def __init__(self): import magic file_circle=utility.find_file('') file_linux=utility.find_file('magic.linux') cache_circle=os.path.join(utility.config_dir,"") cache_linux=os.path.join(utility.config_dir,"magic.linux.cache") self.magic={} self.magic['circle']=magic.Magic(file_circle,cache_circle) self.magic['linux']=magic.Magic(file_linux,cache_linux)
def run_post(inp,outdir,descr): wd = path.join(outdir,path.splitext(path.basename(inp))[0]) if descr!="": wd+='-'+descr print '\n' print '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------' print '-- RUNNING POSTPROCESSOR:',path.join(wd,'job.odb') print '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------' # Run the extraction. rootdir = os.getcwd() try: os.chdir(wd) except Exception: utility.print_error(sys.exc_info()[0],False) return 0 tstart = time.time() script = utility.find_file('python/') cmd=[ABAQUS,'cae','noGUI='+script,'--','job.odb','data.rpt'] try: utility.run_cmd_screen(cmd) with open('data.tmp','w') as of, open('data.rpt','r') as f: for line in f: line = line.rstrip() # Remove newline/carriage-return. if line.find('NoValue') < 0: of.write(line+'\n') shutil.move('data.tmp','data.rpt') except Exception: utility.print_error(sys.exc_info()[0],False) print 'TIME ELAPSED: ',utility.time_elapsed(tstart) os.chdir(rootdir) return 0 try: import create_result_plots, numpy from matplotlib import pyplot pyplot.rc('mathtext',default='regular') # Don't use italics for mathmode. fig,ax = pyplot.subplots() create_result_plots.plot_fem_data(ax,'data.rpt') lgd = ax.legend(loc='best',frameon=False,framealpha=0) pyplot.savefig('plot.png',bbox_extra_artists=(lgd,), bbox_inches='tight') pyplot.close() if path.exists('data-energy.rpt'): fig,ax = pyplot.subplots() create_result_plots.plot_fem_energy(ax,'data-energy.rpt') lgd = ax.legend(loc='best',frameon=False,framealpha=0) pyplot.savefig('plot-energy.png',bbox_extra_artists=(lgd,), bbox_inches='tight') pyplot.close() if path.exists('data-strain.csv'): fig,ax = pyplot.subplots() data = numpy.loadtxt('data-strain.csv',delimiter=',') ax.plot(data[:,0],data[:,1],'o-',label='Nominal Strain') ax.set_xlabel('Time (meaningless units)') ax.set_ylabel('Nominal Strain') ax.grid() pyplot.savefig('plot-strain.png', bbox_inches='tight') pyplot.close() except Exception: utility.print_error('Failed to create result plots.',False) print 'TIME ELAPSED: ',utility.time_elapsed(tstart) os.chdir(rootdir) return 1
def analyze(title): song = find_file(title) npz = retrieve_segments(song) segments, name = npz.values() name = np.asscalar(name) seg0 = segments[0] chroma_path = api.save_plot_chroma(seg0, name) tempo_path = api.save_plot_tempo(seg0, name) audio_path = api.save_segment(seg0, name) return flask.render_template('analyze.html', name=name, audio_path=audio_path, chroma_path=chroma_path, tempo_path=tempo_path)
# Length constraints. if np.diff(args.length_constraints)!=0.0: Lmax = lambda P: args.length_constraints[1] - calc_nc(P[0],popt[0])*P[5] - (calc_nc(P[0],popt[0])+1)*P[6] Lmin = lambda P: calc_nc(P[0],popt[0])*P[5] + (calc_nc(P[0],popt[0])+1)*P[6] - args.length_constraints[0] constraints.append({'type': 'ineq', 'fun': Lmax}) constraints.append({'type': 'ineq', 'fun': Lmin}) # Width constraints. if np.diff(args.width_constraints)!=0.0: Wmax = lambda P: args.width_constraints[1] - P[4] - 2.0*P[6] Wmin = lambda P: P[4] + 2.0*P[6] - args.width_constraints[0] constraints.append({'type': 'ineq', 'fun': Wmax}) constraints.append({'type': 'ineq', 'fun': Wmin}) # Other variables. act = args.actuator matfile = path.abspath(args.matfile) script = path.abspath(U.find_file('python/')) geomcmd = ['abaqus', 'cae', 'noGUI='+script,'--', 'test_geo-'+act+args.test+'.cae', 'noale', act, args.test, args.mesh_size, '0.05', str(args.time), str(args.num_chambers), '1wall', str(args.inlet[0]), str(args.inlet[1]), str(args.chamber[0]), str(args.chamber[1]), str(args.chamber[2]), str(args.wall), '1.0', matfile, 'none', str(args.dist_to_force), str(args.maxnuminc)] # This lambda function will end up taking simply the iteration and the optimization parameters. optfunc = lambda Rargs: run_multiACT(act,args.test,args.dist_to_force,geomcmd,pressures, args.num_chambers,*Rargs) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Change directory. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def run_slurm(inp, cp, time, outdir, nn, np, descr): outdir = path.abspath(outdir) dirname = path.splitext(path.basename(inp))[0] if descr != "": dirname += '-' + descr wd = path.join(outdir, dirname) if wd.startswith('/home'): print 'ERROR: /home is readonly during execution, use /scratch.' return 0, '' if path.exists(wd): shutil.rmtree(wd) if not inp.endswith('.inp'): utility.print_error('Input file must be a .inp Abaqus run file.', False) return 0, '' # Prepare the directories. os.makedirs(wd) shutil.copyfile(inp, path.join(wd, 'job.inp')) create_env(np, wd, nn) # Create the submission script. extfile = path.abspath(utility.find_file('python/')) jobfile = path.join(wd, dirname + '.job') runcmd = ABAQUS + ' job=job input=job.inp interactive' postcmd = ABAQUS + ' cae noGUI=' + extfile + ' -- job.odb data.rpt' # TODO - need ability to set email address here. with open(jobfile, 'w') as f: f.write('''#!/bin/bash # mem directive is per node. #SBATCH --nodes ''' + str(nn) + ''' #SBATCH --cpus-per-task 1 #SBATCH --ntasks-per-node ''' + str(np) + ''' #SBATCH --mem ''' + str(cp['mem'] * np / cp['np']) + ''' #SBATCH --time ''' + time + ''' #SBATCH --workdir ''' + wd + ''' #SBATCH --mail-type=END #SBATCH --mail-type=FAIL #SBATCH [email protected] #SBATCH --share ''') f.write(cp['modules']) f.write( '''echo '**********************************************************************' echo 'Starting execution at' `date` echo 'Job script:' $0 ''') if nn != 1: f.write(''' scontrol show hostname $SLURM_JOB_NODELIST | paste -d -s > hostlist HLIST="[" for i in $(cat hostlist) do HLIST="$HLIST['$i',''' + str(np) + ''']," done HLIST=`echo $HLIST | sed -e "s/,$/]/"` echo "mp_host_list=$HLIST" >> abaqus_v6.env echo "Hostlist: $HLIST" ''') f.write( '''echo '**********************************************************************' ''' + runcmd + ''' sleep 5 echo echo '**********************************************************************' echo 'Running postprocessor.' echo '**********************************************************************' ''' + postcmd + ''' echo echo 'Finished execution at' `date` echo " ****** END OF JOB ******"''') return 1, jobfile
# TODO - smooth dataset? # Prep variables. matfile = path.abspath(args.matfile) max_strain = max(data[:, 1]) A = float(args.dims[0]) * float(args.dims[1]) L = float(args.dims[2]) # Divided by two later, in time = L * max_strain / args.rate # Change directory. if path.exists(args.dirname): U.print_error('Output directory exists.', True) os.makedirs(args.dirname) rootdir = os.getcwd() os.chdir(args.dirname) script = U.find_file('python/') # Calculate optimal parameters. print '---------------------------------------------------------' print ' Calculating parameters...' cmd0 = [ 'abaqus', 'cae', 'noGUI=' + script, '--', matfile, args.dims[0], args.dims[1], args.dims[2], str(max_strain), str(time) ] maxitr = 1000 popt = [1.6, 0.5, 4.0, -1.0] min_fun = lambda args: fit_error(data, cmd0, A, L, *args) OR = opt.minimize(min_fun, popt,
help='Approximate size of mesh elements (default 2.0).') args = parser.parse_args() #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Prep the arguments. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Create the directory, if necessary. caedir = path.split(args.cae)[0] if caedir == '': caedir = os.getcwd() elif not os.path.exists(caedir): os.makedirs(caedir) # If the cae file already exists, remove it because Abaqus won't necessarily overwrite it. if path.isfile(args.cae): os.remove(args.cae) # Change directory, since Abaqus is limited in where it can write files. if args.cmd == 'actuator': acg_file = utility.find_file('python/') elif args.cmd == 'bubble': acg_file = utility.find_file('python/') rootdir = os.getcwd() os.chdir(caedir) acg_file = path.normpath(path.join(rootdir, acg_file)) cae_file = path.split(args.cae)[1] inp_file = path.splitext(cae_file)[0] + '.inp' mat_file = path.normpath(path.join(rootdir, args.matfile)) if args.cmd == 'actuator': vis_file = path.normpath(path.join( rootdir, args.visco)) if args.visco != 'none' else 'none' #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Linear and bending actuators. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------