Пример #1
def index(req):
    user = utility.getUser(req)
    httpvar = httpvars(req)
    first = utility.getDate(httpvar)
    next = utility.getNextMonth(first)
    util.redirect(req, "./")
    dbconn = dataconnect()
    userInfo = dbconn.getUser(user)
    if userInfo == None or not userInfo.isadmin:
        del dbconn
        util.redirect(req, "./")
    hosts = dbconn.getHosts(first, next)
    #TODO: find the number of hosts required per date
    del dbconn
    s = utility.buildTemplate() #%(title)s %(htmlbody)s are the bits to be filled in
    title = "%(monthName)s %(year)s Host Requirements Per Day" % {'monthName': month_name[first.month], 'year': first.year }
    body = """\
<table border=1>
    rows = """\
        <th>Number of Hosts Required</th>

    for i in range(first.toordinal(), next.toordinal()):
        d = date.fromordinal(i)
        hostsNeeded = utility.getNumHostsNeeded(d, hosts)
        row = """\
""" % {'date': d.strftime("%A, %B %d"), 'hosts': hostsNeeded }

        rows += row         

    body = body % {'title': title, 'navigation': utility.getNavigation(first, './admin'), 'month': first.month, 'year': first.year, 'rows': rows }
    s = s % {'title': title, 'htmlbody': body }
    return s
Пример #2
def index(req):
    #user = utility.getUser(req)
    httpvar = httpvars(req)
    classType = utility.getClass(httpvar)
    first = utility.getDate(httpvar)
    next = utility.getNextMonth(first)
    dbconn = dataconnect()
    className = dbconn.getClassName(classType)
    available = dbconn.getAvailable(first, next, classType)
    status = dbconn.getReportable(classType)
    del dbconn
    s = utility.buildTemplate() #%(title)s %(htmlbody)s are the bits to be filled in
    title = "%(monthName)s %(year)s %(className)s Availability Summary" % {'monthName': month_name[first.month], 'year': first.year, 'className': className }
    body = """\
<h4><a href="./?class=%(class)s&month=%(month)s&year=%(year)s">Fill Out Personal Availability For The Month</a></h4>
<table border=1>
    rows = """\
    for k, v in status.iteritems():
        rows += """\
""" % {'v': v }
    rows += """\

    for i in range(first.toordinal(), next.toordinal()):
        d = date.fromordinal(i)
        row = """\
""" % {'date': d.strftime("%A, %B %d") }
        for k, v in status.iteritems():
            row += """\
            val = '&nbsp;'
            if available.has_key(i):
                if available[i].has_key(k):
                    val = utility.expandUsernames(available[i][k], d.strftime("%A, %B %d"))
            row = row % {'val': val }
        row += """\
        rows += row         

    body = body % {'title': title, 'navigation': utility.getNavigation(first, './summary', classType), 'month': first.month, 'year': first.year, 'class': classType, 'rows': rows }
    s = s % {'title': title, 'htmlbody': body }
    return s
Пример #3
def index(req):
    user = utility.getUser(req)
    httpvar = httpvars(req)
    classType = utility.getClass(httpvar)
    first = utility.getDate(httpvar)
    next = utility.getNextMonth(first)
    dbconn = dataconnect()
    className = dbconn.getClassName(classType)
    status = dbconn.getSelectable(classType)
    userInfo = dbconn.getUser(user)
    if userInfo != None:
        availability = dbconn.getAvailability(userInfo.id, first, next, classType)
    hosts = dbconn.getHosts(first, next)
    unavailable = dbconn.getUnavailableStatus(classType)
    del dbconn
    s = utility.buildTemplate() #%(title)s %(htmlbody)s are the bits to be filled in
    title = "%(monthName)s %(year)s %(className)s Availability" % {'monthName': month_name[first.month], 'year': first.year, 'className': className }
    body = """\
    if classType == 1:
        body = body + """\
<h4><font color="#800000">Please consider signing up for Sunday.  This is the nicest day for candidates since they are able to fly in on Sunday, interview on Monday morning, and fly back Monday evening while only missing one day of the work week.  It's not ideal for hosts, but please help if you can to distribute the load.</font></h4>"""
    body = body + """\
<h4><a href="./summary?class=%(class)s&month=%(month)s&year=%(year)s">All Host Summary Report For The Month</a></h4>
    form = ""
    if userInfo == None:
        form = "<h3>User not in approved user database. Contact administrator for assistance.</h3>"
        form = """\
<form action="./update" method="post">
    <table border=1>
            <th colspan=%(numChoices)s>Availability</th>
    <br />
    <input type="hidden" name="month" value="%(month)s" />
    <input type="hidden" name="year" value="%(year)s" />
    <input type="hidden" name="class" value="%(class)s" />
    <input type="submit" value="Update Availability" />
        tableData = ''
        for i in range(first.toordinal(), next.toordinal()):
            d = date.fromordinal(i)
            readOnly = utility.isDateReadOnly(d, hosts, classType)
            disabled = ''
            if readOnly:
                disabled = 'disabled="disabled" '
            choice = unavailable #set default to be unavailable
            if availability.has_key(i):
                choice = availability[i]
            tableData = tableData + """\
            choices = ''
            for k, v in status.iteritems():
                if k == choice:
                    checked='checked="checked" '
                choices = choices + """\
                <td><input type="radio" name="availability[%(index)s]" value="%(value)s" %(checked)s%(readOnly)s/>%(title)s</td>
    """ % {'index': i, 'readOnly': disabled, 'value': k, 'title': v, 'checked': checked }
            tableData = tableData % {'date': d.strftime("%A, %B %d"), 'choices': choices }
        form = form % {'month': first.month, 'year': first.year, 'class': classType, 'numChoices': len(status), 'tableData': tableData }
    body = body % {'form': form, 'title': title, 'month': first.month, 'year': first.year, 'class': classType, 'navigation': utility.getNavigation(first, './', classType) }
    s = s % {'title': title, 'htmlbody': body }
    return s