def __init__(self): = {} self.collectorFunctions = [ self.getHttpConnectionsMetrics, # for stub status metrics self.getAccessLogs, self.getWorkers # for ] # the functions which will be used to extract data self.meta = { 'stubStatusUrl': '', 'accessLogPath': '/var/log/nginx/access.log', 'storePath': './store.pkl' } self.cum = {'timeStamp': 0.0} # this is the initial state of data that will be stored , and this is updated as we parse the logs. # this is persistent data store, to store variables which need to be seen even after server stops. try: store = open(self.meta['storePath'], 'rb') data = pickle.load(store) store.close() except: store = open(self.meta['storePath'], 'wb') self.cum = { 'timeStamp': 0.0, "connectionAccepted": 0, "connectionsDropped": 0, 'requestCount': 0, 'IoKiloBytesRead': 0, 'IoKiloBytesWritten': 0 } pickle.dump(self.cum, store) store.close() logger.log('No data in store, service started for the first time.')
def getAccessLogs(self): accessLogsList = [] store = open(self.meta['storePath'], 'rb') #reading the previous persistently stored variable. cumMetrics = pickle.load(store) store.close() isset = False try: with FileReadBackwards( self.meta['accessLogPath'], encoding='utf-8' ) as f: # reading the file backwards till the lines which are generated in the last one minute. for line in f: accessLogData = {} for value in line.split('?'): pair = value.split('*') accessLogData[pair[0].strip()] = pair[1] # we parse the access, #Converting time to unix timestamp format timestamp = datetime.strptime( accessLogData['time_local'], '%d/%b/%Y:%H:%M:%S %z').timestamp() if not isset: new_time_stamp = timestamp isset = True if timestamp <= cumMetrics[ 'timeStamp']: ## Reading till last read log break accessLogsList.append(accessLogData) self.cum['timeStamp'] = new_time_stamp self.extractMetrics(accessLogsList, new_time_stamp) except: logger.log("Error while parsing the access logs of nginx")
def restartNginx(): try: os.popen("systemctl restart nginx") return 1 except: logger.log("Unable to restart the server.") print("Error restarting nginx, please check if you have nginx server installed.") exit()
def cpu(self): """ cpu """ try: cpuTimes = psutil.cpu_times_percent(1)['userCPU']=(cpuTimes.user + cpuTimes.nice)['systemCPU']=cpuTimes.system + cpuTimes.irq + cpuTimes.softirq['idleCPU']=cpuTimes.idle except: logger.log("error accessing cpu percent") return
def swap(self): """ swap memory details """ try: swapMemory = psutil.swap_memory()['totalSwapMemory']['usedSwapMemory']=swapMemory.used/self.val['freeSwapMemory']['percentFreeSwapMemory']=swapMemory.percent except: logger.log("error getting swap memory details") return
def setData(self): handles = [] for i in self.collectorFunctions: handles.append(i()) for thread in handles: thread.join() ## joining all the threads to wait for completion try: store = open( self.meta['storePath'], 'wb' ) # this is persistent data store, to store variables which need to be seen even after server stops. pickle.dump(self.cum, store) # storing the latest data in the store. except: logger.log("error dumping the data to store.") store.close() return
def getData(self): self.getDataFinished = False queue = persistqueue.FIFOSQLiteQueue( './database', auto_commit=True) # here the chunks of number of requests are sent to the database. data = [] while(queue.size > 0): cnt = 0 while(queue.size > 0 and cnt < self.maxReqSize): data.append(queue.get()) cnt += 1 # API call try: print(data) response ='', json={'data':data}, headers={ 'Authorization': 'Bearer '+os.environ.get("TOKEN") }) # this is the posting api call to the backend. logger.log("Successfully sent the data") except: logger.log("There was an api error, request failed") for i in data: queue.put(i) self.getDataFinished = True
def setNginxConfig(): logFormat="""log_format complete 'site*$server_name? server*$host?dest_port*$server_port? dest_ip*$server_addr?' 'src*$remote_addr? src_ip*$realip_remote_addr? user*$remote_user? ' 'time_local*$time_local? protocol*$server_protocol? status*$status? ' 'bytes_out*$bytes_sent? bytes_in*$upstream_bytes_received? ' 'http_referer*$http_referer? http_user_agent*$http_user_agent? ' 'nginx_version*$nginx_version? http_x_forwarded_for*$http_x_forwarded_for? ' 'http_x_header*$http_x_header? uri_query*$query_string? uri_path*$uri? ' 'http_method*$request_method? upstream_response_time*$upstream_response_time? ' 'cookie*$http_cookie? request_time*$request_time? category*$sent_http_content_type? https*$https?' 'remote_addr*$remote_addr? remote_user*$remote_user?' 'request*$request? body_bytes_send*$body_bytes_sent?' 'upstream_adder*$upstream_addr? upstream_status*$upstream_status?' 'upstream_response_length*$upstream_response_length? upstream_cache_status*$upstream_cache_status?' 'http_referer*$http_referer? http_user_agent*$http_user_agent';""" accessLog="access_log /var/log/nginx/access.log complete;" try: file=open('/etc/nginx/nginx.conf', 'r+') file.close() except IOError: logger.log("Unable to read configuration file") print("Please try again, ") exit() x=text.find('log_format') y=text[x:].find(';') text=text[:x]+logFormat+text[x+y+1:] file=open('input.txt','w+') x=text.find('access_log') y=text[x:].find(';') text=text[:x]+accessLog+text[x+y+1:] file=open('input.txt','w+') file.write(text) file.close() logger.log('nginx.conf set successfully!!') return 1
def getHttpConnectionsMetrics(self): try: stubData = requests.get(self.meta['stubStatusUrl']) try: store = open( self.meta['storePath'], 'rb' ) # this is persistent data store, to store variables which need to be seen even after server stops. cumMetrics = pickle.load( store) # getting the data from the store. store.close() stubStatusRegex = re.compile( r'^Active connections: (?P<connections>\d+)\s+[\w ]+\n' r'\s+(?P<accepts>\d+)' r'\s+(?P<handled>\d+)' r'\s+(?P<requests>\d+)' r'\s+Reading:\s+(?P<reading>\d+)' r'\s+Writing:\s+(?P<writing>\d+)' r'\s+Waiting:\s+(?P<waiting>\d+)' ) # regex for parsing the stubStatusText. stubMatchings = stubStatusRegex.match( stubData.text) # returns the matchings. httpMetrics = {} for metric in [ 'connections', 'accepts', 'handled', 'requests', 'reading', 'writing', 'waiting' ]: httpMetrics[metric] = int(['connectionAccepted'] = httpMetrics[ 'accepts'] - cumMetrics[ 'connectionAccepted'] #number of connections accepted till this time.['connectionsDropped'] = httpMetrics[ 'accepts'] - httpMetrics['handled'] - cumMetrics[ 'connectionsDropped'] # number of connections dropped till this time.['activeConnections'] = httpMetrics[ 'connections'] - httpMetrics[ 'waiting'] # number of active connections right now['currentConnections'] = httpMetrics[ 'connections'] # number of connections right now['idleConnections'] = httpMetrics[ 'waiting'] # number of idle connections right now['requestCount'] = httpMetrics['requests'] - cumMetrics[ 'requestCount'] # number of requests that have been sent till now.[ 'currentRequest'] = httpMetrics['reading'] + httpMetrics[ 'writing'] # number of currently active requests that are reading and writing.['readingRequests'] = httpMetrics[ 'reading'] # number of currently active reading headers requests .['writingRequests'] = httpMetrics[ 'writing'] # number of currently active writing requests to clients. #######saving the data in the cumulative variable########### self.cum['connectionAccepted'] = httpMetrics[ 'accepts'] #number of connections accepted till this time. self.cum['connectionsDropped'] = httpMetrics[ 'accepts'] - httpMetrics[ 'handled'] # number of connections dropped till this time. self.cum['requestCount'] = httpMetrics[ 'requests'] # number of requests that have been sent till now. except: logger.log('Unable to parse stubStatusText') except: logger.log("Stub Data not received") return
def getWorkers(self): store = open(self.meta['storePath'], 'rb') #reading the previous persistently stored variable. cumMetrics = pickle.load(store) store.close() try: stream = os.popen("ps xao pid,ppid,command | grep 'nginx[:]'" ) # command to find out the processes of nginx. data = data = data.split('\n') except: logger.log("unable to execute the workers terminal command") processes = [] zombies = [] for line in data: grp = re.match( r'\s*(?P<pid>\d+)\s+(?P<parent_pid>\d+)\s+(?P<command>.+)\s*', line) if not grp: continue pid = int('pid')) processes.append(psutil.Process(pid)) """ memory info nginx.workers.mem.rss nginx.workers.mem.vms nginx.workers.mem.rss_pct """ rss, vms, pct = 0, 0, 0.0 for p in processes: if in zombies: continue try: mem_info = p.memory_info() rss += mem_info.rss vms += mem_info.vms pct += p.memory_percent() except psutil.ZombieProcess: self.zombies.append(['memory.rss'] = rss['memory.vms'] = vms['memory.rss_pct'] = pct['workersCount'] = len(processes) """nginx.workers.fds_count""" fds = 0 for p in processes: if in zombies: continue try: fds += p.num_fds() except psutil.ZombieProcess: self.handle_zombie(['workers.fds_count'] = fds """ io """ # collect raw data read, write = 0, 0 for p in processes: if in zombies: continue try: io = p.io_counters() read += io.read_bytes write += io.write_bytes except psutil.ZombieProcess: self.handle_zombie( # to get kilobytes from bytes. read /= 1024 write /= 1024 # get deltas and store metrics metric_data = {'IoKiloBytesRead': read, 'IoKiloBytesWritten': write} for metric_name in metric_data: value = metric_data[metric_name] value_delta = value - cumMetrics[metric_name] self.cum[metric_name] = value[metric_name] = value_delta