def load_file(self, file_name, binary=False, instance=None): if not instance: instance = self.check_instance('module load file') module_path = self.module_path( path = os.path.join(module_path, file_name) return load_file(path, binary)
def get_service(self, name, restart=True, create=True): if not self.client: return None service_file = self._service_file(name) services = self.get_spec('services') for dependent in dependents(services, [name]): if dependent != name: dependent_data = self.get_service(dependent, restart=restart, create=create) if not dependent_data: return None service_spec = self.get_service_spec(name) if os.path.isfile(service_file): data = load_json(load_file(service_file)) service = self._service_container(data['id']) if not service and create: service_id = self.start_service(name, **service_spec) service = self._service_container(service_id) if service: if service.status != 'running': if create or restart: self.print("{} {}".format( self.notice_color('Restarting Zimagi service'), self.key_color(name))) service.start() success, service = self._check_service(name, service) if not success: self._service_error(name, service) else: return None data['service'] = service data['ports'] = {} for port_name, port_list in service.attrs['NetworkSettings'][ 'Ports'].items(): if port_list: for port in port_list: if port['HostIp'] == '': data['ports'][port_name] = int( port['HostPort']) break return data elif create: raise ServiceError( "Zimagi could not initialize and load service {}".format( name)) elif create: self.start_service(name, **service_spec) return self.get_service(name) return None
def parse_requirements(self): requirements = [] for path, config in self.index.get_ordered_modules().items(): if 'requirements' in config: for requirement_path in ensure_list(config['requirements']): requirement_path = os.path.join(path, requirement_path) file_contents = load_file(requirement_path) if file_contents: requirements.extend([ req for req in file_contents.split("\n") if req and req[0].strip() != '#' ]) return requirements
def __init__(self, type, name, options = None, initialize = True): super().__init__(type, name) if not options: options = {} if initialize: if options.get('key', None): if os.path.isfile(options['key']): options['key'] = load_file(options['key']) self.initialize(options) self.import_config(options)
def load(cls, path, default=None): if not default: default = {} data = default if os.path.exists(path): data = {} for statement in load_file(path).split("\n"): statement = statement.strip() if statement and statement[0] != '#': (variable, value) = statement.split("=") data[variable] = normalize_value(value) return data
def _store_template_map(self, module, index, template_fields, display_only): self.notice('Template variables:') self.table([['Variable', 'Value', 'Help']] + [[key, value, index.variables[key].get('help', 'NA')] for key, value in template_fields.items()], 'variables')'') for path, info in target = None if isinstance(info, str): target = info info = {} elif info.get('when', True) and 'target' in info: target = info['target'] if target: path_components = os.path.split( self.manager.get_module_path(module, target)) target_path = os.path.join(*path_components) if info.get('template', True): file_content = self._render_package_template(, path, template_fields) else: file_content = load_file( self.manager.get_template_path(, path)) if info.get('location', None) and path.endswith('.yml'): file_data = normalize_value(load_yaml(target_path), strip_quotes=True, parse_json=True) if not file_data: file_data = {} location = info['location'].split('.') embed_data = normalize_value(oyaml.safe_load(file_content), strip_quotes=True, parse_json=True) merge_data = {} iter_data = merge_data for index, key in enumerate(location): if (index + 1) == len(location): iter_data[key] = embed_data else: iter_data[key] = {} iter_data = iter_data[key] file_content = oyaml.dump(deep_merge( file_data, merge_data))'Path', path, 'path')'Target', target, 'target') if info.get('location', None):'location', info['location'], 'location') self.notice('-' * self.display_width) if info.get('template', True):'') if not display_only: create_dir(path_components[0]) save_file(target_path, file_content)
def get_version(self): if not getattr(self, '_version'): self._version = load_file( os.path.join(self.manager.app_dir, 'VERSION')) return self._version
def load_file(self, file_path, encrypted = True): if os.path.isfile(file_path): self._load(load_file(file_path, encrypted), encrypted)