Пример #1
async def parse_gold_info(page_content):
    soup = BeautifulSoup(page_content, 'lxml')

    table = soup.select('table.table-price').__getitem__(1)
    rows = table.find_all('tr')

    # print (last_updated)

    gold_date = str(rows[2].find_all('td')[0].text).strip()
    gold_24 = str(rows[2].find_all('td')[1].text).strip()
    gold_22 = str(rows[2].find_all('td')[3].text).strip()

    # print (gold_22 + " " + gold_24 + " " + gold_date)

    table = soup.select('table.table-price').__getitem__(3)
    rows = table.find_all("tr")

    silver_date = str(rows[1].find_all('td')[0].text).strip()
    silver = str(rows[1].find_all('td')[1].text).strip()

    # print (silver_date + " " + silver)

    last_updated = soup.find_all('p', class_='mob-cont')[0]
    last_updated = last_updated.text.strip()
    idx = util.index_of(last_updated, ":")
    if idx > 0:
        last_updated = last_updated[idx + 1:len(last_updated)]

    rate_info = RateInfo.RateInfo(gold_22, gold_24, silver, gold_date,

    return rate_info
Пример #2
async def parse_google_weather(page_content):
    soup = BeautifulSoup(page_content, 'lxml')

    seg_temp = soup.find_all('div', {'id': 'wob_wc'})[0]
    # print(seg_temp.text)
    # seg_temp = soup.find_all('div#wob_wc')
    # seg_temp = soup.find('div', class_='vk_c card-section')
    # print (seg_temp)

    span = seg_temp.select('span')[0]  # First Segment
    element = span.select('div#wob_loc')[0]
    location = element.text

    as_of = ''
    # element = span.select('div#wob_dts')[0]
    # as_of = element.text

    element = span.select('span#wob_dc')[0]
    condition = element.text

    div_sub = seg_temp.select('div#wob_d')[0]  # Second Segment

    element = div_sub.select('span#wob_tm')[0]
    temp = element.text

    div_sub = seg_temp.find_all('div', class_='vk_gy vk_sh')[1]  # Second Sub

    element = div_sub.select('span#wob_hm')[0]
    humidity = element.text

    element = div_sub.select('span#wob_pp')[0]
    precipitation = element.text
    idx = util.index_of(precipitation, '%')
    if idx > 0:
        precipitation = precipitation + ' chance of rain until'

    # fetch low and high temperature for the day
    high = low = temp
    # div_forecast = seg_temp.find('div', class_='wob_df wob_ds') # Third Segment
    # div_sub = div_forecast.find('div', class_='vk_gy')
    # span = div_sub.select('span')[0]
    # high = span.text
    # div_sub = div_forecast.find_all('div')[4]
    # span = div_sub.select('span')[0]
    # low = span.text

    weatherInfo = WeatherInfo.WeatherInfo(temp, low, high, as_of, condition,
                                          location, precipitation)


    return weatherInfo
Пример #3
def get_preciption():
    line2 = ''
    if weather is not None:
        preciption = str(weather.get_preciption())
        idx = util.index_of(preciption, '%')
        if idx > 0:
            preciption = preciption[0:idx+1]

        line2 = preciption

    return line2
Пример #4
def update_weather_location_line2():
    global line2

    location = weather.get_location()
    delimiter_idx = util.index_of(location, ',')
    if delimiter_idx > 0:
        location = location[0:delimiter_idx]

    # Make string 16 chars only and left justify with space if length is less.
    line2 = location[0:lcd_disp_length]
    line2 = line2.ljust(lcd_disp_length, ' ')
Пример #5
def update_weather_location_line2():
    line2 = ''

    location = weather.get_location()
    delimiter_idx = util.index_of(location, ',')
    if delimiter_idx > 0:
        location = location[0:delimiter_idx]

    # Make string 16 chars only and left justify with space if length is less.
    line2 = location[0:DISPLAY_LENGTH]
    line2 = line2.ljust(DISPLAY_LENGTH, ' ')

    return line2
Пример #6
def update_weather_preciption_line2():
    global line2

    preciption = str(weather.get_preciption())
    if len(preciption) > 0:
        idx = util.index_of(preciption, 'until')
        if idx > 0:
            preciption = preciption[0:idx]

        # Make string 20 chars only and left justify with space if length is less.
        line2 = preciption[0:lcd_disp_length]
        line2 = line2.ljust(lcd_disp_length, ' ')
Пример #7
def update_weather_updated():
    line2 = ''

    preciption = str(weather.get_preciption())
    if len(preciption) > 0:
        idx = util.index_of(preciption, 'until')
        if idx > 0:
            preciption = preciption[idx:len(preciption)]

        # Make string 20 chars only and left justify with space if length is less.
        line2 = preciption[0:DISPLAY_LENGTH]
        line2 = line2.ljust(DISPLAY_LENGTH, ' ')

    return line2
Пример #8
def update_weather_location_line2():
    global line2

    if weather is not None:
        location = weather.get_location()
        delimiter_idx = util.index_of(location, ',')
        if delimiter_idx > 0:
            location = location[0:delimiter_idx]

        # Make string 20 chars only and left justify with space if length is less.
        line2 = location[0:lcd_disp_length]
        # Make string right justified of length 4 by padding 3 spaces to left
        justl = lcd_disp_length - 4
        location = location[0:justl]
        location = location.ljust(justl, ' ')
        line2 = location + ' ' + str(weather.get_temp()) + 'c'
Пример #9
async def parse_fuel_info(page_content):
    soup = BeautifulSoup(page_content, 'lxml')

    table = soup.select("table#BC_GridView1").__getitem__(0)
    # print (table)

    rows = table.find_all("tr")
    fuel_date = rows[1].find_all('td')[0].text
    petrol_price = str(rows[1].find_all('td')[1].text).strip()

    table = soup.select("table#BC_GridView1").__getitem__(1)
    # print (table)

    rows = table.find_all("tr")
    fuel_date = rows[1].find_all('td')[0].text
    diesel_price = str(rows[1].find_all('td')[1].text).strip()

    table = soup.find_all('table', {'id': 'tableb'}).__getitem__(1)
    # print (table)
    rows = table.find_all("tr")
    # print(rows)
    last_updated = rows[0].find_all('td', {'id': 'subcell'})[0]
    last_updated = last_updated.find_all('div')[3]

    # print (last_updated.text)
    last_updated = last_updated.text
    idx = util.index_of(last_updated, 'from ')
    if idx > 0:
        last_updated = last_updated[idx + 5:len(last_updated)]

    fuel_info = FuelInfo.FuelInfo(petrol_price, diesel_price, fuel_date,


    return fuel_info
Пример #10
async def parse_weather(page_content):
    soup = BeautifulSoup(page_content, 'lxml')  # html.parser # lxml # html5lib

    seg_temp = soup.find_all('div', {
    # print(seg_temp.text)

    seg_temp = seg_temp.find_all('div', recursive=False)[0]
    seg_temp = seg_temp.find_all('section', recursive=False)[0]
    seg_temp = seg_temp.find_all('div', recursive=False)[0]
    div_ele = seg_temp.find_all('div', recursive=False)[0]
    # print(div_ele)

    location = div_ele.find('h1')
    location = location.text
    idx = util.index_of(location, ' Weather')
    if idx > 0:
        location = location[0:idx]

    as_of = div_ele.find('div')
    as_of = as_of.text
    idx = util.index_of(as_of, "as of ")
    idx_ist = util.index_of(as_of, " IST")
    if idx > 0:
        as_of = as_of[idx + 6:idx_ist]

    div_ele = seg_temp.find_all('div', recursive=False)[1]
    # print(div_ele)
    div_cond = div_ele.find_all('div', recursive=False)[0]
    # print(div_cond)
    element = div_cond.find('span')
    temp = element.text
    if len(temp) == 3:
        temp = temp[0:2]

    element = div_cond.find('div')
    condition = element.text

    div_cond = div_ele.find_all('div', recursive=False)[1]
    div_cond = div_cond.find_all('div', recursive=False)[0]
    element = div_cond.find_all('span')[0]
    high = element.text
    element = div_cond.find_all('span')[1]
    low = element.text

    if high == '--':
        high = temp

    if len(high) == 3:
        high = high[0:2]

    if len(low) == 3:
        low = low[0:2]

    preciption = seg_temp.find_all('div', recursive=False)[2]
    # print(preciption)
    if preciption is not None:
        preciption = preciption.text
        preciption = ''

    seg_temp = soup.find_all('div', {'id': 'todayDetails'})
    # seg_temp = soup.find_all('div', {'id': 'WxuTodayDetails-main-fd88de85-7aa1-455f-832a-eacb037c140a'})
    if seg_temp is not None and len(seg_temp) > 0:
        seg_temp = seg_temp[0]
        # print(seg_temp)
        div_ele = seg_temp.find('section')
        div_ele = div_ele.find_all('div', recursive=False)[1]
        div_node = div_ele.find_all('div', recursive=False)[2]
        # div_ele = div_node.find_all('div', recursive=False)[0]
        # print(div_ele.text)
        div_ele = div_node.find_all('div', recursive=False)[1]
        # print(div_ele)
        humidity = div_ele.text
        humidity = '0'

    weatherInfo = WeatherInfo.WeatherInfo(temp, low, high, as_of, condition,
                                          location, preciption)

    return weatherInfo
Пример #11
 def remove_fraction(self, rate):
     idx = util.index_of(rate, ".")
     if idx > 0:
         rate = rate[0:idx]
     return rate