Пример #1
    def get_sanctioned_users_blackout_times(self, start, end):
        A project is 'blacked out' when all of its sanctioned observers
        are unavailable or it is using Project Blackouts.
        User blackouts are much more complicated, thus this method.
        Returns a list of tuples describing the time ranges
        where the project is 'blacked out' by user blackouts in UTC.

        if not self.has_sanctioned_observers():
            return []

        blackouts = [o.user.blackout_set.all() \
                     for o in self.get_sanctioned_observers()]

        # Change all to UTC.
        utcBlackouts = []
        for set in blackouts:
            utc = []
            for b in set:
                utc.extend(b.generateDates(start, end))

        if len(utcBlackouts) == 1: # One observer runs the show.
            return sorted(utcBlackouts[0])

        return AnalogSet.unions(AnalogSet.intersects(utcBlackouts))
Пример #2
    def get_prescheduled_times(start, end, project = None):
        Returns a list of binary tuples of the form (start, end) that
        describe when this project cannot observe because other 
        projects already have scheduled telescope periods during
        the time range specified by the start and end arguments.
        NOTE: this is functionally identical to 
        Project.get_prescheduled_times, but uses a DB query to
        improve performance; Project cannot do this becuase the query
        causes circular references.

        def truncatePeriodRange(p, start, end):
            "we don't care about periods outside of range"
            s = max(p.start, start)
            e = min(p.end(), end)
            return (s, e) 

        # first query DB simply by the time range
        minutes = timedelta2minutes(end - start)
        ps1 = Period.get_periods(start, minutes)

        # now filter out other stuff
        pId = None
        if project is not None:
            pId = project.id
        scheduled = Period_State.get_state('S')
        times = [truncatePeriodRange(p, start, end) for p in ps1 \
            if p.session.project.id != pId \
            and p.state == scheduled \
            and AnalogSet.overlaps((p.start, p.end()), (start, end))]
        return sorted(AnalogSet.unions(times))
Пример #3
 def get_blackout_times(self, start, end):
     A project is 'blacked out' when all of its sanctioned and
     unsanctioned, on-site observers are unavailable, or it is
     using Project Blackouts.
     Returns a list of tuples describing the time ranges
     where the project is 'blacked out' in UTC.
     blackouts = self.get_project_blackout_times(start, end)
     blackouts.extend(self.get_users_blackout_times(start, end))
     return AnalogSet.unions(blackouts)
Пример #4
    def get_prescheduled_times(self, start, end):
        Returns a list of binary tuples of the form (start, end) that
        describe when this project cannot observe because other 
        projects already have scheduled telescope periods during
        the time range specified by the start and end arguments.

        def truncatePeriodRange(p, start, end):
            s = max(p.start, start)
            e = min(p.end(), end)
            return (s, e)

        times = [truncatePeriodRange(d, start, end) \
                 for p in Project.objects.all() \
                 # TBF: that's why this takes so long!  limit the
                 # periods by the time range a little!!!!
                 for d in p.getPeriods() \
                 if p != self and \
                    d.state.abbreviation == 'S' and \
                    AnalogSet.overlaps((d.start, d.end()), (start, end))]
        return sorted(AnalogSet.unions(times))