Пример #1
    def getTemplateCount(self):
        Get the number of stored templates.

        @return integer(2 bytes)

        packetPayload = (FINGERPRINT_TEMPLATECOUNT, )

        self.__writePacket(FINGERPRINT_COMMANDPACKET, packetPayload)
        receivedPacket = self.__readPacket()

        receivedPacketType = receivedPacket[0]
        receivedPacketPayload = receivedPacket[1]

        if (receivedPacketType != FINGERPRINT_ACKPACKET):
            raise Exception('The received packet is no ack packet!')

        ## DEBUG: Read successfully
        if (receivedPacketPayload[0] == FINGERPRINT_OK):
            templateCount = utilities.leftShift(receivedPacketPayload[1], 8)
            templateCount = templateCount | utilities.leftShift(
                receivedPacketPayload[2], 0)
            return templateCount

        elif (receivedPacketPayload[0] == FINGERPRINT_ERROR_COMMUNICATION):
            raise Exception('Communication error')

            raise Exception('Unknown error')
Пример #2
    def compareCharacteristics(self):
        Compare the finger characteristics of CharBuffer1 with CharBuffer2 and return the accuracy score.

        @return integer(2 bytes)


        self.__writePacket(FINGERPRINT_COMMANDPACKET, packetPayload)
        receivedPacket = self.__readPacket()

        receivedPacketType = receivedPacket[0]
        receivedPacketPayload = receivedPacket[1]

        if (receivedPacketType != FINGERPRINT_ACKPACKET):
            raise Exception('The received packet is no ack packet!')

        ## DEBUG: Comparation successful
        if (receivedPacketPayload[0] == FINGERPRINT_OK):
            accuracyScore = utilities.leftShift(receivedPacketPayload[1], 8)
            accuracyScore = accuracyScore | utilities.leftShift(
                receivedPacketPayload[2], 0)
            return accuracyScore

        elif (receivedPacketPayload[0] == FINGERPRINT_ERROR_COMMUNICATION):
            raise Exception('Communication error')

        ## DEBUG: The characteristics do not matching
        elif (receivedPacketPayload[0] == FINGERPRINT_ERROR_NOTMATCHING):
            return 0

            raise Exception('Unknown error')
Пример #3
    def generateRandomNumber(self):
        Generates a random 32-bit decimal number.

        @author: Philipp Meisberger <*****@*****.**>

        @return int
        The generated random number

        self.__writePacket(FINGERPRINT_COMMANDPACKET, packetPayload)
        receivedPacket = self.__readPacket()

        receivedPacketType = receivedPacket[0]
        receivedPacketPayload = receivedPacket[1]

        if (receivedPacketType != FINGERPRINT_ACKPACKET):
            raise Exception('The received packet is no ack packet!')

        if (receivedPacketPayload[0] == FINGERPRINT_OK):

        elif (receivedPacketPayload[0] == FINGERPRINT_ERROR_COMMUNICATION):
            raise Exception('Communication error')

            raise Exception('Unknown error')

        number = 0
        number = number | utilities.leftShift(receivedPacketPayload[1], 24)
        number = number | utilities.leftShift(receivedPacketPayload[2], 16)
        number = number | utilities.leftShift(receivedPacketPayload[3], 8)
        number = number | utilities.leftShift(receivedPacketPayload[4], 0)
        return number
Пример #4
    def getTemplateCount(self):
        Get the number of stored templates.

        @return integer(2 bytes)

        packetPayload = (

        self.__writePacket(FINGERPRINT_COMMANDPACKET, packetPayload)
        receivedPacket = self.__readPacket()

        receivedPacketType = receivedPacket[0]
        receivedPacketPayload = receivedPacket[1]

        if ( receivedPacketType != FINGERPRINT_ACKPACKET ):
            raise Exception('The received packet is no ack packet!')

        ## DEBUG: Read successfully
        if ( receivedPacketPayload[0] == FINGERPRINT_OK ):
            templateCount = utilities.leftShift(receivedPacketPayload[1], 8)
            templateCount = templateCount | utilities.leftShift(receivedPacketPayload[2], 0)
            return templateCount

        elif ( receivedPacketPayload[0] == FINGERPRINT_ERROR_COMMUNICATION ):
            raise Exception('Communication error')

            raise Exception('Unknown error')
Пример #5
    def compareCharacteristics(self):
        Compare the finger characteristics of CharBuffer1 with CharBuffer2 and return the accuracy score.

        @return integer(2 bytes)

        packetPayload = (

        self.__writePacket(FINGERPRINT_COMMANDPACKET, packetPayload)
        receivedPacket = self.__readPacket()

        receivedPacketType = receivedPacket[0]
        receivedPacketPayload = receivedPacket[1]

        if ( receivedPacketType != FINGERPRINT_ACKPACKET ):
            raise Exception('The received packet is no ack packet!')

        ## DEBUG: Comparation successful
        if ( receivedPacketPayload[0] == FINGERPRINT_OK ):
            accuracyScore = utilities.leftShift(receivedPacketPayload[1], 8)
            accuracyScore = accuracyScore | utilities.leftShift(receivedPacketPayload[2], 0)
            return accuracyScore

        elif ( receivedPacketPayload[0] == FINGERPRINT_ERROR_COMMUNICATION ):
            raise Exception('Communication error')

        ## DEBUG: The characteristics do not matching
        elif ( receivedPacketPayload[0] == FINGERPRINT_ERROR_NOTMATCHING ):
            return 0

            raise Exception('Unknown error')
Пример #6
    def searchTemplate(self):
        Search the finger characteristiccs in CharBuffer in database.

        Return a tuple that contain the following information:
        0: integer(2 bytes) The position number of found template.
        1: integer(2 bytes) The accuracy score of found template.

        @return tuple

        ## CharBuffer1 and CharBuffer2 are the same in this case
        charBufferNumber = 0x01

        ## Begin search at index 0
        positionStart = 0x0000
        templatesCount = self.getStorageCapacity()

        packetPayload = (
            utilities.rightShift(positionStart, 8),
            utilities.rightShift(positionStart, 0),
            utilities.rightShift(templatesCount, 8),
            utilities.rightShift(templatesCount, 0),

        self.__writePacket(FINGERPRINT_COMMANDPACKET, packetPayload)
        receivedPacket = self.__readPacket()

        receivedPacketType = receivedPacket[0]
        receivedPacketPayload = receivedPacket[1]

        if (receivedPacketType != FINGERPRINT_ACKPACKET):
            raise Exception('The received packet is no ack packet!')

        ## DEBUG: Found template
        if (receivedPacketPayload[0] == FINGERPRINT_OK):

            positionNumber = utilities.leftShift(receivedPacketPayload[1], 8)
            positionNumber = positionNumber | utilities.leftShift(
                receivedPacketPayload[2], 0)

            accuracyScore = utilities.leftShift(receivedPacketPayload[3], 8)
            accuracyScore = accuracyScore | utilities.leftShift(
                receivedPacketPayload[4], 0)

            return (positionNumber, accuracyScore)

        elif (receivedPacketPayload[0] == FINGERPRINT_ERROR_COMMUNICATION):
            raise Exception('Communication error')

        ## DEBUG: Did not found a matching template
        elif (receivedPacketPayload[0] == FINGERPRINT_ERROR_NOTEMPLATEFOUND):
            return (-1, -1)

            raise Exception('Unknown error')
Пример #7
    def searchTemplate(self):
        Search the finger characteristiccs in CharBuffer in database.

        Return a tuple that contain the following information:
        0: integer(2 bytes) The position number of found template.
        1: integer(2 bytes) The accuracy score of found template.

        @return tuple

        # CharBuffer1 and CharBuffer2 are the same in this case
        charBufferNumber = 0x01

        # Begin search at page 0x0000 for 0x00A3 (means 163) templates
        positionStart = 0x0000
        templatesCount = 0x00A3

        packetPayload = (
            utilities.rightShift(positionStart, 8),
            utilities.rightShift(positionStart, 0),
            utilities.rightShift(templatesCount, 8),
            utilities.rightShift(templatesCount, 0),

        self.__writePacket(FINGERPRINT_COMMANDPACKET, packetPayload)
        receivedPacket = self.__readPacket()

        receivedPacketType = receivedPacket[0]
        receivedPacketPayload = receivedPacket[1]

        if (receivedPacketType != FINGERPRINT_ACKPACKET):
            raise Exception('The received packet is no ack packet!')

        # DEBUG: Found template
        if (receivedPacketPayload[0] == FINGERPRINT_OK):

            positionNumber = utilities.leftShift(receivedPacketPayload[1], 8)
            positionNumber = positionNumber | utilities.leftShift(
                receivedPacketPayload[2], 0)

            accuracyScore = utilities.leftShift(receivedPacketPayload[3], 8)
            accuracyScore = accuracyScore | utilities.leftShift(
                receivedPacketPayload[4], 0)

            return (positionNumber, accuracyScore)

        elif (receivedPacketPayload[0] == FINGERPRINT_ERROR_COMMUNICATION):
            raise Exception('Communication error')

        # DEBUG: Did not found a matching template
        elif (receivedPacketPayload[0] == FINGERPRINT_ERROR_NOTEMPLATEFOUND):
            return (-1, -1)

            raise Exception('Unknown error')
Пример #8
    def getSystemParameters(self):
        Get all available system information of the sensor.

        Return a tuple that contain the following information:
        0: integer(2 bytes) The status register.
        1: integer(2 bytes) The system id.
        2: integer(2 bytes) The storage capacity.
        3: integer(2 bytes) The security level.
        4: integer(4 bytes) The sensor address.
        5: integer(2 bytes) The packet length.
        6: integer(2 bytes) The baudrate.

        @return tuple


        self.__writePacket(FINGERPRINT_COMMANDPACKET, packetPayload)
        receivedPacket = self.__readPacket()

        receivedPacketType = receivedPacket[0]
        receivedPacketPayload = receivedPacket[1]

        if (receivedPacketType != FINGERPRINT_ACKPACKET):
            raise Exception('The received packet is no ack packet!')

        ## DEBUG: Read successfully
        if (receivedPacketPayload[0] == FINGERPRINT_OK):

            statusRegister = utilities.leftShift(
                receivedPacketPayload[1], 8) | utilities.leftShift(
                    receivedPacketPayload[2], 0)
            systemID = utilities.leftShift(receivedPacketPayload[3],
                                           8) | utilities.leftShift(
                                               receivedPacketPayload[4], 0)
            storageCapacity = utilities.leftShift(
                receivedPacketPayload[5], 8) | utilities.leftShift(
                    receivedPacketPayload[6], 0)
            securityLevel = utilities.leftShift(
                receivedPacketPayload[7], 8) | utilities.leftShift(
                    receivedPacketPayload[8], 0)
            deviceAddress = (
                (receivedPacketPayload[9] << 8 | receivedPacketPayload[10]) <<
                8 | receivedPacketPayload[11]) << 8 | receivedPacketPayload[
                    12]  ## TODO
            packetLength = utilities.leftShift(
                receivedPacketPayload[13], 8) | utilities.leftShift(
                    receivedPacketPayload[14], 0)
            baudRate = utilities.leftShift(receivedPacketPayload[15],
                                           8) | utilities.leftShift(
                                               receivedPacketPayload[16], 0)

            return (statusRegister, systemID, storageCapacity, securityLevel,
                    deviceAddress, packetLength, baudRate)

        elif (receivedPacketPayload[0] == FINGERPRINT_ERROR_COMMUNICATION):
            raise Exception('Communication error')

            raise Exception('Unknown error')
Пример #9
    def __readPacket(self):
        Receive a packet from fingerprint sensor.

        Return a tuple that contain the following information:
        0: integer(1 byte) The packet type.
        1: integer(n bytes) The packet payload.

        @return tuple

        receivedPacketData = []
        i = 0

        while (True):

            ## Read one byte
            receivedFragment = self.__serial.read()

            if (len(receivedFragment) != 0):
                receivedFragment = utilities.stringToByte(receivedFragment)
                ## print 'Received packet fragment = ' + hex(receivedFragment)

            ## Insert byte if packet seems valid
            receivedPacketData.insert(i, receivedFragment)
            i += 1

            ## Packet could be complete (the minimal packet size is 12 bytes)
            if (i >= 12):

                ## Check the packet header
                if (receivedPacketData[0] != utilities.rightShift(
                        FINGERPRINT_STARTCODE, 8)
                        or receivedPacketData[1] != utilities.rightShift(
                            FINGERPRINT_STARTCODE, 0)):
                    raise Exception(
                        'The received packet do not begin with a valid header!'

                ## Calculate packet payload length (combine the 2 length bytes)
                packetPayloadLength = utilities.leftShift(
                    receivedPacketData[7], 8)
                packetPayloadLength = packetPayloadLength | utilities.leftShift(
                    receivedPacketData[8], 0)

                ## Check if the packet is still fully received
                ## Condition: index counter < packet payload length + packet frame
                if (i < packetPayloadLength + 9):

                ## At this point the packet should be fully received

                packetType = receivedPacketData[6]

                ## Calculate checksum:
                ## checksum = packet type (1 byte) + packet length (2 bytes) + packet payload (n bytes)
                packetChecksum = packetType + receivedPacketData[
                    7] + receivedPacketData[8]

                packetPayload = []

                ## Collect package payload (ignore the last 2 checksum bytes)
                for j in range(9, 9 + packetPayloadLength - 2):
                    packetChecksum += receivedPacketData[j]

                ## Calculate full checksum of the 2 separate checksum bytes
                receivedChecksum = utilities.leftShift(
                    receivedPacketData[i - 2], 8)
                receivedChecksum = receivedChecksum | utilities.leftShift(
                    receivedPacketData[i - 1], 0)

                if (receivedChecksum != packetChecksum):
                    raise Exception(
                        'The received packet is corrupted (the checksum is wrong)!'

                return (packetType, packetPayload)
Пример #10
    def getSystemParameters(self):
        Get all available system information of the sensor.

        Return a tuple that contain the following information:
        0: integer(2 bytes) The status register.
        1: integer(2 bytes) The system id.
        2: integer(2 bytes) The storage capacity.
        3: integer(2 bytes) The security level.
        4: integer(4 bytes) The sensor address.
        5: integer(2 bytes) The packet length.
        6: integer(2 bytes) The baudrate.

        @return tuple

        packetPayload = (

        self.__writePacket(FINGERPRINT_COMMANDPACKET, packetPayload)
        receivedPacket = self.__readPacket()

        receivedPacketType = receivedPacket[0]
        receivedPacketPayload = receivedPacket[1]

        if ( receivedPacketType != FINGERPRINT_ACKPACKET ):
            raise Exception('The received packet is no ack packet!')

        ## DEBUG: Read successfully
        if ( receivedPacketPayload[0] == FINGERPRINT_OK ):

            statusRegister     = utilities.leftShift(receivedPacketPayload[1], 8) | utilities.leftShift(receivedPacketPayload[2], 0)
            systemID           = utilities.leftShift(receivedPacketPayload[3], 8) | utilities.leftShift(receivedPacketPayload[4], 0)
            storageCapacity    = utilities.leftShift(receivedPacketPayload[5], 8) | utilities.leftShift(receivedPacketPayload[6], 0)
            securityLevel      = utilities.leftShift(receivedPacketPayload[7], 8) | utilities.leftShift(receivedPacketPayload[8], 0)
            deviceAddress      = ((receivedPacketPayload[9] << 8 | receivedPacketPayload[10]) << 8 | receivedPacketPayload[11]) << 8 | receivedPacketPayload[12] ## TODO
            packetLength       = utilities.leftShift(receivedPacketPayload[13], 8) | utilities.leftShift(receivedPacketPayload[14], 0)
            baudRate           = utilities.leftShift(receivedPacketPayload[15], 8) | utilities.leftShift(receivedPacketPayload[16], 0)

            return (statusRegister, systemID, storageCapacity, securityLevel, deviceAddress, packetLength, baudRate)

        elif ( receivedPacketPayload[0] == FINGERPRINT_ERROR_COMMUNICATION ):
            raise Exception('Communication error')

            raise Exception('Unknown error')
Пример #11
    def __readPacket(self):
        Receive a packet from fingerprint sensor.

        Return a tuple that contain the following information:
        0: integer(1 byte) The packet type.
        1: integer(n bytes) The packet payload.

        @return tuple

        receivedPacketData = []
        i = 0

        while ( True ):

            ## Read one byte
            receivedFragment = self.__serial.read()

            if ( len(receivedFragment) != 0 ):
                receivedFragment = utilities.stringToByte(receivedFragment)
                ## print 'Received packet fragment = ' + hex(receivedFragment)

            ## Insert byte if packet seems valid
            receivedPacketData.insert(i, receivedFragment)
            i += 1

            ## Packet could be complete (the minimal packet size is 12 bytes)
            if ( i >= 12 ):

                ## Check the packet header
                if ( receivedPacketData[0] != utilities.rightShift(FINGERPRINT_STARTCODE, 8) or receivedPacketData[1] != utilities.rightShift(FINGERPRINT_STARTCODE, 0) ):
                    raise Exception('The received packet do not begin with a valid header!')

                ## Calculate packet payload length (combine the 2 length bytes)
                packetPayloadLength = utilities.leftShift(receivedPacketData[7], 8)
                packetPayloadLength = packetPayloadLength | utilities.leftShift(receivedPacketData[8], 0)

                ## Check if the packet is still fully received
                ## Condition: index counter < packet payload length + packet frame
                if ( i < packetPayloadLength + 9 ):

                ## At this point the packet should be fully received

                packetType = receivedPacketData[6]

                ## Calculate checksum:
                ## checksum = packet type (1 byte) + packet length (2 bytes) + packet payload (n bytes)
                packetChecksum = packetType + receivedPacketData[7] + receivedPacketData[8]

                packetPayload = []

                ## Collect package payload (ignore the last 2 checksum bytes)
                for j in range(9, 9 + packetPayloadLength - 2):
                    packetChecksum += receivedPacketData[j]

                ## Calculate full checksum of the 2 separate checksum bytes
                receivedChecksum = utilities.leftShift(receivedPacketData[i - 2], 8)
                receivedChecksum = receivedChecksum | utilities.leftShift(receivedPacketData[i - 1], 0)

                if ( receivedChecksum != packetChecksum ):
                    raise Exception('The received packet is corrupted (the checksum is wrong)!')

                return (packetType, packetPayload)