Пример #1
def compute_tp_and_fp_on_single_image(predicts,
    :param predicts: numpy array,
        two dimension numpy array, each row has format [score, x1, y1, x2, y2], shape is m x 5
        where m corresponds to predict rectangle number
    :param ground_truths: numpy array,
        two dimension numpy array, each row has format [x1, y1, x2, y2], shape is n x 4
        where n corresponds to ground truth rectangle number
    :param iou_threshold:
    :return:  True Positive, False Positive and corresponding scores
    m, n = predicts.shape[0], ground_truths.shape[0]

    if m == 0:
        return [], [], []

    if n == 0:
        return [0] * m, [1] * m, predicts[:, 0].tolist()

    predict_scores = predicts[:, 0]
    predict_boxes = predicts[:, 1:]
    # match from highest score to lowest score
    predict_boxes = predict_boxes[np.argsort(predict_scores)[::-1]]
    predict_scores = predict_scores[np.argsort(predict_scores)[::-1]]

    ground_truth_matched_flag = [
    ] * n  # record if the ground truth has been matched
    true_positive, false_positive = [0] * m, [0] * m

    for i in range(m):
        predict_box = predict_boxes[i]
        overlaps = np.array(
            [iou(predict_box, ground_truth) for ground_truth in ground_truths])
        if len(overlaps) == 0:
            false_positive[i] = 1
        max_overlap = np.max(overlaps)
        max_overlap_index = np.argmax(overlaps).item()
        if max_overlap > iou_threshold and ground_truth_matched_flag[
                max_overlap_index] is 0:
            ground_truth_matched_flag[max_overlap_index] = 1
            true_positive[i] = 1
            false_positive[i] = 1
    return true_positive, false_positive, predict_scores
Пример #2
def single_frame_match(predicts, ground_truths, predict_score_threshold,
    :param predicts: numpy array,
        two dimension numpy array, each row has format [score, x1, y1, x2, y2], shape is m x 5
        where m corresponds to predict rectangle number
    :param ground_truths: numpy array,
        two dimension numpy array, each row has format [person_id, x1, y1, x2, y2], shape is n x 4
        where n corresponds to ground truth rectangle number
    :param predict_score_threshold:
        any predict whose score is less than \predict_score_threshold will be ignored
    :param iou_threshold:
    :return: return a list, whose length is equal to \ground_truths,
        each element in the list is the matched predict position(exclude score)
        if there is not matched predict for some ground truths, the corresponding element is a empty list.
        for example, something like:
            [[x1, y1, x2, y2], [], [x1, y1, x2, y2]]
        where the second element is an empty list, meaning the second ground truth has no matched predict
    n = ground_truths.shape[0]
    assert n > 0, "there must be at least one ground truth"

    if len(predicts) == 0:
        return [[]] * n

    predict_scores = predicts[:, 0]
    predict_boxes = predicts[:, 1:]
    predict_boxes = predict_boxes[np.where(
        predict_scores >= predict_score_threshold)]

    m = predict_boxes.shape[0]
    if m == 0:  # there are no predict boxes to be matched
        return [[]] * n

    predict_box_used_flag = [0] * m
    ground_truth_matched_predict = [[]] * n
    for i in range(n):
        ground_truth = ground_truths[i][1:]  # exclude person id
        overlaps = np.array(
            [iou(predict_box, ground_truth) for predict_box in predict_boxes])
        max_overlap = np.max(overlaps)
        max_overlap_index = np.argmax(overlaps).item()
        if max_overlap > iou_threshold and predict_box_used_flag[
                max_overlap_index] is 0:
            predict_box_used_flag[max_overlap_index] = 1
            ground_truth_matched_predict[i] = predict_boxes[max_overlap_index]
    return ground_truth_matched_predict
Пример #3
            if (pred_path != gt_path):
                #print('pred_path', pred_path, 'gt_path', gt_path)

            dst_json.insert_path(scene_id, cam_id, pred_path)

            extrinsics = gt_json.get_extrinsics(scene_id, cam_id)
            dst_json.insert_extrinsics(scene_id, cam_id, extrinsics)

            edges = []
            for pred_inst in pred_insts:
                for gt_inst in gt_insts:
                    #pred_inst_pos = [p/resize_ratio for p in pred_inst['pos']]
                    #wgt = utility.iou(pred_inst_pos, gt_inst['pos'])
                    wgt = utility.iou(pred_inst['pos'], gt_inst['pos'])
                    pred_id_in_G = 'pred_' + pred_inst['inst_id']
                    gt_id_in_G = 'gt_' + gt_inst['inst_id']
                    if wgt: edges.append((pred_id_in_G, gt_id_in_G, wgt))

            matching = G.match()
            matching = [
                sorted([k, v], reverse=True) for (k, v) in matching.items()
            matching = {l[0]: l[1] for l in matching}
            for pred_inst in pred_insts:
                pred_id = pred_inst['inst_id']
                pred_id_in_G = 'pred_' + pred_id
                subcls = pred_inst['subcls']
                x1, y1, x2, y2 = pred_inst['pos']
    def calc_rpn_pos_neg(self, gt_boxes):
        gt_boxes = np.array(gt_boxes)
        num_gt_boxes = len(gt_boxes)
        #if(num_gt_boxes) : gt_boxes[:,[2,1]] = gt_boxes[:,[1,2]] #x1, y1, x2, y2

        pos_anchor_idx, neg_anchor_idx = np.zeros(
            (0, 3), dtype='int32'), np.zeros((0, 3), dtype='int32')
        pos_anchor_box, pos_gt_box = np.zeros((0, 4)), np.zeros((0, 4))

        best_iou_for_gt_box = np.zeros((num_gt_boxes, )).astype(np.float32)
        best_anchor_box_for_gt_box = np.zeros((num_gt_boxes, 4))
        best_anchor_idx_for_gt_box = np.zeros((num_gt_boxes, 3))
        num_anchors_for_gt_box = np.zeros((num_gt_boxes, ))
        neg_anchor_idx_for_gt_box = np.zeros((num_gt_boxes, ), dtype='int32')

        x1_anc_list = []
        y1_anc_list = []
        for ka, (anchor_w, anchor_h) in enumerate(self.anchor_wh):
            for ix in range(self.output_width):
                x1_anc = self.downscale * (ix + 0.5) - anchor_w / 2
                x2_anc = x1_anc + anchor_w

                if x1_anc < 0 or x2_anc > self.resized_width:

                for jy in range(self.output_height):
                    y1_anc = self.downscale * (jy + 0.5) - anchor_h / 2
                    y2_anc = y1_anc + anchor_h

                    # ignore boxes that go across image boundaries
                    if y1_anc < 0 or y2_anc > self.resized_height:

                    anchor_box = [x1_anc, y1_anc, x2_anc, y2_anc]
                    #if jy == 9 and ix == 40 and ka == 0 :
                    #    print('check')

                    best_iou = 0.0
                    best_gt_box_idx = -1
                    best_gt_box = None
                    for gt_box_idx, gt_box in enumerate(gt_boxes):
                        cur_iou = iou(gt_box, anchor_box)
                        if cur_iou > best_iou:
                            best_iou = cur_iou
                            best_gt_box_idx = gt_box_idx
                            best_gt_box = gt_box

                        if cur_iou > best_iou_for_gt_box[gt_box_idx]:
                            best_iou_for_gt_box[gt_box_idx] = cur_iou
                            best_anchor_idx_for_gt_box[gt_box_idx] = [
                                jy, ix, ka
                            best_anchor_box_for_gt_box[gt_box_idx] = anchor_box

                    if best_iou > self.rpn_max_overlap:
                        pos_anchor_idx = np.append(pos_anchor_idx,
                                                   [[jy, ix, ka]], 0)
                        pos_anchor_box = np.append(pos_anchor_box,
                                                   [anchor_box], 0)
                        pos_gt_box = np.append(pos_gt_box, [best_gt_box], 0)
                        num_anchors_for_gt_box[best_gt_box_idx] += 1

                    elif best_iou < self.rpn_min_overlap:
                        if np.array_equal(
                            [jy, ix, ka]):
                            neg_anchor_idx_for_gt_box[best_gt_box_idx] = len(
                        neg_anchor_idx = np.append(neg_anchor_idx,
                                                   [[jy, ix, ka]], 0)

        not_covered_gt_box_idx = np.where(num_anchors_for_gt_box == 0)
        additional_pos_anchor_idx, additional_pos_anchor_box, additional_pos_gt_box, neg_anchor_idx_to_remove = map(
            lambda a: a[not_covered_gt_box_idx], [
                best_anchor_idx_for_gt_box, best_anchor_box_for_gt_box,
                gt_boxes, neg_anchor_idx_for_gt_box

        pos_anchor_idx = np.append(pos_anchor_idx,
                                   additional_pos_anchor_idx.reshape(-1, 3), 0)
        pos_anchor_box = np.append(pos_anchor_box,
                                   additional_pos_anchor_box.reshape(-1, 4), 0)
        pos_gt_box = np.append(pos_gt_box,
                               additional_pos_gt_box.reshape(-1, 4), 0)
        neg_anchor_idx = np.delete(neg_anchor_idx, neg_anchor_idx_for_gt_box,

        return pos_anchor_idx, neg_anchor_idx, pos_anchor_box, pos_gt_box