
        msg = 'Error reading the {} file. Perhaps it is corrupt or missing?'.format(XMLFILE)
        show_msgbox(title, msg, 'error')
        return -1

    if _DEBUG_:
        print('Internal epub href: META-INF/{}\n'.format(XMLFILE))

    bk.addotherfile('META-INF/{}'.format(XMLFILE), data)

    return 0
Пример #11
def run(bk):
    global prefs
    prefs = bk.getPrefs()

    # set default preference values
    if 'use_file_path' not in prefs:
        prefs['use_file_path'] = expanduser('~')
    if 'check_for_updates' not in prefs:
        prefs['check_for_updates'] = True
    if 'last_time_checked' not in prefs:
        prefs['last_time_checked'] = str( -
                                         timedelta(hours=delta + 1))
    if 'last_online_version' not in prefs:
        prefs['last_online_version'] = '0.1.0'

    if prefs['check_for_updates']:
        chk = UpdateChecker(prefs['last_time_checked'],
                            prefs['last_online_version'], bk._w)
        update_available, online_version, time = chk.update_info()
        # update preferences with latest date/time/version
        prefs['last_time_checked'] = time
        if online_version is not None:
            prefs['last_online_version'] = online_version
        if update_available:
            title = 'Plugin Update Available'
            msg = 'Version {} of the {} plugin is now available.'.format(
                online_version, bk._w.plugin_name)
            show_msgbox(title, msg, 'info')

    if 'META-INF/{}'.format(XMLFILE) in bk._w.other:
        title = 'File Already Present!'
        msg = 'The {} file is already present. Please delete it before trying to add another'.format(
        show_msgbox(title, msg, 'error')
        return 0

    if _DEBUG_:
        print('Python sys.path: {}\n'.format(sys.path))

    inpath = fileChooser()
    if inpath == '' or not os.path.exists(inpath):
        print('iBooks XML file selection canceled!')
        return 0

    if _DEBUG_:
        print('Path to XML file: {}\n'.format(inpath))

    # Save last directory accessed to JSON prefs
    prefs['use_file_path'] = pathof(os.path.dirname(inpath))

    # Save prefs to json

        with file_open(inpath, 'rb') as fp:
            data =
        title = 'Unexpected error!'
        msg = 'Error reading the {} file. Perhaps it is corrupt or missing?'.format(
        show_msgbox(title, msg, 'error')
        return -1

    if _DEBUG_:
        print('Internal epub href: META-INF/{}\n'.format(XMLFILE))

    bk.addotherfile('META-INF/{}'.format(XMLFILE), data)

    return 0
Пример #12
def run(bk):
    global prefs
    prefs = bk.getPrefs()

    # set default preference values
    if 'use_file_path' not in prefs:
        prefs['use_file_path'] = expanduser('~')
    if 'azw3_epub_version' not in prefs:
        prefs['azw3_epub_version'] = "2"  # A, F, 2 or 3
    if 'use_hd_images' not in prefs:
        prefs['use_hd_images'] = True
    if 'use_src_from_dual_mobi' not in prefs:
        prefs['use_src_from_dual_mobi'] = True
    if 'asin_for_kindlegen_plugin' not in prefs:
        prefs['asin_for_kindlegen_plugin'] = False
    if 'preserve_kindleunpack_meta' not in prefs:
        prefs['preserve_kindleunpack_meta'] = False

    if 'last_time_checked' not in prefs:
        prefs['last_time_checked'] = str( - timedelta(hours=7))
    if 'last_online_version' not in prefs:
        prefs['last_online_version'] = '0.1.0'

    chk = UpdateChecker(prefs['last_time_checked'], prefs['last_online_version'], bk._w)
    update_available, online_version, time = chk.update_info()
    # update preferences with latest date/time/version
    prefs['last_time_checked'] = time
    if online_version is not None:
        prefs['last_online_version'] = online_version
    if update_available:
        title = 'Plugin Update Available'
        msg = 'Version {} of the {} plugin is now available.'.format(online_version, bk._w.plugin_name)
        update_msgbox(title, msg)

    if _DEBUG_:
        print('Python sys.path', sys.path)
        print('Default AZW3 epub version:', prefs['azw3_epub_version'])

    inpath = fileChooser()
    if inpath == '' or not os.path.exists(inpath):
        print('No input file selected!')
        return 0

    print ('Path to Kindlebook {0}'.format(inpath))
    from mobi_stuff import mobiProcessor, topaz
    if topaz(inpath):
        print('Kindlebook is in Topaz format: can\'t open!')
        return -1

    mobionly = False
    mp = mobiProcessor(inpath, prefs['azw3_epub_version'],  prefs['use_hd_images'])
    # Save last directory accessed to JSON prefs
    prefs['use_file_path'] = pathof(os.path.dirname(inpath))
    if mp.isEncrypted:
        print('Kindlebook is encrypted: can\'t open!')
        return -1
    if mp.isPrintReplica:
        print('Kindlebook is a Print Replica: can\'t open!')
        return -1
    if not mp.isComboFile and not mp.isKF8:
        mobionly = True

    with make_temp_directory() as temp_dir:
        TWEAK = True
        asin = None
        if not mobionly:
            epub, opf, src = mp.unpackEPUB(temp_dir)
            if src is not None and isEPUB(src) and prefs['use_src_from_dual_mobi']:
                print ('Using included kindlegen sources.')
                epub = src
                # If user requested no tweaks through preferences, use standard epub from KindleUnpack
                if not prefs['asin_for_kindlegen_plugin'] and not prefs['preserve_kindleunpack_meta']:
                    TWEAK = False
                elif prefs['asin_for_kindlegen_plugin']:
                    if opf is not None:
                        # Get asin from metadata and put it in a dc:meta that the Kindlegen plugin can use.
                        asin = get_asin(opf)
                        if asin is not None:
                            asin = unicode_str(asin)
                        TWEAK = False
                if TWEAK:
                    # Modify the opf with the requested tweaks and build a new epub
                    if tweak_opf(opf, asin, preserve_comments=prefs['preserve_kindleunpack_meta']):
                        with temp_epub_handle(delete=False) as new_epub:
                            epub_zip_up_book_contents(os.path.join(temp_dir,'mobi8'), new_epub)
                        epub = new_epub
            from quickepub import QuickEpub
            mobidir, mobi_html, mobi_opf, mobiBaseName = mp.unpackMOBI(temp_dir)
            if not prefs['asin_for_kindlegen_plugin'] and not prefs['preserve_kindleunpack_meta']:
                TWEAK = False
            elif prefs['asin_for_kindlegen_plugin']:
                if mobi_opf is not None:
                    # Get asin from metadata and put it in a dc:meta that the Kindlegen plugin can use.
                    asin = get_asin(mobi_opf)
                    if asin is not None:
                        asin = unicode_str(asin)
                        TWEAK = False
            if TWEAK:
                if not tweak_opf(mobi_opf, asin, preserve_comments=prefs['preserve_kindleunpack_meta']):
                    print('OPF manipulation failed!')
                    return -1
            qe = QuickEpub(mobidir, mobi_html, mobi_opf)
            epub = qe.makeEPUB()

        # Save prefs to json
        print ('Path to epub or src {0}'.format(epub))
        with file_open(epub,'rb')as fp:
            data =
        bk.addotherfile('dummy.epub', data)

    return 0