Пример #1
def download_build_log_file(test_id):
    Serve download of build log.

    :param test_id: id of the test
    :type test_id: int
    :raises TestNotFoundException: when build log not found
    :raises TestNotFoundException: when test id is not found
    :return: build log text file
    :rtype: Flask response
    from run import config
    test = Test.query.filter(Test.id == test_id).first()

    if test is not None:
        # Fetch logfile
        log_file_path = os.path.join(config.get('SAMPLE_REPOSITORY', ''),
                                     'LogFiles', test_id + '.txt')

        if os.path.isfile(log_file_path):
            return serve_file_download(test_id + '.txt',

        raise TestNotFoundException(
            'Build log for Test {id} not found'.format(id=test_id))

    raise TestNotFoundException(
        'Test with id {id} not found'.format(id=test_id))
Пример #2
def download_sample_additional(sample_id, additional_id):
    Download sample file's additional files and information.

    :param sample_id: id of the sample
    :type sample_id: int
    :param additional_id: id of the additional file
    :type additional_id: int
    :raises SampleNotFoundException: when additional file id is not found
    :raises SampleNotFoundException: when sample id is not found
    :return: sample's additional information file
    :rtype: Flask response
    sample = Sample.query.filter(Sample.id == sample_id).first()
    if sample is not None:
        # Fetch additional info
        extra = ExtraFile.query.filter(ExtraFile.id == additional_id).first()
        if extra is not None:
            return serve_file_download(extra.filename, 'TestFiles',
                                       'media-download', 'extra')
        raise SampleNotFoundException(
            'Extra file {a_id} for sample {s_id} not found'.format(
                a_id=additional_id, s_id=sample.id))
    raise SampleNotFoundException(
        'Sample with id {id} not found'.format(id=sample_id))
Пример #3
def download_sample_media_info(sample_id):
    Download sample file's media information as XML.

    :param sample_id: id of the sample file
    :type sample_id: int
    :raises SampleNotFoundException: when sample id is not found
    :return: sample file's media info file
    :rtype: Flask response
    from run import config
    sample = Sample.query.filter(Sample.id == sample_id).first()

    if sample is not None:
        # Fetch media info
        media_info_path = os.path.join(config.get('SAMPLE_REPOSITORY',
                                                  ''), 'TestFiles', 'media',
                                       sample.sha + '.xml')
        if os.path.isfile(media_info_path):
            return serve_file_download(sample.sha + '.xml', 'TestFiles',
                                       'media-download', 'media', 'text/xml')

        raise SampleNotFoundException(
            'Media information for sample {id} not found'.format(id=sample.id))

    raise SampleNotFoundException(
        'Sample with id {id} not found'.format(id=sample_id))
Пример #4
def test_result_file(regression_test_output_id):
    """View the output files of the regression test."""
    rto = RegressionTestOutput.query.filter(
        RegressionTestOutput.id == regression_test_output_id).first()
    if rto is None:
            f'requested regression test output with id: {regression_test_output_id} not found!'
    return serve_file_download(rto.filename_correct, 'TestResults',
Пример #5
    def test_serve_file_download(self, mock_path):
        Test function serve_file_download.
        from utility import serve_file_download

        response = serve_file_download('to_download', 'folder', 'accl_folder')

        self.assertEqual(2, mock_path.join.call_count)
Пример #6
def download_sample(sample_id):
    Download sample file.

    :param sample_id: id of the sample file
    :type sample_id: int
    :raises SampleNotFoundException: when sample id is not found
    :return: sample file
    :rtype: Flask response
    sample = Sample.query.filter(Sample.id == sample_id).first()
    if sample is not None:
        return serve_file_download(sample.filename, 'TestFiles',
    raise SampleNotFoundException('Sample not found')