Пример #1
def compute_similarity_score(grid, R, location):
    Compute the similarity score for the homeowner at the specified
    location using a neighborhood of radius R.

        grid (list of lists of strings): the grid
        R (int): radius for the neighborhood
        location (pair of ints): a grid location
    Returns: float
    # I have bypassed writing an assertion that a spot is open
    assert utility.is_grid(grid), "Grid argument is the wrong type"

    # First figure out what color this home is
    home_color = grid[location[0]][location[1]]

    # Next get the neighborhood around this home
    neighborhood = generate_neighborhood(grid, R, location)

    # Next build a counter for each type of home
    same_color_homes = 0.0
    different_color_homes = 0.0

    # Next use an equation to return the similarity score
    for other_home_color in neighborhood:
        if other_home_color == home_color:
            same_color_homes += 1.0
        elif other_home_color != "O":
            different_color_homes += 1.0

    return (same_color_homes) / (different_color_homes + same_color_homes)
Пример #2
def is_satisfied(grid, R, location, simil_threshold, occup_threshold):
    Determine whether or not the homeowner at a specific location is satisfied
    using a neighborhood of radius R and specified similarity and occupancy thresholds.

        grid: the grid
        R: radius for the neighborhood
        location: a grid location
        simil_threshold: lower bound for similarity score
        occup_threshold: lower bound for occupancy score

    Returns: Boolean

    assert utility.is_grid(grid), ("The grid argument has the wrong type.  "
                                   "It should be a list of lists of strings "
                                   "with the same number of rows and columns")

    # We recommend adding an assertion to check that the location does
    # not contain an open (unoccupied) home.


    # Replace None with correct return value
    return None
Пример #3
def do_simulation(grid, R, threshold, max_steps):

    Do a full simulation.

        grid: (list of lists of strings) the grid
        R: (int) radius for the neighborhood
        threshold: (float) satisfaction threshold
        max_steps: (int) maximum number of steps to do

        The function number of steps executed.

    open_homes = open_locations_original(grid)
    for i in range(max_steps):
        if one_iteration(grid, R, threshold, open_homes) == False:
            return i + 1
    return max_steps        


    assert utility.is_grid(grid), ("The grid argument has the wrong type.  "
                                   "It should be a list of lists of strings "
                                   "with the same number of rows and columns")

    # REPLACE 0 with an appropriate return value
    return 0
Пример #4
def do_simulation(grid, R, M_threshold, B_threshold, max_steps, opens):
    Do a full simulation.

        grid: (list of lists of strings) the grid
        R: (int) radius for the neighborhood
        M_threshold: (float) satisfaction threshold for maroon homeowners
        B_threshold: (float) satisfaction threshold for blue homeowners
        max_steps: (int) maximum number of steps to do
        opens: (list of tuples) a list of open locations

        The total number of relocations completed.

    assert utility.is_grid(grid), ("The grid argument has the wrong type.  "
                                   "It should be a list of lists of strings "
                                   "with the same number of rows and columns")

    # REPLACE -1 with an appropriate return value
    num_relocations = 0
    relocations = 1
    steps = 0
    while relocations > 0 and steps < max_steps:
        grid, relocations, opens = one_step(grid, R, M_threshold, B_threshold,
        steps += 1
        num_relocations += relocations

    return num_relocations
Пример #5
def compute_similarity_score(grid, R, location):
    Compute the similarity score for the homeowner at the specified
    location using a neighborhood of radius R.

        grid (list of lists of strings): the grid
        R (int): radius for the neighborhood
        location (pair of ints): a grid location
    Returns: float

    assert utility.is_grid(grid), ("The grid argument has the wrong type.  "
                                   "It should be a list of lists of strings "
                                   "with the same number of rows and columns")

    assert unoccupied_home(grid, location), \
        ("The location does not contain an occupied home.")

    (row, column) = location
    row_list = list(range(row - R, row + (R + 1)))
    column_list = list(range(column - R, column + (R + 1)))
    rl_length = len(row_list)
    cl_length = len(column_list)
    S = 0
    H = 0

    if R == 0:
        return 1.0

    if R > 0:
        for r in row_list:
            if row_list[0] < 0:
                del row_list[0]
            if row_list[-1] > len(grid) - 1:
                del row_list[-1]
        for c in column_list:
            if column_list[0] < 0:
                del column_list[0]
            if column_list[-1] > len(grid) - 1:
                del column_list[-1]

    for x in row_list:
        for y in column_list:
            if grid[x][y] == "B" or "R":
                H += 1
            if grid[x][y] == "O":
                H -= 1

            if grid[row][column] == grid[x][y]:
                S += 1

    similarity_score = S / H

    return similarity_score
def do_simulation(grid, R, M_threshold, B_threshold, max_steps, opens):
	Do a full simulation.

		grid: (list of lists of strings) the grid
		R: (int) radius for the neighborhood
		M_threshold: (float) satisfaction threshold for maroon homeowners
		B_threshold: (float) satisfaction threshold for blue homeowners
		max_steps: (int) maximum number of steps to do
		opens: (list of tuples) a list of open locations

		The total number of relocations completed.

    assert utility.is_grid(grid), ("The grid argument has the wrong type.  "
                                   "It should be a list of lists of strings "
                                   "with the same number of rows and columns")


    # Initialize stopping condition variable
    count_steps = 0
    # Initialize output variable
    count_relocation = 0
    relocation_one_step = 10

    # Simulate steps until maximun steps is achieved or no one can or want to relocate
    while ((count_steps < max_steps) and (relocation_one_step != 0)):
        relocation_one_step = 0
        # Store the number of relocations of a single step in relocation_one_step while running the step
        relocation_one_step = simulate_one_step(grid, R, M_threshold,
                                                B_threshold, opens)
        # Add the number of this step's relocations into the total
        count_relocation += relocation_one_step
        # Count the number of steps
        count_steps += 1

    # REPLACE -1 with an appropriate return value
    return count_relocation
def R1_direct_neighbor(grid, location):
	Determine the number of R-1 direct neighbors of a particular location on the grid.

		grid: the grid
		location: a grid location tuple

	Returns: the number of R-1 direct neighbors of a particular location on the grid
    assert utility.is_grid(grid)

    # Extracting row and column index from the tuple
    lrow = location[0]
    lcol = location[1]

    # Initialize output variable
    occupied_count = 0

    # Establishing boundaries for R-1 neighborhood, logic similar to is_satisfied()
    r_low = lrow - 1
    r_upp = lrow + 2
    c_low = lcol - 1
    c_upp = lcol + 2

    if (r_low < 0):
        r_low = 0
    if (r_upp > len(grid)):
        r_upp = len(grid)
    if (c_low < 0):
        c_low = 0
    if (c_upp > len(grid)):
        c_upp = len(grid)

    # Count the number of occupied home in the R-1 neighborhood
    for r in range(r_low, r_upp):
        for c in range(c_low, c_upp):
            if (grid[r][c] != "O"):
                occupied_count += 1

    return occupied_count
Пример #8
def do_simulation(grid, R, threshold, max_steps):
    Do a full simulation.

        grid: (list of lists of strings) the grid
        R: (int) radius for the neighborhood
        threshold: (float) satisfaction threshold
        max_steps: (int) maximum number of steps to do

        (int) The number of relocations completed.
    assert utility.is_grid(grid), "Grid argument is the wrong type"

    # Steps 1-5 outline the logic of the do_simulation method    
    # 1. Create and initialize the list of open locations
    open_locations = []
    for i in range(0, len(grid)):
        for j in range(0, len(grid[i])):
            if grid[i][j] == "O":
                open_locations.append((i, j))
    # 4. Simulate one step of the simulation
    relocations = 0
    steps = 0
    # Keep track of the relocations of one step
    while(steps != max_steps):
        relocations += one_step(grid, R, threshold, open_locations)
        # 5. Run steps until one of the stopping conditions is met: No relocations in a step
        if relocations == 0:
            return relocations
            steps += 1
    # 5. Run steps until one of the stopping conditions is met: Maximum steps reached
    if steps == max_steps:
        return relocations 
Пример #9
def do_simulation(grid, R, simil_threshold, occup_threshold, max_steps, opens):
    Do a full simulation.

        grid: (list of lists of strings) the grid
        R: (int) radius for the neighborhood
        simil_threshold: (float) Similarity threshold
        occup_threshold: (float) Occupancy threshold
        max_steps: (int) maximum number of steps to do
        opens: (list of tuples) a list of open locations

        The total number of relocations completed.

    assert utility.is_grid(grid), ("The grid argument has the wrong type.  "
                                   "It should be a list of lists of strings "
                                   "with the same number of rows and columns")

    # REPLACE -1 with an appropriate return value
    return -1
Пример #10
def do_simulation(grid, R, threshold, max_steps):
    Do a full simulation.

        grid: (list of lists of strings) the grid
        R: (int) radius for the neighborhood
        threshold: (float) satisfaction threshold
        max_steps: (int) maximum number of steps to do

        (int) The number of relocations completed.
    assert utility.is_grid(grid), ("The grid argument has the wrong type.  "
                                   "It should be a list of lists of strings "
                                   "with the same number of rows and columns")
    step_count = 0
    num_relocations = 0
    if max_steps == 0:
        return num_relocations
    grid_list = [copy.deepcopy(grid)]

    while True:
        (new_grid, num_new_relocations) = relocate \
        (copy.deepcopy(grid_list[0]), R, threshold)
        (grid, n) = relocate(grid, R, threshold)
        step_count += 1
        num_relocations += num_new_relocations
        if step_count == max_steps:
            return num_relocations
        mismatch = utility.find_mismatch(grid_list[0], grid_list[1])
        if mismatch == None:
            return num_relocations
        del grid_list[0]
        if step_count < max_steps:
def is_satisfied(grid, R, location, M_threshold, B_threshold):
	Determine whether or not the homeowner at a specific location is satisfied
	using a neighborhood of radius R and specified M and B thresholds.

		grid: the grid
		R: radius for the neighborhood
		location: a grid location
		M_threshold: lower bound for similarity score for maroon homeowners
		B_threshold: lower bound for similarity score for blue homeowners

	Returns: Boolean

    assert utility.is_grid(grid), ("The grid argument has the wrong type.  "
                                   "It should be a list of lists of strings "
                                   "with the same number of rows and columns")
    # Storing the location tuple into row and column
    lrow = location[0]
    lcol = location[1]
    assert grid[lrow][lcol] != "O"
    assert R <= len(grid)
    # We recommend adding an assertion to check that the location does
    # not contain an open (unoccupied) home.


    # Initializing output variable
    B_count = 0
    M_count = 0
    occupied_count = 0

    # Establishing the R neighborhood boundaries
    r_low = lrow - R
    r_upp = lrow + R + 1
    c_low = lcol - R
    c_upp = lcol + R + 1

    # Making sure the boundaries don't extend outside of the grid
    if (r_low < 0):
        r_low = 0
    if (r_upp > len(grid)):
        r_upp = len(grid)
    if (c_low < 0):
        c_low = 0
    if (c_upp > len(grid)):
        c_upp = len(grid)

    # Count the number of M, B and non-O in the neighborhood
    for r in range(r_low, r_upp):
        for c in range(c_low, c_upp):
            if (grid[r][c] == "B"):
                B_count += 1
            if (grid[r][c] == "M"):
                M_count += 1
            if (grid[r][c] != "O"):
                occupied_count += 1

    # Calculate the percentage and check if it satisfies the condition
    B_percent = B_count / occupied_count
    M_percent = M_count / occupied_count

    if (grid[lrow][lcol] == "B"):
        if B_percent >= B_threshold:
            return True
    if (grid[lrow][lcol] == "M"):
        if M_percent >= M_threshold:
            return True
    # Replace False with correct return value
    return False