Пример #1
    def __init__(self, training):

        self.training = training

        if training is True:
            self.data, self.label = get_train_data()

            self.data = torch.FloatTensor(self.data) / 255
            self.label = torch.LongTensor(self.label)
            self.data = get_test_data()
            self.data = torch.FloatTensor(self.data)
Пример #2
import utility
import numpy as np
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier

# Get Data
d = utility.get_train_data(rn=False, csr=True)
nwords = np.array(d.sum(axis=1))
bprobs = utility.get_bayesian_probs()
rdist = utility.get_centroid_dist(dset="train")
l = utility.get_train_labels()
train = np.hstack((bprobs, rdist, nwords))

# Random Forest
rf = RandomForestClassifier()
rf.fit(train, l)

# Test Data
t = utility.get_test_data()
tnwords = np.array(t.sum(axis=1))
tbprobs = utility.read_submission("naive_bayesian_with_regression_sklearn.csv")
trdist = utility.get_centroid_dist(dset="train")

# Predict
test = np.hstack((tbprobs, trdist, tnwords))
sub = rf.predict_proba(test)

# Clean and write submission
sub = utility.clean_submission(sub)
utility.write_submission("combined_submission.csv", sub)
Пример #3

import utility
import numpy as np
from scipy.io import savemat

def row_normalize(d):
    i = 0
    srow = 0
    for erow in d.indptr[1:]:
        if srow != erow:
            d.data[srow:erow] = d.data[srow:erow] / np.sum(d.data[srow:erow])
        srow = erow
        i += 1
    return d

d = utility.get_train_data(rn=False, csr=True)
d = row_normalize(d)
savemat(utility.ddir + "/train_data_row_normalized.mat", {'a': d})

t = utility.get_test_data(rn=False, csr=True)
t = row_normalize(t)
savemat(utility.ddir + "/test_data_row_normalized.mat", {'a': t})
Пример #4
import utility
import numpy as np
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier

# Get Data
d = utility.get_train_data(rn=False, csr=True)
nwords = np.array(d.sum(axis = 1))
bprobs = utility.get_bayesian_probs()
rdist = utility.get_centroid_dist(dset="train")
l = utility.get_train_labels()
train = np.hstack((bprobs, rdist, nwords))

# Random Forest
rf = RandomForestClassifier()
rf.fit(train, l)

# Test Data
t = utility.get_test_data()
tnwords = np.array(t.sum(axis = 1))
tbprobs = utility.read_submission("naive_bayesian_with_regression_sklearn.csv")
trdist = utility.get_centroid_dist(dset="train")

# Predict
test = np.hstack((tbprobs, trdist, tnwords))
sub = rf.predict_proba(test)

# Clean and write submission
sub = utility.clean_submission(sub)
utility.write_submission("combined_submission.csv", sub)

import utility
import numpy as np
from scipy.io import savemat

def row_normalize(d) :
    i = 0
    srow = 0
    for erow in d.indptr[1:] :
        if srow != erow : d.data[srow:erow] = d.data[srow:erow] / np.sum(d.data[srow:erow])
        srow = erow
        i += 1
    return d

d = utility.get_train_data(rn=False, csr=True)
d = row_normalize(d)
savemat(utility.ddir + "/train_data_row_normalized.mat", {'a': d})

t = utility.get_test_data(rn=False, csr=True)
t = row_normalize(t)
savemat(utility.ddir + "/test_data_row_normalized.mat", {'a': t})
Пример #6
def get_lease_feature(col_name):
    df_train_label = util.get_daily_train()

    df_holiday = util.get_holiday_features()
    df_train_label = df_train_label.merge(df_holiday, on='dayint', how='left')
    print('df_train_label length:{} after get_holiday_features'.format(

    df_train_label.loc[:, 'dt'] = df_train_label['dayint'].apply(
        lambda x: datetime.strptime(str(x), '%Y%m%d'))
    df_train_label.loc[:, 'month'] = df_train_label['dt'].dt.month
    df_train_label.loc[:, 'day'] = df_train_label['dt'].dt.day
    df_train_label.loc[:, 'dayofmonth'] = df_train_label['dt'].apply(
        lambda x: calendar.monthrange(x.year, x.month)[1])

    # 要做时间窗特征,所以需要扩展为时间窗对比
    df_train_label_win = df_train_label.copy()
    df_train_label_win.loc[:, 'join_key'] = 1
    df_month_window = DataFrame({
                  df_train_label.month.max() + 2),
    #print('befor join month_window :{}'.format(len(df_train_label)))
    df_train_label_win = df_train_label_win.merge(df_month_window,
    #print('after join month_window :{}'.format(len(df_train_label)))

    # 上个月最后一周的特征
    df_lastweek = df_train_label[df_train_label.day >= (
        df_train_label.dayofmonth - 6)]
    df_lastweek = df_lastweek.groupby(
        ['SHEDID', 'month'])[col_name + '_cnt'].agg({
            'lastweek_min_' + col_name + '_cnt':
            'lastweek_max_' + col_name + '_cnt':
            'lastweek_mean_' + col_name + '_cnt':
            'lastweek_median_' + col_name + '_cnt':
            'lastweek_var_' + col_name + '_cnt':
            'lastweek_std_' + col_name + '_cnt':
            'lastweek_quantile10_' + col_name + '_cnt':
            lambda x: x.quantile(0.1),
            'lastweek_quantile20_' + col_name + '_cnt':
            lambda x: x.quantile(0.2),
            'lastweek_quantile30_' + col_name + '_cnt':
            lambda x: x.quantile(0.3),
            'lastweek_quantile40_' + col_name + '_cnt':
            lambda x: x.quantile(0.4),
            'lastweek_quantile60_' + col_name + '_cnt':
            lambda x: x.quantile(0.6),
            'lastweek_quantile70_' + col_name + '_cnt':
            lambda x: x.quantile(0.7),
            'lastweek_quantile80_' + col_name + '_cnt':
            lambda x: x.quantile(0.8),
            'lastweek_quantile90_' + col_name + '_cnt':
            lambda x: x.quantile(0.9),
            'lastweek_mad_' + col_name + '_cnt':
            'lastweek_sem_' + col_name + '_cnt':
            'lastweek_kurt_' + col_name + '_cnt':
            lambda x: x.kurt(),
            'lastweek_skew_' + col_name + '_cnt':
    df_lastweek = df_lastweek[(df_lastweek.month >= 2)
                              & (df_lastweek.month <= 8)]
    df_lastweek.loc[:, 'month'] = df_lastweek['month'] + 1  # 上一个同期作为下个月的参考
    df_lastweek10 = df_lastweek[df_lastweek.month == 9]
    df_lastweek10.loc[:, 'month'] = df_lastweek10['month'] + 1
    df_lastweek = pd.concat([df_lastweek, df_lastweek10], ignore_index=True)

    # 上个月最后周几的均值等
    df_lastweekday = df_train_label.groupby(
        ['SHEDID', 'month', 'weekday'])[col_name + '_cnt'].agg({
            'lastweekday_min_' + col_name + '_cnt':
            'lastweekday_max_' + col_name + '_cnt':
            'lastweekday_mean_' + col_name + '_cnt':
            'lastweekday_median_' + col_name + '_cnt':
            'lastweekday_var_' + col_name + '_cnt':
            'lastweekday_std_' + col_name + '_cnt':
            'lastweekday_quantile10_' + col_name:
            lambda x: x.quantile(0.1),
            'lastweekday_quantile20_' + col_name:
            lambda x: x.quantile(0.2),
            'lastweekday_quantile30_' + col_name:
            lambda x: x.quantile(0.3),
            'lastweekday_quantile40_' + col_name:
            lambda x: x.quantile(0.4),
            'lastweekday_quantile60_' + col_name:
            lambda x: x.quantile(0.6),
            'lastweekday_quantile70_' + col_name:
            lambda x: x.quantile(0.7),
            'lastweekday_quantile80_' + col_name:
            lambda x: x.quantile(0.8),
            'lastweekday_quantile90_' + col_name:
            lambda x: x.quantile(0.9),
            'lastweekday_mad_' + col_name:
            'lastweekday_sem_' + col_name:
            'lastweekday_kurt_' + col_name:
            lambda x: x.kurt(),
            'lastweekday_skew_' + col_name:
    df_lastweekday = df_lastweekday[(df_lastweekday.month >= 2)
                                    & (df_lastweekday.month <= 8)]
                       'month'] = df_lastweekday['month'] + 1  # 上一个同期作为下个月的参考
    df_lastweekday10 = df_lastweekday[df_lastweekday.month == 9]
    df_lastweekday10.loc[:, 'month'] = df_lastweekday10['month'] + 1
    df_lastweekday = pd.concat([df_lastweekday, df_lastweekday10],

    df_train_label_win = df_train_label_win[
        df_train_label_win.month < df_train_label_win.win_month]
    df_hisweekday = df_train_label_win.groupby(
        ['SHEDID', 'win_month', 'weekday'])[col_name + '_cnt'].agg({
            'hisweekday_min_' + col_name + '_cnt':
            'hisweekday_max_' + col_name + '_cnt':
            'hisweekday_mean_' + col_name + '_cnt':
            'hisweekday_median_' + col_name + '_cnt':
            'hisweekday_var_' + col_name + '_cnt':
            'hisweekday_std_' + col_name + '_cnt':
            'hisweekday_quantile10_' + col_name:
            lambda x: x.quantile(0.1),
            'hisweekday_quantile20_' + col_name:
            lambda x: x.quantile(0.2),
            'hisweekday_quantile30_' + col_name:
            lambda x: x.quantile(0.3),
            'hisweekday_quantile40_' + col_name:
            lambda x: x.quantile(0.4),
            'hisweekday_quantile60_' + col_name:
            lambda x: x.quantile(0.6),
            'hisweekday_quantile70_' + col_name:
            lambda x: x.quantile(0.7),
            'hisweekday_quantile80_' + col_name:
            lambda x: x.quantile(0.8),
            'hisweekday_quantile90_' + col_name:
            lambda x: x.quantile(0.9),
            'hisweekday_mad_' + col_name:
            'hisweekday_sem_' + col_name:
            'hisweekday_kurt_' + col_name:
            lambda x: x.kurt(),
            'hisweekday_skew_' + col_name:
    df_hisweekday.rename(columns={'win_month': 'month'}, inplace=True)
    df_hisweekday = df_hisweekday[(df_hisweekday.month >= 2)
                                  & (df_hisweekday.month <= 8)]
    df_hisweekday.loc[:, 'month'] = df_hisweekday['month'] + 1  # 上一个同期作为下个月的参考
    df_hisweekday10 = df_hisweekday[df_hisweekday.month == 9]
    df_hisweekday10.loc[:, 'month'] = df_hisweekday10['month'] + 1
    df_hisweekday = pd.concat([df_hisweekday, df_hisweekday10],

    # 上个月的骑行数据统计:
    # # 变量名           标签
    # LEASEDATE     借车日期
    # LEASETIME     借车时间
    # USETIME       骑行分钟
    # OVERTIME      超时分钟
    # SHEDID        借车站点号
    # LOCATIVEID    车位
    # CARDSN        车卡
    # VIPCARDSN     借车卡
    # RTSHEDID      还车站点号
    # RTLOCATIVEID  还车车位
    # RTDATE        还车日期
    # RTTIME        还车时间
    # OPTYPE        操作类型
    # OPNAME        操作名称

    df_train = util.get_train_data()
    df_train.loc[:, 'month'] = df_train['lease_dt'].dt.month
    df_train.loc[:, 'weekday'] = df_train['lease_dt'].dt.dayofweek + 1

    # non-using days of each month
    df_train_non_using = df_train_label[df_train_label.month <= 8]
    df_nonusing = df_train_non_using[df_train_non_using[col_name +
                                                        '_cnt'] == 0]
    df_nonusing_stat = df_nonusing.groupby(
        ['SHEDID', 'month'])[col_name + '_cnt'].count().reset_index()
    df_nonusing_stat.columns = ['SHEDID', 'month', 'non_using_day_count']
    # df_nonusing_stat.to_csv('df_nonusing_stat.csv',index=False)

    df_test = util.get_test_data()
    df_ext_time = util.get_ext_time()
    df_ext_time.columns = ['SHEDID', 'time', 'dayint']
    df_ext_time = df_ext_time[df_ext_time.dayint >= 20150901]

    df_ext_time = df_ext_time.merge(df_test, on=['SHEDID', 'time'], how='left')
    df_ext_time = df_ext_time[df_ext_time.RT.isnull()]
    # df_ext_time.sort_values(by=['SHEDID','dayint'],ascending=True,inplace=True)
    # print(df_ext_time)
    df_ext_time.loc[:, 'month'] = df_ext_time['dayint'].apply(
        lambda x: datetime.strptime(str(x), '%Y%m%d').month)
    # print(df_ext_time.head(10))
    df_test_stat = df_ext_time.groupby(['SHEDID', 'month'
    df_test_stat.columns = ['SHEDID', 'month', 'non_using_day_count']
    # print(df_test_stat)
    # df_test_stat.to_csv('df_test_stat.csv', index=False)

    df_nonusing_stat = pd.concat([df_nonusing_stat, df_test_stat],
    # df_nonusing_stat.to_csv('df_nonusing_stat_merged.csv',index=False)

    # shedid statistic features
    df_train = util.get_train_data()
    df_train.loc[:, 'month'] = df_train['lease_dt'].dt.month
    # <SHEDID,lease_time>,接下来是特征提取
    # 不同SHEDID的车位数
    df_lease_locativeid = df_train[['SHEDID', 'month',
    df_return_locativeid = df_train[['RTSHEDID', 'month',
    df_return_locativeid.columns = ['SHEDID', 'month', 'LOCATIVEID']
    df_locativeid = pd.concat([df_lease_locativeid, df_return_locativeid],

    df_locativeid_stat = df_locativeid.groupby(['SHEDID', 'month'])['LOCATIVEID']. \
        'shed_locative_used_count': 'count'
        , 'shed_locative_build_count': 'max'
    df_locativeid_stat.loc[:, 'shed_locative_active_rate'] = df_locativeid_stat['shed_locative_used_count'] / \
    df_locativeid_stat = df_locativeid_stat[(df_locativeid_stat.month >= 2)
                                            & (df_locativeid_stat.month <= 8)]
    df_locativeid_stat.loc[:, 'month'] = df_locativeid_stat[
        'month'] + 1  # 上一个同期作为下个月的参考
    df_locativeid_stat10 = df_locativeid_stat[df_locativeid_stat.month == 9]
    df_locativeid_stat10.loc[:, 'month'] = df_locativeid_stat10['month'] + 1
    df_locativeid_stat = pd.concat([df_locativeid_stat, df_locativeid_stat10],

    df_train_label = df_train_label.merge(df_locativeid_stat,
                                          on=['SHEDID', 'month'],
    df_train_label.fillna(-999, inplace=True)

    # 合并后返回
    df_train_label = df_train_label.merge(df_nonusing_stat,
                                          on=['SHEDID', 'month'],
    df_train_label.fillna(-999, inplace=True)

    df_train_label = df_train_label.merge(df_lastweek,
                                          on=['SHEDID', 'month'],
    df_train_label = df_train_label.merge(df_lastweekday,
                                          on=['SHEDID', 'month', 'weekday'],
    print('df_train_label length:{} after df_lastweekday'.format(
    df_train_label = df_train_label.merge(df_hisweekday,
                                          on=['SHEDID', 'month', 'weekday'],
    print('df_train_label length:{} after df_hisweekday'.format(
    #df_train_label = df_train_label.merge(df_lastweekday_usetime, on=['SHEDID', 'month', 'weekday'], how='left')
    #print('df_train_label length:{} after df_lastweekday_usetime'.format(len(df_train_label)))
    #df_train_label = df_train_label.merge(df_1min_stat, on=['SHEDID', 'month'], how='left')
    #print('df_train_label length:{} after df_1min_stat'.format(len(df_train_label)))

    df_position = util.get_shed_position()
    df_train_label = df_train_label.merge(df_position,

    del df_train_label['dt']

    return df_train_label
Пример #7
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
# 主程序
if __name__ == '__main__':


    #df_weather = get_weather()

    starttime = datetime.now()
    print('开始运行时间:{}'.format(starttime.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')))

    df_lease = lease_xgb_model()

    df_test = util.get_test_data()
    test_columns = df_test.columns

    df_test = df_test.merge(df_lease, on=['SHEDID', 'time'], how='left')
    df_test.loc[:, 'LEASE'] = df_test['lease_prediction']

    df_test.loc[df_test.LEASE < 0, 'LEASE'] = 0
    df_test.loc[df_test.RT < 0, 'RT'] = 0
    df_test = df_test[test_columns]
    df_test.to_csv('../data/prediction/lease_submission.csv', index=False)

    endtime = datetime.now()
    run_time_cnt = (endtime - starttime).seconds
    print('运行结束时间:{},总运行时长:{}'.format(endtime.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'),