Пример #1
def needNoLeft(tok, toks, opCtx, noneOK):
    if (tok.tT.tType in ['Identifier','OperatorOnly']) and ((posSubop(tok.tT,opCtx)) or \
                         ((tok.tT.text not in op.noLeft) and (tok.tT.text in op.withLeft))):
        # should have had a left or operand preceding subop
        if noneOK:  # none it is then
            return None, U.prependGen(tok, toks)
        # better insert defaultOperand
        defOperandTok = L.Token(tT=L.TokTT(text='!!defaultOperand',
        return defOperandTok, U.prependGen(tok, toks)  # backup a bit
    return tok, toks
Пример #2
def needLeft(tok, toks):
    if (tok.tT.tType not in ['Identifier', 'OperatorOnly'
                             ]) or (tok.tT.text not in op.withLeft):
        # insert space or adjacency subop
        return L.Token(tT=L.TokTT(text=(" " if tok.whiteB4 else ""),tType='OperatorOnly'),
    return tok, toks
Пример #3
def getSubops(toks, opCtx):
    tok = next(toks, None)
    maxPL = max((oi.paramLen for oi in opCtx.altOpInfos))
    pAstL = [None
             ] * maxPL  # list for param ast (might be truncated at the end)
    indx = 0  # this is the index into each list in oiL
    oiL = opCtx.altOpInfos[:]  # take a copy
    while True:
        # if the next sop is mandatory in any of oiL then we must have it, or we can
        # delete the entries in oiL that do. Of course for the start of a top level
        # we will have it because that's how we got here at all.
        oiL = [oiL[i] for i in range(len(oiL)) if oiL[i].subops[indx].occur!='mandatory' or \
        assert oiL != []
        if len(oiL[0].subops
               ) - 1 == indx and oiL[0].subops[indx].v['param'] == None:
            # note: this special case shouldn't be needed check/FIXME.
            # the trailing subop has no right
            assert len(oiL) == 1  # can't have a competitor for this!
            assert oiL[0].subops[indx].occur == 'mandatory'
            return oiL[0], pAstL[:oiL[0].paramLen], toks
        # A tricky point is that mandatory might have no following value -- its only
        # role is to pick the oiL. Optional and repeating always have a value param,
        # though sometimes no values.
        numMandatory = sum((1 for i in range(len(oiL)) \
                                if oiL[i].subops[indx].occur=='mandatory'))
        # can you have the same token as optional/repeating in one possible subops match
        # while it is mandatory in a competing one? For the moment say no. Doc it FIXME
        assert numMandatory == 0 or numMandatory == len(oiL)  # all in sync.
        # They all have to agree on optional and repeat params, so we can just advance
        # indx till we hit tok
        sopPs = []  # put values for next sop here (might be repeating)
        while True:
            # come back here till past this sop (token != sop, or got 1 and not repeating)
            nextSopText = oiL[0].subops[indx].subop
            nextSopOccurs = [
                oiL[i].subops[indx].occur for i in range(len(oiL))
            nextSopvparams = [
                oiL[i].subops[indx].v['param'] for i in range(len(oiL))
            # If we have an operand, but the sop can't be repeating then this is a new sop even
            # if text the same. This happens when you want a sop to occur 1 or more times.
            if nextSopText != tok.tT.text or (len(sopPs) == 1 and 'repeating'
                                              not in nextSopOccurs):
                if len(sopPs) == 0 and None in nextSopvparams:
                    oiL = [oiL[i] for i in range(len(oiL)) \
                            if oiL[i].subops[indx].v['param']==None]
                    # nothing to do
                elif 'mandatory' in nextSopOccurs:  # must all be mandatory, see numMandatory
                    assert len(sopPs) == 1 and all(oc == 'mandatory'
                                                   for oc in nextSopOccurs)
                    pAstL[oiL[0].subops[indx].v['param'].pos] = sopPs[
                        0]  # un tuple it
                    if 'repeating' not in nextSopOccurs:  # must be optional
                        assert len(sopPs) < 2 and all(nso == 'optional'
                                                      for nso in nextSopOccurs)
                        assert all(nso in ['optional', 'repeating']
                                   for nso in nextSopOccurs)
                    pAstL[oiL[0].subops[indx].v['param'].pos] = A.AstTuple(
                break  # will loop on outer 'while True' - get more missing/optional tokens
            # If we come here then not past the current sop
            # We match the current token. If mandatory then we might have some with a
            # following parameter, and some without. Let's count
            numWithoutParam = sum((1 for i in range(len(oiL))\
                                              if oiL[i].subops[indx].v['param']==None))
            noneOK = numWithoutParam > 0  # we'll disable defaultOperand
            # can't have both noneOK and a param with precedence, because noneOK requires
            # a following subop to demonstrate it, or it is a trailing mandatory.
            precedence = None if noneOK else oiL[0].subops[indx].v[
                'param'].precedence  #all same
            p = None  # not needed
            # Note that a subop with no parameter must be mandatory and have no subsubs.
            # [check doc FIXME].
            curOpCtx = OpCtx(upOpCtx=opCtx.upOpCtx, indx=indx, altOpInfos=oiL)
            if noneOK or (oiL[0].subops[indx].v['param'].subsubs == None):
                # subsubs absent in one then absent in all
                assert all(oiL[i].subops[indx].v['param']==None or\
                        oiL[i].subops[indx].v['param'].subsubs==None for i in range(len(oiL)))
                p, toks = getExpr(toks=toks,
                if p != None:
                    oiL = [
                        oiL[i] for i in range(len(oiL))
                        if oiL[i].subops[indx].v['param'] != None
                    p = opFunAst(oiL[0].subops[indx].v['param'].oneAdjust,
                                 p)  # ??
                    # we assume that a param with no operand can't have subsubs -- document FIXME
                    oiL = [
                        oiL[i] for i in range(len(oiL))
                        if oiL[i].subops[indx].v['param'] == None
            else:  # get subsubs, which must be all the same
                #oiL = [oiL[i] for i in range(len(oiL)) if oiL[i].subops[indx].v['param']!=None]
                assert len(oiL)==1 or all(oiL[0].subops[indx].v['param'].subsubs==\
                        oiL[i].subops[indx].v['param'].subsubs for i in range(1,len(oiL)))
                ssOpInfo = op.OpInfo(p, oiL[0].subops[indx].v['allAdjust'], \
                                     oiL[0].subops[indx].v['param'].ssParamLen, \
                                     oiL[0].subops[indx].v['param'].subsubs ) # faked up OpInfo
                ssOpCtx = OpCtx(upOpCtx=opCtx, indx=0,
                                altOpInfos=[ssOpInfo])  # only 1 OpInfo
                oi, pl, toks = getSubops(toks, ssOpCtx)  # looks wrong???
                assert oi == ssOpInfo  # what else?
                p = opFunAst(oiL[0].subops[indx].v['allAdjust'],
            if p != None:
            tok = next(toks, None)
        indx = indx + 1
        if indx == len(oiL[0].subops):  # at end
            assert len(oiL) == 1
            return oiL[0], pAstL[:oiL[0].paramLen], U.prependGen(tok, toks)
Пример #4
def getExpr(toks, left, prio, opCtx, noneOK):
    # toks is the token generator. Can push tokens back using prependGen
    # left is the left parameter if there is one
    # prio is the right priority if the caller has gone past mandatory subops
    # opCtx
    # noneOK -- true if we might have no expr (returning None)
    # return an ast, and the token generator as possibly modified
    tok = next(toks, None)

    while (tok.tT.tType == 'Comment') or (tok.tT.tType == 'MCTcmd'):
        if tok.tT.tType == 'MCTcmd':
            doMCTcmd(tok.tT.text, tok)
        tok = next(toks, None)

    # we're at the start here - get the relevant opInfo
    # In the following: operators last forever and aren't superceded by identifers FIXME
    opDict = None
    if left == None:
        tok, toks = needNoLeft(tok, toks, opCtx,
                               noneOK)  # defaultOperand comes back if needed
        if tok == None: return None, toks
    else:  # need something with a left
        tok, toks = needLeft(tok, toks)
        if posSubop(
                opCtx):  # this can happen if tok is insert " ", but maybe else
            return left, U.prependGen(tok, toks)  # put space subop into toks
        assert (tok.tT.tType in ['Identifier', 'OperatorOnly'
                                 ]) and (tok.tT.text in op.withLeft)
        if (prio != None) and (op.getZeroOpInfo(
                op.withLeft, (tok.tT.text, )).left.precedence < prio):
            # push the tok back and just return the left to go with the source of prio
            return left, U.prependGen(tok, toks)

    opDict = op.withLeft if left != None else op.noLeft
    if tok.tT.text not in opDict:
        assert left == None and tok.tT.text not in op.noLeft
        # must be an identifier or constant
        opDict = None
        if tok.tT.tType in ['String', 'Number', 'Atom']:
            ast = A.AstConstant(const=tok.tT.text, constType=tok.tT.tType)
            IdClasses = {
                'Identifier': A.AstIdentifier,
                'NewIdentifier': A.AstNewIdentifier,
                'FreeVariable': A.AstFreeVariable,
                'NewFreeVariable': A.AstNewFreeVariable
            ast = IdClasses[tok.tT.tType](identifier=tok.tT.text)
    # here ends interlude of special cases: back to operators
        # at this point we are ready to start chewing up subops. It's exactly like subsubs,
        # except that ...
        oiL = [opDict[tok.tT.text]] if isinstance(opDict[tok.tT.text],op.OpInfo) else \
                                [opDict[t] for t in opDict[tok.tT.text]]
        # in next line, want to reprocess op = 1st subop
        opInfo,pAsts,toks = getSubops(toks=U.prependGen(tok,toks),\
        if opInfo.left != None:  # pAsts is a list of multiple params
            pAsts[0] = left  # add in left param
        ast = opFunL(opInfo.astFun, tuple(pAsts))
    # at this point the next tok might be a nextPos for our parent, otherwise we've
    # got a left and we should keep looking
    tok = next(toks, None)
    if tok == None or posSubop(tok.tT, opCtx):
        return ast, U.prependGen(tok, toks)
    # only option now is that what we have is a left operand for what follows.
    # Don't need to insert a space/adjacent (sub)op -- needLeft will fix it
    expr, toks = getExpr(toks=U.prependGen(tok, toks),
    return expr, toks